[X] Critical Mass
[X] Full Throttle

You know what, I'm tired of this Surgeon guy. Just have Gisena focus on perfecting a way to track him and Hunger get in the robot and overwhelm him. Do we really need much more?
Hunger needs to be ready for what a talented and bloodlusted Armament pilot can do when they don't care about collateral damage.
that might be counterproductive. It's a lot easier to enter a game of chicken regarding planets for tactical advantage of the opponent knows you might do that; otherwise, when you dodge away towards a nearby planet, they'll just think it's an ordinary dodge until it's too late for them to harm their own chances by stopping you. Since the point of collateral damage in this case is to influence Hunger, the less aware Hunger is about enemy propensity for collateral, the less incentive anyone else has to cause it, and so the less collateral his enemies will poise themselves to cause unless they expect a mid-battle conversation where they can explain their plans to kill everything.
Gisena and Nova are pretty good together. Gisena is a mid term solution and Nova covers short term until she fully comes online, and Gisena can do some work together with Hunger to buff Nova or otherwise help us use it better.

It is behind both Regalia and SitS/NS for me, but it is a perfectly viable build.
Disclaimer: I wasn't the one to ask Sharkey to interview me. If he ever says that, he's lying :whistle:

Q: We are joined by Pittauro, a young Italian stallion who in the past months has been steadily moving through the thread and reacting to every thread mark by Rihaku.
My first question to this young gentleman - why? You can go outside and work and use the money you earned to buy EFBs via Patreon Nameless tier (aka more money than sense).
A: Glad to be here, Sharkey. I do have to begin by starting dispelling some misunderstandings here, though.

I'm an Italian. Even worse more, I'm a Sicilian. Have you ever heard of a sicilian man honestly working (or working honestly? :evil: )

But really, I just have more free time than money to spend. It's pretty common here in Sicily, what with the Pandemic. Between a uni remote lesson and the other, I have some time to do my duty and mine to keep Hunger alive.

Accursed knows that he needs it..

Also I, surprisingly enough, have more sense than money. I care about Hunger, but I don't think I'd put a 1000 $ price tag on such affection :V
Q: How did you find this god forsaken place? I know that if I go back in time I will prevent past me from ever seeing this salt filled thread. I would be happier, with normal amounts of sodium in my blood and a bank account that would have a been bigger. My doctor would have not warned me about my random spikes of blood pressure when I read some of the arguments of the boosted bonobo Gang about their shitty waifu Mary Sue. Anyway back to you.
A: You know, I really don't get why you hate Gisena so much... or how you could spend so much on Nameless tier...

Her banter might very well be one of the few lighthearted parts of Hunger's life!

Also she mitigated 2 steps on all of our curses, and is a lesser remittance from the Accursed! A bit of respect is kinda owed to her!

(..now, if you wanted to talk shit about SERAM'S Gisena... yeah, that one I'd probably understand. Bitch stole Amplitude! :mad:).

back to the question.. I'm actually not sure. I think I learned of Rihaku when I was searching for a decent Naruto quest on Spacebattles, a few years ago, And found Jonin Quest, but maybe I'm misremembering.

Still, as best as I can remember, I went through some of Rihaku's past quests on SB, basically the ones about fandoms I knew about.

actually, let me check a sec...

...yeah, I think I basically went through Jounin Quest, Bleach quest and Make a contract with me.

Actually, I think I vaguely remember mentions of SB going down a lot during Jonin quest? But I'm digressing.

Something about Rihaku's style had really enthralled me, you see. It's definitely not for everyone, but there's something fascinating about the infinite build votes and the continuous escalation.

It was some time before I found Rihaku again, this time on SV. But before starting Even Further Beyond, I went to check what else he had written.

And there I found out that yes, I had already read a few of his works!

So, I started catching up. I went back to his first Seram quest, then the second, then Terrascape. At some point I decided to skip Terrascape for the recently completed Even Further Beyond instead, and THAT kept me company for some time.

I still wonder what the Rubrik does sometime..

