Just combine comfy and Hunger Sated into one - get the Fisher King first and then go out to literally fish for targets, an activity Hunger obviously enjoys.
I am very firmly in favour of Decimation mitigation yeah, not doing it will very much lead to some serious salt and character dissonance.
I'd say to research the grace- Auspice, that is- First, and repair the blade second; researching the Grace will probably accelerate Gisenas efforts thereafter, but repairing the blade doesn't help anything after it unless we also go farm picks or something.
We have Apoc gathering strength for 21 days and we would still gave the -0.2 Rank and our blade would be fractured. No thanks bruh, blade first
Blade, Mitigation/Fishing (which might come with picks), and mental stability sounds like the way to go.
No, we would have Apoc gathering strength for 7 days when we make the Grace, then 7(?) days when we're trying to repair the blade. helping Gisena means she finishes a major work in a week, which means mantle of grace takes a week (or consists of 3 major workings, I suppose.), which strongly implies attempting to repair the blade takes a week.
My claim is about order of operations, not priority.
We have Apoc gathering strength for 21 days and we would still gave the -0.2 Rank and our blade would be fractured. No thanks bruh, blade first

Not necessarily. At least in theory It could decide to cause an incident in the realm of evening with a Giant Space Flea from nowhere if it wanted to. It could even be an outlier, remember, apocryphal mitigation changes the average strength of an apocryphal proc.
I'd say to research the grace- Auspice, that is- First, and repair the blade second; researching the Grace will probably accelerate Gisenas efforts thereafter, but repairing the blade doesn't help anything after it unless we also go farm picks or something.

Temporal Auspice doesn't stack with the timelessness of Pillars.
Not necessarily. At least in theory It could decide to cause an incident in the realm of evening with a Giant Space Flea from nowhere if it wanted to. It could even be an outlier, remember, apocryphal mitigation changes the average strength of an apocryphal proc.
66% Percent weaker Apoc would probably be some lame fly that we could not kill (Saitama style) and nothing else. I am not particularly worried about it in the realm
Temporal Auspice doesn't stack with the timelessness of Pillars.
Is that a confirmed thing? If so, order of operations doesn't matter, yeah. I'd not be sure if TA is exactly time manipulation otherwise, since it says it 'gives all the benefits of being temporally accelerated by an order of magnitude (10x) without complications (such as aging) or flaws.', rather then 'temporally accelerates the sorcerer by an ordinal magnitude'. oh yep confirmed.

Clearly the solution is to have her major working be 'a Grace of temporal acceleration which technically doesn't count as temporal acceleration', like increasing her reaction speed and cognition speed without using time-bending to do it! :onlyhalfjoking:
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I'm pretty sure that the Apocryphal is suppressed in the Realm of Evening, at least at our level. Of course, that doesn't mean it won't still be gathering power in the background.
I'm pretty sure that the Apocryphal is suppressed in the Realm of Evening, at least at our level. Of course, that doesn't mean it won't still be gathering power in the background.
Unfortunately you're mistaken if suppressed is defined as fully unable to act. Apocrypha mitigation affects the average per Rihaku in Discord(July 26 2020 Discord General). The average strength of an Apocrypha proc in the Realm of Evening is 33% of what it is outside. In spite of it making you safer on average, It's kind of difficult to recognize what that means in practice but it determines what Apocryphal procs average out to. It could send some eldritch abomination at us in the Realm of Evening if it wanted to, at least in theory. It'd be an outlier though. Also, I have no idea what the difference is between the Apocryphal Curse gathering power and Fates style accumulating credibility which is what the Apocryphal curse doesn't do.

Let's compare the Direct Mitigation Blurb from Age of Dreams with the Pillars of Creation Blurb.

[ ] Direct Mitigation - Reduce the severity of Apocryphal Curse procs by another 10%, stacking linearly with current reductions. A consistent and powerful means of mitigation, though one that offers little respite or downtime. A high-powered Apocryphal proc at the wrong time can still be extremely threatening and easily lethal if not approached with foresight, vigilance, prowess and care.

