I don't know how much blessing he has from the Republic government exactly, since the only Armament he seems to use is Etrynome; however this is not something I expect to last long given his propagation capabilities. Anyway, we probably should try to stop him from getting more Armaments, since that will likely accelerate his terraforming efforts significantly and I don't think it's restrictions on genetic compatibility would stop Dien from just making new pilots. So information as to where they are is very important.

Now that we have Seal of Ruin that may be enough to capture some instead of killing them? Dien can't be everywhere, so if we can get more Armaments to destroy more infrastructure rather than just Hunger and Novakrhon that would be ideal. Since his principal advantage is the strategic side, we should try and get some strategic assets of our own, and it seems only Armaments would be able to cut it.

[X] On the Trail
[X] A Promising Lead

Anyway, I wasn't super interested in any of the shown Remittances, so I guess it's back to the safer vote.
well, last update was about the boons from Haeliel, and the ill-thought assassination attempt on the part of the Republic kill team.

Now, we get to decide HOW to face this problem.

As I said before, I expect one "run/avoid until Pillar proc" and one "cast all buffs, then attack" options at least.

Maybe also a "get Nilfel support", though I don't expect them to be able to help much beyond maybe a few buffs and divinations.

..ah, and a "run away" option worthy of Brave Sir Robin, but I doubt we'd vote for that, especially after we worked so hard to actually strenghten Nilfel/Adorie!

The Curtain Rises

Last time the winners were [X] Seraph's guidance, Seraph's favor and Night's Ambition.
yeah, that was obvious.

Except for Night's Ambition, but I mostly expected that as well. Hoepfully we don't end up regretting this once we see the next signs..

An Armament approaches, likely Procyon, which was forged at the hands of the first Dr. Amarlt back in the days of Old Terra. The Plenary Armament wields power immeasurable within mere physicality, but you are not without recourse. Letrizia believes the only other Armament to be stationed near the Voyaging Realm would be Fervenweirr, the Lunatic Armament, runt of the litter and weakest of the lot unless direly provoked - but should that occur the hope of direct resistance would be slim, as the Doom of Lunacy empowers its totality with an unstoppable berserker rage.
Eh, I don't know. Berserker rage usually leaves a lot of openings to take advantage of, and between cut through, refinement of quickness and deathly Star..

Unless by "direct resistance" it's referring to NILFEL resisting. In that case, yeah, they might be able to argue and gain some time against the Procyon armament/pilot, but if the "Lunatic Armament" goes berserk..

..actually, could we try and use our overwhelming social/mental stats to persuade the pilot instead of actually fighting? I imagine Totality might protect him/her from this approach, but it might be worth a shot.

Also it sounds like each armament yet introduced has its own curse. I wonder if we'll see a few original ones.

How many armaments even EXIST?

Still, best to plan for the most probable case - direct invasion of the Voyaging Realm by the more reliable Armament, Procyon. The probable presence of two Armaments in the area means that a Nightmare Flight-enabled counterattack is unlikely to draw the offensive Armament back to Voyaging City.
is this supposed to mean that we can't simply run away and hope Procyon will leave Nilfel alone?

According to your captives the attack is no more than a few hours out. Republic forces have likely already reached the Walls of Myth, or will reach them in a matter of minutes. From then on it's unknown how long it will take the Plenary Armament to breach its bastions of supernal pressure. The Republic has a team of diviners working to track Letrizia, but they are slow. Unfortunately this means there is no reasonable way to shield Nilfel from the consequences of this incursion short of repelling the Armament directly.

If Hunger & Letrizia were to leave immediately via Nightmare Flight, the Republic would still attack Nilfel for several hours looking for her. If they were to leave by more conventional means in a way visible to Republic forces, then the greater physical speed of the Armament would outpace and catch them, especially with its Rank turning all circumstances towards its favor.
ok, it seems so.

Yeah, escape is not an option.

Or not a good one, at least.

