Current vote count?

All three races were heavily reliant on findross: the Heroes fed on it, the Stewards needed it to work their magic, and even the Builders benefited from it, if to a lesser extent, as we'd seen in AST0 that Graces often work better when employed in a findross-saturated environment. It's no great jump of logic to posit that they would have spread findross across any worlds they found, and especially in their own homeworld.

Gisena's RW interlude contains her theory on the necessity of Findross to the magic system employed by the Makers!
I'd really like to hear how that works.
I don't have personal experience- though not for lack of trying- so my information on this is suspect, but a consistent theme in what I've read is that it helps to sleep for a while, wake up at night before you're finished sleeping, stay awake for a minute or two, and then try it. this seems to be a theme in most types of dream-manipulation, also; waking up and going back to bed helping.

this discussion existing reminds me that I had a dream a while ago which was about AST. it was some time ago, so I don't remember the details, but I recall there were some eldritch horrors(their eldritchness was signified by looking like mostly ordinary objects seen through a hurl filter with colorize set to red, basically.) which got scared if they looked at hunger who was also the perspective of the dream, until one of them attacked him instead of getting scared. Hunger then tried to keep from dying using Hunger, while the Forebearers blade turned into a fairy, like navi but a sword and fought off the attacking one. After the Fairybearers blade finished, Hunger got out of a cocoon which told him the tutorial was complete and the entire earlier parts of the quest were a lie, which was also why the Ring Hunger didn't heal him instantly and why the Forebearers Blade was a tiny fairy of advice.
Adhoc vote count started by Tyrant_Rayne on Mar 3, 2021 at 8:46 PM, finished with 250 posts and 45 votes.
ok, before proceeding with the next reaction I went back and read the Procyon fight again, this time without having to worry about writing my reaction.

It's a wonderful update, truly.. Though I don't think it's my favourite yet.

It's mostly due to my tastes, I think. I tend to like the dialogues and socialization more than the battles, at least in the quest format. (also Rihaku's blurbs, especially when explaining new magic systems).

For example, the talks with Haeliel, the Accursed, and even some of the ones with Gisena and Letrizia are probably amongst my favourite parts.

Even against Procyon, my favourite part are the dialogues. the attempted negotiation, and ESPECIALLY the final "Age and Treachery" explanation from Hunger.

And as far as battle goes... it's been a while since I've read them, but I think I enjoyed Sten, Rotbeast and Vanreir slightly more. This might simply be me thinking more fondly of the "old" battles though, rather than actually be a more objective judgement of their actual quality.

well, let's see what we get to buy with our arete, picks and heroic progression.. and the consequences we'll be saddled with.

I suspect I might enjoy this update even more than the Procyon one


Hunger has spent quite a considerable number of re-rolls to get the final result (Hunger 79, Procyon 19). Ideally Hunger would have gotten above 80, but this was still in the range of victory, if at grievous cost.

uh. Does that mean we needed a difference of 60+ between our rolls to win? That's VERY harsh!

I find myself echoing many other questers before me:

This 5-pick fight was glorious, please let us never do this again!

Hunger can be considered lucky that he has access to the Shattering Blow and its variants, without which he surely would have failed to slay Procyon with that roll. Tactics and omakes did contribute in lowering the DC to the point where the damage was minimized on a relative scale, though any analogue to the Shattering Blow cannot be considered inexpensive.

In any case, the reward of valor of victory, and to the victor goes the spoils.

ok, so apparently we CAN modulate just how self-destructing the Shattering Blow is. Good to know, though hopefully we WON'T need to do this again.

Actually.. Maybe Gisena could craft something to make the Shattering Blow quite not as suicidal as it usually is? We might want to ask her at some point.
You currently have 45.8 Arete. Choose one build option below, and one Condition. Choose wisely, as the structure of Hunger's advancement here could well determine his future path. We will choose your Heroic Advancement afterwards.

well, this time we have to choose directly between builds.

Probably a good thing, with 5 picks we'd risk a bad combo if we could vote on each one separately, and plan voting might end up being a bit too complicated here.

nearly 46 arete, and it's reasonable to expect AT LEAST 50 by the time this vote is over... the last time we spent 50, we got Haeliel. What will we see here?

There are a few likely possibilities (Sword in The Stone, Super Juggernaut Undead Chimera, OaF III, Ruling Ring, FIsher King...), and that's without considering NEW options!
[ ] Accursed Implement - Rod and staff and saber, united in purpose.

Complete Fisher King (2 Picks, 12 Arete) and attain Feat: Saber (3 picks, 12 Arete).

An economical option that unlocks Sword in the Stone, saves Arete for the Realm of Evening, and picks up the exclusive Saber feat from this battle. After multipliers Saber should yield a full .625 Rank, improving Hunger's combat Rank to 10.45, casting Rank to 9.45, and his Blood Rank to 11.45. A fearsome elevation indeed, and one that keeps your options open to purchase effects in the Realm of Evening. You'll also gain 10 points of Accursed Favor and the option to use Fisher King mitigation of the Decimator's Affliction.

*Increased Wisdom, Rank, and Rank gains make this a versatile build that can stay in the Voyaging Realm or return to the Human Sphere as Hunger prefers.
*Extreme Rank focus means certain uncommon enemies may be able to counter you effectively. Lacks notable Attribute improvements beyond a few +s to mental stats.
*Future Armament matchups: Dicey, but you have lots of Arete to play with in the Realm of Evening. Surely you can buy something there?
*If you can figure out a way to re-access Feat: Orb, the potential benefits would be considerable.

well well well

We start with a pretty good option.

LOTS of rank brings us high enough that I think we should be able to actually deploy a shroud of our own (SJUC mentioned it usually requires rank 9+), and we get one step closer to the "second trinity" of rank feats. We also get the accursed favor and decimator mitigation, which would certainly be useful during timeskips.

One thing to notice: The Evening Realm should count as our land for the sake of mitigation, so we wouldn't have to worry about mitigation in there, and even the alternate curses it saddled us with should be mitigated in there.

This means that, whenever we want to mitigate the curse with Hunger Sated Targets, to let our kingdoms enjoy births and naturally grown food, we can simply face hunger sated targets right before the Pillar proc expires.

Probably not my first choice, but still not a bad start, even if it monofocuses on rank a bit too much.
[ ] A King For All Seasons - Not merely of Winter, but of all seasons, King.