*Simple, potent and inexpensive. What's not to like?

[ ] Pillars of Creation [25 Arete, 1 pick] - At the end of each lunar month, wearer and companions may steal away to the realm of Evening, during which no time passes in the mortal world. Divine opulence and every conceivable luxury await the fortunate interlopers, restoring wholeness of mind, body, and spirit.

The realm of Evening responds to the desires of the wearer and can be shaped to induce a variety of effects at nigh-deific scale - worthy enemies, fields of unique reagents, anagathic peaches, arms and armor of myth. Only one rule is absolute: that each stay lasts twenty-one days, no more and no less. Items typically cannot be carried out, though the effects of items consumed within the realm remain after departing it.

All Curses save the Geas of Indenture are only at one-third severity within the realm, though this does not stack with other forms of mitigation, nor impede their function outside.

*Duration has been extended by acquiring the Cloak of Sky
They both talk about reducing severity the same way.(Edit: Which is why I say the Apocryphal Curse in the realm of evening's procs average out to 33 percent of what they would be at full strength outside.

Edit2:It could send a 60 percent and a 6 percent proc at us in 3 weeks and it would average out to 33

Edit3: For comparison, apocrypha procs outside need to average to 72.5
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Assuming that Gisena would finish two Major Graces, something like Auspice+Speed Grace should catapult her at ~1k agi, which should be enough to be relevant on our level. Plus 3 sec into a Nullity spam is quite good.

I'm not quite sold on sword. As is Hunger already has limited endurance against ~peer level opponents because we tend to rely on Praxis. I would much rather save for RR and then heal blade in one(or less, at any rate) go, instead of dragging it over multiple actions.
Getting the chance to get Gisena up to combat relevant status is pretty poggers too, yeah.

Sword has us compound on making sure we don't face any longer lasting Conditions though, so there's that at least? Also falls in line with one of the bigger reasons why we picked up Pillars too--healing and material stuff. It'll probably translate better into the Artifice aspect for Gisena in the form of something like a wider support base. Judging from the blurb too, it's probable that the current effects of whatever we ingest has a more notable impermanence to it as opposed to a more skillful Hunger making use of it.
Hyper Reactor would actually be good, because we could make Adorie a Sorceress. We already bought her EFB and are dragging her along for her Praxis support capabilities, giving her another power (ideally one that could leverage her massive rank) could potentially yield large dividends.
Gisena can't make a Grace that makes us awesome at item-crafting? I'm surprised.

Does operating in the Realm of Evening affect the pliability of findross in any way? Ambient attributes probably don't alter the nature of Grace or its material, but divine providence might be able to mold it in convenient ways before she gets her hands on it.
Hyper Reactor would actually be good, because we could make Adorie a Sorceress. We already bought her EFB and are dragging her along for her Praxis support capabilities, giving her another power (ideally one that could leverage her massive rank) could potentially yield large dividends.
Sorceress Adorie might be a no-go if the requirement involves being a virgin indefinitely. Adorie is the last member of her House: she's gonna need to have kids eventually!

High Elementalist Adorie might be ok.

Building a machine to awaken soul evocations means that Hunger + Gisena could give out 3 reasonably powerful magic systems to any useful minion, even without the assistance of Crimson Flare. With Gardener's Hollow we could also awaken Active Rank. Eventually we'll be able to offer Ordinalism as well. Also Ennoblement, i guess.

Stacking systems is a pretty effective form of generating elite-tier minions. Aobaru probably isn't smart enough to learn Ordinals too quickly, but with some careful interviews it wouldn't be unreasonable to generate a hyper-elite specOps team large enough to counter Republic Kill Squads throughout the VR within a year or two.
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Sorceress Adorie might be a no-go if the requirement involves being a virgin indefinitely.
I think at sufficiently high levels, the Ring might be able to restore virginity, both physical and spiritual to a person. Don't discount the option yet - although, I do agree it'll need some more thought.
...thought: Adorie can resist diminishment, right. so what happens when her Sorceressform timer runs out? does she resist the return of her improved stats to baseline and keep them, then bring them up another level next time she formswaps?
Clearly the solution is to have her major working be 'a Grace of temporal acceleration which technically doesn't count as temporal acceleration', like increasing her reaction speed and cognition speed without using time-bending to do it! :onlyhalfjoking:

Days like this I wish Gisena had the Clone and Acceleration Oridnal.
Musings on all Graces implied by Mantle of Grace.