Procyon - Pilot is reserved but professional, a reasonably calm and logical individual and Republic stalwart. His father is a Senator, his mother chief scientist at a biotechnology firm. The Armament possesses a formidable mental/spiritual Special Attack which Hunger should be able to resist by virtue of his Cursebearer nature. Due to its Curse, Procyon is absolutely incapable of any form of guile in combat and relies on clean execution of classical techniques. Republic military science being somewhat more advanced than their Imperial counterparts, its weapons should be considered highly dangerous and infused with enough Astral spectrum to injure mythically potent beings.
The Accursed deserves all the thanks we can offer for these spiritual/mental/scrying protections.


Still, Procyon seem the perfect match-up for us, as far as Armament go. We should be capable of resisting his ultimate, and while it's stronger than us in terms of stats and rank, we have Age and Treachery on our side. Signs, Tricks, Edeldross... we have a decent chance.

Fervenweirr - Pilot is an idiot, according to Letrizia, who is also a coward and socially awkward. He apparently only got in due to a combination of nepotism and sheer luck, and has nearly non-existent combat skills. Nonetheless, the sheer power of an enraged Fervenweirr eclipses even Attramemnar in a direct contest. If enraged, probably the strongest Republic Armament overall and certainly the strongest in a melee fight, virtually inescapable once it has your scent.

mh.. the strongest, eh?

I might have underestimated his berserker rage then.

Still, we have Age and Treachery on our side! Hunger is quite the tricky opponent, so we might actually be able to trick him. It all depends on if the Armor is enough to withstand his berserker attacks long enough for us to take advantage of an opening (and if we can stop the Armament from causing too much collateral damage.

With the power of Haeliel's favor infusing his every act, direct resistance is possible even in the face of an Armament. But is it wise?

better question: can we NOT face it, and still call ourselves heroes worthy of her favour? ESPECIALLY if it means leaving Nilfel vulnerable?

yeah, I thought so.

Of course heroic doesn't have to mean stupid. If we can find allies or gain time, that's certainly an option. But there's only so much we should be willing to risk/sacrifice.

[ ] Hold the Line - Who cares for prudence? A hero knows a hero's duty. He does not cower from battle merely because it would be expedient, nor does he expect innocent lives to withstand the brunt of his own Curse. The Walls are an asset, best make use of them. Gird yourself in the Armor of Midnight and prepare for one more fight of your life, alongside the legions of Nilfel atop the Walls. A red day, a sword day, a tide of blood and Ruin, and ere the night falls will the outcome have already been decided - victory and freedom, or death and glory.

*Assuming the enemy is Procyon, victory grants 5 picks, +1 Heroic Upgrade to an Advancement of Hunger's choice, and +2 Haeliel Points. A Heroic Upgrade will grant the Advancement a unique, highly powerful, and otherwise difficult-to-replicate enhancement. This does not mean that Haeliel would encourage Hunger to pursue this course of action. Haeliel Points have no mechanical effect.
*Hunger will of course try such tactics as attempting to persuade the Republic commanders to stand down with his unnatural Charisma, but Letrizia says Armament Pilots typically have the authority to operate independently if command is compromised.
*The Legions were unable to withstand a single Combat Rank 9.4 entity (Hunger), so it's unlikely they will do much against the Armament on their own, even sheltered by the walls. But their heavy abundance of mid-Rank captains should allow them to tear through any conventional forces the Republic sends to support, which Procyon may feel obligated to defend.
*This is certainly the valiant and heroic, if almost idiotically over-optimistic, thing to do. Perhaps Daylian would have supported this path wholeheartedly, confident in your chances of victory...
*You're unlikely to get picks from anything short of the Armament itself, as even elite-tier Republic kill teams are basically paper before Hunger's might.
*Hunger estimates he has a decent, but nowhere near assured, chance of prevailing with the help of Aeira, Aobaru, Letrizia, Gisena, Adorie, and all the forces of Nilfel at their disposal. His bloodcasting at the very least should be reasonably effective against the Armament so long as it hasn't deployed its Shroud, and so long as he avoids the Shroud radius he can use Refinement of Quickness to temporarily outrun it. Tactics can modestly improve your chances.

