Epic of the Foremost Realms
One day, going about your ordinary affairs, you stumble into an inexplicable moment of grace. As if the world entire stills to catch breath, exhalation halted like the flush of chill upon newly-frosted glass. An impossible portent divides you from physicality. The world beside remains, but… not so relevant. How small, you realize; and how fleeting, were those mortal affairs -
- As if you could dismiss the entirety of your prior experience with the same ease your ordinary self could adapt to color-blindness. No trivial blow, yet far from earth-shattering.
What shatters you comes after. Turning to observe the fullness of the moment you find yourself immersed in, you
All of a sudden you know. Like a dream whose fleeting vagaries you had struggled desperately to grasp, revisited wholly in the unblinking clarity of day. A memory, a paradigm, <
a way reality could be> - lost so irretrievably you hadn't even realized you'd forgotten. Thunderstruck and fallen to your knees, nonetheless you smile.
For the knowledge of your forebears has returned to you at last.
[ ] Remain Here - Here, in the expanse of the blind, where the one-eyed man may be king. Or perhaps you cannot bear to be separated from those you yet care for. There is no shame in a simpler existence; many might consider it the wiser path. Glorious as the Foremost are, their Fate is frozen and inevitable, an inescapable consequence of their chosen allegiance.
Your budget: 5 Recollection Tokens and 1 Transcendent Insight. You may purchase higher-tier attainments without their preceding levels.
*Sharply limits the effects of the powers you may obtain, at least compared to the next option. Though against mortal armies your capabilities will be formidable still. Better a frog in a well than a comet hurtling endlessly through unfamiliar skies.
*Far safer and more familiar, and you'll still be able to interact with everyone you know!
[ ] Take the Plunge - Embrace the reality of your impossible predecessors. Grasp wholly this conjunction which is orthogonal to time, untethered from destiny - this fractal unwinding deeper than meaning and farther than eons, Count yourself among those numberless worthies who in their hubris and majesty declared themselves, Foremost.
Your budget: 15 Recollection Tokens and 10 Transcendent Insights. A solid foundation is necessary to ascend higher: you must purchase every level of an attainment in sequence, starting from the lowest.
*Adventure and peril await in equal measure. And, of course - power beyond the reckoning of feeble mortal minds.
*You shall never visit this mortal realm again. Even if you could, the presence of your merest embryonic shell would shatter this reality beyond the vaguest hint of recovery.
This CYOA uses a scaled Attribute system to concisely outline the differences between options. All Attribute +s improve upon your existing baseline. This system is different from Hunger's own.
*At low levels, a single + represents a moderate improvement, similar to "+2 Dexterity" in D&D or an "Attribute Dot" in Exalted.
*Five +s, or +++++, suffices to elevate a helpless infant into a peak human within that Attribute's purview.
*Ten +s is solidly within the superhuman range: the strength of a giant, tenfold human swiftness, the optimized collective wisdom of a hundred generations. Most street-level superheroes and veteran adventurers operate at or below this level.
-- Above 10 +s, Attributes scale rapidly. --
*Fifteen +s is massively superhuman: city-rupturing strength, hundredfold human swiftness, manipulation so prescient it substitutes for mind control. A few such Attributes would allow one to serve as an epic adventurer or moderately powerful member of the Justice League.
*Twenty-five +s borders on the iconic and mythical: The strength of Doomsday, the swiftness of the Flash, the genius of Brainiac. Wisdom sufficient to master any domain of human endeavor to perfection within physical constraints. Reflexes so sharp that, when focused, time appears to stand utterly still. Beauty sufficient to slay mortals - or wholly overwrite their sense of meaning and value - in a single glance. Several such Attributes would allow one to overturn entire pantheons - classical ones such as the Aesir, or modern ones like the (average showing) Avengers - without much chance of failure. Embryonic Foremost operate at or somewhat below this level.
*Fifty +s is the level of an adolescent Foremost and near the limit of what can be sanely acquired here. Conceptually infinite might, limitless and perfect invulnerability, willpower sufficient to replicate or nullify the effects of Astral Rank 15, quickness that outruns logic and consequence. The greatest outlier feats of superheroes and villains are casual efforts for one with such Attributes, and the breadth of their remit may allow them to obsolete a few other Attributes of lower level.
*One hundred +s represents a mature Foremost. A being with every such Attribute could operate as peer to Lord Hunger or The Maiden - unmaking or creating infinite multiverses with trivial ease is the least of their unopposed capabilities. When such beings war, entire continuums of conceptual and dimensional space spanning countless layers of abstraction and elevation in all ontological directions do perish. Their incidental attacks may annihilate a greater swath of reality-space than the sum total of all realities even theoretically conceivable by human minds, and the fruit of their concerted efforts almost literally unthinkable.
Here, spend your Tokens and Insights on attainments, steps on the stairway towards Foremost maturity.
I. The Shogun
The attainments of the Shogun reflect talent untamed; in the crucible of discipline they become true strength.
[ ] Shogun: Harm Cognition [First, 1 Token] - Gain a instinctive sense for incoming harm; at first nothing but a vague directional impulse of imminent physical injury, but with long practice the nuances of the impression can be carefully teased-out with greater range and fidelity.
At its apex this is a nigh-infallible intuition capable of perceiving all forms of negative influence; their origins, their headings, down to the details of their methodologies.
[ ] Shogun: Honing the Mind [Second, 2 Tokens] - The acuity of all your senses, ordinary and supernatural, is improved five-fold. This carries no risk of disorientation or inconvenience from excessive sensory inputs, but holistically expands your capacity to enjoy and experience the world. You may choose not to feel pain as an aversive stimulus, merely an intense but valence-neutral indicator of injury that informs without distracting unduly.
*Furthermore, you may via diligent training exceed the current limits of your mind, improving Intelligence by up to ++, and Wits and Wisdom by up to +++++. This process takes years to decades of great effort.
*Competent mentorship by a being of vastly greater ability can improve these limits by ++ each.
[ ] Shogun: Honing the Form [Third, 1 Insight] - Your body is elevated to the theoretical apex of human martial ability; you are as strong, as fast, as durable, as kinesthetically gifted, etc as an unaugmented human can be.
You may slowly shapeshift as you please within the bounds of humanity; complete revision may take as long as three months, while modest alterations to one's face or bone structure can be achieved within a day. You heal rapidly and flawlessly from even a single intact atom, on the order of recovering from complete incineration within half an hour; this grants nigh-immunity to pathogens, toxins and aging.
*Grants +++++Strength, Constitution, Agility, Wits, and Appearance (optional).
*Regeneration operates independently of your Constitution stat.
