"Simping" is an extremely new term with a very vague definition. Not helped by its widespread adoption by the more disreputable parts of gamer culture. It can mean anything from "only the most egregious treatment, practically worship of a person you're attracted to" to "you were respectfully complimentary to a girl/boy". You're going to have to give us a clearer definition here if you want us to tell you whether simping is happening.
Well it pretty cleary isn't actually happening here despite what I have been told but your first example of "worship" is what I would consider simping.

Tho this isn't actually about simping itself and more the statement of "it's not simping if the person in question is above average/really attractive" because that is why they are simped for in the first place.

That's not comparring apples and oranges, That's comparring apples with apples so to speak.

Tho simping isn't actually all that important anymore considered it doesn't seem to be the case here.
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I tracked down the quote on the Origins of the Strategist I was thinking of

3) Kind of. The various Conjoiner Spirits are all fragments of a hyperdimensional supervoid being that happened to be vaguely aligned with human interests (an "Angel"). It got into a fight with some Outer Evils, resulting in mutual destruction, and parts of it "rained down" (not through physical but through ontological proximity) onto Earth. The Strategist is one of the strongest fragments, a sliver-portion constituting nearly .0001% of that being's full power. Of course the version that inhabited Arthur was significantly more limited. Its task was to ascertain the optimal solution to a given problem without overmuch concern for morality; other fragments existed to constrain the plans it created towards 'proper' values.


The Gardens of Enoch: Terrascape Academy Original

He's not from this particular universe 1) I don't remember. 2) The Nettlespine. 3) Kind of. The various Conjoiner Spirits are all fragments of a hyperdimensional supervoid being that happened to be vaguely aligned with human interests (an "Angel"). It got into a fight with some Outer Evils...
It's a strange day when Haeliel and Gisena are on one shoulder and the Accursed and Catherine are on the other. For one, the angel and the devil are both on the same side.
The Accursed doesn't want to eventually have to fight the Forebear again - Which he has to eventually if Hunger succeeds, because the Victorious World can't abide the existence of the Forebear.
More The Tactic ideas:

Give the Sword to Zao Aobaru.

How does this work? I have no idea. Probably by anointing Aobaru Heir and somesuch. But if it does, then the Maiden could be fighting an Aobaru with all the Sword Advancements (!!!) +Vigorflame, Buffs, etc while Hunger spends 100% of his effort on countering the Maiden's contest over reality. Aobaru also counters the Maiden on several conceptual levels, from the fact that as a non-Tyrant she's less empoweted, to his immunity to heat/light attacks. Just need to deal with Simping issues and the Maiden is screwed on two vectors already.

Also improves his long term odds because Aobaru is kind of busted in addition to being a revival mechanism for Hunger, and also negates some of the benefits of Vengeance since Finality would be applied to Aobaru, not Hunger.

'Give panoply items to other party members' might be worth considering in general, too.


Hunger also has 3 free Panoply slots from EBA. I assume one is already used on Apo Arnament, but in theory 2 of them might be used on Gisena/Aobaru has 'Panoply slots'?
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Tactic proposal 1:
Panoply the Decimator's Affliction

Adding something to Hunger's Panoply involves incorporating it into Hunger's legend. Powering 'Ruin' with 'Decimation' would add extremely high conceptual elevation to a foundational component of Hunger's build. On the other hand, this would undermine the 'Devouring War' feature of []Vengeance. I'm nearly certain that there's a Decimation drawback in one of the threadmarked CYOAs from the past 100 pages. But, this doesn't match any of Orm's posts iirc so this is unlikely to be the tactic.

Tactic proposal 2:
Panoply Gisena.

Her genius is certainly part of Hunger's legend by now, and claiming ownership over her efforts would potentially cost the +Gisena relationship pluses from []Vengeance. Gisena (or her predecessor) was the narrator (?) for one of the threadmarked CYOAs. I don't remember Orm's posts well enough to say one way or another if he proposed Retinue shenanigans. It's unclear how this would have swung phase 2 of the Maiden fight.