Archsmith's Hammer - May Synergize with Artifice

Hyper Reactor - The Return of Devouring Sorceress Letrezia or we can make Aeira into the Threnody Sorceress without spending Arete.

Reversion - Can be used to Repair Forbear's Blade or Resurrect us when we almost inevitably do something stupid.

Evoker's Panopoly - Gisena gets some funkadelic combat capabilities. Especially if the Elemental Capstones enter play

Fire - Soul Fire - Supernally-charged attack burns away aspects of personality, memory, spirit in addition to or in place of body mass, devours magic. Versatile offense and defense. With practice, surgical precision can be achieved, exorcising inner demons or erasing target's will to oppose the caster.

Lightning - Galvanism - Fundamental animating force puppets enemy bodies, biological remains, or inert biological or mechanical matter to serve the caster's intentions. Requires at least a semblance of continuous organized form - a corpse or computer could be animated, a pile of gears could not.

Force - Intrepid - Constructs of force infuse caster's body, strengthening and reinforcing cellular structures without disruption. Can be used to grant artificial stat points (no Perks), damage resistance, or maintain control when physical mediums are severed. For example, the caster could move with a broken spine or manually palpate a stopped heart.

Thunder - Words of Power - Speak words of power, self-contained intentionality shells. Can replace casting process, dramatically decreasing cast time and improving power of all effects. Subjects must be within range of caster's direct shout.

She could also just be an Archmage

[ ] The Archmage - The supreme blend of power and versatility. Immense findross reserves combined with unparalleled adaptability, given even a modicum of preparation. A calculating intellect married to furious determination. Control not only over the elements, but over the self.

-Sheer Power
-Elementalism: Force
-Spell Proficiency - Telekinetic Sphere - Flight speed up to 800 kmph, Durability based on Locked I + Will Rank. 8 hour duration.
-Spell Mastery - Telekinetic Sphere - MP cost reduced to 50, allows for extrusion of up to 4 appendages, casting reduced to a single word, allows for selective opacity, easily permit targets into and out of sphere
-Spell Proficiency - Warding Suns - Potent plasma orbs rotate defensively around caster, hurl selves at incoming attackers or attacks. Creates sixteen medium or three large orbs. Duration: 8 hours or until expended.
-Spell Proficiency - Crackling Perimeter - Constantly emit barely-noticeable pulses of static charge, detecting any objects with significant charge (bioelectricity suffices) within 300 feet. Scans up to 900 feet for incoming objects with hostile intent and pre-emptively retaliates with a forked bolt.
-Spell Proficiency - Onslaught - Unleash a blast of thunder-infused force energy in one of a variety of shapes: Wide-area scythe, array of cutting disks, hammer of sheer energy, piercing javelins, etc. Cutting attacks have 'vibroblade' properties, while blunt attacks impart tremendous oscillating force upon impact. 2.4 MJ total energy.

*Stacked layered defenses deal with chaff passively and erode health of stronger foes
*Powerful and versatile single- and multiple-target options
*If necessary, Archmage can be used to tailor a spell to the composition of an enemy's weaknesses
*Can replicate the effects of the other builds to some extent

Tide of Glory - Gisena Stat buffs everybody physically and gets a physical debuff to use on people, she also shares with us a portion of some perk she has. She also gets an AOE unarmed strike.

Inner Sanctum - Gisena gets her own Realm of Evening analogue to start building.

Lord Regnant - Gisena gets to magically sanctify oaths that buff people when they act in the oath's service.