..it's a 5 pick fight.

... :jackiechan:

I hoped it was only a 4 :cry:

ok, this is probably a bad idea.

My thoughts, in no specific order

1)The Heroic Upgrade is new, and I'd like to see just how good it is. I'm also pretty curious about these Haeliel points. As they apparently have no "mechanical" effect, I imagine they'll influence her disposition towards us at our next meeting, and maybe help in unlocking her "committed" version at some point.

2)Yeah, it would be nice if we could persuade the enemy away.. unlikely to happen, though. Armament

3)Taking Armor was a good choice. As Above could have worked as well, maybe by boosting either a teleport (and teleporting the Armament away), or by getting an improved summon/a super Deathly Star, but the lesses buff of the noonday sign would NOT have been enough, I think.

4)...You know, I'm very slightly regretting not taking one of the other cursebearers. Having Daylian here might have been suicidal, but I'm imagining Curse Might assaulting the Armament, and I can't find it in myself to care for the death-chance he would have saddled us with.

Then again, I'd probably be feeling differently if he was ACTUALLY here...

5)The Legions are basically as durable as wet toilet paper against the armament.. but couldn't we get some buffs? Really, every little bit counts!

6) We should DEFINITELY use a summon with this. Don't they all hate armaments? fighting one should be something we could negotiate for a lower cost than usual! (though we might have to give up on having Verschle fight on our side. Then again, a powerful summon should be slightly stronger than him, shouldn't it)

All in all, not an optimal decision, but something we could decide to take, depending on the alternatives.

[ ] Call Up - Attempt to locate a source of suitable allies or challenges, such as the Shard of the Arcanist that was Augustine's mother. Powers absorbed could turn the odds in your favor, and the Arcanist might have some insight into the nature of Armaments in general, even if this one was not formed by Foremost hands. Uncertain chance of success; failure could end up with your time wasted and the Walls breached, the peoples of Nilfel subject to whatever horrors an irritated Armament might be inclined to inflict on them. And considering how Verschlengorge treats the matter of enemies...

*A reasonably prudent gamble, but one that fails to stoke the spirit. No Arete bonus or penalty.
*Tactics can't help that much for this one, but re-rolls can and you do have a few.
*Generate some source of picks with which to spend your huge reserve of Arete
*Hunger estimates a 50-70% chance of discovering something worthwhile, but has no idea what the true odds actually are
*Even if you find the Arcanist, you have to ensure you don't die to her, either, or that she does not become an Augustine-shaped thorn in your side. Ideally one of her Chromatic Beasts will be at least a two-pick, but who knows how large the gap is between minion and monster...

yeah, with all the arete we "should" have (I have no idea how much it is, though I think it should be at least >10 at this point) we migt be able to get another EFB. If we could unlock OaF III, that would probably be enough to cover the difference. And there's also Sword in the Stone.Maybe another stance could help as well, if we have extra arete without picks? I think right now we have Hero Defeating and All Defeating. there's the other components of... what was it, world defeating or enemy defeating?

In any case, we still should have one or two stance slots open, and every little thing helps.

I wonder what's more dangerous, the Shard or Procyon? we know so little about her... were these chromatic beasts actually mentioned anywhere? Are they the minions/floor bosses of her dungeon?

[ ] Fall Back - In less than thirty-six hours you'll have access to Augustine's power, in whatever form your Cloak has digested it. If you leave via Nightmare Flight, you can (hopefully) return in two days with the power to overcome this challenge. Gisena seems certain that it will be the solution to your problems, but are you willing to sacrifice Nilfellian lives to purchase those improved odds?

