It's important to keep in mind that Team Liberty does not innately know the powers available, nevermind specifics. The only person with Full Awareness of the CYOA is the Elder One- and this benefit is part of a section that 1) the Mask-Bearer is ignoring (as it includes being in the otherworld) and 2) the mask-bearer cannot coherently copy because it changes character-generation criteria which has already transpired. plus 3) If the Maskbearer is copying the Elder One's mental 'powers', then the Mask-bearer gains unbreakable Loyalty to the Tyrant and 4) the Maskbearer doesn't know the Elder One exists To copy.

Without such full awareness, this is an intrigue battle in which it will take at least two days for the members of Liberty to disseminate knowledge of their own team(and that's if the Mentor chooses [omnimessage with reply] instead of [unlimited one-way messages] otherwise it'll take longer), nevermind a full dossier of tyranny as would allow the Witch-Hunter to identify the Warlock as a foe or whatever else.

In that two-day span of uncertainty(and far longer span of uncertainty-of-opposition), Tyranny has the crucial advantage of coordination. And if we're viewing people as popping in one-by-one, Tyranny also has the advantage of gaining their chief member first, Rihaku choosing The Tyrant two full hours before the Mentor was selected- Half a day-night cycle of solid planning, considering the WITS buffs the Tyrant receives.
In that time, the Warlock should be fairly safe in the confusion, so the Tyrant (who at least knows of his own allies, and of the Dawnlord who is implicated by the Nightlord's primacy contest ability) is in position to coordinate the slaying of the Dawnlord using basically any one non-Nightlord Tyranny member at minimal risk.

The Tyranny will not know about the exact locations of anyone else, but can Find them- the Pilot, with Astral Rank of 5.0 and the ability to Close The Fist with the Tyrant and Shogun for more, should easily be able to locate any adversary except perhaps the Factotum, Dragon, Mentor, and Arguably Witch-slayer. If the Mentor has been doing their best to pull together those of Liberty in the interrim, however, then they will hardly need finding, and the rest should be removable without delay, crippling the Liberty faction.
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I wonder if the hero can use the mask in in order to gain access to Accretion and I wonder how difficult it might be for team liberty to make an artifact like Nameless's ring or if that is impossible then the other phylacteries he could have made
With the current configuration of players it's a stomp for Tyranny (confirmed by Birdsie), but assuming a full roster on both sides, the most likely outcome is this:

-Assumes optimal play on both sides due to +Mental stats, but not necessarily optimal builds going into play

Tyranny has two methods of coordination and teleportation: Tyrant and Nightlord
Liberty has only Dawnlord with native global teleportation

Tyrant can pick up each Servant within two minutes, and coordinate with all loyal Servants almost at will
Mentor can coordinate with everyone at will, but relies on Dawnlord to bring people together


Within the first ten minutes, Tyrant picks up five Servants (Shogun, Sorceress, Monster, Pilot, Remitted). Nightlord also teleports to their location (use a blanket to create darkness if necessary) as soon as Tyrant unites with Shogun, and immediately begins casting to move the entire party to the Realm of Evening.

At the same time, Dawnlord teleports to the location of his strongest Ally (Masked - Elder One, in this case), and starts teleporting back.


Sorceress gets Hyper-Reactor and makes Tyrant a Sorceror. Pilot fuses with Tyrant and Nightlord (or Shogun and Monster, Shogun and Nightlord, etc...). The resultant being is Rank 7.5+, has Accretion with three Artifacts, and has a Grace and formidable stats.

Nightlord initiates a contest of primacy. The fused being + allies easily overcome the Dawnlord and his one Ally, if they are present in the Tower. Denied their Tower, Liberty can't win - they will get outscaled almost instantly. It's unclear if Dawnlord can avoid the clash by being in the world itself - it says clashes can't be escaped, but what if he wasn't present?

If the Dawnlord can avoid the clash, the fused being uses Shogun to doxx Liberty's identities, then Monster to track them, and kidnaps + incapacitates them one by one. Without Dawnlord teleportation, Liberty has no means to make their way to each other before they're picked off, so they will lose if they don't clash anyway.