Mental Apex - Gisena's Intelligence goes EVEN FURTHER BEYOND. Effectiveness of all training actions increased by a flat 40 percent. She's got 25 percent of a progression type cursebearer's growthrate. I'm not sure how the math works out precisely, but with Mental Apex she could reach 35 percent of a progression type cursebearer's growth.

Auspice Temporal - Gisena gets timestop. Also temporal acceleration as another way of improving her speed and research abilities.

This is the point we get into graces that'd exist in a modified form

Porcelain Graces: 20 foot physical invulnerability aura for allies and herself. Some nebulous water and energy grace. A Grace force multiplier. Hyperdestructive homing laser eyes.
Emerald Graces: Animating the environment in her defense
Alabaster Graces: Resurrection at essence cost, passive petrification defense, intangibility
Crimson Graces: Battle instincts potent enough to approach precognition, some kind of regeneration grace. A Giant ball of death to fly around on with a maximum diameter of 20 miles. Animating and weaponizing her outfit.
Vanish Graces: Extreme Physical Augmentation, extreme luck, some kind of mind control technique, immunity to poison/disease/age
Enchantress Graces: Nebulous suite of meta powers
Abacus: Phantasmal Weapons, Ferrokinesis, Superhuman information processing
Cursebearer, Select your First Grace:

[ ] Archsmith's Hammer - Through arduous study and honest labor, the Sorcerer forges the ephemeral from the real. Material drawn from the earth can be smoten into the shape of his desires, their very natures bending to the dictates of his blueprint. Made malleable in the blast furnace of his mind, gross matter strains and compresses, folded over and refined into something greater, set forth into a path whose inscrutable logic is analogous and yet parallel to that of human technology. Mighty is the Archsmith - mighty his arms, mighty his armor. Let those who would stand against him never forget that fact, lest they be trampled beneath the iron march of Progress made flesh.

*May alter the properties of materials in simplistic, yet extraordinarily potent ways in order to create arms and armor
*While peripheral accessories can be built-in, they will never remotely attain the effectiveness of the item's core purpose
*Arms - Core Purpose: Destruction
*Armor - Core Purpose: Protection from Harm
*A limit of one Working, plus one Working per 50 baseline points of Strength (rounded normally), is permitted. If limit is reached, an existing Working must be Shattered to create anew.
*If Dr. Apocalypse is ever met, he will hate and relentlessly attempt to kill the character. Nothing can stop this.
*This is not a joke. If ever the character is transported to Dr. Apocalypse's world, the character will have to contend with an indestructibly hostile Dr. Apocalypse. For reference, Dr. Apocalypse with prep is capable of going toe-to-toe with the likes of Lex Luthor or Dr. Doom (also with prep).

Gain Skill, <The Translucent Craft>, which permits the creation of Workings of greater sophistication.

Examples of unsophisticated Workings: A sword whose edge cuts as solar fire. Armor comparable to battleship plate, yet with the weight of aluminum.

Examples of sophisticated Workings: A lens, mounted on cogitator arms, that channels light the color of the sky, which instantly targets and annihilates those to whom the forger has hostile intent. A swarm of seeking darts in the form of blood-gold birds, each with the intelligence of a savant and a single-minded devotion to their target's destruction. A towering automaton of riveted golden plates, within which can be housed a man whose movements it shall mimic, and whom it shall efficaciously shelter against insults physical and exotic.

[ ] Hyper Reactor - A singularity of findross leads to a Coalescence. Alongside the insight comes the power to act on it. Power unfathomable in this world of men and Sorceresses. The Power to give, and the Power to take away. With a supreme exertion of the self, Coalescence may be induced within a target. And with the inverse exertion, Coalescence may instead be dispersed.

An [Ultimate-Only] Grace with two functions: Sever Coalescence, and Induce Coalescence. May only be used on a given target once.