[ ] Shogun: The Blade [Fourth, 3+ Insights] - What legendary warrior would be complete without a weapon of equal distinction?
You acquire a jian, saber, katana, wakizashi, or nodachi forged of your own blood, marrow and supernal essence. It possesses one of the Titles below, plus one for each additional Insight spent on this Attainment, up to 3 Titles total.
[Faultless] - Indestructible, perfectly balanced, effectively weightless in motion yet with substantial heft upon collision, capable of parting any physical material without resistance, and of harming supernal existences just as easily.
Training with the weapon, one may learn to sever instances within the Realm of Forms; ten million repetitions might allow one to cut wounds out of one's body, leaving the physique unharmed; ten trillion and one might sever one's identity from form to become unrecognizable no matter the infamy of one's deeds.
*Qualities of the Blade are ISH 3.9 if contested.
*The faultless path is arduous. Each conceptual severing must be practiced separately, and requires a small degree of upkeep to maintain.
[Fearless] - Only those possessed of power and skill may stride forth without fear. Distribute 20 +s among your Strength, Constitution, Agility and Wits. Distribute 5 +s among your Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and Willpower.
*It is advisable not to allow your Strength to exceed your Constitution. Imbalance in such a direction can easily lead to self-destruction. Similarly, your Agility and Wits.
*You don't need to wield the blade, merely have it on your person, in order to benefit from these Attributes.
[Fortress] - Your blade is a nascent Armament, flawless core around which an elysian shell of star-spun blood and
findross will someday accumulate into a juggernaut capable of godlike destruction. At present it possesses Rank 7.5 and one power unique to its burgeoning Shroud on the level of a high-tier Sorcerous Grace. At this stage, employing its Shroud is an immensely exhausting act.
*You may use one of Seram's real or theoretical Graces (save Hyper Reactor) as your Shroud effect, or design a custom effect that is moderately weaker.
*Unaided your Blade will emerge as a fully realized Armament within a millennium, but your active participation in its construction can hasten that to years or even months. As it grows its Rank and Shroud efficacy will improve.
[Foremost] - Your blade is forged of pure crystallized
findross mated to your essential nature. It is considered part of your person whenever that would be convenient: it benefits from your regeneration, can be regrown from out of your palm, confers full benefits of its Rank, etc. Furthermore, this enormously amplifies the other powers available to it.
*A Faultless blade may advance a general skill of Severing that at its highest rivals freeform conceptual deletion. A Faultless blade's ISH elevation may now be slowly improved with training.
*A Fearless blade now distributes 50 +s in total, but no more than 10 to any single Attribute.
*A Fortress blade now starts at Rank 9 and may use its Shroud effect with only moderate exertion. Its power when fully mature approaches that of Novakhron himself.
[ ] Shogun: Unsetting Sun [Fifth, 5 Insights] - You are peer to the Shogun, at least in the martial realm - invincible and undefeated in war.
It is absurdly, almost inconceivably difficult to harm you within any context that might even remotely be considered a conflict; or by any physical means whatsoever. If you suffer any sort of internal conflict at all, this is active essentially all of the time. What cannot be withstood you will evade; what cannot be avoided you can endure. Fate, your attributes, your skills and strategies, and all other conceivable factors converge towards a brute and overwhelming unassailability without weakness or flaw.
When this effect intercepts an attack of significant strength, the Emblem of the Shogun appears behind you for several seconds: A blood-crimson sun tasseled by ribbons of heat-haze, rippling like a battle-standard in the eastern wind. During this time, all forces under your command share in your invincibility: those present made impervious, the maimed restored, and even the slain revivified for precious moments to share in the valor of your counter-charge.
*An ordinary human with this attainment could withstand a supernova point-blank with only minor burns and bruising.
*This protection scales to you. As an embryonic Foremost, you would be as difficult to harm as an adolescent; as an adolescent, one fully mature. Any assault which is not ludicrously greater than you will fail in the face of the Unsetting Sun.
*If you one day become a mature Foremost, the strength of this effect will be comparable to the Maiden's Flower of Victory.
Essentially you possess the inverse of the Forebidding drawback - see
A Simple Transaction I Original
II. The Arcanist
The attainments of the Arcanist reflect power at a price. Her means are vast and her ways inscrutable, but the unfurling of her art is inherently bound by constraint; by scribing a Rune, one also defines what it is not.
[ ] Arcanist: Imago [First, 2 Tokens] - Perfection in mind and in form, with the hubris to match. To some, the Rune of the Mantle may be a poison chalice; to others, a holy grail.
You may alter your natural hair color to any hue, so long as it is neon or pastel. You may alter your natural eye color to any hue, so long as it is bright emerald green.
*Gain ++Intelligence, Wits, Charisma, Manipulation, and Appearance: an infusion of talent sufficient to turn the average human into a respectable polymath; or the already gifted, an epochal genius.
*Suffer -Wisdom, and a 50% penalty to all Wisdom +s applied after other factors. For example, if you received fifty Wisdom +s from all sources combined, then your Wisdom would operate at the twenty-five + level.
*Receive the Imago Bonus to further Attainments of the Arcanist.
[ ] Arcanist: Servitor Call [Second, 3 Tokens] - The dreary labor of eons need not muddle your focus; that is the province of lesser minds. Via the invocation of the Summoning Rune, you may call forth a potent singular ally, one who is devotedly loyal and tirelessly obedient.
*Your servitor has the physical, mental and social parameters you specify, up to the +++++ level in all Attributes. Human or near-human forms are acceptable.
*You may specify in great detail or simply outline the generalities; the Rune will perfectly interpret your intent to the limits of its power - "A buff master musician," "A gunslinging gyaru elf," "As close a copy of <fictional character> as can be made."
*You may dismiss and re-summon your Servitor once per week. The Rune will not summon allies that are less than devotedly loyal, even should you wish their disposition to be otherwise.
*If you chose to enter the Foremost realms, you may use this to bring along one individual from your mundane world, and optionally elevate them to the +++++ level in all Attributes. If they were not already devotedly loyal to you, this will make them so, for better or worse.
*Imago Bonus: Your Servitor gains ++ Intelligence, Wits, Charisma, Manipulation, and Appearance. This may break their normal Attribute cap.
[ ] Arcanist: Lower Arcana [Third, 2 Insights] - A collection of Runic cantrips; to the Arcanist, they are little more than curiosities more valuable for instructional purposes than any serious venture. Yet they form a solid and elegant foundation for greater magics. Unopposed, they may well suffice to shape the direction of entire worlds.
*Receive access to the following Runes. You may use each only once per day.
*Imago Bonus: You instead have an innate sorcerous well from which you may deploy these Runes at will. Each use consumes 1 Capacity; the well has 10 Capacity total and regenerates 1 every two hours.