There is a build that lets Liberty avoid this, but with the builds already chosen I believe they're already locked out. Victory will be decided within the hour.
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I think I can use my Redoubt to get reduce hostile exotic effect level 3. To protect the dawn lord and everyone else, I believe.
yeah the dawnlord/nightlord clash mechanic turns the support role meant to provide resources and means, rather than participate in active conflict into a dead battlefield with one victor who basically wins the war within the week. kind of hilarious when put like that
I think I can use my Redoubt to get reduce hostile exotic effect level 3. To protect the dawn lord and everyone else, I believe.

Sadly, that doesn't matter much. Assuming he could somehow reach you (unlikely given his slow teleportation window), Redoubt 6 at Cultivation Level 0 offers very limited defense against simple physical combat, and even the exotic defenses only mitigate rather than prevent unusual effects. Most roles are useless to the pivotal clash, especially the ones that require time to scale.
[L] The Dawnlord

Let not the tyrants honeyed words sway your hearts. For no man should so willingly put an entire world under his fist. There are many sayings about the corrupting influence of power, and a group that accepts its shadowy tendrils so openly only invite decay into their hearts and morals. Self determination is at the heart of the human experience, to take away free will is to cut the heart and soul out of existence itself.
At this point, the Magus with the Time sign exploiting time-travel to go back and reorder the world in our favor is our only bet.

All for Plan Cheat Harder?
Obvious build is obvious: go learn magic, become a hypercompetent whatever, come up with a much better plan that I possibly could without it, also be lucky.

So long as we aren't blitzed within a few days this scales fast. A hypercompetent diagram mage or the like would be a nightmare, just to start with. The Mentor and the Factotum working together could provide exceptional coordination to the Faction.

Also, no less importantly, a general competence boost lets me lay the groundwork for inducting non-archetypes into magic, ideally creating a reasonably equal playing field, on which the people may decide their fate, rather than people who happened to be participating in a forum thread.

Edit: for what it's worth, telepathy is cool, but we are literally all using the internet. If we need to get in contact we hardly need magic. Travel is a bigger deal for every side.

Edit 2: relevant to the Mask Bearer and Magical Girl / Boy, I would be entirely willing, with access to hyper-comptence, to competently aid in both wording and and enacting your wish. That is to say, wishing for "The Wish that the Factotum would advise me to wish for." would get you a wish with your best interest and the best interest of the Faction accounted for to the best of my ability, including my commitment to assist you for a year, even as Butler or an equivalent, to maximize the return on investment.

If you do not trust me wishing "I wish for what the Factotum would have me wish for if he were writing the truth." should work regardless.
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[Q] The Elder One

Battle Mastery is too fun a toolbox to not want to play around with. The projected 50 year timeframe is way too late to come in at a point relevant to conflict according to Rihaku's projections, but I can help the Cultivator within the otherworld at least, and this character's friendship with the Tyrant means I can probably get nepotism hired once I get back. Maybe if the Cultivator powers up enough via getting the Ring or something else we can kill the Guardian early and get back in time?
[Q] The Elder One

Battle Mastery is too fun a toolbox to not want to play around with. The projected 50 year timeframe is way too late to come in at a point relevant to conflict according to Rihaku's projections, but I can help the Cultivator within the otherworld at least, and this character's friendship with the Tyrant means I can probably get nepotism hired once I get back. Maybe if the Cultivator powers up enough via getting the Ring or something else we can kill the Guardian early and get back in time?
@Leviathan is already the Elder One. Cultivator's still open though, I think?
I observe that this battle isn't truly decided because if Liberty just gets enough people to take up every existing role new ones will pop into being.
So, in the interest of generating some discussion, and because the Warlock dredged it up, here's a few old CYOAs we don't really talk about any more.

Stonelight, which I believe was what inspired my first Omake bomb in Magic Savant 3. Well, it was definitely what inspired Magic Savant, but I'm only pretty sure that was my first Omake bomb.

The old Gabrielverse CYOA. Hm, I'm not sure why this one didn't get more traction.

The short Doppleganger CYOA Aabcehmu made, yeah, I can see why that one only got a couple builds.