Purchase Refinement of Purpose for 1 pick, 25 Arete (Arete -> Praxis picks), then purchase Sword in the Stone for 1 pick, 25 Arete. Finish by purchasing Tenfold Echo + 1 additional Echo for 3 picks. You will need to generate some Arete to afford this option, but it's not overly ambitious.

*A rulership-focused build that wields the Hour of Reckoning to obliterate opposition when his territories are threatened. Refinement of Purpose also grants a large number of Attribute +s due to interactions with Cut Through.
*Hunger's last encounter with an Armament was far too close. Venturing the Human Sphere would give the Apocryphal Curse immense ammunition against him. It may be wise to remain in the Voyaging Realm for some time yet, and see if his own development alongside Gisena's Artifice can help him reach a level capable of contesting Armaments more comfortably. In the meantime it would be a good opportunity to gain some experience with rule. Hunger could take over as King Regent (or... Lord Protector?) of Nilfel and unify it with his other polities so as to spread the benefits of Sword in the Stone as far and wide and possible.

phew, this is a long one! I had to split it up!

This is Refinement of Purpose (see below)+ Sword in the Stone (finally we get to see the full blurb!) + echo + tenfold echo, for 53 arete total.

well, it sounds like a lot of power, even if the cost is high and doesn't leave much for the Pillar vacation (it seems obvious by now that generating hunger sated targets in Pillars will likely require arete, as will most of its high-end uses..)

now, let me see what the individual components do..

...Hunger possibly becoming the new Lord Protector is a bit ironic, but there's no doubt that we'd do a better job than Augustine.

After all we're strong enough that we could basically conquer the whole land of Myth without shedding much blood if we really wanted to (unless there's other Shard-level threats, obviously...), while Augustine apparently had to commit quite a few atrocities. And that's without considering how she treated the conquered territories.

I'll say I dislike the idea of staying in the VR even longer, though. these blurbs will have to be amazing to convince me to seriously consider the possibility.

Admittedly A defensive build might help in case the Republic decided to send the second armament to investigate what happened to Procyon, and that one is supposed to be the strongest when in a berserk rage...

An Enlightened monarch build could also get us more power both by strenghtening our VR kingdoms, and acquiring the wealth needed to unlock 6th and 7th sign..

Refinement of Purpose [1 + 7 Praxis picks]

The stars could yield, the sky could yield, the Walls could yield, the world could yield, but it was not within him to yield.

++++++++++++++++++++Willpower, +300% to the value of all Willpower +s. Praxis endurance now scales directly with Willpower if that would be better for the practitioner.

In Hunger's case, this increases his current Praxis endurance by half again, though note that this techniques with exponentiating costs, such as Artful Thorn, may not yield extra invocations.

*This grants over 100 effective Might and AGI +s; mind the interactions with All-Defeating Stance and Refinement of Quickness, respectively.

so, 20+ willpower, tripled value to it, more praxis endurance, 100+ might and agi equivalent, with the obvious effects on ruin and quickness.

...yeah. that's a lot. I don't really have anything else to say to that, except that I'm curious how many +s are needed to actually move on the ISH.

Sword in the Stone [25 Arete]

Downthrust the wielder plunges his blade into a stone, tomb or anvil of appropriate size. Buried halfway it stands immovable; an unyielding edifice of rule, pillar and testament to the inexorability of his reign, and its iron righteousness. So sheathed, it becomes a tool not of war but of governance - and if its talents are tuned poorly for that purpose, it upends such deficiencies through sheer weight of power. Its presence is an echo of his will and his signature, fairness resolute and unmerciful judgement, redounding to the very boundaries of his territory and beyond.

No force may tear loose sword from stone; neither curse nor conquest, nor passing of eons, nor death of the wielder and extinction of his line may sunder blade from sheath until the hour of reckoning is come. Invincible and unbridled it stands, the sharp perilous tower whose graven-stone memory is the saga of ages.

Only a ruler of whom he would approve may pull loose the blade, calling again the Forebear's Implement to war. Rue the day such a calamity is unleashed upon an unsuspecting multiverse, for the remit of the Forebear is resolve without limit, and power without bound.

*Requires two of: Rank 9, Once and Future I, Stranglethorn: Establishment, or Refinement of Purpose
*Hunger did not find the Forebear's Blade plunged into an object; it was laid flat against his empty tomb.
*When active, converts half the AGI from Echo-type advancements (Echo of the Forebear, Undying Echo, Tenfold Echo etc) into WITS and INT (Rulership), and half the associated Might into WILL and WIS (Rulership).

*The wielder's kingdom is as a Camelot or Shangi-La; wonders and feats halfway beyond the realm of the possible become attainable - and, in time, even commonplace within its borders.
*The wielder's Rank and Luck are centralized into his thrust Blade and emanate to cover the entirety of his territories, treating all his lands as a single entity benefitting from his full, unpenalized Rank; any action opposed to the ambitions or well-being of the kingdom is resisted by that all-converging will, and actions commensurate with such powerfully augmented.

ok, this has two main parts: the ruling bonuses, and Hour of Reckoning


...well, that's OP.

Our rank is applied to our WHOLE KINGDOM. This is honestly objective justification to conquer all the lands we can, as there's LITERALLY no way that the people would have better lives in their own kingdom that in our.

If we take this, we have a strong incentive to conquer as much of the land of Myth as we can (and we probably can do that even while leaving the sword in the stone, thanks to our bloodcasting and quickness allowing quick travel.

Basically, we go to the capitals of each country, force a bloodless surrender through sheer charisma and blood manipulation to avoid killing anyone, then these lands are considered under our rule and we can apply our rank to smooth any problem due to the transition of power.

We can LITERALLY avoid most of the problems of keeping conquered territories with this, thanks to both really high rank applied ON THE WHOLE TERRITORY, and the bonuses to mental stats for ruling.

We can then use Adorie, Gisena, and Hunger (and his rank) to find good underlings to administer the various regions (even possibly the previous rulers, if they were good ones and we think we can trust them), we ennoble them, then move to another kingdom.

We can conquer multiple countries each day, and our rank will smooth out most problems!'s tempting. REALLY tempting

Only one real problem: this means we can't leave for the Human Sphere yet, where war has likely started in full, and Letrizia's lands are undefended without Verschle protecting them. (though I suppose Letrizia can be placated by promising to resurrect her father if he happens to die...)