*Empyreal Rune: Summons devastating bolts of fantastical lightning and fire to scour the battlefield. Capable of razing a city block, or reducing a dozen Abrams tanks to ash. Knowledge of this Rune renders you immune to thermal and electromagnetic sources of harm.
*Command Rune: Making eye contact with an individual whose Intelligence does not greatly exceed yours, alter their memories of the last month in any way you wish. Even outrageous and incongruous events will be rationalized and incorporated into their identity.
*Permeation Rune: Become selectively invisible and intangible, phasing through and unharmed by any form of matter or energy that would inconvenience you to interact with. Fly at mach speeds with hummingbird maneuverability. Duration: one hour.
*Warding Rune: Creates a man-sized seal of pulsating sigils which repels entities, forces, materials and attention. Mortals will blot the general area from memory and instinctively avoid it; artillery rounds will bounce off. You may selectively permit entities to perceive and bypass it. Wholly effective against effects on the level of the Empyreal Rune or below; proportionally less so against greater powers. Duration: Twenty-four hours or until dismissed.
*Mentation Rune: Allows perfect eight-way multitasking, grants +++Mental Attributes, and nullifies any %-based penalties to your mental Attributes. Exhausts you after use. Duration: one hour.
[ ] Arcanist: High Arcana [Fourth, 3 Insights] - The core of the Arcanist's art: that which compresses intent and ability into structure; structure so elegant that reality reshapes to accommodate it, and thereby yields to one's envisioned intent. Speak ill of the Arcanist if you must; yet at its core her profession is the creation of beauty: beauty so sublime one could almost mistake it for Grace.
*Receive access to three of the higher-order Runes, which may be used to alter and enhance your existing array.
*Imago Bonus: Treat your Intelligence as ten +s higher for purposes of employing, studying, or discovering Foremost Runes.
*Augmentation Rune: May be freely applied to increase the power and conceptual elevation of a Rune (or Sequence) to a level commensurate with your overall Intelligence. Doesn't work on Runes that themselves improve your Attributes.
For example, if you had 25 Intelligence +s:
-The Rune of the Mantle and Mentation Rune wouldn't be affected.
-The Summoning Rune might conjure a being with All Attributes save Luck and Protection at 20 +s, or a specialist with Physical Attributes at 25 +s, Mental Attributes at 20 +s, and Social Attributes at 15 +s… etc.
-The Empyreal Rune might unleash world-ravaging destruction on the level of Ragnarok.
-The Command Rune might alter up to seven decade's worth of memories for every mortal in South America.
-The Permeation Rune might grant relativistic flight and immunity to low- and mid-tier supernatural and conceptual attacks.
*Conjunction Rune: Basic Runes are the buildings blocks of higher arcana. By applying the Conjunction Rune to a sequence of Runic invocations, one can access a myriad of conceptually interlinked effects. Conjunctional Arrays consume an amount of Capacity equal to the square of the number of underlying runes in the sequence: 4 Capacity for a 2-Rune Sequence, 9 for a 3-Rune, etc. If you lack Capacity, they are proportionally exhausting in a way that magic cannot alleviate: moderately for a 2-Rune; incredibly for a 3-Rune.
-Sequence of Empyreal Command: A torrent of galvanic energies that ravage the mind (and Astral entities) while leaving the corpus unharmed. Massively lowers targets' resistance to mental effects for several minutes.
-Sequence of Commanding Mentation: Allows one to arbitrarily adjust the memories, personality and Mental Attributes of the target by up to three +++s in any direction, but said Attributes may not exceed your own.
-Sequence of Warding Permeation: Seals a room-sized area into a pocket dimension.
-Sequence of Empyreal Permeation: Teleports the caster and up five targets to any location within a light-year.
-Sequence of Empyreal Summons: The summoned entity may unleash attacks on par with the Empyreal Rune, and defend from attacks of that power, with moderate exertion.
*Harmonics Rune: Opens the mind to higher-level resonances, allowing for the independent discovery of new Runes and the creation of Sequences thereof. With fifteen Intelligence and five Wits +s, a custom cantrip-level Rune can be discovered in about a year, and a higher-level Rune in three millennia. Specifying the broad purpose of a Rune (crop growth, metal manipulation, +APP boost) is much easier than delineating exact effects (A Rune that creates golem-statues of famous Presidents), and Runes that directly improve Attributes tend to hard cap around the +25 - +40 level. Should you lack Capacity, you may only use each Rune once per day.
-Elemental Rune: Create and/or command a large (forest fire, 50-foot tidal wave) volume of one of the five classical elements, moulding and moving it as if it were a body under your control with Physical Attributes equal to your [Intelligence - 2], and altering its intensity by up to 100% in either direction. Duration: Fifteen minutes.
-Temporal Rune: You or a person you touch gains +++++Agility and Wits. No effect past 35 +s for either. Duration: One hour.
-Dream Rune: Create photorealistic illusions commanding up to four of the five senses (you decide) in an area the size of a stadium. Duration: Eight hours.
-Aberrant Rune (High): Infuse lesser Runes permanently into another individual, wiping said Runes from your essence and memory, to transform that individual into a unique monstrosity with fantastical abilities and great potential for advancement. Monstrosities are instinctually bound to protect and obey you and tend to possess powers that are resistant to dispellation or wholly orthogonal to magic. When mature they can be harvested for a wealth of specially attuned
findross, granting the Capacity for truly epic Sequences. (Ex.
A Simple Transaction Original)
-Disjunction Rune (High): Splits a Rune into more foundational elements (Elemental -> Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Void) with greater, more focused effect and more granularity in Conjunction. Can also be used to counter almost any magics of lesser power than the caster's.
[ ] Arcanist: Glory Unto the Maker [Fifth, 10 Tokens and 5 Insights] - The hammerblow of dearly-bought power that forges numismatic Art into unyielding Science; the crowning and pitiless surety of self that sculpts man into Maker at last.
For each sacrifice selected, choose one Emblem Rune.
Imago Bonus: Choose an additional Emblem Rune for free.
*Sacrifice: Camaraderie - Your Wisdom penalty and associated effects now apply to your Charisma; you may have puppets or slaves, but equals will rarely consort with you.
*Sacrifice: Restraint - You employ and explore your magics with reckless disregard for temporal affairs. What does it matter that a thousand peons die to fuel the maturation of your abattoir engine? Do these ingrates lack the vision to understand the meagerness of their sacrifice in the face of your research... You may instead courageously disregard your own safety and take these costs upon your own body; surely bleeding yourself to the very precipice is a small price to pay for that nugget of data! In this case, only an enormously potent defensive Emblem or similar will reliably safeguard you in the face of your own mad ambition. Regardless, your Wisdom penalty is now
-90% and your total +Wisdom after all factors is capped at +++
*Emblem: Perfection - You receive +++++++All Attributes, and increase the Attribute caps on buffing Runes by that amount. For example, the Temporal Rune now provides benefits up to 42 Agility +s instead of capping at 35 +s.