The Wish CYOA hasn't seen much discussion of late, nor has Hatred Internalized, Underworld Pearl.

The Ormulum has been neglected, as has Da Boyz' DLC for it.

Aabcehmu's Galaxia CYOA and Once and Always CYOA haven't seen much discussion.

I might as well add my own Status Screen CYOA, for all that it's an unbalanced mess.

Edit: Qwolf's Evil CYOA.

Hm, a little help trawling for neglected/forgotten CYOAs? Their nature makes me certain I missed some, but it's hard to find a lot of them.

The Astral Coin ratio sounds reasonable, but Tyrmillion honestly isn't interested in defeating the Dark Ones or getting Astral Coins. If she can convince him to fight at her side and begin to likewise powering up, he could become a potent ally for whatever goals, but his goal is to simply lead the Empire as a nation and keep its people alive, and not much else. Also, her Internal Realm would degenerate at a rate similar to any universe she occupies; the Dark Ones shotgun their targets when they cause a Splintering, but they aren't dumb enough to fire at a target behind cover - they'll step over it. There'd need to be some level of detachment from her and the realm to avoid Splintering.

It would, but this build is powerful enough that I'm not certain whether or not it'd result in Splintering at once. The Dark Ones tend to calculate such matters on a case-by-case basis, and take every factor into account. Intent, likewise, is important. If Elsimore (the user of Ensilvered Sorcery) started to make existence-wide declarations about the fate of entire cosmic empires, the Dark Ones would Splinter the universe he's in so hard that it might have never existed to begin with. Turenval teeters and, for many years, has teetered at the very edge of the universal "weight limit," but he prudently seals/gets rid off any excesses, keeping only the most relevant and useful metaphysical aspects for personal use at any one time.

The Dark Ones, in a lot of contexts, are both entities and a collective cosmic force of nature; view them as either, whichever is more appropriate, but as far as laws go, they are unavoidable. They can see what you're doing, and they're judging. If you step out of line, you are forsaken, and so is anything tied to you - including the universe you're in.

This build is completely unrealistic, because, for obvious reasons, it's impossible - but I like the thought experiment itself, and I will say that given the whole combination of powers and factors, it has a pretty good shot at removing the Dark Ones from the equation, much like the earlier-proposed Bluebee scenarios. If Greedy wanted to win that, her best bet would be to convince Tyrmillion, and then get Turenval onboard. They could form a power trio and split up into different universes to grind EXP as hard as possible, then do a fusion dance to transcend reality once everything was prepared.

Page gang is now.

So, would any of the CYOAs that I hadn't incorporated into Greedy(so, Gabrielverse, your Wish, my Five Wishes, Hatred, Status Screen, Galaxia, and Once and Always) be of use against the Dark Ones? Well, significant use. Growth caps out at infinite Attributes, so infinite ISH, so Mid Cursebearer level, if that helps. Would they care about 4 uses of Benevolence? It's not a powerup, so that's probably the best someone who didn't think they could beat the Dark Ones could get from a utilitarian perspective, with the last Wish used to Free The Genie.

Once again, feel free to do Greed builds of any of my stuff. Turnabout is fair play.
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Observer A: I noticed this quest has been bumping up to "most recent" a lot lately. What's going on?
Observer B: The quest is having its final battle, and the QM is awarding points for fan content that can be used to buy a better ending.
Observer A: Oh, wow. So, are they diving into the character's backstories? Some omakes about the perspectives of all the people that the hero befriended on the way, as they gaze upon the battle that will decide their fate?
Observer B: Nah, they're making settings from scratch and developing broken builds based off of the costs and benefits presented at character creation.
Observer A: ...Oh, I see. The protagonist must be known for exploiting systems for his own benefit, and the questors are seeing how he would respond when placed into different settings-
Observer B: Nah, Hunger's not even involved in most of them.
Observer A: ...So it's just a bunch of min-maxers making and breaking their own rulesets? Why are they doing this?
Observer B: The most noble endeavor of all: to gain enough points so that the starting companion becomes a Super Saiyan Magical Girl and saves the day.