At least the Armament count is down one for each polity. Verschle is with us, and Procyon is dead.

There's even a chance the Republic might send the SECOND armament against us, and if it did we'd be in a good position to defeat him, depending on how much time it takes to come and face us.. we might even be able to acquire enough mythical platinum for 6th and 7th signs, especially with multiple countries behind us supporting our efforts..

ok, I'm starting to repeat myself. let's see part 2, Hour of Reckoning.

*Hour of Reckoning: To defy him is folly; to assault him is hubris. If the wielder is forced to take up his Blade by the unforgivable action(s) of an external aggressor, double the effects of Once and Future against that opponent.

*So long as this Advancement is active, the wielder cannot be slain beyond the possibility of resurrection, nor his works wiped from the memory of sapient beings. Some fragment, remnant or recoverable sliver will always remain, even if only in the most abstract sense. As the wielder's Rank and Luck are focused into the Blade, all reality will conspire towards his revival unless opposed by forces of even greater import, his kingdoms and territories working assiduously towards his purposes even as their ruler lies dead but dreaming.
*If its wielder falls in combat, the Forebear's Blade plunges into the earth, automatically activating this Advancement. It and the underlying object are both immovable and indestructible except when pulled free by an appropriate wielder.
*Save when he falls, the wielder must plunge his weapon into the appropriate object and, with an effort of will, manifest the effects of this Advancement. Removing the blade automatically removes its active effects.

**For example, a single soldier marching under the Forebear's banner may be afforded cosmic protection equivalent to an appendage, such as a finger, of the Forebear himself, in addition to the defenses granted by that soldier's own Rank. More important champions of the Forebear's will might be granted commensurately greater protection, equal to a hand, limb, eye or heart. This can render the wielder's armies nigh-invincible against forces of lesser Astral influence.
..well, if an armament or the Shard offended us, we'd get quite the power up :jackiechan:

Getting up to +4 rank and +0.4 ISH for these battles would make a BIG difference...

also the "can't be slain beyond resurrection" sinergyzes pretty well with, say, Adorie and Gisena being our party members. TOgether they could likely manage to find a way to resurrect us, given some time AND our Rank's and Luck's assistance...

Also damn, but the power up to the armies of our kingdoms (AND OUR COMPANIONS) is incredible!

..ok, I'm seriously tempted. with this we can quite literally conquer the whole Realm of Myth easily.

I'd say the whole VR, except it's a bit too big for that to be easy AND/or likely to happen...

well, let's see the other options before I get too attached to this one...

[ ] Armory of Night - Gravity his onager, evening his shield, the stars his munitions; the cosmos his armory in full.

Attain the Sixth and Seventh Empyreal Signs of the Evening Sky for 5 picks, 52 Arete. This is a discounted price. The functional effect of these Signs with the Set Bonus will be for Hunger either to enhance or outright manifest an Armament of his own; clad in these spellfire vestments, Verschlengorge could be restored to the fullness of its power and beyond, or Hunger could forge an Armament of his own to take Procyon's place: an Implement of terrifying grandeur and power whose plate is the Armor of Midnight, its cannons Deathly Stars.

*Ideal for those who wish to venture to the Human Sphere as soon as possible.
*Assuming it's piloted by Letrizia, Verschlengorge bearing the Armory of Night would be capable of fighting off four peer-level Armaments simultaneously.
*This will also awaken his secondary heads to full sentience, and manifest a fourth head opposite to his current primary. The Devouring Armament no more; Behold the Maw of Night, the Hungering Armament whose jaw is the void and the cessation of all things.
*Should you choose a custom Armament, you still won't be able to manifest a Shroud, though you will be able to use a Curse-specific Ultimate. The nature of the Forebear is beyond the piddling grasp of Foremost technology. Hunger would for obvious reasons also need to link with his new Armament instead of Verschlengorge, which means Verschlengorge's Decimation would return.
*However, note that the Ereadhihr have considerable utility applications beyond their might in battle. A second Armament would open up enormous logistical and cosmic terraforming possibilities, to say nothing of its Curse-specific Ultimate!

mh.. This is honestly better than "A king for All Seasons".

Or, at least, it's better once we remember that, in the end, our ultimate goals are NOT in the VR.

While conquering the whole VR (or as much of it as we can) is somewhat tempting, especially when most of it is beneath our power level and we'd get to enjoy MANY benefits from turning all of it to the pursuit of our goals while enhanced by "Sword in the Stone".. if we want to actually go the HS soon-to-immediately, this is clearly the best option.

The set bonus for 7 evening signs is incredible, by the way!

I'd definitely go with a custom armament by the way, as it gives us more force projection AND, as the blurb says, they're useful for more than just battle.

The lack of a shroud is not even that big of a deal, we just need to take SJUC at some point!

We might need to find ways to deal with Verschle's decimator, though. Realm of Evening monsters can probably help, or maybe Gisena can mitigate it somehow. It shouldn't be as hard as dealing with OUR curses...


[ ] A Hero's Reward - For whom the favor was carried.

Expend 5 picks, 50 Arete and the Heroic Advancement in order to receive +3 Haeliel Points and become one of Haeliel's Chosen, being empowered as per the Hero of your universe. Exact effects vary, but are usually incredibly powerful. This has a low chance to kill you, in which Haeliel will reincarnate you elsewhere with a different Geas task.

Most importantly, Haeliel will appear once more to speak with Hunger, this time in her official capacity. Don't expect this to be a regular occurrence!

*Should you survive, the enemy spawned by the Chains of Fate will target you instead, making that particular ordeal far easier to overcome.
*Hunger can assist Aobaru in his Chosen-specific tasks, making Aobaru's quest vastly easier.
*This is what happens when the mentor refuses to die, he just solves all the hero's problems himself!

ehi, Haeliel is strong enough that she can override our Geass!

This is definitely a strong contender, but... well, there's that tiny problem of us risking to leave this world for another one if Haeliel accidentally kill us.

That would mean we lose.. well, basically all our story development.

Gisena, Adorie, Aobaru, Aeira, Letrizia, Foremost lore.. If we die we lose ALL of this.

And without us, Letrizia and Aobaru WILL be doomed, as they BOTH have powerful enemies after them.

...the heroic option is somehow the least heroic to me. I think I'll pass.