In any case, Once Rihaku started to use original settings I became even more fascinated by his writing, in particular his power/magic systems. The Ordinal Spiral still has a special place in my heart, for example. as does the Diagram.
Q: You have spent a lot of months going through the thread and reacting to every story threadmark. As a fellow with high sodium blood content and high blood pressure which are the three top moments for you, and to spice it a bit - which are the three worst moments for you(stuff that made you lose your faith in humanity)?
A: mh.. difficult question. It's hard to actually choose ONLY 3 moments, especially for the top. You'll probably find my opinion very weird, by the way.

ok, let's start from the top 3. I'll ignore pure vote posts, as otherwise I'd probably have to mention when my favourite EFBs were first introduced.

1)The Sten's fight. In particular how Hunger mentally destroyed him.

If you want a vision of the future, imagine a Ring stamping on a human face - forever.

2)the Vanreir Fight. I particularly enjoyed the brilliance of blocking the unblockable with the indestructible ring.

3)The second appearance of the Accursed.

RW and Haeliel are more or less in 4th place.

You'll notice that the Procyon fight isn't in there. That's mostly because it's connected to, as you put it, "one of this moments that has you lose faith in humanity".

I DID love its ending though.

"Age," he pointed to himself.

"Treachery," he pointed at Letrizia. "These things, are more reliable, than force alone will ever be."

So he said, and fell to the earth, and knew no more.
Of course there were also other scenes I enjoyed a lot. For example Hunger's first fishing scene, or the Rotbeast fight, and yes, Even Procyon.

For the disappointments.. well, two of the ones that come to mind are BOTH connected to Procyon, so I'll count them as one

1) The First one was how the thread decided NOT to fall back, and get more picks before the fight.. and how it actually seriously considered the Shattering Blow.

This was probably the singular decision I despised the most. We could have gotten another EFB! That probably would have turned the battle from a 5 to a 4 picks!

2) The second one was the decision to NOT negotiate with Augustine. More than despising the choice, I was mostly confused by it. What was the point of choosing a summon that could give us information on her and how she thought, if we then chose to NOT use such information?!

3)The Third one, I've actually grown to accept. It was how the thread decided for Crimson Flare over both Reinassance Woman and All-Defeating Stance, before invading the Inner Temple.

I know you disagree with spending that much Arete on Gisena, and I see your point.. though I'll point out that Gisena WAS admittedly incredibly useful against the Immortals of the temple, and if she had been the Reinassance Woman she probably could have trivialized most of them. But the thing that really surprised me was how All-Defeating Stance was skipped over. It looked like the obvious choice to me, if one wanted to actually succeed.

I've grown to accept that decision though, and I very much appreciate Crimson Flare now. Also we got RW through a madman's gentleman's donation, and took ADS anyway, so in the end I got everything I wanted anyway.

Other than that, there have been a few near-misses, and minor annoyances

The thread seriously considering Lord of Stalks over both Elixir Waters or Armament Fish, for example. Or how at some point the thread decided for the minimum amount of Verschle healing, when an higher amount would have come with some extra lore.

I also didn't agree with some of the sign choices in the beginning, though I was proven wrong on that count.

I'm probably forgetting something, but we ARE talking about a months-long reading/writing trip...

oh, how embarassing, I DID forget two important moments for both top and bottom list!

top: The Forebear's Flashback

Bottom: Tears of Winter winning over Crimson Flare and Pillars of Creation for the Heroic Advancement slot.

I also was disappointed when, at the very beginning, Battle Mastery was basically not even considered, in favor of Seven Seals and the winner, Accretion. It sounded like an interesting magic system to try and munchkin through.
Hmm, interesting choices but these are preferences so I cannot fault you.

Q: Your avatar picture is Kumagawa - a rotten person, a minus and a complete pervert and one of the coolest characters I have ever read about.
Do you think this choice has in some way influenced your preferences for Gisena who is a complete Mary Sue who is a genius,best sorceress, social butterfly and completely boring as a character? Why do you like such boring character as you have shown you have otherwise patrician taste by liking Kumagawa?
A: You know, I loved Kumagawa since his very first appearance, having defeated 6 of the elite "whatever-was-their-name" in Medaka box, and then just having the gall to say it had NOT been him, and that they were already like that when he got there.