Since I will die if The Tactic is not revealed to us, I suppose our only path forward is to try and get enough Arete via discussion/art that Hunger thinks of The Tactic without us. His +INT is certainly higher than my own.
"No." She shook her head. "To return her would require more than all that remains of me. But your Crowning Curse has already promised its aid. Catherine would thereafter be Foremost, and myself a mere part of her.
I think it has gone un-examined that The Maiden fully lost. In Full Circle, the Maiden appears and offers to "inhabit" Dogtherine to see Hunger destroyed. While it would be foolish to assume that there are no contingencies or echoes or branches of identity, I wonder what it means for the multiverse when someone "farther along in her journey" dies. Is Gisena's brand of Sorcery still viable, if she is emulating a dead archetype? Is there a swing in general philosophical weight between Hunger's brand of tyranny and the Maiden's more strident individualism?

This is not the tactic, but:

But I wonder if it was possible to create Graces using Nullity as a Basis, as a counterpoint to how it's exact opposite, Edeldross, could create 10% of all Sorceress Graces. Interestingly also implies that Edeldross is on the same conceptual level as Nullity, and then one could in theory create an element corresponding to Nullity that is of the same conceptual level as Findross, perhaps we would call it Nihility or something.

Edeldross in particular could evolve to Elixir, but could also be used to create Findross. A similar process could probably be done with Nullity, on an opposite conceptual scale.


Could Hunger use the Seal of Ruin on himself, then use it for Praxis Training?
Or improving Archmage?
Use Ruin to erase flaws and weaknesses?


Could we use Space to expand the Human Sphere, incorporating other ontologies into it? This would expand the space needed to proc the Geas of Indenture death condition, relevant for Vengeance and Freedom both. Expanding the scope of the Geas means it's harder to proc it. Expanding your (meta-, meta-meta-, etc) ontology means more potential room to grow your power. Viable via Archmage Space/Law Domain. Harder for the Maiden to kill Hunger in contest of dominions because there is more space to conquer, if one keeps incorporating more and more ontologies. Or to kill him via Geas proc, since the Human Sphere is actually ontologically larger and thus 'harder' to destroy.

Also improves Fisher King, because more territory means Hunger can in theory hit a point where Fisher King occupies everything, allowing him to fully apply Grail King. Additionally it may be possible to use this process to incorporate previous Geas Worlds into future Geas ontologies. Combine with Silver of Evening of temporary departure from Geas Worlds and entire expances of growth may be enabled by bypassing the Geas of Indenture and Decimator both.


Can Hunger exploit Titled by getting or manufacturing more enemies? It's +10% attributes per exchange, and there's a lot of people in the human sphere. A bajillion exchanges later and Hunger should have +Bajillion/10% to all Attributes.


Conmingling was an option with Master of Myths; Is it possible to Merge Nullity and Ruin in a way to get the best of both worlds? They are already thematically aligned, both being diminishing forces.


Silly idea: Use Companions of the King to anoint the Maiden as a Champion:

You may designate up to five companions each of which is treated as possessing active Rank no lower than [Your Rank - 1]. This includes your base Rank as well as any permanent external modifiers to general Rank. Once designated, a companion cannot be replaced until they are slain beyond the possibility of recovery; take care that you do not raise up a Mordred or Lancelot.

So long as you are accompanied by a given anointed companion, your teamwork is effortless and masterful; you both receive +10% All Stats. The exploits of your companions redound on your own mythic history; receive +20% Rank gain for each companion anointed, so long as they are either directly assisting you or participating in tasks of legendary import. These effects can both stack. Finally, so long as even one companion is alive, you can always be revived from death via an incredibly difficult ritual.
The final clause means Hunger's undying, making it impossible for the Maiden to truly win.

This also works with November Sky's:

*Wielder of lesser Rank: Chill - Target's Agility and Wits are penalized substantially. This effect becomes massively more powerful and difficult to resist the greater the target's Agility and Wits exceed that of the wielder's, such that even an overwhelming Agility advantage only translates to a modest edge in speed.

Maiden has/had an overwhelming Agility Advantage over Hunger. Nerfing it to the ground is a pretty good win method.


