@Rihaku is it possible to use the Silver of Evening's "Once per sidereal week, perfectly defeat any one hostile effect to which the wearer would otherwise be subject. Applied against a Curse, grants two stages of mitigation for one day and one night. May apply even to the Doom of the Tyrant." effect against this oncoming super-powered Apocryphal Proc? For the 2-stage mitigation? Or... huh, actually, how would it work. It works for one day and one night, so if we applied it to this Apocryphal Proc, how does that work? Does it not work at all, because the Apocryphal already proc'd? (If so, could we have declared usage against it, as it happened?)
Also also, at some point, the Media threadmarks need to be increased and/or updated;
@runeblue360 had to use
another post for Hunger's Character Sheet, because his first post ran out of space. (Though, that one was last updated September 28... Then again, we hadn't gotten too many more advancements or anything since then. But.) Or at least, you could probably edit your old character sheet post with a link to the new character sheet.
Though, it's a bit uncertain where exactly we are... For example, exactly how much Rank do we have? Did we gain any from Augustine and Nilfel adventures? When we had that one update where we had 3 picks, and picked a 2-pick thing and were told that the 3rd pick would be automatically assigned by Hunger to be efficient and all, what was the 3rd pick used on? Just an Echo of the Forebear? Something else? It was never said, but... what was it? What was the outcome of the "Be The Change" option for the Elixir Kingdom? Did it turn out well, bad, meh, very well, very bad? How are the Temple and the Elixir Kingdom doing, since we've last seen them? And since Adorie was being installed as Regent?
How to Make $$$
1: Find a pure source of myth. Adorie's blood is possible. Alternatively, we could produce pure Myth from Edeldross. This would require refining Edeldross at least once in order to become Elixirdross, and possibly a second time if Elixirdross's "heroic legend" is separate from "myth". Or maybe they have a pure enough sample for our purposes sitting in a vault somewhere.
(Versch might be a source of myth.

Or the Oriflamme we just got. Though it might need us to get an Advancement for it, or Elixir-dross or whatever...) (Or maybe the Tears of Winter, with domains of grandeur and beauty and truth and purity... Actually, they might be more relevant due to being relics of the Realm of Myth and Adorie's family treasures, thinking about it. They
are an object of myth. Especially when empowered by Hunger's Accretion. Maybe Hunger could get an Advancement in the Tears of Winter/Trueheart Phial that will help make this possible?)
But! My main question and thought here was, and which I started writing this whole post in the first place for (before getting pretty distracted by many things)...
Well, thinking about it, Adorie is the only party-member who currently doesn't have a Surgecrafting element, doesn't she?
And in the Realm of Evening, she could probably get it, couldn't she?
I think it was said somewhere -- or maybe it was just speculated, but it seems reasonable to me -- that, since we spent time at the Elixir Sovereignity's springs, that when we got the Realm of Evening, we could probably produce a copy of the Elixir springs in that Realm. Meaning, if we take Adorie with us to the realm, we could actually get her a Surgecrafting Element. And it, potentially, could be a really good one.
(For a more amusing idea: take Versch into the Realm of Evening, and park him in an Elixir-spot, since we could afford to do that unlike back at the Kaguya. Won't get him an Element, but will work to heal him. Or you just feed Versch healing items outright, if you want to be serious instead of funny about it. Bah.)
Thinking about it, I wonder if we could recreate the Opalescent Tower and the Walls of Myth -- and maybe even the Tower of Earth? -- in the Realm of Evening? So that, if it's relevant, it would boost Adorie while she's in there. Assuming that the Tower and/or Walls interact with Adorie's power, and the Tears of Winter Trueheart Phial, then... It might mean that Adorie's bloodline power is
really boosted while in the Realm of Evening. Especially given the Ring of Blood.
... Huh, I guess that would mean that Hunger could practice the Praxis to an even greater degree, because he'd have access to immediate healing, and a boosted Adorie too. Huh. Now that I think about it, I guess you could do Praxis-training in the Realm of Evening, especially with Adorie along. Well'p.