Maybe if we could get our party to follow us to this other realm I'd see it differently, but If Hunger actually died in this it would basically be a soft reset of the story, and I don't want that

[ ] Myth and Legend - For all things, a culmination.

In her desperation to save Lord Hunger, Adorie awakens the Mirellyian Bloodline in full, invoking the Oath of Winter (0 picks, 28 Arete). This more or less negates the effects of the Condition chosen below, though still vote for the one you prefer. Hunger acquires Feat: Saber for (3 picks, 12 Arete), receiving +.5 Rank, and expends a further (2 picks, 7 Arete) for Inheritance: Pierce Through. +++Adorie.

*One of the more synergistic and plot-appropriate builds, though to benefit fully you'll need Adorie to travel with you. Should you wish to venture into the Human Sphere, Nilfel will need to find a new leader.
*An effective Rank 10.5 Companion has enormous applicability in combat, politics, administration and elsewhere, especially in the areas Hunger is lacking. Frees up Gisena to focus on her passion of research.
*Good for traveling to the Human Sphere and fighting Armaments head-on, enhancing the very Praxis techniques Hunger relied on so heavily to overcome Procyon.
*Total cost of 47 Arete, you'll need to earn a bit of Arete for these Advancements.

mh.. less power, but we don't get the maluses.

Having Adorie coming with us is a mixed blessing. On the one hand, she's obviously useful, even just due to reduced praxis effort (and that's without seeing what Oath of Winter does),but on the other hand we're losing her perk protecting our kingdoms from apocryphal.

...yet, a rank 10.5 companion focused on administration would be invaluable for our quest, and in the end our objectives are NOT in the VR, but in the Human Sphere...

Also this gives GIsena more time for artifice and graces, which is obviously what she should focus on!

well, let's see the details of the advancements
Oath of Winter

To Might alone, it is given, to decide who shall rule.

Sets Adorie's Rank to 10. Grants Adorie ++++++++++All Stats.

The powers of Winter are preservation and destruction, and its purpose is Might. Let the glories that once bestrode this Realm, arise again.

Preservation: Considerable in-setting effects, unlocks a multitude of options. In battle, may negate the effects of any Condition less severe than a Lesser Shattering Blow upon herself or allies. Octuples Hunger's Praxis endurance while in her presence.

Destruction: Those who oppose House Mirellyian are cast into the cold and storm. Her opponents in any endeavor suffer a 0.5 penalty to Astral Rank. This applies to any working against her interests and objectives, even if not fighting her directly.


Might: The Mirellyian may designate one champion to share the Rank and All Stats bonuses conferred by the Oath of Winter. This would not affect Hunger's Combat or Blood Ranks at all, as those already exceed 10 with Feat: Saber, but would improve his general and casting Ranks substantially.


*Alongside Renaissance Woman, may unlock Status: Foremost Maker for Adorie and Gisena given sufficient time and research. Among other things, this would prevent Armaments from directly attacking them.
*Alongside Feat: Saber, unlocks Inheritance: Pierce Through.
*Alongside the Empyreal Signs, further accelerates Sign development


The obvious choice to me is to NOT declare Hunger the champion, but instead do it on Gisena..or maybe one of the children? This way we unlock her rank (directly at 10), and get a solid party to support us.

Adorie is the administrator

Gisena the researcher/genius

Letrizia is an armament pilot, and our source of informations on the Human Sphere and its culture/politics

Aobaru... if we chose HIM as champion, that would definitely make him more useful.

Aeira is just there.

I suppose that choosing Hunger can also be a good idea... with this we can stop raising Hunger's rank and focus on other avenues of growths, like graces and signs, for example.

And yet I kinda want to choose someone else...
Inheritance: Pierce Through

+++AGI, ++Might

Hunger may now perform the perfected version of Vanreir's Thrust technique: an unerring and inescapable lunge that pierces all forms of physical defense. Negates target inapplicability: if incorporeal, the thrust will damage their spirit; if physical harm is meaningless, it will strike their very essence. Does not commit Hunger into a continuous attack if it somehow fails. This is tiring to use, drawing from the same pool as Praxis Techniques - but see Oath of Winter above.

Integrates and upgrades the Artful Thorn: in exchange for limitations on form, the cost is now linear rather than exponential.


..from exponential, to linear. That's a BIG difference!

Ok, I'll be honest: I have NO IDEA how to choose one!

They're all amazing!

well, let me see the complications first I suppose...

Conditions: Choose one.

[ ] Lessened: Lose 10 Arete and surrender your next 5 picks. Does not affect picks from this fight, but it would be unwise to take this with Hero's Reward, Armory of Night, or King For All Seasons without generating an enormous amount of Arete.

[ ] Grievous Exertion: Essence damage was moderate, but comprehensive. -20% All Stats, -2 Rank, -80% Praxis Endurance, --Mental Stability for 1 month. Time in the Realm of Evening counts, but Apocryphal Curse is very likely to exploit this opening.

[ ] Over-Refined: Essence damage was severe, but contained. Praxis techniques sealed for one year.

[ ] Least Foresleep: Suffer the Affliction of Slumber at full strength for one year, then at half-strength for another year. Can't be mitigated. With powerful companions the consequences of Slumber can themselves be reduced, however.

Ok, I've decided!

[><] Myth and Legend

2016 words
mh.. random musing, but technically oath of winter could have been taken in combination with the low-arete cost Accursed Implement, being a 0 pick.

This would have brought the cost from 24 arete to 52, still feasible.

It would have basically exchanged the Inheritance: Pierce Through (linear cost to the now piercing Artful Thorn) for Fisher King, getting an extra 0.125 rank from Fisher King + Feat: Saber (admittedly not as valuable with Adorie setting our base rank to 10.

Admittedly losing linear cost to Artful Thorn is a pretty severe hit to our attack power, but it's not the worst trade-off possible for the favor+improved mitigation + rank bonus from Fisher King

Those conditions make the footnote that one option negates them suddenly very important, don't they?

It basically turned it from "I want them ALL" to "one of these things is not like the other, one of these things doesn't belong..." (but in a good way!)

it's basically the one option without big downsides.

Accursed implement is.. well, basically not shiny enough.

A King For All Seasons is VERY cool, but it delays Human Sphere AGAIN, at a time where we learned war is about to start and Letrizia should reasonably start to get VERY worried about her family and lands.

