Lets talk about Adorie vs Gisena shortly. Now, obviously Adorie is more immediate solution to our problems since she can do whole counter Foremost contagion + repel invaders reality warping thing, while Gisena has much better scaling.
Now, I personally prefer Gisena here. Reason being that big part of Adorie's option seems to be that +0.5ish to Cha and Man - an absurd benefit, for sure, but I can't see how she gets value out of it. On the other hand, Gisena getting +300% to all stats is just really good, especially since we can just get her Mental Apex for flat int too. And of course, Halos are very strong. Power one allows her to pretty much sacrifice a dog Grace(Whisper) to allow her to change graces every here or then. Or get that repel everything thing.
Adorie does have very good build path with SitS and NS.
Don't forget Closing the Fist. That another 12 Arete right there. All in all while this is very good it just seems to expensive. Strife and fist are possible but anything beyond that is wishful thinking.
We could get Closing the Fist and Regalia right now. It is very powerful anti-Dien too and we can just get Perilous Grandeur at some point afterwards.
Anyway, the builds as I see them:
Ze Plan Build. Somehow conjure 8 Arete and get Closing the Fist and Regalia. Very powerful, amazing follow up, but we really need that Arete. Assumes we are offered Regalia. If not just get it at later date
NS+SitS. Best non-girl build, this would give us pretty hilarious level of power. Rank 13 November Sky should stop Dien in his tracks, and fighting Hunger with +0.4ish and then additional 0.7 from Refinement of War is basically impossible. Shit with Ze Build as we lose Supreme Commander while SitS is active, but we can just not use it
Barricade of Myth: We just get two EFBs that counter Dien. Both have amazing synergy with SitS as per above. I think that getting SitS instead of Hail the Queen might be better, however
Gisena build: Ideally we want something that lets us defend while she does research. November Sky would be good, or maybe some Nova specific Advancement
Since I am not confident about getting Regalia, lets take most straightforward build -
[X] Full Throttle
[X] A True Reprieve
Restore some Mental Stability and acquire November Sky and Sword in the Stone. Boring, perhaps, but very practical.