While having his "weapon" in hand.
And being covered in blood.

Medaka Box is SUCH an underrated manga... probably the fault of the anime, really. They stopped it right before the best arc, and the first arc is admittedly very boring when compared to the second, and the third is many times better than that as well...

Also he has some of the coolest powers I've ever seen in all fiction (...pun not intended, if you can believe me).

He is, quite literally, the only character I've ever seen that turned "being a loser" into the coolest thing imaginable

Also he's just so... shamelessly earnest!

But I'm digressing. You're asking why I like Gisena.

well, it's simple really: I like her interactions with Hunger. How she has been the only character really able to keep up with him in a conversation, other than, sometime, Letrizia. And even then it's mostly due to Hunger holding back against best daughter.

I don't really care that much about her being a genius, I just find the bantering funny.

I also like the various graces she can potentially develop, and I think that Hunger could use an equal partner to keep him company and keep him ..sort of sane, during his eternity of conflict.

In the end, my favourite part of most written stories tend to be the dialogues, and Hunger and Gisena have probably the most back-and-forth out of everyone else, with Letrizia being right behind her.

If I had to rank our companions from most to least favourite, Right now it would probably be something like


Verschle should probably rank higher, but sadly he gets a penalty because he doesn't speak much, and never got to fight at full power yet.

I'm not deluded enough to think Gisena is perfect, but I think her influence on Hunger has been mostly positive.

Notice I say "mostly". I still remember how she was in favour of the very panoramic route when moving towards the temple, and how in the beginning she looked a lot like a member of Dying Gang due to her preferences..

She seems to have changed her mind since the Procyon fight, though
Q: What is your preference for Hunger's fighting style? Going full man-o-mano with a sword in melee combat as befitting a chad like himself or being a virgin long-range chicken?
A: fighting style? Sword for most 1v1, bloodcasting for the chaff.

And Deathly Star in the face for when you REALLY want the damn thing dead.
Q: Do you plan on going back and reading some of the omakes (and probably reaction to them)? Some of them are really good - I recommend Addio's stuff. I would suggest going through the media part and seeing the pretty pictures. I think you already know that the newspapers are the best shit. Also do you plan to write some fanfic omakes? I think you have what it needs
A: they're certainly some of the best, yes. In the end Wall Might turned up to be an 8-year old kid in a trenchcoat, sadly.. He didn't make Nilfel great again, but we took up his her cause! :cry:

I'm actually already going through them every now and then. I'm skipping most reactions, but I've not skipped any actual omake or original magic system/blurb up to... page 1468, and I'm completely caught up with the actual images.

Priest and Microwave are so good it's scary!

Addio.. yeah, he's very talented.

Accursedland, Stonelight Academy and its thousand different magic systems.. and who could forget Jiko from Brand-new Genes?!

That was actually the only time I broke my rule, and after reading part 1 I immediately skipped to part 2 and 3.

I hope he writes part 4 one day...

I don't think I'll write reactions to old omakes, it's just been too long and I'm reading them mostly on my phone when I have some free time. I'm considering going through all the CYOA and writing builds for those, though.

Maybe I could include some not-quite-CYOA that offer a lot of choices as well, later on. We'll see.

And who knows, maybe I could try my hand at an actual omake or two. I DID write some for other quests, though it's not something I do very often, and I KNOW I'm not even half as good as, say, Addio.

In any case, I'll likely slow down a bit after having written these 100+ reactions, though I'll at least finally be able to take part in the vote discussions
The most interesting thing I liked about your reactions was you trying to predict the future. As our actions are mostly guided by spite,salt and stupidity, those predictions usually don't pan out. Still, you are almost caught up.
Q: Do you mind making one last prediction about what Hunger's actions would be when he finally enters the Human Sphere?
A: I honestly don't know. I imagine he'd first go to Letrizia's land to have her check on her family. After that.. probably a tour of the Republics, possibly provoking them as to remove another Armament or two from the equation?

Alternatively, maybe he'll meet with other pilots, or the Imperial Family, and try to turn them to his side thanks to his overwhelming charisma... if they'd even allow him to meet them.