[X] Vendetta
-[X] Perfect Merger [50 Arete]

...I don't understand even half of what you all are saying, but keep on keeping on, everybody.
It's also just a part of thread culture, nowadays. Rihaku has guided several of us through our own larval stages of authorship and it's nice to come to the thread and share our ideas, especially in a format that encourages us to consider the possibilities contained therein thoughtfully and with goals in mind.
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So, in the interest of generating some discussion, and because the Warlock dredged it up, here's a few old CYOAs we don't really talk about any more.

You're right, they even have Waifu's to disregard for power.


These magical systems have spread worldwide, and receive some coverage in government-subsidised education. Each costs one point unless otherwise noted. Selecting a choice multiple times renders additional benefits.

[ ] Theoretical Magic - (0 points, exclusive with all other magics save Enigmatism)

I buy Enigmatism 4 times and Theoretical Magic an infinite regression of cardinal infinities times. Thereby I acquire the true Waifu, magic herself, and we play puzzle games together!
Observer A: I noticed this quest has been bumping up to "most recent" a lot lately. What's going on?
Observer B: The quest is having its final battle, and the QM is awarding points for fan content that can be used to buy a better ending.
Observer A: Oh, wow. So, are they diving into the character's backstories? Some omakes about the perspectives of all the people that the hero befriended on the way, as they gaze upon the battle that will decide their fate?
Observer B: Nah, they're making settings from scratch and developing broken builds based off of the costs and benefits presented at character creation.
Observer A: ...Oh, I see. The protagonist must be known for exploiting systems for his own benefit, and the questors are seeing how he would respond when placed into different settings-
Observer B: Nah, Hunger's not even involved in most of them.
Observer A: ...So it's just a bunch of min-maxers making and breaking their own rulesets? Why are they doing this?
Observer B: The most noble endeavor of all: to gain enough points so that the starting companion becomes a Super Saiyan Magical Girl and saves the day.

[X] Vendetta
-[X] Perfect Merger [50 Arete]

...I don't understand even half of what you all are saying, but keep on keeping on, everybody.

Welcome aboard. Is it the ISH scale you're having an issue with or what?

Also, there's a bunch of CYOAs I posted just above you, and at least some of them should be more understandable to you.
A Hunger-based CYOA would be nice.
Challenge accepted.

Wordcount: 2.5k
Credit for "-[ ] Pasta" goes to Fumbles.

::: Hunger CYOA :::
A Tale To Satisfy A Different Kind of Hunger...

A long time ago - in an alternate universe many leaps and parallels from this one - the Cursebearer known as Hunger did not emerge in the Voyaging Realm. Although fate's ribbons could not bind his arms to act in accordance with their dictates anymore, still, the fluctuations of multiversal randomness apportioned a different result for him. Instead, he came to life in a Realm whose name lies in the dust of ages, long-forgotten. Here, missing an arm, a kidney, half a lung, an eye, and the natural vigor of his youth, there was no path to forge, but the one ahead.

[ ] Hunger Mode - Play as the Hero now known as Hunger, receiving all of the natural advantages and disadvantages this entails. Likewise, you possess Accretion, the Hunger Ring, the Forebear's Blade, and a Sorceress companion who's soon to be located.

[ ] Player Mode (Not Recommended) - Instead, you take Hunger's place in this CYOA. You're not a Cursebearer, but Hunger can be encountered during your travels. You have access to Accretion, but nothing else of any power or note. +1 Pick in any of the sections below.


Around you is the Essence of a medieval-period world of fantasy. Grand forests, like emeralds mounted on logs, loom a great distance behind. To your sides are mounded fields of flaxen wheat, stretching out from horizon to horizon. A castle stands ahead, surrounded by a rural community of houses with red-shingled roofs.

As you continue walking in the castle's direction, you observe its people's work; running the oxen through the meadows; cows and sheep grazing lazily in the pastures, content with their lot in life. It seems to be a most peaceful realm of rural idyll. It's a beautiful sight.

But then, something rumbles in your stomach. Looking around the castle and its community, you realize there are no restaurants.

As you come to know this new world, speaking to its villagers, they inform you, you realize this state of affairs is intolerable. What does a Cursebearer have to do to get a good meal around here?