*Coldly calculating, sparing nothing. Certainly the path which preserves the highest chance of victory, but at what cost? -2 Arete, but you can easily afford that.
*Might make Hunger more prudent in the future, or at least less likely to risk his own life on improbably difficult fights.
*Letrizia believes the Republic are scum that will resort to war crimes with the slightest provocation. Hunger is not so certain, but they are abundantly ruthless enough to deploy kill-teams throughout the Voyaging Realm pursuing all sorts of nefarious goals.
*Adorie will command Nilfel to take actions that might minimize the number of casualties, such as surrendering to the incoming forces and allowing them to loot and investigate without restriction, though if the Republic begins kidnapping mages or performing crimes of similar magnitude, the Nilfellians will have no choice but to fight back with all their strength, futile though it might be. Regardless, Adorie's popularity will take a substantial hit. Nilfel is highly nationalistic and proud of their mighty empire: to go from victory unimpeded under the Lord Protector to soundly humbled under Adorie Mirellyian will invite unflattering comparisons.
*It bears repeating that this will actually maximize your chances of winning, and thus surviving and successfully protecting Letrizia. There are costs, but your opponent is a full-power Armament, an existence near-trivially capable of tearing stars asunder, of striding headlong into the tidal flows of a singularity and emerging utterly unharmed. No amount of physical force can so much as faze it when its Shroud is deployed, nor can any density of matter resist it. The final word in military might within the entire Human Sphere, so far ascendent above other options that no state without one has ever survived independent.
*Live, and grow strong.
..Letrizia is probably biased, but she's our only source of intel on the enemy. I don't think I'm willing to risk the civilian casualties.

Maybe we could use some diviners from Nilfel to see what the Republic teams would do if we escaped/their plans for Nilfel? Depending on the damage we might actually consider the escape.

Then again, I imagine that if we COULD predict their actions, we'd already have that information in the vote itself.

..And still, as the option itself states, our enemy is an Armament. A weapon capable of crossing singularities and destroying stars.

...And STILL, I don't think we can take this. or, to be more precise, we could, and it's the most pragmatic option.. but I don't think the players have it in them to actually vote for this.

With our Arete reserve, Call Up sounds like the obvious choice.

We have rerolls to mitigate the worst results, we can get a LOT of power out of even 1 or 2 picks (OaF 2/3: 2 picks. Fisher King: 2 picks. Ruling Ring: 4 picks (honestly it's actually tempting to take the dull price version... still, it's not like RR is a good pick for this fight), 6th/7th sign. Praxis.)

Apocryphal is so inconvenient. Could it not wait just one more day!?

At least, as long as we survive, wounds probably don't matter. we can heal both ourselves and our party in the Evening Realm.

With Hold the Line or Call Up, you can also choose to gamble on the Sixth, or possibly even Seventh, Empyreal Signs providing what you need. Acquiring the Sixth by blood-essence conversion would drop Hunger a full Rank, while acquiring the Seventh would require Hunger to blitz the mythic platinum reserves of every other Mythic nation, drop five total Ranks, and suffer a moderate equivalent of the Shattering Blow in terms of core essence loss. Who knows if the Signs provided will be relevant to your situation, or if your crippled Rank would even be able to fully exploit them? Still, desperate times...

This is only a realistic option at all due to Bastion of Myth reducing the Armament's Rank advantage against you. Even then, it may not be worth it unless the spell acquired is as directly suited for combat as Deathly Star or Armor of Midnight.

Select one or none:

[ ] Aggressive Research: Attempt to acquire the Sixth Sign of the Empyrean.
[ ] Full Measure: Attempt to acquire the Seven Sign of the Empyrean. If the spell attained is agnostic to caster's Rank and at all combat-relevant, this should all but ensure victory.

A majority will have to select these options for them to prevail.
I'm against it.

Our best attack right now it's Deathly Star, and it scales to rank.

1 rank is an INCREDIBLY high cost to pay. and if 6th evening sign is not suitable, we'll have to give up the 7-signs combo, and take on of the others.

Full Measure is a hard pass as well. I mean, FIVE ranks? This is basically bringing Hunger back to his start-of-the-quest rank level!