*Emblem: Exalted - You receive fifteen Intelligence, Wits, and Agility +s. You may use your Intelligence in place of your Charisma when intimidating others.
*Emblem: Mastery - Your Capacity increases by 50, with proportionally greater regeneration, and may be improved with training. You receive deep expertise and familiarity with all your powers on both an instinctual and theoretical level, as if you had spent ten years of diligent, focused and productive effort exploring each Attainment and any notable interactions thereof. Should you possess the Harmonics Rune, you may begin with any of the example cantrips listed within. This counts as real training for purposes of effects like Honing the Mind, etc; you are just that good.
*Emblem: Savant - Select one Rune to act as your Signature; its magnitude and versatility are amplified to incredible heights. May be taken multiple times. Examples:
-Temporal Rune: With a single casting, you may stop time for up to a day (you may move, act and interact with objects and people; sufficiently powerful entities may do the same), create a temporal chamber the size of a small city with acceleration factor up to 100x, age any mortal object into ruin or oblivion, counter the effects of enemy time travel or temporal manipulation, or bind an atemporal being (or set of beings whose total power does not exceed yours) to conventional spacetime. Attribute bonus tripled, cap increased to <Your Intelligence>.
-Summoning Rune: Your Servitor gains a host of supernatural abilities of breadth and power only modestly lower than yours, which amplify your strengths and cover for your weaknesses when used intelligently.
-Augmentation Rune: Such is your economy of power and fineness of control that you may cast at only 1/10,000th the cost of your peers. Cantrips now cost .0001 Capacity or may be deployed up to 10,000 times a day. 2- and 3-Rune Sequences are likewise discounted.
III. The Surgeon
Boldness in demeanor and action is the nature of the Surgeon; he who dares not, will never muster the wherewithal to cut! This is not the nuanced, harm-minimizing gentility of contemporary medicine, but the absinthe-and-hacksaw heroism of a man-carving, blood-splattered, bygone age. Take heart, you cigar-chomping intrepids, you monsters of nostalgia and toxic flame, for all along your Hero was none less than Dien Bravo!
[ ] Surgeon: Away! [First, 2 Tokens] - Better to carve off the limb than let a wound fester and succumb to gangrene! So it is as well with matters of the spirit.
*Gain +++Strength and Constitution. If desired, the efficacy of your in-person medical interventions now scales solely to your Strength.
*Your physical attacks may now carve away mental and spiritual aspects of the target proportional to the volume of their body removed.
*Now your badly beaten opponents can be made literally to see the righteousness of your obviously superior ideology. Let defeat at your hands equal friendship everlasting, as you excise every part of your foe you might find wanting!
*This may be applied to yourself in order to temporarily or permanently remove mental patterns Dien Bravo would disapprove of: cowardice, weakness, hesitation and so on. If you permanently excise at least half of all mental patterns the Surgeon would disapprove of, gain +All Attributes as your underlying heroic nature shines forth!
[ ] Surgeon: Engineer [Second, 5 Tokens] - Only a master of his Science could be entrusted to split open the living proto-carcasses of his peers to perform arbitrary interventions within! And so, you are.
*Choose a domain of breadth similar to Biology, Robotics or Chemistry. You are a true master of your domain; boundless in knowledge and dextrous in practice, capable of feats bordering on the superhuman and absurd.
*If you chose Biology, you would be able to successfully perform operations on the level of a whole-brain transfer with great safety, materially raise the IQ of a test subject by one standard deviation, or make actually functional penis- and breast-enlargement pills. You could give yourself a heart transplant, or transfer someone's erogenous zones to their spleen! Once on the operating table, there's almost no mortal you could not save, or bend to your designs.
*This effect scales slowly to your overall Attributes; a being on the level of an adolescent Foremost would, given a few years, be able to perform feats of biological augmentation that are boundary-pushing even for entities of that tier.
[ ] Surgeon: Seize the Day [Third, 1 Insight] - And yet the dross of mere technical mastery is but a means to an end, fuel for the fire that is GREATNESS!
*Gain Rank commensurate to your abilities and station. If you possess the first two Attainments of the Surgeon, this will grant you at least Rank 3.5, sufficient to overpower most worldly objections by sheer force of selfhood, and grant you a significant edge in contests of true import. This effect automatically updates as your Attributes and capabilities improve.
*You may also improve your Rank over time by performing acts of worthy endeavor, great notoriety, or both. There's no theoretical upper limit, just as there's no limit to greatness itself!
[ ] Surgeon: Brains & Brawn [Fourth, 3 Insights] - Only the irresolute settle for an incomplete self, partial attainment of one's potential. The truly wise Hero understands that boundless vigor and avarice for life arises from the pursuit of excellence in every endeavor! While one's talents may be uneven, and efforts expended justifiably so, it does not do to wholly neglect even a single arena where life offers up its smorgasboard of joyful and bitter experiences!
Gain +++++Strength, Constitution, Agility, Wits, Wisdom, Willpower and Intelligence. Choose one of three Attributes to favor:
*Favored Strength: Raw power in main strength and medical aptitude. Gain 10 additional Strength and Constitution +s. Your refined butchery shall be the stuff of legends! This is not the shameful path of muscle wizardry, but the broad unflinching boulevard of muscle science!
*Favored Dexterity: A sub-set of Agility dealing with fine control and coordination but not raw speed or reflexes. Gain 10 additional Dexterity +s, which stack atop your Agility as baseline. You may choose to narrow your Engineer domain into a specific Specialization. This lessens its breadth but greatly improves its scaling speed and efficiency.
For example, you could narrow the Biology domain into the Surgery Specialization, or the Physics Domain into the Energy Weapons specialization. By doing so, your skills therein will scale to your Dexterity instead of your composite Attributes, and require mere instants (rather than years) of study to reach their new potential. The sheer prowess of your craft suffices to overcome any and all hurdles of ignorance, weakness or insufficient material!
*Favored Willpower: When all else falters, sheer determination wins through. Gain 10 additional Willpower +s and +1.5 Rank as a final modifier after all others. For example, if Seize the Day judged that your Rank based on Attributes alone was 7, and you earned an additional 0.5 Rank through heroic feats, your final Rank would be treated as 7 + 0.5 + 1.5 = 9. Given how Rank scales, this could elevate a planet-conquering maverick to a galaxy-toppling scourge!