Hunger could also try powerleveling via Lesser Shattering Blows levels of effort - Adorie negates the consequences thereof.
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Another plan from the Discord helped by @Zampano

1) The Cloak of Evening can convert money into progress into the Empyreal Signs, whose powerlevel is only 'slightly below' the Royal Praxis,
2) Via either the Law Domain (to fiat supermagical currency), Adorie + Aobaru (True Vigorflame/Blood Synthesis already established as possible), Gisena (Gisena), generate tons of magic money
3) Feed money to Cloak of Evening, acquire 8th/9th/10th/etc signs. Perform Lesser Shattering Blows as needed (Adorie provides immunity to consequences of lesser shattering blows)
4) Acquire power
5) Defeat Maiden with the power of Money.

TL DR: Bribe The Extrusion The Cloak


Given that The Tactic negates several benefits of Vengeance, several other possibilities exploiting the 'Heightened Symbolic Effect' of the Blood Halo:

Sacrifice Hunger's Rulership/Throne/King/etc to the Evening Sky
Sacrifice The Power of Ruin to the Evening Sky???
Sacrifice The Seraph's Favor to the Evening Sky - The cold triumph of greed over heroism.
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Well, while we're talking about CYOAs... I have a small announcement slash request.

I have an original fantasy CYOA (with heavy inspiration from certain elements of ASTI) I've been working on for two weeks now... That's kinda blown up way bigger then I planned for. It's 26k words and a 50 page google doc now, and I'm only 2/3rds of the way done. Hopefully. I've been wrong about how much work this project is going to take before.

Given how large it is, I want to make sure the thing is polished before dumping it on the thread. So if there's anyone interested in being a proofreader and playtester, let me know. The playtester part is important, there are dice rolls to not die in this CYOA and I need to make sure the balance isn't borked. The fact that I know every possible combination of options makes it a little hard for me to guess what a blind player would do.
I've made a new build for Infinite Morning, after receiving access to a certain entity's Favor.

Therefore, Karalrir.


Extinction Itself

[ ] Naroch Clarash

[ ] Hamartia
(+1 ember) - In glory of the Architect-Who-Sleeps, I'll elect Wrath.
[ ] Blatant Beckoning (+1 ember) - Let them know.
[ ] Third Impact (+2 embers, requires Blatant) - Let them fear.
[ ] Uriah's Malediction (+2 +1 ember) - Karalrir.
[ ] Thaumiel (+3 embers) - Too scared? Fine. Take flight, before I finish what He started.
[ ] Ark's Golden Gloom (+2 embers) - Insufficient red-colored drawbacks, and the worm fled in fear, but I'll take what few victims I can get.

[ ] Self-Fortification (1 ember)
[ ] Nine Sun Style (2 embers)
[ ] Favor of the First (4 embers)

[ ] Heroic Destiny (1 ember)
[ ] Chosen One (2 embers) - Nine Sun Style -> Red Sun Style


It started a season ago, rumors and reports from scouts and concerned citizens: the Hungering Dark was announced gone overnight, as was a terrifying wedge of the western Arranorian border and its counties; overnight, innumerable men, women, and children were dead, and countless others without any home to return to.

Accordingly, the Fingers mobilized, as had the clerics of the Ogdoad - entrance into Arranor was barred over the crisis, although with the developments happening on the basis of hours, it was difficult to control and lock everything down. Soon, more reports were coming in, and the soothsayers spoke of an ill force in the west; omens and portents bent inexorably to configurations of violence and blood, bones cast to divine the future cracking with hairline fractures as if smashed; at night, princelings and counts dreamt of a sky overflowing with the black feathers of carrion birds, and a single man with a blade of red sunlight standing beneath a swollen red solar mass in zenith.

It didn't take beyond half a day for Denlah to call in the expert augurs of the court, and in front the court, in front of everyone, they performed a divination of letters: an Essentially enriched board of birch was soon laid out, its cardinal and ordinal corners consecrated with gemstones considered sacred to the Ogdoad. A golden puck containing a sliver of purified salts was laid out, and the augurs carried it over the letters, divining the meaning of the so-called Beckoned Terror.

