Due to personal things happening on my end, I can hereby testify that yes.

R A N K truly is Godstat.

Also for everyone commenting about how we need more defining advancements, or that cashgrabbing Stranglethorn because it's a 4 pick + defining advancement, taking Apex will most likely open up another DEFINING choice down the road.

Imagine that. Apex. Usually said before the word Predator. Who is Hunger? What is Hunger? Insatiable progression, that's what.

And the only candlelight we have for this to become the biggest blaze in the world is to become the Apex Predator we all know Hunger is.

Ber? Apocryphal scaling? Fucking Pocket Change when we're something that stands head and shoulders above anything that clowns around thinking they're actually a Predator.

Take Apex Now, and we'll show these pansies what it means to really hunger for victory.*

*Potential is heavily reliant on the possibility of a more offensive based 4pick option
*it has been a long ass day and I honesty wished that if I could just force reality to obey my wishes, I wouldn't be so tired everyday
*get the ffffffffuck outta here with stinking maeg bilds
[X] Search for Humans
[X] Bring Gisena
[X] Root and Branch
[X] Apex

Well, I suppose if we can't get Stranglethorn, being a Tolkien Wizard is fine too. The fact that Apex might open another Defining Advancement sounds convincing as well.
[X] Search for Humans
[X] Apex
[X] Don't Bring Gisena

I'm dropping Rune King in the hopes that my first choice, Apex, can cinch a victory. I'm torn on Gisena - she'd be helpful to have for social, but this dungeon is way over her level without Vanguard or some other method of keeping her safe. Ultimately the tiny amount of Arete we get for not taking her made my decision, but I could still swing back.
I will honestly be fine with any option except Sharp of Eyes and Stranglethorn. The former because why the fuck would you not want Hunger to have an eye patch and the later because I would prefer an Strength + Agility based build, it simply makes for more interesting fights.
We pretty much always go for an agility build when it's offered though. Let's do something different for once.

I want someone to set off a nuke in our face and then we just casually walk out of the explosion brushing dirt off our cloak.

[X] Search for Humans
[X] Apex
[X] Don't Bring Gisena

I'm dropping Rune King in the hopes that my first choice, Apex, can cinch a victory. I'm torn on Gisena - she'd be helpful to have for social, but this dungeon is way over her level without Vanguard or some other method of keeping her safe. Ultimately the tiny amount of Arete we get for not taking her made my decision, but I could still swing back.
Search seems a bit dubious without Gisena to mitigate Tyrant procs and help with her massive social stats.

Why not just take root and branch? It's more stats and includes vanguard so Gisena is protected. Plus vanguard means form of rage is actual useful by giving our companions extra stats rather than being relegated to just a panic button we want to never have to press.
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Inserted tally. We are very close to four way tie.
Adhoc vote count started by DkArthas on Jun 8, 2020 at 12:07 PM, finished with 428 posts and 60 votes.
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In case everyone forgot because she isn't Gisena, Zea is still injured and only Vanguard can heal her at the moment since we're too far away for our aura to work on her.
Search seems a bit dubious without Gisena to mitigate Tyrant procs and help with her massive social stats.

Why not just take root and branch? It's more stats and includes vanguard so Gisena is protected. Plus vanguard means form of rage is actual useful by giving our companions extra stats rather than being relegated to just a panic button we want to never have to press.

Because I want a warrior-mage build, and Apex/Rune King are the magic-focused builds. Voting for Stranglethorn is actively counterproductive to my goals, because it encourages the thread to go for stuff like Ruinous Valor or other physical-focused big choices, thus reducing the chance of a mage option winning.

Honestly, I'm considering going back to voting Rune-King, but Apex is better for Search for Humans which is winning right now. But if we get Rune-King, then the thread will be forced to vote magic to avoid wasting it... Alright, back to approval voting it is.

[X] Search for Humans
[X] Apex
[X] Dreadnought - Echo, Dreadnought's Bearing
-[X] Rune King
[X] Don't Bring Gisena
Because I want a warrior-mage build, and Apex/Rune King are the magic-focused builds. Voting for Stranglethorn is actively counterproductive to my goals, because it encourages the thread to go for stuff like Ruinous Valor or other physical-focused big choices, thus reducing the chance of a mage option winning.

Honestly, I'm considering going back to voting Rune-King, but Apex is better for Search for Humans which is winning right now. But if we get Rune-King, then the thread will be forced to vote magic to avoid wasting it... Alright, back to approval voting it is.
Stranglethorn will need to take magic later to gain teleportation or something to be its best self. Also as the vanguard build it benefits from taking Wreath later to help companions buff magic.

But yeah if you want guaranteed magic you have to vote Rune King since apex is just more echoes which only makes sword good look more attractive.
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But yeah if you want guaranteed magic you have to vote Rune King since apex is just more echoes which only makes sword good look more attractive.