[ ] Surgeon: Bravado [Fifth, 5 Insights] - Dien Bravo never gives up. And now, neither will you.
The Emblem of Courage flares to life atop your breast, heroic resolve that burns undimming even before darkness illimitable. Should you possess the fourth Attainment of the Surgeon, the mechanical benefits of your Favored Attribute are doubled. For example, if you Favored Willpower, you would receive 20 Willpower +s and +3.0 Rank instead. You may also choose one of the following:
*The Emblem of Wisdom glows upon your palm, granting keen perspicacity, omnipresent awareness, and surpassing finesse in all your endeavors. Should you wield Astral Rank, you would attain a sublime and pioneering mastery over its gradients - capable of forcing specific actions so long as they would be appropriate to your level of Pressure; communicating with any and all beings touched by its presence, and wholly aware of the identities and parameters of those enveloped by it. Should you command biological hypertechnology, you would possess swift and adroit judgement on how best to apply that lever to maximize your chances against any foe. You may steadily improve the versatility, and decrease the costs, of any of your abilities through meditation, diligent training, and broad-ranging philosophical study. +10 Wits, +10 Dexterity, +20 Wisdom.
*The Emblem of Power erupts into being behind you, promising untrammeled might should you only feed its hunger. Once per day you may become
All-Conquering, causing all your Attributes to rise to the level of your [Highest Permanent Attribute +1]. This effect overrides all penalties that are not intrinsic to your Attainments. Unless you face stupefyingly terrible odds, an activation will suffice to pull you out of any trouble as your sudden surge of Luck, Charisma, Appearance, Intelligence, Protection (and so on) exerts tremendous influence on the situation by almost every vector imaginable. Used proactively, it also suffices to conceive of and craft masterpieces far beyond your standard remit of elegance and potency.
This herculean act can be sustained for five minutes in pitched conflict, up to fifty minutes if wholly focused and unopposed. But the cost is as precipitous as the heights of power it grants: each use permanently burns an Attribute + of your choice, but said Attribute is still treated as if at its prior level for purposes of training difficulty. Should you fall in battle, suffer identity death, or simply succumb to despair, this ability will flare each and every time you are defeated, overcoming its temporal limits but increasing in cost by one additional + each time.
You may instead fuel activations with a monumental sum of findross scaling to your highest Attribute, but short of a favor from the Arcanist herself this is an impractical requirement.
Should you perform a feat that is truly extraordinary even by Heroic standards, such as defeating the Forebear Reborn with only the capabilities of an infinitely-diminished shard of your true self, you may find the un-chosen Emblem also welling up from within, having deemed you worthy at last.
IV. The Egotist
Through unceasing inward focus, the Egotist attains mastery of the self - which emanates outwards to command mastery of the group, mastery of the world, and ever-greater masteries unceasing. Immense versatility and potential unbound would be at his fingertips, if he ever got over himself. The course of these Advancements reflect his path of growth.
[ ] Egotist: Strive [First, 2 Tokens] - The masterful finesse and stalwart reserve of the ithilyor propel great initial results: that low-hanging fruit which intentionality alone suffices to pluck.
*Distribute five +s among the Attributes of your choice, save for Intelligence, Charisma or Strength.
[ ] Egotist: Unblinking Tempest [Second, 2 Tokens] - Sheer solipsistic selfhood by which 'is' yields to 'ought.' Deny reality to neutralize such inconveniences as 'an enemy being too fast to interact with.'
*For each of your opponents, the efficacy of their most relevant superior Attribute is greatly reduced. Should they possess overwhelming speed, it would only grant a moderate rather than decisive advantage; similarly for mind-shattering beauty, keen perspicacity or outrageous fortune.
*This applies to any contest of significant stakes.
*Might alone can contravene the Egotist's symmetrical delusion. This advancement has severely reduced efficacy against an enemy's Strength, Intelligence or Charisma.
*This is useless if one possesses overwhelming strength in every arena, such as by the Emblem of Power. A specialist's provenance, not a hero's.
[ ] Egotist: Duality [Third, 5 Tokens and 1 Insight] - Perfection of the self requires perfection of circumstance, which requires perfection of the world. Do not allow the dream of perfection to impede your path today; embrace wholeheartedly your current means with all their flaws, and push as far as you can go thereby. For your flaws, too, are part of you.
Choose one:
*Yang Path: The path of expansion like an unstinting sun; great power unfocused. After you finish your build, set all your Attributes which are lower than 10 +s to the 10+ level. This does not override drawbacks.
*Yin Path: The path of shadows which retreats from life to focus on attainment solely. Add 14 +s to any one Attribute and 7 +s to another, save for the Egotist's banned Attributes (Strength, Charisma, Intelligence). You must pay for this Advancement with Tokens from Drawbacks.
*Taiji Path: Receive the benefits of both paths. You must take the Fool's Gambit Drawback.
[ ] Egotist: Crowned Halo [Fourth, 3+ Insights] - A Halo-type Advancement. Your sublime philosophy ought not limited to yourself alone. This advancement manifests or summons an entire city-state congruent with your values, desires and methodologies; your greatness refracted now through a civilizational lens!
*The city-state is deployed around you, harmlessly (if desired) displacing those within its volume.
*Its aesthetics, governance, and particulars may be specified by you, or simply allowed to intuitively fit your personal preferences. You may rule the city-state or wield great influence in its decision-making if desired.
*This polity contains three tiers of individuals: a few elites, a standing army of experts roughly ten thousand strong, and a general population of citizens numbering in the millions.
*Elites scale to you; their top Attributes are generally 5 +s lower than yours, or 10 +s lower if their specialization is distant from yours (ex. warriors or politicians if you are a mage). Capable lieutenants, though not your match in any direct conflict. The Superboy to your Superman, the Ebony Maw to your Thanos.
*Experts are much weaker and less capable than Elites, though still well above modern humanity; each has roughly half your Attributes, rounded down.
*The general populace is roughly human-level to begin with, but may be uplifted with time and effort.
*By default you have three elites and ten thousand experts. For each additional Insight you spend, you may choose one of the following:
-Grant all your Elites the benefits of the Highborn Advancement (++Attributes, slow but uncapped scaling), substantially reducing the gap between them and you.
-Increase the polity's scale by one tier (city-state -> nation state -> great empire -> planetary empire). Each purchase triples the population of elites and experts, and increases the general population by an order of magnitude. This may be taken up to three times.
[ ] Egotist: Uttermost [Fifth, 5 Insights] - The Emblem of Tyranny brooks no opposition. The day may come when your hubris sees you cast down, your throne shattered, your kingdom and armies toppled, all your works returned to ash… indeed, it is very nearly inevitable given the monumental arrogance that this accession requires.