Armory of Knight... very strong, but I think we have good alternatives to develop these signs. Either improved Research from Adorie + Gisena, or improved wealth from conquering most of the realm of Myth with King for All Season.

A Hero's reward is a very expensive mystery box that risks a soft-reset of the quest, having us say bye-bye to our party and all the unsolved mysteries

and of course, they all have us bear the horrible complications, with such nice choices as

1)no praxis for 1 year

2)Slumber for one year at full power, then one year at half power (though at least realm of evening should help a bit with that, if the time inside counts for the curse)

3) -10 arete and 5 future picks (which makes most high cost pick very hard to get here

4) -20% All Stats, -2 Rank, -80% Praxis Endurance, --Mental Stability for 1 month. Which leaves us very vulnerable for one week right after we exit from the Realm, and Apocryphal knows that!

when you look at it like this, Myth and Legend becomes the obvious choice (though I'd personally be tempted to trade "Inheritance: Pierce Through" for Fisher King, adding just 5 arete to the cost and trading some offensive power for the various benefits of Fisher King.

310 words if it counts, by the way.

Pitt's only 21 Threadmarks behind, 17 if you don't count the Blurbs or Preview.
yeah, I'm really close :V
Subquest index updated, very lazily. Now for the Alherian starting locations.
There are monuments to view, as well, in your passage through. The Basilica, which sports a ten-sided radial symmetry in the worship of the Gods, the Gardens of Reverence which hold over a thousand statues of countless Imperial heroes embossed in marble, and the Mausoleum of Her Majesty, which the Imperial family visits somberly once a year to pay their respects to the Emperor's wife.
Why hasn't she been revived yet? Something to solve, I think.
There is, however, a menace that plagues this otherwise idyllic place. Every several years, a monster wolf the size of a cruise ship emerges from the gloom of the lowest jungle plains to hunt, always a target in mind; often a populated center. With each attack, he kills hundreds, and those who survive become lycanthropes. He is Father Wolf.
Werewolf Endbringer is really cool.
More worrying perhaps, is the showrunner: the arena itself. The Bloodsport Arena itself seems to possess a malicious sentience, consciously directing the combatants into favorable turns, making the fights dramatic, and even encouraging relationships that start in friendship or love, only to end in cold betrayal. The Arena will do anything in its power to captivate the audience, to keep them watching the fights, and to maintain the unhealthy cycle in running. Its origins and reasons are unclear, but for the wise, it would perhaps be prudent to steer clear of this place.

It seems… dirty.
Well, that's a thing to nuke. Well, probably exorcism is a better idea. Bomb-pumped exorcism?

As for Ramiel's Watch, it sounds like a great place to be a Rufescent Vampire. Gabriel's on to something, possibly.

Slate-Black Lightning Strikes the Heart
[+] Ramiel's Watch
[+] Rufescent Discipline: Amorphous Blood
(-3 orbs)
[+] Redstar Knife (-2 orbs)
[+] Godslayer (+2 orbs)
[+] Remade (1 orb)
[+] Aurelian Curse (+1 orb)

Who was Aurelius? Why was his blood cursed, to make the Rufescent Discipline so much stronger, but so much less a comfort?
The protagonist this time is probably some supersoldier experiment. The Redstar Knife is permanently stabbed through... its? heart, and is the closest thing it has to a vital organ. It is absorbing Bloodlings at a tremendous rate. Either this seals the wound, or the blood reactor is empowering it fast enough to draw Tyrmillion's attention. Again.

I'll probably need to go take a look at Melicau for rezzing Her Majesty, killing Father Wolf, and driving the Arena out of business. Still, something to look forward to!
Update in 10-20!

Hunger still sometimes looked askance at them when they made such comments, as if deriding the idea of popular rule was in some way a faux pas. The Earth of his time had been somewhat democratic, she'd gathered, or at least the nation in which he'd resided. What little he had mentioned evoked a primitive, but less-sclerotic version of the modern Republic. That the rest of them hailed from states governed by an aristocracy or absolute monarchy, did not often come up.

As for Aeira herself, she was more than clear on the disadvantages of rule by a hereditary nobility - exploitation and abuse of power, lack of social mobility, inconsistent accountability, with one poor leader capable of ruining the entire nation - but did not have enough experience to say whether something like democracy would be more effective overall. It was, she supposed, a moot point given that even Princess-Regent Allria's power could suffice to create a philosopher-queen without peer, much less the unlimited Progression available to the King himself.

The only rule she would live to see, given how intimately her fate was tied to theirs, would be the invincible benevolent autocracy of King Hunger or King Hunger's agent, in practice if not in name. They would prevail or die, and she would play her part to the best of her abilities. It was comforting, in a way, though she understood why Aobaru found it smothering.

Aeira shrugged. "The Elixir leadership did what was most comfortable for them. And what is normal is often comfortable."

It was easy for simple comfort to take precedent over near-every priority. For example, Letrizia had never asked why Aeira did not use contractions (a fact that Aeira greatly appreciated). And now that they had known each other for several months, it was simply too awkward to broach the topic spontaneously. That would not stop the likes of the Princess-Regent, but it would certainly give Letrizia pause.
Untoward Mustering
Untoward Mustering

Content warning: Described in generalities, the party discovers the extent of Dien's biological subversion.

Nearly two weeks had passed since Princess-Regent Allria had discovered the first great contagion. As she stared through Letrizia's vidscreen at the crowds milling peaceably below, Aeira wondered if there were any humans left in the Republic still free and un-contaminated. This was Jovien, the sector capital of the Republic industrial heartland, a planet which to all outward appearances seemed entirely unchanged.

Human minds habituated quickly to the rhythms of their environment. Novel stimuli, no matter how strange or surprising, quickly found themselves relegated to the confines of normality. Normality was the ever-present and inescapable state of humanity, the homeostatic baseline to which their sentiments invariably converged.

But normality was also a trap; for in binding one's fundament to a schedule of repeated events, it was all too easy to disregard the unknown, the unseen, or even the merely uncommon. And the rarity of an event had little correlation to its importance.

Today the world turned as it always did, as it always had for the last ten, twenty, or three hundred million years. Tomorrow, an extinction-level meteorite might render your entire species extinct. Or the ash cloud of a super-volcano might displace the cycle of day or night, dooming all your people to smog-choked starvation!

