Tally incoming:
Adhoc vote count started by Conjured Blade on Jun 8, 2020 at 3:33 PM, finished with 470 posts and 61 votes.
Given the amount of omakes and reactions getting slung around, I imagine the delay to acquisition of a new magic system for Rune King vs Apex is a lot shorter than people think.
Now I'm really curious what the narration will look like once we're at high Rank. Already, we've seen our power getting information out of nowhere in a wide variety of fields along with probability manipulation. When we're millions of times more powerful than we are now, wouldn't that be almost like a localized Path to Victory? I assume users of the Armaments can't tap into those capabilities because it would probably be more productive to just have them sitting around and exerting their Pressure to improve research efforts.

Letrizia discussed the Foremost usage of their Elder-Implements, in many contexts outside of battle... perhaps such wonders are merely lost in this fallen age, which names them merely Armaments.

The worm we just killed was our equal an update ago, which means others like it are now prime hunting material. Though we lack in the proper sensory tools to figure out this perfectly, the massive Tremor style worm trails it's been leaving behind should still leave behind traces now that we know what we're looking for. With how mobile it is, the 'map' of where it goes, what it prefers to ambush, and perhaps most critically what a lack of these tunnels show that it avoids could be valuable hunting information.

Mm, I would say the wurm was actually significantly stronger than you, Hunger just had a superior strategy for dealing with it that involved a very high-risk option. Perhaps with your new infusion of power from killing the wurm things will be on a more even keel, though to consider battles in the context of power alone would elide the many differences that can arise in specific matchups. For example, a man with ten times human strength and durability against a reasonably well-trained soldier with a variety of modern weapons. The outcome would depend on initial range, availability of cover, specific decision-making, and so on. The wurm had massively superior STR and CON, but no way to interact with a being that could survive and attack from within its digestive tract. The defensive properties of the Evening Sky shined brightly in that fight!
I'm half of the mind to vote against a new magic system just out of sheer spite, mind you.

I cannot overstate how much I do not want Rune King to win.
I don't get it. Why would you hate Rune King? It's like the most coolest shit here that is also relevant to Hunger's goals.
I don't get it. Why would you hate Rune King? It's like the most coolest shit here that is also relevant to Hunger's goals.
I've already explained that. A lot. I wrote an Omake about how much I hate it.

You could always vote for Apex. Given how Runeblue360 just souped it up it's legitimately in contention I bet.
I'm trying to drag a Rune King voter with me if I do get off of Stranglethorn.
Anyway, summary: Rune king is letting the ones who screwed Hunger over leave a mark that can never heal. I despise that. Viscerally.

Could it not be argued that diverting potential that could be used to make Hunger stronger into healing his eye is showing that those people who screwed him over really got to him in a way not doing so and taking rune king is not. While there is certainly something to being whole of body, there is also something to be said for owning one's injuries by making the a part of your power rather than a deformity forced upon you by outside powers to be desperately healed. While healing a hunger would be great making his one eyed status something of his own and something supporting him is also a legitimate way to look at it. Not that I am actually supporting rune king at the moment.
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Tactics for Searching for Humans:

We already knows that our Pressure can draw the our lessers towards us, can we do the reverse and guide ourselves to the weak and pliable? There's plenty of scenarios where these guys might just kill us right off the bat so finding the ones that can't do that and acertaining their priorities might be useful.

Maybe we should stuff our ears with cotton or something else that minimises the chances of us hearing and order and freaking the fuck out. While we don't acknowledge the legitimacy of whatever rules and customs they might have, do we need to react by flipping our lid? Could we challenge those customs by just literally ignoring whatever was said and then having Gisena lie by claiming we're deaf or don't speak their language?

Letrizia discussed the Foremost usage of their Elder-Implements, in many contexts outside of battle... perhaps such wonders are merely lost in this fallen age, which names them merely Armaments.

No wonder humanity can't catch up! That might be why they all disappeared; the kind of scientific advancement that could come at the hands of Rank 10s could be enough to transcend this system entirely. What could they have made after the Armaments though? Is that the True Secret Boss for this world; the God-Machine they built to forge their ladder to heaven?

Anyway, summary: Rune king is letting the ones who screwed Hunger over leave a mark that can never heal. I despise that. Viscerally.

Like, it can heal.