Until that day, however, you will reign. And in doing so, you will be of service to greater powers which are as-yet inestimable to you.
You are afflicted with your choice of the Doom of Tyranny, the Doom of the Martyr, or the Curse of Hubris; if you acquire an identical Curse from Drawbacks then that Curse is double strength, which will shortly result in your ruin. You may not take the Falter Drawback.
The Egotist never acquired this Emblem; perhaps the inward-turning path yielded wisdom in the end.
*You may double the benefits of either Yang or Yin Path. The former would set your Attribute minimum to the 20 +s level; the latter would grant +28/+14 in the two Attributes of your choice.
*Craft a metaphysical paradigm of your liking such as magic, super-science, or psionics. You stand as font and embodiment of this system, archmaster of its every discipline with nigh-limitless energies at your command. The feats this system can accomplish at its highest levels are congruent with those of your mightiest Attributes, but may be expressed with greater breadth and possess exotic or advantageous alterations within reason. This may create paradigms as diverse as Astral Rank, Exalted Charms, or the Maidengrace.
*Very broad and logistically convenient paradigms are typically less potent, expressed as an effective penalty to the Attributes in question. A system that attempts to encompass every humanly conceivable feat might suffer as many as seven Attributes -s, whereas there would be no penalty for one that constrains itself to the domains of Life or Space. Systems that augment existing attributes tend to be subject to the same limits, and cap out at the same thresholds, as the Foremost Runes of the Arcanist.
*You are immune to mind control and unwanted mental alterations of all kinds, including from superhuman levels of social Attributes.
Example System: Cerulean Psionics
*The power level of this system is representative of a character with 20 +s in All Attributes save for Intelligence, where they possess 35 +s.
*With an exertion of mental stamina, users may substitute their Intelligence for their Strength and Constitution, and their Wits for their Agility, to perform telekinetic feats at a range scaling with their Intelligence. A novice could do so a few times per hour; a grandmaster could do so continuously for weeks.
*Users may create semi-permanent constructs of cerulean energy to serve as animate materials for the construction of a near-arbitrary range of physical structures.
*Users may permit those in contact with a Cerulean construct to establish telepathic links with each other - or with greater effort, forcibly perform feats of telepathy (mind reading, hypnosis, memory weaving and direct control) on them. More expansive control requires greater levels of mastery, with the greatest capable of full-on mental reprogramming, mind & consciousness transfer, and survival as a disembodied mind.
*By trawling the Astral Sea (or equivalent in-universe realm; the paradigm will create one if none exists), masters may reassemble the bodies and spirits of the deceased, returning them to consciousness as incorporeal minds or anchoring them to a body for full revivification.
V. The Emissary
The path of the Emissary is the path of cooperation and mutual benefit. The open palm is her sigil of choice - the greater good, her byword. In the pursuit of the latter she can be almost unreasonably charitable, yet when it is impeded her ruthlessness is as sudden as it is decisive. Still, compatriots may rest assured that, no matter the breadth of her calculus, she will never ask of them any sacrifice she would not perform herself.
[ ] Emissary: Pathos [First, 1 Tokens] - You become an empath, capable of feeling the emotions of those around you. Sufficient Willpower will be required to avoid being overtaken by such, and Wisdom to maintain your own perspective, yet this remains a potent and startlingly accurate means of social information-gathering.
*Much like the Shogun's sense for danger, this new form of perception can be trained to improve its range and fineness of discernment. In time, you could measure the populace of a city by this empathic sense alone, and unerringly track specific individuals without ever laying eyes on them.
*The Emissary will not see you ill-equipped to wield her boons. +Willpower, ++Wisdom
[ ] Emissary: Diplomatic Immunity [Second, 2 Tokens] - The reasonable are disinclined to attack you without provocation, and you are empowered to make binding compacts.
*++Charisma, Manipulation, and Appearance.
*You may use the higher of your Charisma and Manipulation to defend against physical harm as though it were your Agility.
*Note that, in some realms, extremely (35+) high levels of Charisma and Appearance may achieve this innately as reality warps to defend them.
*You may seal agreements between two or more parties. Should all parties consent AND the agreement is, in your view, at least reasonably fair, then each party shall be held to the spirit of the agreement.
*Those whose total Attributes are overwhelmingly higher than yours might flout or even shatter this binding given effort.
[ ] Emissary: Highborn [Third, 5 Tokens] - The nature of the ithilyor is melded to your own, creating a being with the best qualities of Maker and Steward combined.
*++All Attributes, and you may slowly improve any mental, social or physical Attribute even in the absence of worthy challenges through focused training. This takes geometrically longer the higher said Attribute is; a few weeks from + to ++, but eons raising 50 +s to 51.
*Your cognition occurs in the Astral Realm and is unimpeded by injury to your physical form. You cease to age and never weaken from hunger, thirst or deprivation.
[ ] Emissary: The Gift [Fourth, 3 Insights] - That which is offered freely may flower into potential unbound.
*Select another Attainment you possess. Upgrade it to the Fourth-Attainment level. Attainments so upgraded won't offer more than 7 +s to any single Attribute. Examples:
Emissary - Pathos [Gift]
*Continent-range emotion detection with perfect multitasking and precise perception
*Total control over the emotions of those in your sensory range. This power is perfectly intuitive and won't trigger without intent. Works on non-material or purely magical beings as well.
*Accelerate the growth rate of Highborn when positive emotions are directed your way; the combined adoration of a planet could see your progress hastened a hundredfold. Past that point this effect hits sharply diminishing returns.
*Receive seven Willpower, Wits, Wisdom and Manipulation +s.
Shogun - Honing the Form [Gift]
*You are a near-perfect shapeshifter capable of swiftly assuming any physical form you could reasonably conceptualize, so long as it is no smaller than a termite and no larger than Mt. Everest. These forms do not of themselves offer supernatural capabilities beyond their raw Attributes. In the span of a second you could switch between an apex human, a mile-long dragon, an anthropomorphic bulldozer, an alligator-eagle hybrid with functional wings, and a sentient cloud of chlorine trifluoride.
*You don't require detailed knowledge of the underlying biology, mechanics, or even appearance of your form; sufficiently coherent intent suffices for this ability to fill in the blanks.
*You heal rapidly and flawlessly from all physical insult, recovering from complete incineration within a microsecond; this grants effective immunity to pathogens, toxins and aging. You require no form of sustenance or rest. Subatomic annihilation of your entire body would barely suffice to kill you.
*Gain +++++++STR, CON, AGI, Wits, and Appearance. So long as you don't intend otherwise, you're assumed to always possess a minimum of 15 +s in these Attributes.