Apex gives the potential to later pick up Gardener's Hallow (the best option), Azure Moon, Philosopher's Wreath, or something new. And there's no reason getting more Echos would make magic less attractive. Stranglethorn makes mage options less attractive because it gets double benefit from future +str and +con purchases, incentivizing physical-focused builds. However, Echos do not affect future purchases, meaning they do not change incentives, just make us more effective in the now. And we'd want Echos in a warrior-mage build for the agility anyway.
Apex gives the potential to later pick up Gardener's Hallow (the best option), Azure Moon, Philosopher's Wreath, or something new. And there's no reason getting more Echos would make magic less attractive. Stranglethorn makes mage options less attractive because it gets double benefit from future +str and +con purchases, incentivizing physical-focused builds. However, Echos do not affect future purchases, meaning they do not change incentives, just make us more effective in the now. And we'd want Echos in a warrior-mage build for the agility anyway.
Stranglethorn also doubles willpower which is almost certainly the casting stat for the praxis.
We're not going to go pure mage in any case, warrior-mage was only ever in the cards for a mage option, with magic supporting our close combat abilities and vice versa. Doing otherwise wastes the Hero's last decade of combat experience, not to mention how his Blade is pretty melee-focused.
We're not going to go pure mage in any case, warrior-mage was only ever in the cards for a mage option, with magic supporting our close combat abilities and vice versa. Doing otherwise wastes the Hero's last decade of combat experience, not to mention how his Blade is pretty melee-focused.
We can create blade-winds; it's not out of question that we could combine that with some magic to create Ruin infused ranged attacks.
This sudden focus on magic is weird as hell to to me. We've literally never have chosen a mage focused option before in this quest. We've passed up two additional magic systems so far even, and gave up finding if civilization had anything to go here. Can you really rely on a sudden swerve at this stage in the game?

Clearly the voterbase has little interest in the magics actually presented, even if they like being a warrior-mage in concept. Why the sudden belief now we will find something worthwhile?
This sudden focus on magic is weird as hell to to me. We've literally never have chosen a mage focused option before in this quest. We've passed up two additional magic systems so far even, and gave up finding if civilization had anything to go here. Can you really rely on a sudden swerve at this stage in the game?

Clearly the voterbase has little interest in the magics actually presented, even if they like being a warrior-mage in concept. Why the sudden belief now we will find something worthwhile?
Because it's easy to get broken inter-system interactions. Say you get basic magic system which can cast haste or invisibility. Or get some kind of aerokinesis and suddenly you can manipulate and empower your blade winds etc. Even fairy basic effects can be leveraged to great effects.
Stranglethorn also doubles willpower which is almost certainly the casting stat for the praxis.

And where are we going to get the Praxis? We have some speculation that Philosopher's Wreath or Gardener's Hallow might be able to get it, but nothing confirmed. And Stranglethorn is not either of those options, and incentivizes str and con purchases in the future. I Guess Dreadnought's Bearing would still be competitive if we take Stranglethorn on account of the +7 Con, but we have no idea when that option will reoccur and if we'll have the Arete for it when it does.

This sudden focus on magic is weird as hell to to me. We've literally never have chosen a mage focused option before in this quest. We've passed up two additional magic systems so far even, and gave finding if civilization had anything to go here. Can you really rely on a sudden swerve at this stage in the game?

Clearly the voterbase has little interest in the magics actually presented, even if they like being a warrior-mage in concept. Why the sudden belief now we will find something worthwhile?

I've argued for Philosopher's Wreath before, and I wanted to reserve Azure Moon back when we had that investment vote. Not to mention my shilling for Gardener's Hallow just last vote. This is nothing new for me at least.
My interest mostly comes from the fact that Hunger would want to ressurect his companions. So for IC reason, i am leaning toward that route. That sweet Rune King especially.
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This sudden focus on magic is weird as hell to to me. We've literally never have chosen a mage focused option before in this quest. We've passed up two additional magic systems so far even, and gave up finding if civilization had anything to go here. Can you really rely on a sudden swerve at this stage in the game?

Clearly the voterbase has little interest in the magics actually presented, even if they like being a warrior-mage in concept. Why the sudden belief now we will find something worthwhile?
Because the time has come? The stars have aligned, the chosen has found his destiny, the memes grew strong enough despite the opposition, pick what you like.

There's no grand plan where it comes to my own decision, at least, and I'm not inseparably attached to the idea. But both Rune King and Apex's future evolution sound neat to me, both mechanically and aesthetically, much like Stranglethorn has its own draw for some. Apex much more so, since both Blade and Mantle have taken their own 7-Arete pound from us and the Ring deserves some love too.

I was very undecided between Make For Civilization and Temple initially, precisely because I wanted us to finally get some more magic. But my plot senses got the better of me and I succumbed to the False Moon's Call. That doesn't suddenly mean magic isn't interesting! It's magic, after all.