If my hypothesis about Synthesis is right we can get a utility pick with the 5th sign. Or the picks we get for successful Synthesis. Why not meet people halfway and take something more combat-friendly?
[X] Synthesis
[X] Fourth Sign: Veil of Grandeur [Noonday Sky]
[X] Fourth Sign: Skywards Claim [Vast Empyrean]

A King of Witches - Download
100 Ordinal Credits
5 Cerulean Obols
0 Radiant Electrum

[2] - Shards of Infinity: [+4 Cerulean Obols]

[ ] A Modest Realm - Westeros

[ ] 1: Midsummer Rhapsody - [+2 Cerulean Obols]

[ ] A Saga. [+1 Radiant Electrum]

Sight / Seal
[ ] I: Delayed Gratification [2 Ordinal Coins] -

Profess / Preference
[ ] I: Profoundly Tasteful [6 Ordinal Coins] -

Ally / Alternate
[ ] I: Attribution Requested [5 Ordinal Coins] -

Dream / Double
[ ] I: Twice [3 Ordinal Coins] -
[ ] II: Multithreading [28 Ordinal Coins] -
[ ] I: Savor the Moment [65 Ordinal Coins] -

Extract / Exceed
[ ] I: Quintessence [2 Ordinal Coins] -
[ ] II: The Sword [33 Ordinal Coins] -

Cerulean Obols

Radiant Electrum
] First Sword [1 Radiant Electrum]
- The Witch King

Debit: 140 / 6 / 1
Credit: 140 / 0 / 1

Even a moderately well designed First Sword is absurdly potent by the standards of Westeros. Multiple orders of magnitude stronger, faster, more enduring, and magical than even the very strongest beings we ever see. Even if crossing the continent should be necessary capturing all shards within a month should be very manageable. With a suitable Savor application it might take less than an effective day. The Saga needs to be done, but should not be particularly challenging.
qwolfs threw 1 3-faced dice. Reason: Downloaded Nature Roll: Total: 3
3 3
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If my hypothesis about Synthesis is right we can get a utility pick with the 5th sign. Or the picks we get for successful Synthesis. Why not meet people halfway and take something more combat-friendly?
The fuckhuge laser brings me joy, but I'm unsure that it's the right play because Rihaku keeps posting the same warning about utility. This morning he said this in discord again:

but is combat power alone sufficient to handle the Apocryphal...

I can't remember the last time I was so indecisive about a vote! Luckily you've really stepped up with tactics for the economy pick this round. I'll name vote you so that you've got a stronger bargaining position in case any Laser voters want to negotiate with you to defeat Grandeur.

[X] Conjured Blade
[X] Conjured Blade

I never imagined Synthesis would be so competitive, what an amazing crusade.
At this point I'm just wholly interested in what lies behind Synthesis, I gotta know.
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I mean, there's nothing wrong with lasers, and attacking an enemy with spells would be wonderful, but it kinda doubles down on "Hunger as a combatant." That's nice and all, but if we had another Hunger-level (or nearly so) combatant (such as via Skyward Claim Gisena or Aobaru), then it'd be harder for the Apocryphal Curse to TPK by disabling Hunger (see Augustine fight, and what would have happened if Gisena hadn't EFBd out of nowhere).

Having powerful allies is good. We've got summons for that, but we can only have one summon at a time and they can be expensive (man Elder Sign would have been nice huh).
If the economic policy option that Adorie explicitly prefers has no chance, I'd rather attempt Synthesis over taking Liberation, which does strike me as Apocryphal Bait.

[X] Synthesis
[X] Fourth Sign: Deathly Star
[X] Synthesis
[X] Fourth Sign: Deathly Star [Evening Sky]
My thinking is that the prime essences are Ruhuk essence and Findross.

Ruhuk is heroic and orcish. It is very physical in its nature, as seen in the capabilities of the orcs
Findross is sublime and for sorceresses. It makes things into their ideal self.

Edeldross bridges the gap. "It is the liminal gloss between real and ideal". The real is Ruhuk, the ideal is findross. Edeldross is the clear substance between them. More evidence of this is that obtaining Edeldross let us either take the Elixier EFB, which allows for Ruhuk essence, or we could take the ecplise EFB that makes us a maiden-equivalent with Findross. Edeldross sits at the crossroads between them and can grow to become either one.

So maybe what the runes of the walls of myth do is unite them both with Edeldross. We can make our myth by doing the same; obtain Ruhuk essence from the sovereignty or perhaps ourselves if we take Elixier. Then obtain findross from Gisena. Then use Edeldross to bridge the gap between Ruhuk and Findross and unite the real with the ideal, creating our myth.
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It's interesting that there's a spring that grants power in the Elixir sovereignty, and here it's a well. In both cases power is drawn from a slowly replenishing liquid. Perhaps both share the same ultimate power source? A good supply of Elixir sovereignty water could be helpful for any experiments. Or perhaps an attempt to find the ultimate source of the spring.

My thinking is that the prime essences are Ruhuk essence and Findross.