[ ] Emissary: Greater Good [Fifth, 5 Insights]
The Emblem of the Emissary is no sign but pattern - apparent not by gross proclamation but only in action itself. Its power is as simple as it is mighty; as subtle, as it is all-pervading:
Your works redound to the good of all.
Even as a mortal human, a single donated dollar could unleash a chain of events that solves hunger and homelessness in your entire metropolis; an offhand comment could redeem a psychopathic mass murderer and permanently turn his talents to prosocial ends.
The magnitude of this effect, already enormous at baseline, is amplified tremendously for charitable causes you directly intend to support, and especially so if you give of yourself in the doing. A deliberately prepared speech can topple galaxy-spanning tyranny to usher in an actually capable bloodless revolution; a lone act of defiance can break the vilest and most despicable legions. And, were you nothing more than mortal fragment of fallen greatness, still a calamity sufficient to devour the entire universe could be waylaid at the cost of your own life.
The Emblem of the Greater Good scales in power as you do; your charitable labors echo with spectacular efficacy, vastly outstripping your other capabilities. While this provides no direct defensive or utility benefits, it is likely that many powerful entities will have an interest in your continued survival and liberty, to say nothing of the gratitude you might accrue. With you at the helm, technological progress across an entire society could advance with thousandfold speed, so long as its inventions individually and together served the general welfare.
The Emblem functions so long as your values do not stray too egregiously from the Emissary's broadly compassionate own; its leeway is vast but not unlimited. It will never directly perpetuate outcomes that have dire or punishing side effects - it is, of itself, entirely free of 'monkey's paw' fulfillments and unintended negative consequences - but neither is it wholly omniscient, especially in interactions with greater beings. Thus if necessary it may be temporarily disabled to minimize spontaneity when absolute order is desired.
These baseline budgets are so stiflingly low, especially if you have chosen to Remain; why not take some Drawbacks to expand your purview? After all, when was greatness ever seized without risk?
General Drawbacks that anyone can take. You may receive no more than 10 Tokens from Drawbacks.
[ ] Falter [+1-5 Tokens] - After you build is complete, you are slightly diminished, your present and all future Attributes roughly 10% lower than they would otherwise be. This may be taken up to five times, each time reducing your Attributes by a further 10%. For example, if you had Strength +++++++ you would now have 6.3 +s worth of Strength; with Falter V, you would have 3.5 +s of Strength.
This may indirectly affect the strength of Emblems such as Greater Good and Unsetting Sun. If you take Falter X, you are considered to possess all levels of Falter less than X for Drawback modifications. Ex. with Falter III you are considered to possess Falter I, II, and III.
[ ] Gambit [+1-5 Tokens] - You suffer a specific ailment related to the Foremost of your choice. You may only choose one gambit.
Emissary: Diplomatic Gambit [+1 Token] - You are sent far afield. After finishing your build, enter a fictional world of your choice whose danger level is roughly comparable to that of your post-Drawback circumstances. For example, if you Remained and took Sunder the Veil [Lesser], you could travel to Cyberpunk: Edgerunners. If you Took the Plunge, you could travel to (high-interpretation versions of) Gunstar Autochthonia or the Cthulhu Mythos.
If you took Falter I, you may broadly specify the time, place and general conditions of your entry so long as they do not substantially decrease the danger level of the setting.
Surgeon: Disfiguring Gambit [+2 Token] - You are ugly. Your Appearance is capped at + and may never rise above that, save by the direct exercise of the Emblem of Power.
Shogun: Arrogant Gambit [+3 Tokens] - You aren't left-handed, but you'll fight as such anyway. In any martial conflict except against a foe who obviously outmatches you, you'll utilize a minuscule fraction of your full power at first, escalating to moderately exceed them if they prove capable. Foes are only considered capable if they overcome you in some meaningful fashion - a telling blow, a significant humiliation, etc. In your mind, to draw forth even 1% of your full power is a great honor, to be earned only by the worthy.
Arcanist: Mutative Gambit [+4 Tokens] - Your very presence induces a variety of powerful supernatural plagues to sweep the realm in which you reside. Within months half the native populace will die unless extraordinary measures are implemented to save them. Of the survivors, local flora and fauna will mutate into hyper-apex versions of themselves exalted by Foremost might; half of all surviving humans and other sapients will be transmuted into a dizzying variety of somewhat less capable supernatural species. These beings scale to you: in great numbers the fauna are an enormous threat; similar numbers of transformed humans are a significant threat.
If you took Falter II, you may specify the details of these transformations within reason, but may not reduce the threat they pose to you. If you took Falter III, you may halve the rate and potency of their scaling, granting considerable leeway against a hostile environment if you advance rapidly.
Egotist: Fool's Gambit [+5 Tokens] - You are afflicted with a random canonical non-Geas Major or Crowning Curse. Roll from among the following: The Brand of the Wretched, the Brand of the Champion, Winter's Brand, the Plenary Brand, the Doom of the Martyr, the Doom of Tyranny, the Doom of Lunacy, the Affliction of Slumber, the Decimator's Affliction, the Curse of Hubris, the Apocryphal Curse. You will never exceed Stage V mitigation of this Curse.
[ ] Foresworn [+2 Tokens] - You must pick a side: the League of Adventure (Surgeon, Egotist, Shogun) or the Arcanist's Dominion (Arcanist, Emissary). You may only select Advancements possessed by the Foremost on your side.
[ ] Kid Gloves Off [+2 Tokens, Requires Take the Plunge] - The opposing side will not hold back against you; their attacks will be serious rather than didactic. Immense survivability is recommended if you desire to select this option. Not compatible with Diplomatic Gambit.
[ ] Epochal Nemesis [+3 Tokens] - A civilization appears which seeks to stymie and oppose you at every turn. They are formidable enough to be a major power, with capabilities rivaling those of a polity created by Egotist: Crowned Halo. The combined efforts of their great generals and statesmen suffice to equal your power. While they are steadfastly opposed to both your interests and values, they are neither suicidal nor fanatical. They are the Carthage to your Rome, not a homogenizing swarm.
There is nothing stopping you from outscaling or destroying them, save that they are overall your equal in power and potential both.
If you took Falter IV, instead they are only as opposed as a political nemesis. The Tories to your Labour, the Federalists to your Democratic-Republicans. They may work to undermine you and implement grossly misguided policies, but will not resort to violence without significant provocation and may even cooperate with you on matters of mutual interest.
[ ] Fate of the Foremost [+5 or +10 Tokens] - It is said, in the annals of the Hidden, that no good deed goes unpunished. To hurry along the Victorious World, invite upon yourself the fate of the Foremost: a halting and haphazard diminishment, yet so dire it might as well be annihilation. Witness now the spoils of selfless ambition.