There doesn't seem to be anything of good quality you can eat, which is a shame. Fortunately, the Forebear's Blade hums in response and proffers you an elegant solution: the Kitchen-Defeating Stance. It doesn't seem excited to be used as a kitchen implement, but it, too, Hungers.

At present, you may afford to prepare no more than four (4) Ingredients of your choice. You have 28 Arete to spend. Make a salient and delicious meal out of these ingredients, so that you may save this world in the future, and bring the blessing of good eateries to it.

[ ] Grains

The basic foundation of every food pyramid, and the content of almost every diet. It wouldn't be inaccurate to call grain and its products the basis of sustenance. Most importantly, grain is a versatile ingredient, and molded into bread, can be used in conjunction with almost any other ingredient effectively.

Distribute 12 +s in any Attributes desired, costing double for non-Physical Attributes. Furthermore, select one other ingredient and boost its unique, non-Attribute effect in some slight yet advantageous manner.

-[ ] Baguette [7 Arete] - Advance your swordsmanship and general use of melee weaponry to a greatly supernatural level by swinging the baguette around to train, comparable to a young Solar Exalt with several Charms and the First Melee Excellency. As a side benefit, you also become a fluent speaker (including the ability to switch to a very accurate accent) in standard modern French, as well as capable of writing in French. Amaze your lovers by whispering sweet nothings into their ear!
-[ ] Rye Bread [7 Arete] - Receive the benefits of Grains twice, including its non-Attribute effect.
-[ ] Pasta [11 Arete] - A supremely versatile choice reimagined by countless cultures and chefs across the world and the realms. Pasta can tie together disparate elements from otherwise estranged ingredients and bring them together in noodly harmony. Duplicate the Attribute benefits and non-Attribute benefits from two other ingredient selections whose Arete value does not exceed the cost of this specialization.

[ ] Vegetables

The power of vegetables is one of health; they contain a plethora of resources that are extremely critical to the human body's health and proper development. To not pick them is to invite folly into your own homeostasis.

The meal bestows ++++++Constitution, +++Might, +++Wisdom. It also grants +200% Health, and improves your vigor and resistance against sickness and toxins considerably, granting you the ability to fight off unwelcome infections. The vegetables help bring out the strength of the other ingredients, giving their benefits a slight bonus.

Furthermore, select one of the following specializations to bring more life to your vegetables:

-[ ] Fungal Growth - Cook with a variety of wild and exciting mushrooms instead. Gain a +Might and a +Constitution every week for 52 weeks. Gain a comprehensive and powerful regenerative effect for 365 days, insufficient to repair your permanent injuries, but restoring lesser wounds near-instantly.
-[ ] Gift of Legumes - An assortment of many-colored beans, and lentils to make a soup. Among them is Jack's Bean, which can be used to grow a sprout leading into one of the lesser planes of the Astral Realm. +1 Rank, then a further +1.25 Rank that can be gained by plundering the Giant's Realm the beanstalk leads to.
-[ ] Salad King [7 Arete] - By cooking with broccoli, spinach, lettuce, cabbage, horseradish, and green onion, you've managed to attain the essence of the greens. As a result, you become a novice in the Color Magic of the Emerald Verdure.
-[ ] Sign of the Ur-Carrot [7 Arete] - Behold, the Ur-Carrot! And beware its glory... ++++Might, ++++++++++Charisma, ++++++++++Wisdom. +40% to the worth of Wisdom +s, +60% to the worth of Charisma +s. Regenerate your missing eye and greatly improve your eyesight and visual acuity. Gain the comprehensive powers of a master marksman.

[ ] Fruit

Fruit, the great compromise: zest and sweetness, yet health and greatness. Fruit, the equalizer that chains together the conflicting worlds of sucrose and vitamin. In fruit, everything is bound, and unimaginable truths are released.

The meal bestows +++Willpower, +++Wits, +++Intelligence, +++Charisma, +++Appearance. It augments your morale and willingness to act considerably, boosting your motivation and determination, as well as giving you a rare amount of confidence in social interaction.