Sure, our power is NOT in the rank anymore, but paying such a high cost will make us VERY vulnerable. Apocryphal will have LOTs of threaths for us at that level, especially if the signs we unlock end up having a long cooldown.

We really need to summon an ally, though. I doubt they can ask for a price higher than the signs, and it should help at least some.

1330 words
You know, in hindsight dropping five ranks to get 6th and 7th sign would have been the best move, by far.

It would give us enough big dick power to defeat Procyon with relative ease, and Winter's Oath would have rendered Rank loss largely irrelevant.
Personally, I find myself wondering if that one idea about teleporting near Fervenweirr, triggering his berserker mode, and luring the Armaments towards each other could have worked. And would it given us more or less picks if successful?..

Though I guess we didn't have the Praxis endurance for such a three-way fight back then, and the casualties would have been much greater.
You know, in hindsight dropping five ranks to get 6th and 7th sign would have been the best move, by far.

Could we even have cast the 7th Sign while down 5 ranks and hit by moderate Shattering Blow though? The Novakhron summoning knocked out Hunger in our timeline, would he have been able to pull it off while exponentially weaker and suffering from Essence damage?
Adhoc vote count started by Rah13 on Mar 1, 2021 at 3:00 PM, finished with 203 posts and 44 votes.
I would not have enjoyed dropping 5 ranks for the sign armament. Big quest change where hunger drops all his power for robot battles, we would never have seen him fight a giant mecha with a sword.
One major theme of the moon is obsession, to an insane degree. The Doom of Lunacy sealed away power which could only be released if under extreme duress or if you were utterly obsessed with someone to an insane and unhealthy degree. The Lunarch's scepter grants enormous power but it's the same theme of mono-maniacal obsession. A stripping away of nuanced or multifaceted identity in favor of an identity that could be summed up with a word.

Just as Autumn's glare referenced a character we've seen before there is likely an actual Lunarch who is responsible for this.

[ ] The Lunarch's Scepter - A Remittance of the Broken Kaleidoscope.

Who wields the scepter governs temporal might; and this scepter, issued on behalf of a higher power, grants all the object of one's governance that might be desired.

My guess is that the Lunarch is a Foremost, mostly because the name fits the pattern. "The Arcanist", "The Surgeon", "The Shogun", "The Spider", "The Maiden", "The Forebear" ("The Accursed"? "The Netherine" and "The Lazulite"? "The Ur-mother?"). One word that sums up their identity in an overly simplistic manner, always a noun, with a 'the' in front of it. If you're wondering why every Foremost name has a 'the' in front it's because each and every one of them is the definitive article. There can only be one Surgeon, one Forebear. One Accursed.

Plato's world of ideal Forms was about how there exists a single, perfect Form for every discrete thing. A perfect chair is one Form, a perfect Table is a different Form. And our reality is just a shadow of this, with every possible chair being an imitation of the true chair in the world of Forms. It seems the Realm of Forms works the same way. So if you're wondering why there can only ever by a singular Surgeon, it's because this orc guy has already claimed the position. If you tried to become the most perfect, most ideal surgeon, you'd just end up becoming "The Surgeon" because he's the most perfect, most ideal definition of 'Surgeon' that exists, a definition currently enshrined for all eternity in the Realm of Forms.

Though maybe if you killed The Surgeon that'd open up some space in the Realm of Forms to redefine "Surgeon"...

"The Maiden" exists in the realm of Forms so the more perfectly you imitate her the greater the power from the sympathetic link to the real deal in the Realm of Forms (same for the other Foremost but I'm focusing on her for now). All the sorceresses mimiced the behaviors of the Maiden for power and Jeanine's parents thought to name her after the Maiden to empower her but really they should have named Jeanine "The Maiden" instead, would have been more effective. Chrysopoeia encouraged people to wear distinctive outfits and personalities because the more clearly you define yourself, and the more effectively you become a caricature of yourself, the more real you become in a Realm where only things that are discretely and distinctively different can possibly exist.