Or magi-technological hyperviruses might infect and puppeteer your entire civilization, spreading with a speed and subtlety that would leave any outside observer unknowing; the actions of your people apparently unchanged even as they stewed within a thousand billion biological prisons helpless to voice any quantum of alarm or dissent. Helpless to so much as place a single finger out of line, betrayed by even your autonomic systems.

Condemned to enact the unceasing clockwork of your unknown master's perfect facade, all to achieve a marginal advantage within a conflict you would never understand, much less support or appreciate.

"Theirs was not to question why," indeed. Aeira sighed.

This was why it paid to be prepared.

Having known the Foremost once existed; having known of even the location of some of their slumbering shards, was this level of laxity truly unforgivable, or was Aeira simply being unfair? She more than anyone knew you couldn't plan for every outside context problem, but the Armaments of the Republic were themselves tools capable of potentially forestalling such an assault - had the Republic possessed the foresight and executive capacity simply to plan. Likely there had been short-term priorities that seemed critically urgent at the time.

There always were. But excuses mattered nothing in the face of brute reality.

Regardless of whether your people held you to account, the world always would, once the power to insulate yourself from consequence was spent.

They had fought through much to reach here, rampaging Astrals supported by swarms of variant monstrosities. Shadow-wreathed Verschlengorge and brilliant Novakhron were hammer and anvil, steadily but slowly working their way through the abominable tide. Luckily the Princess-Regent was far more competent than the Republic Council, but against this foe she had tended towards an excess of caution, comprehensively pre-empting many vectors of esoteric attack even at the cost of time. Was it wise, to ensure they could not be used as hostages against the King, or foolish, to place so much faith in his powers of advancement alone?

"Penny for your thoughts?" Letrizia asked. The Duchess was frowning - a frequent occurrence these days - but not unkindly. Aeira smiled brightly in response.

"Feeling sorry for this Republic system," she said. "So many unfortunate people, condemned by inept leadership. Their new ruler seems far more capable, though I doubt they will enjoy the spoils of that ability."

"Hmph," Letrizia said. "That's what comes of allowing the masses to choose their leaders. Say what you will of Attramemnar, he would never have allowed his pilot, or his pilot's holdings, to be caught flat-footed like this."

Aeira hummed noncommittally. They had heard of the Empire's alliance with an entity known as the Shogun, and their subsequent policy of total isolation. Letrizia had been quite relieved to hear of her homeland's relative security. Was she unaware of the Princess-Regent's hand in those events? It was unlike Gisena Allria not to take credit, though they had all tread lightly around the Duchess since her father's demise.

"Perhaps," she finally replied. "Though I wonder how much say the masses actually had, given their government's soft control over all forms of data distribution. It seems much more an oligarchy than any form of democracy by ideals."

"Oh come on," Letrizia rolled her eyes. "You're not one of those 'democracy has never been tried' folks, are you? Without the Armaments to keep their territories in line the Republic would have fallen apart long ago. Whereas your breakaway state kept to Imperial traditions even as it severed ties politically! What does that tell you?"

Hunger still sometimes looked askance at them when they made such comments, as if deriding the idea of popular rule was in some way a faux pas. The Earth of his time had been somewhat democratic, she'd gathered, or at least the nation in which he'd resided. What little he had mentioned evoked a primitive, but less-sclerotic version of the modern Republic. That the rest of them hailed from states governed by an aristocracy or absolute monarchy, did not often come up.

As for Aeira herself, she was more than clear on the disadvantages of rule by a hereditary nobility - exploitation and abuse of power, lack of social mobility, inconsistent accountability, with one poor leader capable of ruining the entire nation - but did not have enough experience to say whether something like democracy would be more effective overall. It was, she supposed, a moot point given that even Princess-Regent Allria's power could suffice to create a philosopher-queen without peer, much less the unlimited Progression available to the King himself.

The only rule she would live to see, given how intimately her fate was tied to theirs, would be the invincible benevolent autocracy of King Hunger or King Hunger's agent, in practice if not in name. They would prevail or die, and she would play her part to the best of her abilities. It was comforting, in a way, though she understood why Aobaru found it smothering.

Aeira shrugged. "The Elixir leadership did what was most comfortable for them. And what is normal is often comfortable."

It was easy for simple comfort to take precedence over near-every priority. For example, Letrizia had never asked why Aeira did not use contractions (a fact that Aeira greatly appreciated). And now that they had known each other for several months, it was simply too awkward to broach the topic spontaneously. That would not stop the likes of the Princess-Regent, but it would certainly give Letrizia pause. It was one fortunate event of many in Aeira's life.

How would the Sovereignty have fared, she wondered, if the outside-context problem that stumbled upon them was not Lord Hunger but his opposite? An actual conquering tyrant, cruel and capricious rather than their brooding champion the Reckoner of Rotspawn? Would the surgecrafters have marshaled any meaningful resistance, or simply fallen in disarray?

The greatest upheaval of her life had been a positive thing. If the valence of that event had been negative, would she have been sufficiently prepared? Lord Hunger was not invincible the day he chanced upon them. Before he slew the Rotbeast, in theory he could have been repelled.

It was cramped in Verschlengorge's cockpit. Strings and blankets of her Element were strewn and woven around her, a soft cocoon of cushioning that ablated the impacts of the Armament's movement. Foremost technology did the rest, she assumed, even though a pilot in Totality had no need of g-force mitigation to survive maneuver at combat speeds. The Foremost had been prepared for the possibility of passengers in the pilot's compartment - or perhaps had simply wanted to ensure the survival of the pilot's accoutrements.

What system of governance had they employed, she wondered? How had they arranged their affairs, they who once dominated the cosmos and whose departure left it a diminished ruin? Had they, too, been caught flat-footed by some outside-context problem of incomprehensible immensity? Had they stirred the ire of some trans-comic being as far above them as they were above ordinary humanity?

It was exciting, and truly foreboding, that she might one day actually know the answers to such questions.

They were all caught within King Hunger's wake, and his outrageous rate of ascent showed no signs of slowing. Impossible as it was to conceive, one day she, Aeira Shadowcord, an impromptu mercenary without so much as a bachelor's degree, might scale such heights of power as to rival the Foremost themselves! Already her personal prowess was beyond that of any Armor Prototype, a side effect of King Hunger's magic that ensured his 'companions' held a level of Rank only moderately below his own.