Furthermore, select one of the following specializations to bring more life to your fruits:

-[ ] Nuts - Almonds, cashews, walnuts, hazelnuts, chestnuts, pecans, and even pistachios - anything within the remit of the shelled world is yours, and grants you a fraction of its resilience. +++Constitution, +++Protection. Ability to summon an armor on top of your body, made of hard lignin shells.
-[ ] Tomato - Unexpectedly, the tomato is a sort of fruit. Does that mean ketchup is merely tomato jam? This captivating philosophical conundrum inspires you to consider the issue at length. ++++Intelligence, ++++Wisdom.
-[ ] The Forbidden Fruit [14 Arete] - If you wish, you may replace the mundane fruits with something plucked fresh from the Garden of Eden. +++++Willpower, +100% to the worth of Willpower +s. Doubles the normal benefits of eating fruit and grants you an additional Lesser Remittance.

[ ] Eggs

An unborn existence, fed and sizzled to animate yours with great vigor and power. An act of cruelty for some, but necessary and pleasant for others. In your case, I'd bet it's simply a delicious repast.

The meal bestows ++++Constitution, ++++Might. The living power and vibrancy in your body abhors a void - any regenerative effects you receive are strengthened and made slightly more comprehensive; partial healing of your grave injuries is possible, although such a procedure almost certainly won't be complete.

Furthermore, select one of the following specializations to bring more life to your eggs:

-[ ] Mayonnaise - Beat the eggs into a creamy sauce instead, to be used to enhance the flavor of whatever else you consume. Increase the Attribute and numerical benefits of any single specialization by 25%, and then another 25% in the case of Attributes.
-[ ] Omelette - Another ++++Constitution and ++++Might, +20% to the worth of +s in those Attributes.
-[ ] Chick [7 Arete] - A single egg spared, a companion gained. -Constitution, -Might. After a month of intensive care and loving affection, the chickling shall grow into an indomitable and hard-working steed that you can mount. It always enjoys a minimum 50% of your Attributes, and 125% of your Agility and speed, on top of its own natural Attributes and capabilities. It's extremely intelligent as a result, though not capable of speech. It has an endless and unbreakable bond of loyalty to you.
-[ ] Deviled Eggs [7 Arete, Requires Herbs and Spices] - It's said the Essence of the Devil Himself dwells within these eggs... How terrifying! Gain a powerful aura of intimidation that can be focused and directed towards certain individuals, +2 Astral Rank, and become an apprentice of the dark arts.

[ ] Fish

Need I say anything else to you? An occasional guest that should be introduced into any balanced and good diet. Fish oil contains a number of fatty acids that enhance brain function, and the meat itself is delicious and succulent.

++Intelligence, ++Wisdom, ++Charisma, ++Manipulation. In any single event where you're about to be defeated or killed, you may instead change your circumstances and escape fate; doing so will not assure the survival or victory of your allies, but allows you to persist. This effect can only be applied once a month, and its power is diminished against greater enemies; it doesn't scale past its initial level.

Furthermore, select one of the following specializations to bring more life to your fish:

-[ ] Your Own Catch - Instead of purchasing at a market, catch your own fish! ++++++Willpower, obtain a fishing rod, and the consummate skills of a fisherman. ++++Manipulation, doubled against aquatic lifeforms. ++++Might, doubled against amphibious scourges.
-[ ] Tasteful Caviar [7 Arete] - Serve the fish with a side of incredible caviar. Apply the benefit of Eggs to yourself at half-power, including the Attributes. ++Luck.
-[ ] Grateful Goldfish [14 Arete] - Although you were originally going to put this one on the plate, it asked you to spare its life, and you did. In exchange, you've gained three Minor Wishes. Apply them carefully. The Goldfish is going to know when you make a Wish, and when you truly intend to do so.
-[ ] Armament Fish [2 Picks, 25 Arete] - Instead, you consume the flesh of the Armament Fish that you found on a local market for an incredibly cheap price. It seems the locals do not appreciate rare flavors... Gain dominion over the concept of Water, the powers of a trained and extremely powerful hydromancer, capable of affecting the water in people's bodies with moderate exertion and training; experience in trading and making deals of all sorts, and +6.0 Astral Rank. Additionally, you're biologically immortal and can bless a single companion to be likewise.