Notice that Hunger's name kinda-sorta fits the Foremost pattern. "The Hunger". The Foremost all have nouns for names because the Realm of Forms apparently can't handle adjectives or verbs. Or maybe the Foremost just weren't good enough. 'Hunger' can be either a noun or a verb but hopefully that doesn't break anything. Just gotta focus on the noun version.

Getting back to the Lunarch, I would imagine being able to define yourself in this overly simplistic fashion would be a huge help for creating the sort of simple, one-word personality you need to have to enshrine yourself Foremost-style in the realm of Forms. Gisena already unlinked herself from the Maiden so she could get her own Foremost name to shoot for. "The Genius" maybe? Have any Foremost claimed that yet?

Anyways I bet the Lunarch was the Foremost responsible for creating some or all the moons. Though maybe not the Azure moon? If we ever go Foremost tomb-hunting the first place I'd check for the Lunarch's tomb would be on one of the moons. Maybe we'd find the real Scepter there as well?
Hm... with Promising Lead in the eponymous position, you may have an awkward time spending the rest of your Arete! Right now Hunger has close to 50, but going down to 38 may see him without enough to purchase a second EFB-equivalent by the time his next pick(s) roll around! Perhaps you should consider keeping it simple? Especially given the relatively fragile state of its advantage given the multiple approval votes.
Hm... with Promising Lead in the eponymous position, you may have an awkward time spending the rest of your Arete! Right now Hunger has close to 50, but going down to 38 may see him without enough to purchase a second EFB-equivalent by the time his next pick(s) roll around! Perhaps you should consider keeping it simple? Especially given the relatively fragile state of its advantage given the multiple approval votes.
Don't listen to the false Prophet my children. We have enough Arete to purchase an EFB an a power that goes even further beyond than an EFB. The GM fears the power of Pearlescence and tries to keep us away from it.
> Rihaku shilling for SAVE gang

...maybe we should expect some picks from actually fighting back against Dien? By default we were all assuming 0-1 picks because killing a star was only enough for one. But if we go pick fights with Orcs / Heroes, then maybe things will be harder than dismantling a stationary inanimate celestial object.

If we fight an entire battalion of Orcs, that could prove genuinely dangerous for Adorie, or moderately dangerous for Hunger. Conditional on winning, we might even get up to two picks. Having 50 Arete available would allow a 2-pick EFB, or two separate synergistic EFBs that work together nicely.

I'm happy to see more Foremost Shards (partially because I think that skipping Shoguness is going to haunt me, long term). But it's at least worth discussing what the cost is. (I don't have time or energy to catalogue all the possible 2-Pick combinations, but I assume they'd be considerably better than a 1-pick followed by another 1-pick)
I think whether we get picks from On The Trail and how many largely depends on tactics and rolls. Just cleaning up systems would be a monotone affair, but if we chance upon one of his larger projects, whether it's combat-capable or not, that should count as a 'win' in our conflict, and thus generate picks. We don't just get XP from fighting, but also from research, social actions and other efforts. So long as there's a measure of risk in it, of course, but I believe chasing after his important works before he manages to (temporarily) outgrow Hunger qualifies. Ofc it would be even better if the project we find is something dangerous that we can fight.
Dien's ring-waste trick is "full-scale exploitation of populated systems". The key word here is populated; whatever he's doing it needs people. And presumably more people = more power, so the more highly populated the system the more likely it's been turned to a ring-waste and feeder sun combo. Hunger should focus on visiting the most highly populated systems.

Dien has prioritized speed above almost everything, so systems closer to his birth-place are more likely to be further along in his plans. Given that the fleet that woke him was fleeing from Hunger we can assume that Hunger has actually overshot Dien's birthplace and may have better luck finding Dien's more advanced projects by turning around.