And so moved the puck: K, then A, then R, then A...

A messenger had suddenly burst into the room, announcing the western sky was burning red.

L, then R again, then I, and then R.

And on its horizon stood a man with eyes devoid of empathy.

KARALRIR, said the message, its meaning unknown, provenance indecipherable.

From there started a war. An army the strength of a single man stood opposed to the Flame of Arranor, and mighty indeed did stand the armies of His Majesty, the elementals of wind launching down tornadoes of cutting force to shred apart the invader only for him to parry their efforts or evade them, and respond in kind, but twice as forcefully; the mightiest Fortified of the Slayer Corps dying within eyeblinks as they came into range of sight, regiments undone in seconds with exhalations of torrential flame that left behind mere dust and scraps of heated slag, sharp lines of cutting crimson energy that bisected orichalcum-clad flesh as effortlessly as scissors did paper from across leagues.

Indeed, strong and powerful were His Majesty's proudest servants.

And yet, none of them could've ever sufficed. One does not fight a force of nature.

The King authorized the unsealing of contingencies meant for the direst situations: spells of contained apocalypticism and eldritch war-beasts wielded on loose strings of Goetic root. All were annulled or felled in moments of deployment, clever evasion or sheer murderous power serving to destroy their efforts. In a couple of more esoteric cases, the Terror proved capable of treacherous cunning, denying distant spells of promised death and the alteration of fate, all seemingly parried with swift movements of the wrist. It went on until most of the kingdom was a refugee state, gone beyond the borders of Meritria, its citizens maybe never to return home.

His advance east continued almost unimpeded, Arranor's greatest efforts no more meaningful than a stiff, hot wind against his resolute step.

Attempts at diplomacy failed miserably within seconds of being attempted. The stranger spoke fluently, although he seemed to have no interest in peace, and utilized words as weapons: to strike fear into hearts, to callously shatter psyches. Soon, even Meritria and the other nations of the world realized the scope and gravity of the threat and its unceasing devotion to ending everything. An alliance was formed, loose, with insufficient time for complex treaties and pacts. Facing Extinction Itself, the world came together as one in valiant hopes of defying it. He'd ceased his movements east as if sensing the approaching counter-attack.

Instead, he reportedly stood on top of a barren hill, sharpening his ephemeral blade on a whetstone made of human bone. It was clear, somehow, through a mixture of divinations and sheer projective instinct, what the Terror was doing: he graced them with the honor of the first strike.

Soon, the battle started, with a bombardment of divine magics and demolition unseen since the First Theomachy, and in history's rolls, it became known as the Battle of Returning Flame, for its sheer destructivity scorched everything in western Arranor into a second Heath. As horrific as it was, it was also glorious.

Even the Fingers, for their own inscrutable reasons, mobilized and attempted to stop the intercessor. He brutally strangled and destroyed them by the dozens, often all at once, until they decided to switch tactics to mere attrition and slowing him down, and then eventually stopped trying once he adapted to their novel magics and tactics; recovering from strikes dealt with Demarcation like a man healing papercuts, defending against Fulminant discharge with stoic resolve, and enduring the smiting of Lemrasil and Sovarus combined. He'd not even moved from the hill after the opening strikes, merely choosing to weather and endure.

His counter, in turn, ruined any hopes of victory. The Beckoned Terror had prevailed and won.

In the aftermath, he strode into the capital of Arranor. And Denlah stood before him, humbled.

"I don't understand," he said, kneeling, knowing even his secret magics would simply be swatted aside like an insect's buzzing. A hundred questions pressed themselves to his mind: what are you, why are you doing this, where have you come from? And yet, only one seemed truly pertinent, at heart. "What is Karalrir?"

The Terror only smiled. It was a cold, frightful smile, devoid of anything fundamentally human.

"Karalrir," he said, voice like a cold hammering of iron on stone, "It means 'strife reigns.' Understand, King Denlah, I bear no grudge, and yet, violence is inescapable. There are much worse things that could've happened to you. And words are wasted on the ears of the dead."

For a second, hope seemed to alight in Denlah's heart.

