I'd like to see Hunger sit Aeira down and be like "I slew an Armament and barely survivied, and now I intend to press on to greater heights, without pause." Is the most normal highschooler in our posse still down for this?

She may be level-headed, competent and diligent... but is that really normal for a high schooler!?

I mean we're already about to head to the HS and with Hunger at the level he is we don't really have to worry about Armaments as much... so long as we aren't attacked in the middle of space anyways... do we have methods to fight in a vacuum?

You have Rank 10!
Aeira's a freak of nature in terms of ability, but compared to literal Asuka the mech pilot, Aobaru the destined Park Manager, and Adorie the actual storybook princess? Yea, she's the most normal.
[X] Plowshares to Swords
[X] Aoburu
[X] Letrizia
[X] Aeira

Super uninterested in the whole comfiness aspect of this and spending a entire week on it when it's unlikely we'll get back to the evening realm anytime soon. Way too much cool stuff we could be doing or working on for me to want to pull anything into the slice of life stuff, especially given Hunger's about to go headlong into a war.

Plowshares not only fixes our sword problem, which is way, way, way more important then a + to mental stability, but also gives us progress into creating stuff like consumable buffs to augment our power or repair Versch, so the earlier we work on this the better.

While I'd really, really love to train Aeira, Aoboru needs our attention more given his whole hero situation and Letrizea could probably use a shoulder to lean on at the moment given everything thats happened. besides, we really could kind of use Imperial Data given everything that is about to go down in our. Aoboru power increases, meanwhile, are going to do a lot to increase the power of the entire team thanks to how Vigorflame works. Throwing in a Aeira sidevote in case the likely event of Evening Chill wins and all that. Even a single training session got Hunger a scaling stealth boost, she combat progression to help with this, and we know that their's more intresting options that were unlocked by that ala True Shadowcord and Threnody Sorceress.
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[x] Evening Chill
[X] Adorie
[X] Letrizia
[X] Gisena

Next turn [ ] Plowshares to Swords third and final turn [ ] Mantle of Grace.

Rest first, maximize mental health and social health at the same time. Then ensure physical health with a clear mind. Then ensure long term progress on a solid foundation. Then go back out into the outside world well rested and prepared.
I think the best argument for Comfy later as opposed to Comfy now is that Hunger's expertise with the realm will improve, yielding greater benefits to any option chosen later.

The counterpoint is that the perceived opportunity cost is greater for Comfy when it's up against even more efficient training options.
So, @Rihaku, what was it that Gisena wanted as her minor favor/gift/thing? For Hunger to take a freaking chill pill once the Realm of Evening activated? Or for him to spend time with her, or what?

I think we should take the Rest option first week. Next week, we take the "learn how to summon enemies" Always Forward option; so that we can get picks and finish off Fisher King and get A Hunger Sated. Third week, we either take a "learn how to craft shit; and fix the Forebear's blade" option, or something else, like a Grace option.

First week: Rest.
Second week: Hunt and get enemies! (Fisher King finished + Decimator's Affliction mitigated)
Third week: flex
"So imperious," Gisena said, laying dramatically against his desk. "It sounds like you've got much to do, and too little time in which to do it! How fortunate, I just happen to have the perfect solution for that."

"I'm listening."

Gisena smirked. "Oh, were you expecting it for free? Even Kings don't receive such exquisite answers gift-wrapped. Shouldn't you reward your poor overworked Princess Regent first?"

"It's customary to issue rewards after the task is completed. And you call me imperious. I've got a Curse, what's your excuse?"

"Well, I'm spoiled?" Gisena cocked her head. "And it really is a wonderful solution. You're getting off cheaply by any reasonable expectation. After all, even an emperor must pay respects to the Sage!"

Hunger closed his eyes. "If your solution is as wondrous as advertised, I would not be opposed to any reasonable favor. Explain and you may be able to name your price."

"You absorbed Augustine's power, which has been percolating ever since..." Gisena began, tapping a finger on her chin. "She was able to compress days, maybe even weeks, of preparation into a single hour. Had any results digesting it?"
"Nothing so far," Hunger frowned. It had been a while, unnaturally long for his Ring to process a defeated foe's mythos.

"I performed some calculations with the Truth aspect of the Azure," she said, flashing her own Ring. "You should be able to fully manifest the power you received on the night of the new moon. Which just so happens to be tomorrow night!"