Sure, the option says it's impossible but we know the big man upstairs; that guy can literally beat up math so I doubt he gives a shit about what some blurbs say. If you're okay with the Curses being removable after years beyond counting (and don't care that Hunger is still the type of person who took those Curses and was shaped by them for those years), then it's really not that much of a stretch to just save up some Accursed favour and ask him to give back the eye.

Makes more sense even, remove the last traces the left on us at the same time. The day we defeat the Doom of the Tyrant is the day he no longer shapes our path.
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You're at 10.15 Arete, or 10.65 if Push In Further wins! With Arete Debt and Push In Further + Don't Take Gisena, you would be only 2.25 Arete away from another 7 cost option, theoretically!
No wonder humanity can't catch up! That might be why they all disappeared; the kind of scientific advancement that could come at the hands of Rank 10s could be enough to transcend this system entirely. What could they have made after the Armaments though? Is that the True Secret Boss for this world; the God-Machine they built to forge their ladder to heaven?

Now I want to see us kick the God Machine from Chronicles of Darkness's ass. You know, Demon the Descent, techgnostic horror, spy fiction meets Welcome to Nightvale arbitrary weirdness.
Hey Rihaku, if we take rune king would it be possible to replace the unhealed eye with a prosthetic or an artifact? Hell could we turn an ordinary glass eye or something into an artifact and connect it to Hunger physically? Cause I would be much more for that than for just healing it.
Hey Rihaku, if we take rune king would it be possible to replace the unhealed eye with a prosthetic or an artifact? Hell could we turn an ordinary glass eye or something into an artifact and connect it to Hunger physically? Cause I would be much more for that than for just healing it.

There's also options like learning Ordinalism and taking examine, creating sensor drones with a crafting friendly magic system and linking them to our brain, improvements to other senses, telekinetic touchsight, etc. The magic system you're thinking of that would give us a chance of doing that if we could do it at all would be Vitalism, which was also from Gardens of Enoch.
There's also options like learning Ordinalism and taking examine, creating sensor drones with a crafting friendly magic system and linking them to our brain, improvements to other senses, telekinetic touchsight, etc. The magic system you're thinking of that would give us a chance of doing that if we could do it at all would be Vitalism, which was also from Gardens of Enoch.

I was thinking more in terms of Accretion as it would be neat to have a legendary eye of our own making that was more customizable but I see your point. I mean how cool would it be to make our own eye of wisdom rather than simply exploiting the one eyed archetype.
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A thought, though: right now, Sharp Eyes (healing one of our cursed wounds) is equivalent in required power to Rune King (exploiting the mythical archetype of "One-eyed"). But it's not like our wounds from the Tyrant scale in healing difficulty with our power! They're on the order of the Tyrant's power when he inflicted them. So, as long as one of the "image exploitation" options for one of wounds doesn't win, eventually we'll be in a relatively stronger position vis-a-vis the late Tyrant, and healing them will still be a trade-off, but will no longer be a resource problem along with it.
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There's also options like learning Ordinalism and taking examine, creating sensor drones with a crafting friendly magic system and linking them to our brain, improvements to other senses, telekinetic touchsight, etc. The magic system you're thinking of that would give us a chance of doing that if we could do it at all would be Vitalism, which was also from Gardens of Enoch.
I don't think Vitalism would work for these wounds. I think we'd have to regrow the eye first or make this same kind of Progression-narrowing sacrifice

But it's been years, I could easily be misremembering whether vitalism requires sacrifice.
I'd think the sacrifice would be a bit more meaningful than that. We're sacrificing our 'eye' on a conceptual level in return for massive gains, and that might not just include our physical eye. I think Rihaku mentioned something similar about one of the Curses that permanently crippled us? That even if one manages to change forms half the limbs/eyes/whatever would be removed. I doubt this is anything so severe as a Curse and that it can't be worked around, but it shouldn't be too easy to mitigate in return for what we get.
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The voyaging realm could be a great spot to pick up a variety of different magic systems. Especially if we start getting our int high enough that we can learn/study them much faster than average before using them in battle.
Guys, we are Searching for sure! As such, consider switching to Apex(or Rune King, but that option is bad on account of not being Apex) to have an actually synergistic choice!

We're just few votes behind, and at this point we already have all Arete we need for buying Ring upgrades.
The voyaging realm could be a great spot to pick up a variety of different magic systems. Especially if we start getting our int high enough that we can learn/study them much faster than average before using them in battle.
Yeah. The place is perfect for that. I also like the idea of Hunger using the wound that Tyrant gave him to take the first step toward ressurecting his companions.