The stranger raised a red-streaked sword. "Yet, this once, I found myself sentimental. Mercy and honor to you, of Arranor King." The blade's edge bent with purpose, and then a mage's corpse toppled to the floor.

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So what does this actually grant/do?
Orm's asked me not to share the blurb, although you can probably estimate some of the capabilities from the story snippet (which I was allowed to share.) Aside from that, as demonstrated, Thaumiel flees at the sight of the Favored, and I am not at liberty to say any more.
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its cardinal and ordinal corners consecrated with gemstones considered sacred to the Ogdoad.
Denlah is in cold war with all of them.
Your destiny also makes you moderately more fortunate on a day-to-day basis. This luck encompasses everything from speculation to combat, but does not ensure you'll live to enjoy this blessing's full potential; my domain is beginnings, not the causal closure of Dusk. This is incompatible with Uriah's Malediction.
Does Favor of the First override this?
Indeed, strong and powerful were His Majesty's proudest servants.

And yet, none of them could've ever sufficed. One does not fight a force of nature.

The King authorized the unsealing of contingencies meant for the direst situations: spells of contained apocalypticism and eldritch war-beasts wielded on loose strings of Goetic root.
My model of Denlah would have gone out first, and set the army to support (probably mostly evacuation). He knows better than to waste them against a foe of this caliber.
Instead, he reportedly stood on top of a barren hill, sharpening his ephemeral blade on a whetstone made of human bone.
What a poor whetstone, so porus and brittle. Perhaps if Fortified - but is it really human, then?
Even the Fingers, for their own inscrutable reasons, mobilized and attempted to stop the intercessor.
This is not shocking and mysterious. This is implicit in 'all the major powers of the world, at once'. The fight looks like "Denlah if he survived the first exchange, Knight-Champion Samson, all the strongest Fingers, the eightfold oracle whose offocial title I've forgotten, any relevant Heathen superweapons that can be deployed in time, any master vampires that survived the nuke, escaped the followup, and then joined the coalition, and if they have time to manifest, one to eight Ogdoad Avatars". Versus "talented cultivator and Nine Sun Stylist, who's had less than a day to cultivate or train (unless the secret - not even paywalled, just secret - Favor of the First gives you like a century of training time and resources, or something)".
It's a secret worth keeping.
Hand related, then?
Orm's asked me not to share the blurb, although you can probably estimate some of the capabilities from the story snippet (which I was allowed to share.) Aside from that, as demonstrated, Thaumiel flees at the sight of the Favored, and I am not at liberty to say any more.
...@Orm Embar, it's very rude to play like this. You don't have to share your games, but playing them in public and then saying "I won't share because it's secret" is taunting, and I think it's beneath you.
...@Orm Embar, it's very rude to play like this. You don't have to share your games, but playing them in public and then saying "I won't share because it's secret" is taunting, and I think it's beneath you.
I'm not sure I agree with this. For example, Orm may be running a game in this setting with people who would have access to this thread. Keeping the secret might be important for that, while restricting Birdsie's ability to post a short story purely so that people don't get curious seems an unnecessary limit on their ability to enjoy the setting.

Put another way, I would rather Birdsie and others can enjoy the setting, particularly in ways that others can benefit from (omake for example), than not know there is a secret because it makes me curious.
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Does Favor of the First override this?
Favor mitigates the Malediction considerably, as evidenced by it giving only one ember.
it's very rude to play like this. You don't have to share your games, but playing them in public and then saying "I won't share because it's secret" is taunting, and I think it's beneath you.
The option in question is just a hypothetical I wrote as a lark for a friend; it was Birdsie's choice to post a write-up here. The reason I asked him not to include the full blurb is, as qwolfs guessed, because I'm running a game for someone (hi, vel, I'll get to the DMs soon) in which it'd be incredibly spoilery. It's not my intention to make anyone feel excluded.
Okay, fair enough. I was patternmatching to the preceding stuff where half a dozen posters clearly know important things about the setting, like major players in the First Dominion or how the afterlife normally works, and mention this publically but explain very little. "Please wait, there are games in progress for which this would constitute major spoilers" really does frame it differently.