"That's it?" Hunger asked. "How do you know this power will be relevant to our situation?"

"I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise," Gisena smiled. "Trust me, you'll find it wonderfully appealing. The real difficulty will be deciding, what to do with the time you're given? When that decision is upon you, don't forget your favorite Princess!"

What exactly, is the little favor or request that Gisena wants, for figuring out and being right about this thing from the Augustine fight?
"Alright," Hunger turned to his party. "We have fairly broad control of reality within, including eventual access to most of Augustine's effects. I can take up to seven people inside. That just covers all of us, including Verschlengorge."

Seven people. Huh. That's convenient.

Okay, that's definitely gotta be deliberate.

The cloak has deliberately given us the ability to take all our traveling companions with us into the Realm of Evening. That's not exactly a surprise, of course; Hunger's musings on the Wishing Well, Evening Sky, and the Empyrean Signs offered by the Evening Sky, all feeling like they reacted to his needs or desires or situation... we'd heard that before. So yeah.

(I wonder if it's possible to do something with the Elixir Well and the Fonts of Myth, btw? Like taking some water from one and adding it to the other. Or mixing them together. Or etc. Because, and although I would not advocate this... I wonder if it's possible for the Evening Sky to absorb the Fonts of Myth? What kind of change or alteration would it get from that? Like it did the Opalescent Tower, and could have done with Augustine's... Tower... Oh, huh.)

Oh, so that's why why we got Pillar of Evening from Augustine, huh? Opalescent Tower. Pillar of Earth. Pillars of Creation. They're all pillars or towers!

I wonder if that's the link to the Pillars of Creation? I wonder if whatever Augustine was doing, with her Pillar of Earth, was somehow connected to the Voyaging Realm's nature and business? That is, that with her Pillar and her time-magics, she was working on similar themes and mechanics as that of the Voyaging Realm and the Realm of Evening. Convergent evolution and convergent things, basically.

But anyway!

So. The convenience of the cloak.

I want to get Pathway to Idyll even more.
[ ] Pathway to Idyll [7 Arete]

The lambent draping of the Evening Sky unfolds and billows in a dream-stoked wind; unbound by the lunar whim, become again the wavering noren to a place of wonder and grandeur unspeakable, the indigo terraces and night-traced valleys of Evening's Realm. Starshine like dewdrops gleams through clouds of pellucid haze: here, there is no strife, only rest, only joyous recumbence beyond the furthermost dreamings of men.

*The Realm of Evening may now be accessed once per night, though it cannot be used for training or its augmentative reagents imbibed. Regents whose purpose is purely curative may still be used. The user may depart at will or be automatically ejected an instant before noon the next day.
*Accessed in this way, time passes normally within the Realm as compared to outside.
*May be used to evade an otherwise undodgeable attack. This is not a perfect defense in that the wearer must still be able to react to the attack in question.
*Substantially improves the wearer's ability to shape the Realm of Evening for recreational purposes, improving effective Charisma (while hosting guests within) and Mental Stability (over time).
*The user may still access the Realm via the method outlined in Pillars of Creation, and remains eligible to cultivate the lasting benefits thereof - training against foes of escalating intensity, and access to medicinal plants of deific stature and potency.
*A nigh-unassailable (at this scale) and tremendously opulent redoubt within with to spend one's nights.

It lets us use the Curative Reagents anyway; which means that whatever training or fights we get into or impose on our companions, we can then give them several hours' rest in the Realm of Evening afterwards.

We can train them hard, and then they can rest hard in the Realm of Evening, each night.

(Also, this means 9 hours of every day, the Apocryphal Curse and Decimator's Affliction are at 1/3rd intensity. That's also good. This effectively turns Realm of Evening/Pathway to Idyll into a soft measure of Apocryphal, and Decimator's, minor mitigation.)
Gisena was wroth, as he expected, and observed archly that the Maiden could restore the dead to life - so Hunger had to find a means of sacrifice that resurrection could not overcome.
[ ] Evening Chill - Slowly ease into his takeover of the Realm by focusing mostly on amenities and necessities. The creation of high-quality foodstuffs, sleeping quarters, entertainment and other creature comforts, including the honeyed pinnacle of libations, ambrosia. +Mental Stability.
Friendly remember that we still had that minus to Mental Stability from taking Cursebearer's Strain. (And 10% of "-2 Mental Stability", whatever that means.)

