Angelus - This Cardinal is a meta-Cardinal on many accounts. Rather than broaden the user's spellcasting capacity, the Angelus Cardinal offers the ability to explore magic at a more chaotic but simultaneously expanded rate. In order to be effective, the user of this Cardinal must be able to apply elementary geometry and mathematics.
In essence, picture the entire Cardinal Geometer as a grid of squares, where each square represents a 'step' taken in a particular direction. The directions are North, East, South, and West sequentially, and each Cardinal Form in any given Cardinal represents a direction in order they are presented. In other words, if a Cardinalist were to always select the first option out of any offered Cardinal and he ended his career at the 360th, he would have taken, "three-hundred and sixty steps northward." If someone were to select the first option, the second option, and the first option again, he would have taken, "a step north, a step east, a step north." And so on.
Ordinarily, a Cardinalist may only be able to learn the next Cardinal, and choose only a single magical spell out of that Cardinal, but Angelus modifies this property intrinsically and permanently. This manifests differently for each user, and can, in fact, be outright harmful to their learning. Usually, Angelus manifests in a pattern of learning that can be studied, analyzed, and predicted for each user.
An example pattern would be a sequence of Cardinal Attainments that follows as such:
1. John is at the 10th Cardinal. He chooses to take a step East as his 11th Cardinal as normal. He does so and nothing happens.
2. Angelus takes hold of John's advancement during the next Cardinal selection. Rather than move in any direction he wishes, it moves him in a direction opposite to the one he took at '1,' but it skips over one step. In other words, John attains the 13th Western Cardinal, without attaining any of the 12th Cardinal Forms.
3. Angelus continues to puppeteer John's attainment, but this time, it moves him back one step, allowing him to take any 12th Cardinal he chooses.
4. Depending on his choice in '3,' there is a random chance the next attainment will also be decided by Angelus. If John selects either East or West, the chance that Angelus takes control of his choice for this step of the sequence is 10%, and if he takes North or South, the chance is 30%. Furthermore, if Angelus takes control of John's progress at this step, it will always unfailingly advance him two steps North, skipping one step; unless John already took North in the 3rd part of this sequence, in which case Angelus has a 25% chance of sending him East, 25% chance of sending him West, or 50% chance of sending him South.
The Cardinalist may reset the pattern at any moment he wishes in order to produce a new and fresh pattern to play around with, and it does not necessarily need to hold four steps, but can have even up to a dozen or as little as two. The main demerit of doing this is that a Cardinalist has to re-learn the pattern.
The main benefit of this Cardinal is that an enterprising Angelus user may be able to plan his route in such a way that he'll be able to take multiple directions in a single Cardinal. It's more than theoretically possible to obtain Emission, Enhance, Explode, and Escort at the same time if he finds a pattern that moves him back to the very beginning, making him re-choose the 1st Cardinal.
Choosing this Cardinal permanently alters every Cardinal attained with the concepts of ontological motion and repetition. This only applies in visible ways to some Cardinals. This application is erratic.
Antithesis - The essence of this spell is twisted inversion, but the spell is rather simple at its core. The user focuses on a single person or identifiable object or phenomenon within range and maintains that focus for the duration of the spell - this necessity can be ameliorated with sufficient skill, eventually letting the user focus on multiple things. Abstract concepts may not be targeted without Specialist Forms or alterations from other Cardinals.
For as long as the user maintains the focus, their magic creates a spiritual projection of wrinkled virtual-matter which embodies the very antithesis of the targeted being. Usually, these creatures are significantly weaker than the target, and their effects - albeit not their second-order effects - are non-permanent, weak, and transient. Usually, the projections will manifest as humanoid elementals or servile spirits, even if an object or phenomenon was targeted. They will follow the Cardinalist's orders within reason, but won't do anything that supports the basis of their spell-focus; in fact, if left alone, they will do their best to destroy or impede it. The interpretations of what is 'antithetical' are usually broad and unusually simplistic, straightforward, and even dull.
The main benefit of this spell lies not in its power, but in the shock value and versatility it can offer to a Cardinalist who's willing to use his head, as mostly any phenomenon can be targeted with this. If the elementalist targets a body of water, the spell may create a weak fire elemental; targeting a forest may create an eager lumberjack with an axe. If a clown is the target, it might produce a horror monster.