Some thoughts on the Foremost:
But what injury could cause such a loss as this, damage so catastrophic and irreversible that his very spirit was malformed, severed from its higher potential?


so much less that it felt unseemly even to pretend to He-That-Was' name, let alone his Title.

So Dien Bravo was the name, and the Surgeon was the Title. Could the higher potential in question here be the Title "The Surgeon" itself, located in the Realm of Forms?

Imagine a weapon that (briefly?) severed the material world from the Realm of Forms. Beings with no representation in the Realm of Forms, like plants and planets and animals, would be untouched. Liminal beings that existed both as their ideal representation in the Realm of Forms, and as physical beings incarnated in reality, would be cut in half. The connection between "Dien Bravo" and "The Surgeon" was severed, as the text says "This shard of Dien Bravo was not the Surgeon, and would likely never be". Severing the connection between your name and your Title would certainly qualify as a lobotomy or amputation.

The Realm of Forms holds the ideal, but the problem is that when you're perfect change, any change at all, must by definition be less than perfect. And life demands constant change. So perhaps that explains humans; when you sever a Builder from the Realm of Forms they leave behind a bunch of insane shards, and also one human. That human being their primary shard or incarnation or something. Presumably these humans retained enough sanity to fuck and feed children but not enough to pass on the story of what happened. And then with each passing year and passing generation those humans slowly re-built civilization, while also becoming less like their ideal selves and more like the humans we know.

Findross makes things as they should be, presumably raising them up the ISH towards some ideal inshrined in the realm of Forms. Towards an existing Title if your imitating the Maiden or some other Foremost, or just towards the Realm of Forms in general if you're being original. If Findross elevates you towards the realm of Forms that would explain why Dien wants it, get enough and you can poke around and see what went wrong last time, and maybe make a new Title for yourself.

Humans create Findross, orcs consume it, elves are neutral. Perhaps this can tell us something about the relationship all three races have with the realm of forms? Or explain why Makers became humans while the Heroes just kinda vanished?

And then there's the Astral; still quite the mystery.
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So Dien Bravo was the name, and the Surgeon was the Title. Could the higher potential in question here be the Title "The Surgeon" itself, located in the Realm of Forms?
Your quote (immediately above this) reminds me of the fight with Augustine:

Again Hunger channeled the Praxis, but now was interrupted by feedback as Augustine unveiled the set of runes around her: sigils of truncation in a circle of cold iron that severed the Astral itself from the material plane.

Hunger fell to one knee, Ring-hand clutching his head as his soul fought to retain connection to his body. If even so fundamental a verity could be contested, then an emergent phenomenon like Pressure stood no chance at manifestation. Within those bounds, Hunger was effectively stripped of his Rank, and the lion's share of his power thereby.
I see two insights here. The first is that Pressure is an "emergent property" of Rank, not the same thing as rank. The second is that souls are connected to the physical realm from (or through) the Astral plane. Maybe the Foremost shards got cut off of the originators when they were packing up to leave?

What this tells me is that manipulating "Pressure," as Dien and Letrizia do, can be thwarted by manipulating the interface between Astral and Physical planes. Since Dien seems to exist mostly as an incorporeal form, a conjunctional technique between Refinement of Place and Shatter the Pane (?) might allow Hunger to replicate the Severing attack that he has already seen. Praxis is hard work, but being able to directly attack the enemy on their home turf is a very powerful ability.

Unrelated, but the next part of the Augustine fight is pretty cool: Hunger is in a zone of soul binding, Augustine is zapping him with more and more runes to cut through the Ruin armor, and Gisena's Nullity is totally shut down.

All around the chamber was a certain pattern of runes, seemingly inert, and with a sinking feeling Gisena apprehended their meaning and ultimate purpose.

She'd known, of course, that Augustine was capable of scrying on her, though not on Hunger himself. But she had not expected Augustine's magic to be capable of crafting so perfect a counter to the Nullity. The emanation of findrossthat produced the Nullity could even not penetrate that barrier to affect the runes within.