I think we should just take this for the first week.
[ ] Aobaru - He wants to train. Hunger can train him. And ideally it should be communicated to Aobaru that he should do as Hunger says, and not as Hunger does, for the Chosen of the Voyaging Realm is not always the most level-headed of young men. This party already contains Hunger; it cannot abide his recklessness multiplied. +Aobaru, ++Aobaru Power, though he still won't be near Hunger's own strength.
This party already contains Hunger; it cannot abide his recklessness multiplied.

So, @Rihaku, what was it that Gisena wanted as her minor favor/gift/thing? For Hunger to take a freaking chill pill once the Realm of Evening activated? Or for him to spend time with her, or what?

I think we should take the Rest option first week. Next week, we take the "learn how to summon enemies" Always Forward option; so that we can get picks and finish off Fisher King and get A Hunger Sated. Third week, we either take a "learn how to craft shit; and fix the Forebear's blade" option, or something else, like a Grace option.

I think this is a pretty big arguement against Evening chill actually, one that @Zampano was the first to bring up. Taking the rest option means we can't also fix our blade, get fisher king/hunger sated, AND get Gisena a grace to make her combat relevant again, one of the ones to do so involving time shenanigans that likely would combo very with her ring, both from it's dominion and also her ability to research or apply Artifice outside the realm. It would also make True Nullity actually relevant again too. Given thread predilections, this is almost certainly going to come at the cost of Gisena, which would be a real shame.
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I think this is a pretty big arguement against Evening chill actually, one that @Zampano was the first to bring up. Taking the rest option means we can't also fix our blade, get fisher king/hunger sated, AND get Gisena a grace to make her combat relevant again, one of the ones to do so involving time shenanigans that likely would combo very with her ring, both from it's dominion and also her ability to research or apply Artifice outside the realm. It would also make True Nullity actually relevant again too. Given thread predilections, this is almost certainly going to come at the cost of Gisena, which would be a real shame.
Gisena is going to get a Major Grace with or without Hunger's assistance. Note that we have three weeks, and tripling Gisena's progress allows her to work three times as quickly (to get a Grace in one week).
What's it take to start practicing Accretion? If Hunger develops the skills necessary to repair the Forebear's Blade, could he then forge artifacts for others, so that they can begin gaining rank?
I think this is a pretty big arguement against Evening chill actually, one that @Zampano was the first to bring up. Taking the rest option means we can't also fix our blade, get fisher king/hunger sated, AND get Gisena a grace to make her combat relevant again, one of the to do so involving time shenanigans that likely would combo very with her ring, both from it's dominion and also her ability to research or apply Artifice outside the realm. It would also make True Nullity actually relevant againt too. Given thread predilections, this is almost certainly going to come at the cost of Gisena, which would be a real shame.
Gisena will still do research even if Hunger does not help her. She'll just do it on her own, presumably without any direction from the voters.

I think it's worth considering how rare +Mental Stability seems to be. We do still get mechanical bonuses from spending time with Adorie & Aobaru. There is something to be said for making a narrativist plot choice here - if we can't do so in the safety of the RoE, when will we ever have time for relaxation?

Every hour of relaxation in the RoE is worth several hours of relaxation in the real world, just because of the decadent options that are available. In terms of comparative advantage, there is a strong case for Relaxation imo.
It lets us use the Curative Reagents anyway; which means that whatever training or fights we get into or impose on our companions, we can then give them several hours' rest in the Realm of Evening afterwards.
That is not what we need. Please read the description carefully:
*Substantially improves the wearer's ability to shape the Realm of Evening for recreational purposes, improving effective Charisma (while hosting guests within) and Mental Stability (over time).
What you are looking for is in the Patreon stuff.

EDIT: Well, derp. I misread the comment but its 3 in the morning here so I have my excuse
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At least she's not Nilul, with the ability to sanctify such commitments! Then again, with Hunger's sense of honor there's no need.
Shattering blow to escape your obligations. In the Isekai world Hunger was a tax evading scumbag and used shattering blow to wipe out his memory of the deed to appear innocent. The Tyrant story is just a self-delusion his psyche conjured to stay sane and feel honorable
But just how vast was this Realm of Evening, and how empty, that it would respond so completely to his claim alone?
It is strange, that a seven Arete artifact we picked up from a random pirate in the middle on nowhere is somehow capable of granting mastery over the Pillars of Creation. It's sufficient to achieve 67% Mitigation! That's a power that is as far beyond the Realm of Forms as that Realm is beyond the mundane world. It's probably mightier than any of the attainments of the Foremost. And despite that, it's empty. How is it that we've got exclusive access to this place? Who created it, or if it was uncreated, what processes brought it into being? And why is there nobody else here?