To Hunger it was an incidental advancement, one stone of many in the redoubt of his power; acquired mostly for Gisena and Letrizia's sake but conveniently extended to Aeira and Aobaru as well.

To Aeira, it had been the greatest and most stupefying elevation of her life. The mightiest surgecrafters of the Sovereignty would struggle their entire lives to claw towards enough power to rival a Republic super-dreadnought. Aeira could slaughter such via the indifferent emission of her Pressure, a capability that she had not ever even trained to use! She could stand careless and undaunted before the maw of its main guns and be confident its fearsome cannonade would not so much as stir a hair.

Entire nations, entire planets would yield before her Rank, armies of billions as helpless as babes before the supernova glare of that Astral incandescence. It was truly peculiar, to wield such power simply because Hunger had one day decided it would be more convenient if his retinue could all defend themselves.

It was absurd. It was comical. It was pure fantasy, pure escapist impossibility beyond even the realm of daydream. Only her paradoxical lack of agency despite such outrageous power lent a tinge of the real, of credibility, to the situation. Had she told her senior-year self, even with incontrovertible proof the younger Aeira would have struggled to believe it. And yet this was the experience of her life today.

It was a dangerous thing, normality. The systems of one's world could crumble in an instant, and who presided above the ruins would only be the fortunate - and the prepared.



Wheresoever he turned, it seemed, the enemy was ahead of him. Every planetoid, every platform, every colony, every star, the mark of Dien Bravo was plainly apparent for those with eyes to see. That something had been off about even the superficially ordinary worlds they ventured to became clear very swiftly: Hunger himself could find no physical abnormality, but the Ring of Blood spoke of their warped and futile passions, the screams of a populace caged in body, spirit and mind.

Adorie was beside herself searching for a way to rescue them, but for all their raw power neither of the two possessed the specific conjunction of abilities necessary even to attempt such a thing. These people were parasitized from the Astral down to the sub-cellular levels. The luckiest were wholly unwitting, people whose neurology had 'merely' been restructured such that they were, on a sub-conscious level, utterly incapable of disobeying Dien's agents or acting against his interests.

But there were plenty of strains exhibiting various degrees of control or manipulation, from fanatical Dien-devotion to full-on locked-in puppetry. Absent any superior interventions, Hunger had done his best to pretend that the 'oblivious' strains were the best at fooling him, lest the Republic's populace would become wholly expendable in the eyes of that Foremost shard.

Sheer overwhelming Rank sufficed to protect those in their immediate presence, but that was less than a sliver, not even a drop in the ocean of silent calamity that Dien had proliferated upon the populace.

He had committed to tracking down the source, the monstrosity who had unleashed this plague upon the Republic's trillions. But it was difficult to find a trail to follow when evidence sprang up in every direction he turned. No matter which system he ventured to, he could hardly step forward without bumping into some scheme or abomination of Dien's. The enemy was everywhere, which meant its originator might as well be nowhere for all the good it did Hunger.

Which meant only that he would have to search faster.

It was clear that the systems Dien subjugated were of unequal importance. Hunger theorized that the star-spanning ringworlds were the most critical of his enemy's assets, though their exact function beyond findross-harvesting was still unclear. He had destroyed dozens of such worlds and their incubator-stars, enough to have provoked a military response from Dien's forces, which otherwise preferred wholly to avoid him. That he had crushed easily enough, but the remaining ringworlds were spread distantly in remote systems, fed by Republic populations transported with uncanny swiftness.

Thankfully the worst of it seemed confined to Republic space, with other Foremost awakening and partnering with the Empire and Association for mutual defense. But it was entirely possible for Dien to have simply spread in the direction of least resistance, outwards from the Human Sphere.

Hunger had never thought he would oppose an enemy more terrible than the Tyrant - greater in power, certainly, but never as pitiless, as omnipresent and relentless, as skillful and cruel as the Forebear's get. Naive, perhaps, but now that he wielded Progression he had assumed that no opponent would drive him to such lengths of desperation as he had felt against his original foe. But this was a war of unprecedented scope, whose unspoken atrocities were horrifying even to contemplate. Dien Bravo was giving the Tyrant a run for his money, but that man's calculating brutality was almost preferable to the Foremost's total indifference towards suffering.

Even if he succeeded in rooting out the foe, what degree of punishment could account for such crimes?

But justice was only the prerogative of victors. To have a hope of contemplating that problem, of presiding over the shattered Republic populace and the ruins of their core systems, he first had to move faster.


The winners were [X] A Promising Lead and [X] On the Trail.

Gisena's actions have lead her to a shard of the Foremost known as the Emissary, who has arranged a united front between Empire, Association, and the shards within their territory against the forces of the Surgeon. They are barely capable of repelling even his diffident attentions, and this unified resistance will make both polities more difficult to conquer in the future, but at least a humanitarian disaster has been mostly averted within Imperial and Association space. With this, the immediate annihilation of the Human Sphere is not as pressing of a threat, though the fate of the Republic's citizenry still hangs in the balance.

Through desperate training in the Praxis, Hunger has acquired the Attainment of Quickness, allowing him to maintain +1 ISH Agility at all times. With such power, even Dien's greatest creations of the moment pose no personal threat to him, allowing Hunger to continue his sun-hunting campaign unabated and at great speed. But the chief priority remains finding the Surgeon himself, and despite the damage he's inflicted Hunger still lacks any concrete leads...

Hunger has suffered -Mental Stability from witnessing Dien's horrors.
Adorie has suffered ---Mental Stability from witnessing Dien's horrors.

Dien is no fool, of course. He has crafted countless layers of contingency to secure his person and obscure his location, efforts bolstered by his continually-growing Rank. Though Hunger has notably slowed his rate of ascent, ever-more Feeder Suns are coming online by the day. This state of affairs cannot continue.

[ ] Once United - Focus on reaching Gisena and the kids before the upcoming Realm of Evening proc, which will be occurring soon. Once within, you can both take measures to develop an effective answer to Dien's strategy. Dien and his Astral - allies? slaves? - will certainly do their utmost to stop you, but despite their strategic outflanking they cannot match Hunger or Novakhron in sheer tactical strength. It will take some time, but you are almost certain to re-convene with your party and enter the Realm of Evening safely.