Already Augustine was unleashing further contingencies, runes becoming blades of rime-crusted matter cutting methodically through Hunger's remaining shield of Ruin.

He would still win this, Gisena knew. Somehow he would cut through and lay low the monster, no matter the price he had to pay.

But he should not have to pay it, not had she discerned the truth sooner and called for a temporary retreat. They had all of them grown overconfident, sheltering under the central pillar of Hunger's Rank. A single point of reliance, no matter how sturdily fortified, was vulnerable to the Apocryphal Curse.
Forbidden Technique: Temporary Retreat 😅
If we fight an entire battalion of Orcs, that could prove genuinely dangerous for Adorie, or moderately dangerous for Hunger. Conditional on winning, we might even get up to two picks. Having 50 Arete available would allow a 2-pick EFB, or two separate synergistic EFBs that work together nicely.

Well, conventional Orcs on the level of Jotarun or the like would be casually flattened by the Ring of Blood (to say nothing of Hunger's other overwhelmingly powerful techniques), but something augmented close to Dien-level with an emphasis on personal combat rather than tinkering could certainly be threatening! Building anything capable of truly challenging Hunger will require further scaling for Dien, as the Praehihr (especially if in Novakhron) is a seriously deadly personal combatant... that's why Dien prefers to initiate an exponential hard-scaling curve and simply obliterate Hunger from a position of absolute & unchallenged advantage!
Well, conventional Orcs on the level of Jotarun or the like would be casually flattened by the Ring of Blood (to say nothing of Hunger's other overwhelmingly powerful techniques), but something augmented close to Dien-level with an emphasis on personal combat rather than tinkering could certainly be threatening! Building anything capable of truly challenging Hunger will require further scaling for Dien, as the Praehihr (especially if in Novakhron) is a seriously deadly personal combatant... that's why Dien prefers to initiate an exponential hard-scaling curve and simply obliterate Hunger from a position of absolute & unchallenged advantage!
The path to power is not training harder than anyone, it's cheating harder. And we have a lot of cheats to be revealed

PS: AH might be good here and we are relatively close to it.
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I see two insights here. The first is that Pressure is an "emergent property" of Rank, not the same thing as rank.
as written, that section could also mean pressure is an emergent property of the connection between body and soul, or the soul; the verity being contested is the connection of his body to his soul, not of his rank to his body or something.
the verity being contested is the connection of his body to his soul, not of his rank to his body

Depends what you mean by "soul". In AST0, Seram's interface seemed to indicate that it would encompass all the layers of existence under the local cosmology (Flesh - Spirit - Essence - Form) and a bit more besides. If you just mean his spirit, well, that's the same thing as Rank since the latter measures the power of your spirit.

As a sidenote, just in case it becomes relevant, I think we should name the Elixir substance Märchendross, i.e. the stuff of myth and legend.
As a sidenote, just in case it becomes relevant, I think we should name the Elixir substance Märchendross, i.e. the stuff of myth and legend.
Märchen is more like fairy tale which is different from legend and myth.
Legend is a real person or place whose exploits and achievements have been wildly exaggerated (example King Arthur)
Myth is a fictional story which explains some event like for example the Greek gods deeds explained seasons and other natural phenomenons
Fairy tales are usually orally told stories which try to teach children some lesson about morality and have clearly defined good and evil
Märchen might fit, because Edeldross, which it's evolved from, is supposedly an Element that 'converts the bad into the good'. And Elixir is 'fairer, nobler and brighter', something that Lucenthorne, a sword of Hope, Love, and Determination, seeks out as an ally.

...still no idea how Hunger got something like this as an Element.
Surely by this point, Hunger's bonafides as a genuine Hero-out-of-Myth have been established? The aesthetic that we stumbled into for him is honestly one of my favourite parts of this quest.
[X] Enough Gun
[X] Keep it Simple

Broken Gisena is far enough behind that I feel safe trying for something other then Promising Lead. And then we have more Arete for Praxis spells.