After all it would be as risky to them as being left undefended in the presence of multiple Republican Armaments, which doesn't sound very wise.

It also depends a lot on if Nightmare Flight could be used for quick travel through the galaxy or not, something that's still not clear to me.

shortly after this interview, I've found myself thinking of something Gisena said as "annoying" for the first time.

I'm not saying Sharkey tried to brainwash me... But he totally tried to brainwash me.

I was probably careless and extended too much trust to him.

2437 words
Hmm. It's worth noting that Novakhron comes with bonuses to Sword in the Stone and Fisher King. Would be really nice if we could actually find out just what he does to those advancements.

As a sidenote, why Regalia now? Sure it lets us spread our Rank but Dien's Rank is already higher and that difference will only continue to grow with time.
1)The Sten's fight. In particular how Hunger mentally destroyed him.
2)the Vanreir Fight. I particularly enjoyed the brilliance of blocking the unblockable with the indestructible ring.
3)The second appearance of the Accursed.

RW and Haeliel are more or less in 4th place.
top: The Forebear's Flashback

A gentleman of great taste and culture...

You'll notice that the Procyon fight isn't in there. That's mostly because it's connected to, as you put it, "one of this moments that has you lose faith in humanity".

...though of course, pobody's nerfect.
Big part of Winter King was Rihaku going "this is unique Apo mitigation btw, you should get it", which pretty much sealed the deal. In hindsight getting Pillars would be very powerful, but at that point we didn't know how good Pillars proc would actually be.

We did make some use of Winter King with RoB and stuff, and it has some secondary benefits such as bunch of Adorie+, access to Winter Brand etc. It is not terrible.
Refinement of War
Supreme Commander
[Special Advancement]

I was at work earlier so I couldn't really comment on this, but Jesus Christ - Sharkey, how much are you blowing on Hunger here?! I'm assuming we got this because of Sharkey, since he mentioned something about getting Supreme Commander in the Foremost discord cabal.

I'm curious as to how we unlocked Supreme Commander though? Through the power of money alone, or did Hunger do something special to acquire it, like the Feat: Orb event that let us get Breaker of Suns? Maybe the next update will elaborate on it.

We're really just one step away from getting Regalia of Strife (which is a completely broken ability that somehow manages to utilize the forbidden powers of S Y N E R G Y to make Hunger's build super-cohesive) but that requires the thread to finally realize Closing the Fist is a good choice... Apparently, 12 Arete is still too much to spend on an EFB that offers more power than Hour of Reckoning.

I don't understand how the Gisena option offers better value than Strife here. Strife builds directly into Regalia, which allows us to maximize Supreme Commander's Rank projection effect immediately after 1 battle. That straight-away lets us upgrade Hunger's operational effectiveness from planet/solar-system level to galactic-scales. The major problem presented by Dien right now is the fact his plots and biological subversion is on a wider-scale than Hunger can deal with directly. Regalia of Strife solves that problem and is probably the option that lets us turn the war around as quickly as possible, by letting Hunger essentially make Rank-clones (that's how I imagine Supreme Commander would work, even if it doesn't make sense) and prevents further planets from being taken by Dien.

Sure, it doesn't perfectly solve the issue of locating Dien, but with enough range and scale of Rank, it's very possible that Hunger can just encircle the galaxy and close in on the Surgeon all while conquering the Republic and Dien-subverted planets. I'm definitely voting for Strife mainly because I like fights and I like Praxis, and the fact that Strife is consistent with recent build decisions like Breaker of Suns is the cherry on top. It just seems like there's a clear strategy there and Regalia would work well with both finding Dien and fighting against him in the meantime, til we can narrow down his area of operation.

That's the general idea behind going for Regalia of Strife, I feel. The specific tactics on how to employ maximized Supreme Commander will probably vary depending on the overall state of the battlefield and war.