Ultimate - Induce Coalescence: Target human female becomes a Sorceress, or, if already a Sorceress, immediately undergoes her next Coalescence in the serial order. Use of this ability puts the Grace on cooldown for one year. Works on the caster, if she is female. Cooldown increased dramatically in worlds without natural findross saturation.

Alternatively, Induce Coalescence may be used on any human, male or female, to artificially grant them an additional Coalescence with a Grace of the highest caliber. Use of this ability puts the Grace on cooldown for ten years. Works on the caster. Cooldown increased dramatically in worlds without natural findross saturation.

Ultimate - Sever Coalescence: Point at target. Target Sorceress immediately loses her highest Coalescence, reverting to mortality if she was only of the First Coalescence. The target will find it exceptionally difficult to advance in Coalescence. Use of this ability puts the Grace on cooldown for one month.

Alternatively, Target Sorceress or Sorcerer loses all Coalescences and forevermore is stripped of the ability to Coalesce. Use of this ability puts the Grace on cooldown for one year.

[ ] Reversion - All things tend to entropy. The slow decay of aeons afflicts even the mighty, ensures that even the most dearly-bought of achievements will one day scatter into dust. No longer. The Sorcerer's self now tends towards something like the opposite of entropy. This effect is swift, relentless, and total: any hostile effect that works on the Sorcerer's body or mind is quickly and unerringly reverted. All effects susceptible to temporal reversion can be removed this way, though no negatives of such (i.e. amnesia) apply. The power is discerning and understands the difference between a hostile effect and natural unhappiness. In worlds with natural findross saturation, aging is reverted until the character reaches their physical prime.

*At baseline, cures damage at a rate of 100 HP / second. Reverses negative effects at a rate of one / 5 seconds.
*As long as the character's consciousness is not instantly destroyed (many attacks targeting the brain fail to do this), this power will continue to function.
*The character's sense of physical pain is reduced by a factor of their Wits.
*The power of this Grace naturally improves over time.

Ultimate - Make Whole: Restores one Loss. Resurrects one person, or fully repairs one object. Resurrection is perfect, total, and unerring, and can target any person in the world that died in the last year. If the target was of advanced age, they are restored to healthy middle age. Make Whole restores the original person in flawless health. It does not summon an alternate version of the person, it does not create a physically indistinguishable copy, it does not reach back in time to prevent that person's death - it fully and unconditionally restores that person, including their thread of subjective consciousness, as well as all powers and capabilities possessed. Objects affected have their charges replenished.

The use of Make Whole reverts the progression of this Grace by one year. If a year has not passed, instead this Grace is deactivated for the difference. Make Whole does not work on the caster.
Second and Third Graces

Seram has selected [X] Reversion as his first Grace.

Cursebearer, please select your Second Grace:

[ ] Evoker's Panoply - The armamentarium of a wizard true. The crack of thunder, the blossoming detonation, the hurled thunderbolt, the freedom of the skies. The power to bind findross towards destructive purpose, to shape the warp and weft of incarnate grace into death, unerring and swift.

*The power to shape findross into flame, thunder, lightning or force. Constructs manifested by findross do not behave exactly like their naturalistic counterparts. Lightning will go where it is thrown and not immediately ground itself, etc. They cleave closer to intutions of "how magical <fire, etc> should work" than any deterministic mechanism. Recommended Stats: Dex, Wits, LOCKED I.
*Enables easy and fast personal flight, personal shielding, and area communication.
*Only one's personal findross may be shaped; improving findross output will dramatically increase damage
*Grants skill, <Wield Findross>, which can be employed to create effects of greater complexity and efficiency.

Examples of basic effects: Personal flight. Force shield. Hurl force-bolt. Hurl conflagration.
Example of advanced effects: Area flight. Programmable fire. Generate (extremely loud) music. Simulate telekinesis.