It's almost lonely, in a way. For there to be amphitheatres and trellises, either the Realm automatically reshaped itself to Hunger's perceptions (but why a Greek theme then?) or there were people here once, a pantheon, perhaps. And now they're gone.

I hope we can dedicate some time later to exploring the mysteries of this place. I'd love to find out more about what happened here.
I'm certain that there will be additional options unveiled during week 2 and 3, but if I was the only voter I'd probably do something like this:

(Note that I'm assuming that helping with Graces gives us the effects of a social action with Gisena while still allowing us to have two other social actions.)

Week 1: Relaxation
- Adorie
- Aobaru
- Gisena

Week 2: Plowshares into Swords
- Adorie
- Letrizia

Week 3: Help with Graces
- Adorie
- Aobaru

Week 4: Upon returning to Nilfel, use the Lens + Nightmare Flight to teleport to the HM target asap

(That's a lie: If I was the only voter I'd spend 9 picks and 62 Arete to be able to generate S tier minions. Just like the Immortals, from the Temple bossfight!)
Wow, I'm actually pretty undecided between Swords and Chill! Repairing the Blade seems like a priority if we are going to use it to conjure something for Hunger Sated, but Chill would actually give us the ability to talk with everyone I want to and let Hunger deescalate from the wild ride that has been his Indenture so far. Y'know, get some character interaction going. I'm very torn on this. Let's see if I find any arguments convincing enough.
Super uninterested in the whole comfiness aspect of this and spending a entire week on it when it's unlikely we'll get back to the evening realm anytime soon. Way too much cool stuff we could be doing or working on for me to want to pull anything into the slice of life stuff, especially given Hunger's about to go headlong into a war.
On the contrary, now is the best time to take a little breather. Hunger needs his Mental Stability and he's not going to get a better opportunity than this because he's about to go headlong into a war. He just got access to a literal vacation dimension right after pushing himself to his limits to win a 5-pick fight: the sensible choice is obvious.

It's not as if that week off is going to be spent lounging by the hot tub to no benefit. Evening Chill gives an extra socialization option, and those all provide benefits of their own, such as improvements to the Empyreal Signs. And if Hunger improves his control over the Realm of Evening in the first week, subsequent training options will provide greater dividends.

Sure, in numerical terms three weeks of training is probably going to provide a bigger upgrade than one week of chilling + two weeks of training. But I don't just follow this quest for the sake of making numbers get bigger; I also care about the characters. And I don't believe that our QM is going to punish us for vacationing in the vacation realm.

Edit: Whoops, forgot to include my vote.
[X] Evening Chill
[X] Adorie
[X] Letrizia
[X] Aeira
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[X] Aoboru
Aoboru needs our attention more given his whole hero situation
Aoboru power increases
Who? :V
Anyways, your vote's misspelled so it's currently counted separately.

Plowshares not only fixes our sword problem, which is way, way, way more important then a + to mental stability
I disagree strongly with this sentiment downplaying the importance to mental stability. Hunger managed to win against Procyon not by pure strength but Age & Treachery, which relies on keeping a straight head on his shoulders.

We can let the Grievous Exertion Condition heal simply by letting time pass, since it only lasts 2 months and we're spending 3 weeks in Pillars. Moreover, most of its effects has already been mitigated by Adorie's bloodline. Whereas, if we don't take that +Mental Stability in what's literally a Paradisal vacation Realm, when will we get another opportunity? We're getting involved with the war in Human Sphere after this, which leaves us no time later and the thread would just put it off again.
Ergo, +Mental Stability >>> Fixing the Blade, in terms of availability.

[X] Evening Chill
[X] Adorie
[X] Letrizia
] Aobaru
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[X] Evening Chill
[X] Adorie
[X] Letrizia
[X] Aobaru

We need the mental stability. The realm of evening was meant partially for relaxation. And better to rest before going back into the grind.