Critical Mass bets on Gisena coming up with a good Grace combination through Renaissance Halo (I assume only 1 Halo can be used initially and Halo of Singularity doesn't seem immediately helpful) that lets us pinpoint Dien's position, more quickly than the above option with Strife. I'm not sure how that'd work since I don't know how the Graces might interact with each other, but I think Mythology Halo won't be a silver bullet to the problem anyway. Maybe, it might have better chances than Supreme Commander would in the short-term, but it seems like a lot of the Halo's benefits are concentrated along areas that aren't super useful for us right now. It's fine that Mythology Halo buffs Gisena's attributes greatly and it can be valuable in that regard, elevating her personal power and presumably the effectiveness of her Sorcery.

I just don't see the strategy for Critical Mass? The thread doesn't seem to have mentioned any interesting Grace combinations that would let Gisena quickly find Dien anyway, at least. I guess we could just bet on Gisena being a genius and solving the problem magically, but I don't know - that seems very meta and not super appealing to me.

Some additional points -
*There's something to be said for the complete package of Strife + Full, as well!

Yeah, that it is the best option! :V

Full Throttle has some great points to it too, particularly since Rihaku noted it would probably offer more power than Strife alone. The tactical relevance of Armament data will likely be useful (though Dien's modifications to Etrynome complicates this - Hunger might be able to work around that with the Ring of Blood though) and shutting down one of the Surgeon's trump cards quickly is a good option in my books. And it would be a good idea to get Hunger acclimated to Armament piloting in preparation for the Dien fight, since I figure like a 14x powered-up Novakhron is more devastating than Hunger alone. Though, if we get Closing the Fist, we might not have to choose...

We could become the ultimate combination of Armament, Artifact and Accursed Implement - fusing all of our weapons and Novakhron together with Hunger to become Armament King Hunger! Finally, we could get some mecha-sized sword fights in the quest, which surely has been the key thing missing from all this...

Above is 815 words. Hopefully, it contributes to our Arete reserves!
Big part of Winter King was Rihaku going "this is unique Apo mitigation btw, you should get it", which pretty much sealed the deal. In hindsight getting Pillars would be very powerful, but at that point we didn't know how good Pillars proc would actually be.

We did make some use of Winter King with RoB and stuff, and it has some secondary benefits such as bunch of Adorie+, access to Winter Brand etc. It is not terrible.
It's also not the best.

Generally speaking, investing that much of an heroic advancement into something so hard to use in the human sphere goes against my preferences.

I loved Crimson Flare because the "nation-wide bloodsense range" implies we can probably ennoble people MUCH faster, and once we got to planetary range we could probably do it at "one planet per day" speed, which seems a pretty good diplomatic tool in our conquest of the HS.

Also the equivalent to thousands of years of practice.

Pillars admittedly only became clear in its utility AFTER we entered it. With even LESS than half the extra time spent in there, Gisena could have likely taken all-to-most of the valuable graces, we could have gotten a LOT of picks, and if we, say, took Total Eclipse.. well, we could probably have copied these graces relatively easily.. we didn't even need to focus on hunger sated, as we could have simply kept the Fisher King mitigation "ON" all the time, probably at 1/3 strenght.

Actually, I mentioned this before, but I'll try and ask it directly:

@Rihaku if we get Total Eclipse and unlock "True Quintessence", how hard would it be for Gisena to help us make/make for us copies of her graces?

Apparently developing graces is 1 part developing the right rune, and 1 part attaching it to a findross singularity.

She already made the runes, so unless they change from person to person (and even then there should be enough similarities to cut the work needed substantially), we only need to attack them to our findross generation, basically. How hard would that be?

Or we're not allowed to know until we take it?
As a sidenote, why Regalia now? Sure it lets us spread our Rank but Dien's Rank is already higher and that difference will only continue to grow with time.
I prefer to get Closing the fist now, so we have the final emergency "oh shit" button. Regalia can be taken later, but it's still probably the most powerful Advancement yet. 10K+ Might and Protection and Charisma, yes please. Ofc supreme commander becomes better that SitS due to having Rank to every territory(not only the ones we control)

I was at work earlier so I couldn't really comment on this, but Jesus Christ - Sharkey, how much are you blowing on Hunger here?! I'm assuming we got this because of Sharkey, since he mentioned something about getting Supreme Commander in the Foremost discord cabal.
Refinement of War was ilbgar. I got Attainement and Supreme Commander was crafted wayyy back in February. Originally I had YA Aeira commison waiting (it was beatiful, Letrizia saved Aeira with the power of love from Shadow Ungoliant), but when I saw what was happening with Surgeon, I cried a bit and asked Rihaku to boost Breaker in a way that will help us a lot. Basically Supreme Commander is Wish enhanced Breaker of Suns.