[ ] Tide of Glory - Not a champion's power, but a general's. Not a murderer's power, but a sovereign's. The character may designate any number of characters within a 1-mile radius as allies. Allies receive a +2 bonus to all physical stats. The character may designate enemies under the same parameters. Enemies receive a -2 penalty to all physical stats. In addition, the character may choose one Perk to be extended to allies for whom the relevant post-bonus physical stat exceeds 30 points; Perks will modify themselves to suit mortal wielders (Ever After increases healthspan / lifespan by 25 years, etc). In time, both the symmetrical bonus/penalty and the range can be improved dramatically. Passive aura, works even if unconscious.

The power to raise nations up, or to beggar them. To lead armies into glory everlasting, or crush them beneath one's boot-heels.

Ultimate - Overlord's Remit: Only a fool would challenge an overlord such as the character, and no overlord worthy of the title suffers fools lightly. Once per month, the character may propogate the effects of a single unarmed physical attack through all enemies in range.

*Grants the ability to sense the location of all valid targets within the character's general vicinity
*It is easy to improve the bonus/penalty to +4. +8 is achievable within a moderate timeframe. Beyond that, sustained effort is required.
*The bonus applies to the character if they so desire, though no Perk is granted.
*Range is more difficult to improve than the bonus/penalty, but with concerted effort it is eminently possible.

[ ] Inner Sanctum - Perhaps the character may never go home again. But that does not mean they cannot make one anew. From the soil of their soul the Cursebearer initiates the genesis of a new world, a personal realm of which they are steward and master. A Rune may be emplaced on items the character owns to send them to and summon them from this Realm near-instantaneously. With time and skill, near all aspects of the Inner Sanctum may be shaped to the character's will.

Ultimate - The World Within: Once a month the character may instantly transport themselves and any consenting beings they are touching to the Inner Sanctum. Barring extremely sophisticated dimensional assault magic, this is the only means of entry or egress. They may stay for up to a week before they must leave, re-appearing at the place where they disappeared. Even those rare attackers that manage to locate and breach the Sanctum within dimensional space must contend with a vastly more formidable Sorcerer than previously encountered, as the realm itself rises to the defense of its creator.

*The Ultimate can be used quickly enough to dodge any attack the character can anticipate
*Gain skill, <Mould Sanctum>, allowing one to customize the properties of the Inner Sanctum. Primary stat: Will Rank.
*By default, the sanctum consists of a fortress (in the character's preferred high medieval or renaissance style) with modern amenities, surrounded by grounds saturated with findross. The fortress measures 27,000 square feet, the grounds roughly one square mile. These sizes cannot be altered. Natural findross ensures a steady supply of breathable air.
*With sufficient time and training, the character may induce the findross of their castle and grounds to produce various unique effects - the generation of food and water, automatic cleansing and repair of facilities, or even more exotic and powerful effects such as armories that replenish the ammunition of weapons placed inside, regenerative hot springs, or a training-room that conjures level-appropriate enemies to battle.
*Ultimate comfiness

Of course, the power to retreat into a nigh-unassailable pocket dimension for a week upon encountering a formidable foe is by itself a near-priceless capability for a Progression-type Cursebearer...


Cursebearer, please select your Third Grace:

[ ] Lord Regnant - A being's word is their bond. That is as things should be, and findross possesses the superlative quality of making things be as they should. This simple, yet deceptively power capability gives the Sorcerer the power to bind any agreement between two consenting beings. Forevermore they will find themselves not merely incapable of breaking the agreement, but their very nature will change to support the spirit of their compact.

*Brand of the Wretched got you down? Can't trust prospective allies? No problem.
*Defeat means friendship. Or slavery, whichever the Sorcerer prefers.
*An exorbitantly valuable economic service.
*In the pursuit of their oaths, a character can gain up to ten total supplemental levels, even pushing them beyond human limits.
*Beings are fully aware of the gravity of the Sorcerer's binding; this is necessary for them to consent.
*No particular skill is needed. The character merely offers a simple transaction.
*Even if it would benefit him, the Sorcerer is himself completely impervious to any obligation or alteration his power would apply. Beings of sufficient power (level > 1000 x Sorcerer's Coalescences) are similarly unaffected.