Using the Realm of Evening to
add bloodlines to ourselves -- by getting sources of bloodlines in the Realm, and then using our Ring of Blood, and making it permanent or copying it or whatever -- could be cool, too.
But mostly, I just
really want to know what Adorie's Surgecrafting Element would be! It could wind up being something really handy. Either in general, for the oncoming crisis in specific, for rulership, for buffing, for currency, or something, I don't know.
I'm betting that it might be a bit more powerful on her homeground, too. i.e. If she remains in the Realm of Myth, it'll be boosted a bit. Or at least, prevented from existential diminishment which could work out to a boost. (Since, if going from "Elixir Source ---> Person bathed in it" is a
diminishment in potential and power of the whatever-Elixir-is, then, that would mean that Adorie would, uniquely, be really good at making sure that there was no hypothetical drop-off in power unlike there would have been for every other Surgecrafter.) (Or alternatively... What if Adorie's bloodline power -- "resist existential diminishment" -- interacts in some way with our usage of the Realm of Evening? Allowing her to keep a little bit of the boosts of the Realm of Evening, even once leaving it? That'd be a neat minor benefit, if it happened.)
On another note...
The Tears of Winter
The Crown Jewels of Nilfel are myth crystallized and spun into sharpness and light; they are pinnacle treasures beyond mere power or worth, transcendent droplets of pure creation rained down from the empyreal. Yet what is the value of a treasure, no matter how priceless, for a House that has lost the wherewithal to wield it, and the position to display it forth? Thus they are given to you, to rest in a Princess' crown, or a Duchess' necklace of jewels.
You may give the Tears of Winter to any titled noble with the power to wield them; channeling your own Accreted Pressure through the jewels to empower yourself and their bearer. Valid targets are Princess Regent Gisena I, Duchess Letrizia Artriez or Princess Adorie IX.
The Tears grant ++INT, ++APP, +AGI and +0.3 Rank to both bearer and beneficiary. Their dominion includes: ice, cold, rulership, intellect, calculation, beauty, finesse, quickness, overwhelming power, the season of Winter, grandeur, truth, and purity. In addition, they grant unique bonuses depending on the character they are granted to:
Adorie Mirellyian - Trueheart Phial. Doubles the Attribute and Rank bonuses provided by the Tears of Winter. Guarantees Adorie as a companion if desired (starts with +++++Adorie). Adorie's bloodline allows her to absorb and resist existential diminishment; empowered by the active Tears of Winter, she
reduces your Praxis Exertion to 1/4th its previous level.
I want to see what kind of Advancements the Tears of Winter can get us! (And the Oriflamme too, since we just got it.)
really want to see what a 25-Arete Advancement for the Tears and the Seraph's Favor would be like, in fact. Hell, it involved a lesser wish and 50 Arete as an opportunity cost to pick it up... it's got to have some cool advancements possible! I also wonder how it'd do if we had the Lucenthorne and Elixir-boosted Edeldross, too.
(I'd really like to get some hints of it in Blurbs, in fact. Oriflamme and Tears of Winter Advancements and EFBs. I'll bet if they showed up as teaser Blurbs, and fully in Patreon, a lot of people would be tempted. On the other hand, them being in Patreon would mean us not getting it in-thread, so... =/ )
It would also be interesting to see what the Trueheart Phial -- with dominions of intellect, calculation, finesse, and truth -- might achieve when cooperating with the Ring of
Truth. Wonder if Gisena and Adorie working together could accomplish something neat? ... I guess that would be one of those Conjunctional: Teammates options/advancements, thinking about it. This time being Conjunctional: Adorie and Gisena.
Hmm, truth and purity might resonate with the Oriflamme too... And "overwhelming power" too, technically.

I wonder there might be some Conjunctional Advancements of the Tears of Winter and the Seraph's Favor? Eh, thoughts for another day.