RIP YA Aeira. :cry::cry::cry:
The things I do for this thread...
^^^ I Cri Evrytiem

Apparently, 12 Arete is still too much to spend on an EFB that offers more power than Hour of Reckoning.
Hey man, don't you know that Gisena having +300% modifier is best. Despite Rihaku saying it's physical boosts is pointless with Hunger around, and social being useless against Dien (I could hear the REEEEE coming from some lost soul from across the ocean ). I believe in our little princess Mary Sue. Also putting our best melee fighter into a mech that was specialized in ranged combat and also losing Attainment is a great idea. Splliting melee and ranged so they can work together for greater efficiency and also protect Gisena/Aobaru? Don't be ridiculous, I am iron player at league and I know how comps work.
Strife builds directly into Regalia, which allows us to maximize Supreme Commander's Rank projection effect immediately after 1 battle.
*The intensity of Supreme Commander is automatically maximized regardless of feats. Even unmoving does the character's power distend the Astral wheresoever his name is known.
Actually we don't even need to wait.
Last edited:
You know what, I'm tired of this Surgeon guy. Just have Gisena focus on perfecting a way to track him and Hunger get in the robot and overwhelm him. Do we really need much more?
That's pretty much what we've been trying, but since we don't actually have the capabilities to defend the Human Sphere against Dien and aren't trying to develop them he has free reign to do whatever he wants, so yes we do need much more.
thought: if our Rank with Strife extended wherever our name is known, does that mean we would also have Rank wherever the Accursed, Haeliel, various members of the Cursebearers association are? sure, our rank is pitifully small relative to most of those forces, but that means the potential benefits would be all the greater. This would also allow us to give that benefit to everyone in the cursebearers association weaker then our rank by taping a sticky note saying 'Hunger' to the cursebearers association recruitment, metaphorically speaking, which would probably raise the survival rate for those cursebearers in their first few months significantly.

This is not a reason to buy Strife, just like resurrecting Daylian or other Cursebearers isn't a (relevant) reason to get Make Whole and bringing CA cursebearers into the realm of evening wasn't a reason to get Pillars of Creation, because the cursebearers association is essentially a joke which doesn't exist and nothing predicated on it or similar connection-between-disperate-details-made-without-acknowledging-eachother planning is likely to be included, but it is a thought to think about.
You know something I'm wondering right now?

*Hunger will train to use Novakhron seriously in battle, substantially increasing his overall power at the cost of reducing Aobaru to a support character once more.
*Unlocks various Novakhron- and Piloting-related Advancements. You may want to see them even if you don't end up investing a lot of Arete here!
*The stellar manipulation afforded to an Armament covers a range of effects far beyond mere kinetic destruction...
*You may also gain some insight into what Dien may have done to augment Etrynome!

Does Stellar Manipulation give us novel ways to mess with Diens Feeder Suns?
It really is baffling to me that people aren't more interested in closing the fist, the strongest power boost we've been offered thus far without a doubt. It's also discounted to 12 arete so it's an extremely efficient choice. And it now unlocks regalia. Why must you people steal my one true love from me with poor decision making.
Dunno about others, but we do already have Refinement of War so being able to spike in power is not exactly the issue we are facing. As it is, Closing the Fist is just a prereq to Regalia - it is not bad by any means, but it doesn't specifically deal with our issues like something like SitS plus NS would.
[X] Critical Mass

Dropping Strife for the moment because strife+throttle just seems like a bad idea. Both serve the purpose of short term power without actually giving us a proper way to stop Dien. Graces are too important not to take.
Strife + Throttle is perfectly fine. It is basically just taking Strife and then getting Throttle for some Armament lore.