[ ] Mental Apex - Before the power of the mind, all things waver. The world yields its secrets; circumstance twists to advantage, and what enemies are not subverted find themselves laid low... And yet for all its prowess, the mind cannot affect the world directly. But mere to touch other minds - that is not such a difficult thing. To break them, to bind them, to overmaster them as one pleases. That, too, is the power of the mind.

This power grants a formidable improvement to the Sorcerer's powers of cogitation, analysis, recall and general reasoning. It is a direct upgrade to that most precious and deadly of powers, intelligence. Additionally, the character may launch psychic assaults to weaken or shatter the minds of others.

Ultimate - True Dominion: Once per month, the Sorcerer may launch an all-out assault upon an enemy's mind, coring out their self to wear them like a puppet. Only one being may be so mastered at a time. Enemies may resist with a composite (Will Rank x 10 + Level) against (Sorcerer's Wits + Level) check; on a success they resist and this ability is still expended, but the Sorcerer suffers no form of backlash or feedback. The Sorcerer controls the target's mind with no loss of signal fidelity, no second-chance at resistance, and no impediments to his normal functioning: multi-tasking is spontaneous and flawless.

*Primary stats: Wits, Will Rank, LOCKED
*Dramatically increases Seram's general intelligence, altering his personality and improving his implementation of plans.
*Psionic assaults take a few seconds of concentration, but are very effective at incapacitating most foes. The Sorcerer does not suffer feedback from failed assaults. The <Psychic Proficiency> Skill can affect success chance and execution speed.
*The Sorcerer can sense minds in their general vicinity, and can 'communicate' with them by sending low-powered psychic attacks with a general impression attached. This is unpleasant for the targets.
*Effectiveness of all Training actions increased by flat 40%.

[ ] Auspice Temporal - Dominion over time itself is offered by this Grace. The Sorcerer gains all the benefits of being temporally accelerated by an order of magnitude (10x) without complications (such as aging) or flaws. This extends to their personal-scale equipment, within reason: exceptionally large weapons may not be viable to wield while this Grace is active. Up to half the character's total waking hours may be spent under the effects of this Grace. Activation is easy and seamless, a mere exertion of will.

Ultimate - Freeze Time: The character stops time for all but themselves for three seconds. They may act normally during this time - for example, slaying an enemy while they are powerless to resist. Sufficiently powerful enemies may be able to resist while time is stopped, but it is unlikely that any but the strongest ithilyor (with foreknowledge and prep) would be able to do so in this world. Use of this ability puts the Grace on cooldown for one month.

*Acceleration factor may be improved slowly over time.
*While active, reduces the cooldown of other Graces except Inner Sanctum.
*Wow, what a broken feature
*Seriously, what the fuck


Note that Seram will not know of his Third Grace options when selecting his Second Grace. Please take that into account for any arguments on the subject.

These are some of the Grace's Seram had Access to.

If Gisena picks up True Quintessence and uses it on herself she would gain to a second level Grace. So, if she Picks true Quintessence she should be able to also get access to Auspice Temporal and gain the benefits of ten times faster cool downs as well. By next Pillars proc she could almost use it again (Ring of Time might help push her over the edge here), and in the mean time she can work ten times as fast while outside Pillars.

Getting Gisena access to a full Grace should almost definitely happen this Pillars proc. It doesn't have to happen this turn, but it should happen as soon as we can manage.
Days like this I wish Gisena had the Clone and Acceleration Oridnal.
pft, Ordinalism! who needs that? Cardinalism is way better!

depending on how this works, I would vote for this to be the first priority before literally anything.

If Gisena picks up True Quintessence and uses it on herself she would gain to a second level Grace. So, if she Picks true Quintessence she should be able to also get access to Auspice Temporal and gain the benefits of ten times faster cool downs as well. By next Pillars proc she could almost use it again (Ring of Time might help push her over the edge here), and in the mean time she can work ten times as fast while outside Pillars.
Remember that Auspice is only a x4 to cooldowns, because it doesn't work while asleep, and only lasts Half your waking hours.