Henceforth you will encounter Cursebearers in number, and volunteer wholeheartedly to aid in their cause. Failure likely presages ruin or obliteration upon the altar of their trials; success means prolonged exposure to the effects of their Curses. Be it a straightforward Decimation, unrelenting Winter, collateral damage from Cullings; the unreasonable demands of Tyranny, or the naked chaos of Interesting Times - the only certain factor is your doom. When gods war, men die: and in the face of the true powers that be, you are but human yet, no matter how Foremost.
Be it spent prudently or with meaningless frivolity, still you will see your life spent, footsoldier in an infinite war with neither mercy no surcease. The Victorious World beckons, yet its golden path is strewn endlessly with blood.
*For +5 Tokens, the Fate of the Foremost will not trigger in earnest until you have reached the level of a mature Foremost or 1 billion years have passed, whichever comes first. You may encounter Cursebearers very occasionally, but they are unlikely to be so mighty or grievously Curse-laden as to dominate your life.
*For +10 Tokens, the Fate of the Foremost will apply immediately.
These Drawbacks are only available to those who Remain. You may take each only once. Effects targeting your world transfer under the Diplomatic Gambit.
[ ] Worldwide [+1 Token] - Everyone in your world knows of you and your build. This might occasionally be advantageous, but be prepared to deal with countless self-interested parties clamoring for your attention, and the hatred of the masses if you took certain Drawbacks.
[ ] Myriad [+2 Tokens, requires Falter II+] - The curse of the dilettante is weakness. You may take no more than one Advancement per Patron.
[ ] Sibling Rivalry [+2 Tokens] - Roll 1d2.
1: Slavering hordes of diminished Orcs appear in your world, and you find them as repugnant as Dien found humanity after his re-awakening. While they are unlikely to threaten you by force of arms (unless you are incredibly weak), they will surely cause much havoc and harm to innocent civilians without a global countermeasure. Individually mediocre, they are nonetheless lead by a Warlord who scales to your world as Jotarun of Yor did to the Manifest Realm - an empire-toppling threat, if he cared to move personally.
2: A small enclave of diminished
ithilyor appears in your world, hidden from the general populace. Condescending, punctilious and wildly arrogant, in their cold calculus humans factor even less than beasts. Unopposed they will manipulate the populace towards baffling and humiliating ends. They are especially interested in antagonizing you. Individually competent but few in number, their combined power does not quite match the Orcish Warlord's. Yet they are far more adroit at using it...
If you took Falter V, these races instead treat humanity as good siblings would - they might tease and bully, but will aid you when it truly matters.
[ ] Inheritor's Bane [+1 Insight] - You suffer a specific ban related to the Foremost whose attainments you spent this Insight on.
*Ban of the Emissary - Before participating in violent conflict you must make generous, wholehearted, and sincere efforts to come to an agreement or broker peace, even if you are the one attacked.
*Ban of the Surgeon - You need worthy enemies. Every so often you will seek out opposition that promises to bring you at least near the limits of your competence and power; if none exists you will seek to create it. This conflict needn't be lethal, so long as the stakes are high; gambling your life's savings on a card game tournament is viable enough, if those savings were actually hard-won.
*Ban of the Shogun - You must rule. You seek military and political power and will not stop until you are hegemon of all you survey. Rivals must be cut down, never appeased. This doesn't of itself impel you to seek dominion over higher realms or entities whose province is not inherently military or political: a devout king would be willing to remain subject to God, just not the Pope.
*Ban of the Arcanist - You care not. You are majestically indifferent to moral and ethical concerns. Still, you certainly won't go out of your way to antagonize the plebians by committing atrocities in plain view or without purpose. May retain a few personal lines you won't cross, but monstrous acts are generally fair game in the advancement of your Art.
*Weekend Ban - May be spent on any Foremost. You suffer an unstoppable malaise that incapacitates you, though it's only active 25% of the time. While active it's somewhat unpleasant on the order of a moderate fever. You control which days of the week it strikes.
[ ] Sunder the Veil, Lesser or Greater [+1 or 5 Insights] - Invite supernatural incursion or equivalent forces into your world. (You may roll to see which version you get, or choose in exchange for a +30% buff to the overall capabilities of your enemies)
For 1 Insight, supernatural interference will be relatively light and contained -
*Street-level superheroes and supervillains will emerge over the course of weeks, with the very strongest taking years to approach city-destroying levels.
*World of Darkness-level vampires, werewolves and changelings are retroactively added to your realm. Even their elders will struggle to match modern armed forces in a direct conflict, but their powers of mental influence over the unshielded are substantial.
*Nineteen other humans with a diverse range of backgrounds and ethical dispositions will also receive the benefits of Remaining, but they receive no access to Drawbacks save this one.
For 5 Insights, said interference will be intrusive and extremely dangerous. Grasp greedily for power, wholly shredding the veil of mundanity that sheltered your unripe world from intercession. For your hubris you are forever barred from acquiring Emblems, though other paths to power do exist.
*Aliens emerge whose technology is billions of years more advanced than humanity's own. While their values are not wholly antithetical to yours, they are sufficiently different to invite armed conflict given time. Expect them to possess reliable and quick FTL, casual sun-busting firepower, materially perfect nanotechnology and strong aligned AIs at minimum. However they have no access to magic or ability to reliably detect it.
*A System Apocalypse descends upon the world: humanity is butchered by the millions as dungeons erupt, spewing forth hordes of supernaturally-empowered warriors. These are little threat to one with 5+ Insights spent wisely, but a few of the largest dungeons must be semi-regularly cleared lest they spawn Uber monsters capable of confronting even you. All the standard tropes of System Apocalypse dungeon delving will be present without any conveniently mitigating plot armor for humanity as a species. While not as imminently dangerous as the other options, you must advance quickly or be outscaled by ever-evolving foes with a full arsenal of magics - monster and System-empowered human alike.
*One of the Lesser scenarios fearsomely augmented: your world swiftly becomes as dangerous as mainline Marvel / DC; you must contend with Antediluvians and Archmasters as the End Times cometh; or four other humans with complete and very optimized Remain builds (including this Drawback) become present on your planet, with at least two of them holding values you find to be intolerable or abhorrent.
If you possess Tokens from the Drawbacks Falter, Fool's Gambit, or Fate of the Foremost, you may sacrifice ten of those Tokens to acquire one of the following Emblems:
*Shogun: Unsetting Sun
*Arcanist: Perfection
*Surgeon: Courage
*Egotist: Uttermost
*Emissary: Greater Good
Obviously, this yields no benefit if you are barred from acquiring Emblems.