Curiously, while this spell's understanding of ideas expands with the user's own understanding, this ceases to be so past a certain level; particularly when the matter is personal. If the target is a random wire, a shadowy mouse will be created; however, if the Cardinalist pours all of his understanding of their best friend, the spell won't create an 'anti-friend' or 'worst enemy,' as if unable to recognize that complexity. Instead, it will create something generically anti-human or otherwise applicable to the individual in question.
Choosing this Cardinal permanently alters every Cardinal attained with the concepts of hostility and adversity. This only applies in visible ways to some Cardinals.
Advance - Sometimes, easy and straightforward effects are the best. This is one such spell.
Upon casting, the Cardinalist and up to six companions are enshrouded in a bubble of translucent, static white light. The bubble contains its own, safe atmosphere and is virtually unpoppable to anything less than concentrated artillery fire or repeated bombardment with explosive missiles. The Cardinalist is able to mentally propel this bubble at a rate of 50kph/s, to a soft limit of Mach 10, at which point the acceleration slows down massively, and a hard limit of 1% of the speed of light.
Curiously, while this bubble mitigates inertia, g-forces, tension, friction, and other unpleasantness involved in travel at such velocities, it - as well as the beings in it - will definitely be unable to handle a fast impact with a physical object of density larger than common oil. Be careful when accelerating towards a target.
Choosing this Cardinal permanently alters every Cardinal attained with the concepts of velocity and bubbles. This only applies in visible ways to some Cardinals.
Abraxas - This spell channels kinetic light through appropriate objects, requiring a material component in the form of a jewel. The spell's effects change depending on the color and properties of each gem utilized for its casting, using a consistent RGB/MCY/WB scale in order to decide its manifestation. Usually, this spell is best cast using gauntlets or staves that have gem attachments.
Below are the manifestations of effects depending on the jewel color. These manifestations assume that each jewel's color is 100% pure, with no other elements from the color spectrum corrupting it.
Red - A pure red gem will fire a constant laser-like projection of force, half of which will be directed back at the user. This beam will have 0 spread.
Blue - A pure blue gem will fire once every eight seconds, emitting fifty projectiles at a spread of 180 degrees, which will alter course toward user-intuited targets up to 90 degrees.
Green - A pure green gem will project force in a cone away from the user, expanding with distance at a roughly 45-degree angle (90-degree cone) with commensurate weakening of power. This gem requires one-quarter the usual expenditure of power.
Magenta - A pure magenta (combining red and blue) gem will fire once every four seconds, emitting twenty-five projectiles at a spread of 90 degrees, which will alter course toward user-intuited targets up to 45 degrees. One-quarter of projectile force will be directed back at the user.
Cyan - A pure cyan (combining blue and green) gem will fire once every four seconds, emitting twenty-five projectiles within a 120-degree cone. Projectiles will weaken with distance from origin in accordance with half of the inverse square of distance. Projectiles will alter course toward user-intuited targets up to 90 degrees. This requires one half the usual expenditure of power.
Yellow - A pure yellow (combining green and red) gem will fire a constant projection of force in a 45 degree cone with force reduced by half of the inverse square of distance. One quarter of the force will be directed back toward the user. This requires one half the usual expenditure of power.
White - A pure white gem is special, and can be used to boost other gems when channeled. Because most gem mages can only use one gem at a time, white gems are either used through special techniques, or with a second gem mage.
Black - A pure black gem is special, and can be used for countering other gems at half the cost of what the offensive power takes.
Clarity - How clear the gem is. Clarity has a sigmoidal relationship with force per unit power; the first few points of clarity provide ever-increasing force per unit power, while the last few points of clarity provide ever-decreasing force per unit power.
Cut - How many facets the gem has, and what their arrangement is. Cut has two components: facets and symmetry. A lack of symmetry in the cuts typically results in force projection being off-balanced or warped in some way, though one axis of radial symmetry is enough that the effects are much less noticeable. The number of cuts increases the "sharpness" of the force projection.
Carat Weight - How big the gem is. Larger gems require more power to use, but have greater force per unit power at superlinear rate.
Choosing this Cardinal permanently alters every Cardinal attained with the concepts of artifacts and channeling. This only applies in visible ways to some Cardinals.