[ ] Milk

Milk, the quintessential element of growth. Almost every newborn human is nursed with a bottle of this miraculous liquid, sometimes heated, and sometimes served cold. It may seem humble, and yet, in milk is a kind of satiation you can't find even in water... Unless you're lactose intolerant, I suppose.

++++Might, ++++Constitution. Your body's bones are five times as hard and significantly more difficult to shatter, and you recover from any such breakages significantly faster, with less of the associated pains and issues. If one of your companions or allies ever falls, you may resurrect them. Alternatively, you may rise from the dead yourself.

Furthermore, select one of the following specializations to bring more life to your milk:

-[ ] Clotted Cream - The cream; endlessly fulfilling and light in every mouthful, like silk on the tongue. And you, too, shall inherit a fraction of its etherealness. ++++++Agility, +30% Attack Speed, and gain the ability to become partially intangible for short periods of time, making individual body parts non-interactable with physical matter.
-[ ] Butter - A fat yet tasty ingredient, made out of churned milk and effort. ++Might, ++Willpower, and gain a single advancement or set of advancements of your choice, even if you do not currently possess the associated prerequisites. Must be relatively acceptable in power. (example: several Echoes, Fell-Handed Stroke, Pearlescence, etc.)
-[ ] Cheese Wheel [14 Arete] - The king of dairy, or so they say. But I'll allow your tastebuds to be the judge of that. ++All Stats, ++++Luck, and gain the ability to share your Luck Attribute with up to seven individuals of your choice, capable of changing your mind instantly. Cheese, for everyone!

[ ] Meat [7 Arete]

Meat. A sinful yet satisfying ingredient, every bite represents the life seized from a victim. And yet, isn't that simply the fate of prey? After all, cattle lives at the sufferance of humanity, and only to be a delicacy served upon the plate. +++All Stats, +++++Might, +++++Constitution, +++++Agility.

Furthermore, select one of the following specializations to bring more life to your meat:

-[ ] Roast Beef - To Beef alone, is given the right to decide who shall rule. Double the benefits of Red Meat.
-[ ] Cut Liver - Powerful and hearty, the cut liver allows you to restore one of your injured bodyparts, once, but instantly.
-[ ] Chicken Leg [7 Arete] - The drumstick, caked in breading and fried generously. Alone, however, without its brother, the power of the Chicken Wing is dimished... However, opportunity arises for he that's willing to consume gluttonously. Gain +.25 Astral Rank and Might. Throughout the Realm, you'll find six other Great Chickens; frying and eating their legs, you'll receive further benefits, culminating in a Defining Advancement and access to Mitigation for the Decimator's Affliction.
-[ ] Dragon Meat [14 Arete] - The meat of a dragon righteously vanquished, fibrous yet smooth and infinitely pleasurable to chew, it seems to possess a spiciness eloquently calling to mind the flame-breath of its previous form. Gain Might's Repose and access to Surgecraft, with a 7-Arete Element.

Furthermore, pick up to five (5) seasonings; one seasoning may be picked multiple time, and its benefits stacked.

[ ] Salt

A common seasoning, yet one that's still important.

It may be used to preserve meats (allowing you to share the Attribute bonuses of Meat with a companion, even multiple times; this requires you to pick Meat, but only once to preserve it multiple times) or bring out the flavor of other ingredients (improving unique effects by 10% in a variable manner.)

[ ] Sugar

A sweetener, yet one that's used in many grounded recipes...

Sweetening an ingredient allows you to pick a second specialization for it. However, this can only be done once per ingredient - too much sugar is never a good idea!

[ ] Herbs & Spices

A mixture of herbs and spices to bring a unique touch to anything they're applied to; many herbs and spices exist, and their expressions are likewise.

Every time you pick this seasoning, you can alter a single ingredient or specialization's effects moderately, twisting them to your needs or preferences. As an example, Clotted Cream might allow you to become fully intangible, but require an extensive cooldown; or you might forgo intangibility to become far more agile.


Now that you've made your picks, cooked your meal, and supped thoroughly, you must pick up your blade and venture out - you're the only one that can bring good food and its many graces back into this forgotten and distaff Culinary Realm...
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