[ ] Must Divide - Dien cannot be allowed to roam free even one day further. His exponentiating tide will consume the universe if unchecked, and who knows how long the less-advantaged Foremost can hold out. Though it will be taxing to do so, Hunger can split the Blade & Favor so that he may re-cast Closing the Fist on another set of Artifacts, potentially creating an object of power capable of countering Dien more directly. He can then exploit the Supreme Enclosure Sign to acquire as many picks as possible before the Astrals fully neutralize it.

*Desperate Times - Unlocks Ring & Blade merger, though the risks are high and the consequences even of success, dire. Hunger will also suffer -Mental Stability from dividing the Blade & Favor and re-casting Closing the Fist under such time constraints.
*Desperate Measures - Will almost certainly render Supreme Enclosure useless in the future.

[ ] Another Kingdom - The Voyaging Realm so far seems to have been spared Dien's attentions. Perhaps it holds defenses capable of repelling his agents, or is he wary of the Shards within? Regardless, falling back to Nilfel should retract Dien's Apocryphal support for a few days, and Hunger can now awaken and consult with the Arcanist by force, if necessary. From there, many possibilities arise - perhaps Hunger could attempt to unlock the Eighth Sign of the Empyrean, or see if the Throne Agent program has produced any relevant warriors, or open a dialogue between the Arcanist and Shogun. The Voyaging Realm is on the border of Empire and Republic space, so it wouldn't be a far journey for either, and as Makers they would have more in common than with Dien. Still, this would be ceding the initiative, if only for the moment, in exchange for greater options down the line. +Mental Stability, +Adorie, +Adorie Mental Stability


If you'd like to discuss the quest in real-time or just chat with the questers, you're welcome to join us on the AST Discord!

A huge thanks to all my subscribers on Patreon! The amount of support has been truly incredible! Subscribers receive access to patron-exclusive content, such as the Blurb Library, early updates, Discord roles, Wishes, commissions, and bonus chapters.
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[X] Once United

Follow up to previous vote - we've decided to get info for Hunger and ability to locate Shards for Gisena. So:
  • Reconvene with Gisena
  • Share info and insights
  • Spend our Arete inside the Pillars proc
  • We likely want to get SitS(sure to trigger here for lots of power) and Refinement of Place(for hunting)
  • Work out plan of action, likely using Gisena to locate Dien and RoP to get a drop on him, afterwards we just use AoQ+Rune Prison to fuck him
  • Just execute it
Fairly straightforward gameplay, but it is doable. Dien still has his surprises and Apo proc in his pocket, but that's just how it goes. One thing to note is that he is likely aware that Gisena can locate Shards, so we might want to keep that in mind when relying on that ability.
[X] Another Kingdom

We spent a literal Heroic Upgrade devoted primarily to upgrading Nilfel and making it a (temporary) bastion against the Apocryphal.

That part about talking to the Shard of the Arcanist in a peaceful manner? Also something that's only possible because of that Heroic Upgrade.

Let's take advantage of it.
*Season's Greetings: The hands of Fate are not the Apocryphal's alone; and though her power is by far the greater, still she may acknowledge the sanctum of her kin. Allows Nilfel to be shielded by Spare the Innocent even if Adorie is not physically present. You can move your other populations into Nilfel if you want. Given the massive lifespan and vitality upgrades, it's unlikely they would complain. Perhaps more importantly, by retreating into Nilfel Hunger may earn a modest reprieve from whatever interesting times are troubling him at the moment. Abuse this privilege and the consequences will be dire: but sometimes all you need is a day and a night.
This is the part of the upgrade I'm referring to, by the way.
Quells the Arcanist Shard and advances Aobaru's mission.
Also this part.
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[X] Once United
[ ] Another Kingdom

I'm not too sure yet, but Divided seems wasteful and retreading old ground against an exponentially scaling threat seems foolish.
Another kingdom seems like hoping Nilfel has a Silver Bullet, which I guess it might.

But then, Once United gives a direct method of extreme scaling (Realm of Evening), as well as a way to gain information from our companions. Further, it requires Dien to oppose Hunger, because if he doesn't then Hunger scales even faster. It essentially flips the dynamic from Hunger chasing Dien to Dien chasing Hunger. Which is fine, because Hunger is willing to take that fight regardless.
[X] Once United

[X] Must Divide

[X] A
nother Kingdom

I was late to doing colors because I got my first vaccine!

anyway, nothing too surprising, but it's painfully obvious that the thread didn't come up with many tactics for Hunger to try

I like going to Nilfel, and I like going to meet Gisena.

Was the Quickness another wish?

edit: also, responding to qwolf, if we wish for November Sky before the pillars Proc, Adorie will be soothed.
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Was the Quickness another wish?
That appears to be the case, yeah. I'm happy that the upgrade was only of relevance to head on combat though, tbh, because we already had outstripped Dien in that regard. (Which he noted in his interlude.) That means he won't be trivialized.

I think this update is a pretty good showcase of the more oblique methods Dien used, tbh. Dealing with the virus while protecting the people is going to be rough. We'd probably want to delve into the abilities of the Ring of Blood, or maybe Nilfel/The Arcanist has a good idea.
Sword in Stone lends our Rank to our people, which is protection enough.
True, I did forget about that aspect of Sword-in-the-Stone.

Usually Hour of Reckoning gets the spotlight, but extending the effects of Rank to defend your entire country is not something to be underestimated, since Hunger noted that he could only protect people nearby from the virus since his Rank could only go so far.

Though, this'd mainly be a defense for our extant territories, not the Republic.
As I've said on discord, just because we can do something, doesn't mean that doing it is actually a good idea. Dien doesn't need Apo to scale, and Hunger sitting in Nilfel means that he can do whatever he want.
Just do obvious and straightforward thing and go for Pillars proc. It is a clear follow up to what we did prior and it has very easy plan of what we need to do.
However, it's not like we're doing nothing in Nilfel while we're there.

The Fonts of Nilfel have been re-opened, which I recall helps for Sign-development which would make the Eighth Sign achievable. Given that the Sixth+Seventh Signs produced Novakhron, the Eighth Sign is undoubtably going to be a mighty force.

There's also the Shard of the Arcanist to talk to, who almost certainly has knowledge about the Surgeon which could be vital for the same reason Rihaku said that the Shogun as an ally would be valuable against Dien.
Sure, but we could just meet Gisena, make sure we are on the same page, get Advancements we need to smash Dien in the face, and then just smash him in the face. No need to be fancy here.