It's about risk/reward distribution. In absolute best case Full Measure beats Advanced Research, but in most other cases Advanced Research is just better. Good 6th and 7th beats good 6th and Rank, but just good 7th is arguably similar to good 6th and Rank, good 6th is worse than good 6th and Rank, good 6th vs no Sign with Rank is roughly the same and no good signs vs no good sign with Rank is obvious. Besides, you don't need to get both good 6th and 7th, as just good 6th should suffice.
Full Measure has higher highs and lower lows, but Advanced Research is just more reliable. It gives us what we want and in case that we don't get what we were looking for we are still not completely fucked.
Also, in addition you'd take a penalty too - which is honestly not that important, but is still something.