Ruhuk is gold and heroic and orcish. It is very physical in its nature, as seen in the capabilities of the orcs
Findross is azure blue and sublime and for sorceresses. It is more ethereal.

Edeldross, as we know, unlocks both. This is because it bridges the gap. "It is the liminal gloss between real and ideal". The real is Ruhuk, the ideal is findross. Edeldross is the clear substance between them. More evidence of this is that obtaining Edeldross let us unlock either Elixier, which allows for Ruhuk essence, or we could take the ecplise power that makes us a maiden-equivalent with Findross. Edeldross sits at the crossroads between them and can grow to become either one.

The runes of the walls of myth being azure-gold implies a combination of both.

We can obtain Ruhuk essence from the sovereignty, and perhaps ourselves if we take Elixier. We can obtain findross from Gisena. Combining them creates gold-azure.

Where do you get Findross being just being Azure Blue from for the sake of Curiosity?

Gisena's a Findross Sorceress and her eyes go gold and blue when she's looking at our magic in Lady of the Lake.

Her fingers gently grazed his cheek, turning his face to hers. Her eyes were the green of deep ponds. Moonlight invested them with flecks of blue and gold.

"What are you-"

"Sssh. I'm examining your Curses. It's a very delicate procedure, so please stay still! Wouldn't want your powers to be amputated."
Make Aeira relevant again in direct combat? Say no more, fam~ Gotta have plat to pay our teenage mercenaries too, you'd think the kids would hang around even without the salary 'cause of all the stuff we've been through together, but why chance it?

[X] Liberation
[X] Fourth Sign: Skywards Claim [Vast Empyrean]
On second thought maybe not. I'll have to think about this some more.

Fair enough. I'm enjoying getting into a magiscience discussion so here's a bit of speculation though.

Edeldross helps with Total Eclipse because it's a good/valid medium to draw Gisena's Rune of Ascension in.

Here's the full Edeldross Blurb

[ ] Edeldross: This precursor component of findross embodies redemption, perfection, restoration and the renewal of cycles. It is the liminal gloss between real and ideal, whereby the purposeless matter of the corporeal world becomes the refined substrate of supernal augmentation. Blasts, voids and shields of solidified edeldross convey the principle of 'transference without harm,' allowing the character to re-position allies and scatter enemies with minimal possibility of collateral damage. Kinetic flight is possible through continuous burst releases, but its greatest benefits are found in augmentation. Pure edeldross is semi-corporeal and swiftly fades beneath the withering indifference of the real, but contained within a person's body it holistically augments all elements of the self, supernal excellence beyond the reach of the mundane.

Though mastery is a long and arduous process, precise configurations of Edeldross can be arranged so as to replicate nearly one-tenth of all Sorcerous Graces.

Hunger's Imaginary Element is determined by his relationships. Gisena's art, shaped by Letrizia's language and technique, conferring Catherine's benevolence. +Gisena, +Letrizia, +Catherine (?)

Discounts Total Eclipse by 1 Arete
-Solidified edeldross can be used as a form of damage-preventing energy blast, which, while unable to slay enemies on its own, can be actively spammed due to its negation of harm. Can ablate away to cancel equivalent quantities of Nullity, allowing for easy combat alongside Gisena with a bit of practice. Pacify a city undergoing a zombie apocalypse with a minimum of innocent life lost, scatter both sides in a pitched battle without slaying any of their number, etc.
-Beings within the radius of a release of pure edeldross receive a 20% bonus to all Attributes. The magnitude of this bonus can be improved over time. Take care not to buff your enemies as well. Pure edeldross is considerably more draining to use.
-By working with Gisena's mage-sight, Hunger may slowly over time develop specific Patterns of edeldross that can temporary replicate the effects of various Sorcerous Graces. Perhaps developments even further than this can be achieved in time...

Edeldross can replicate roughly 10 percent of Findross based graces. What is a Grace though?

The Truth Manifest:
Hypothesis: Augustine's runic language produced twisted results because it relied on material reagents, evident in the agonized immolation of her material runes. The proper channeling medium, was the findross of the Maidengrace.

The language was the sculptor, and findross the marble. Without a proper sculptor, the Graces of her sister-Sorceresses had been limited to finite forms. Without the proper medium, Augustine's spells lacked for power, demanding toil and bloody sacrifice.

Gisena Allria was the Nullity Sorceress. The findross she produced could only do one thing. Yet, there was no limit to the forms it could take in the pursuit of that purpose.

Lances of Nullity, tides and bolts, shields and waves, blasts and seas...

Something bestowed upon others by a working of Total Eclipse/Arcanist Sorcery/Etc that can be used without knowing the language. Something inherent to their being. The Pseudo-Graces we got before Silver of Evening that needed upkeep, what if the patterns are Total Eclipse Runes that work when you make them with Edeldross? We figured out how to get full graces when we cast a jewel of edeldross into our cloak, integrating it with our metaphysical corpus. We stop needing upkeep because we integrated the valid pattern of Edeldross with our spirit. Put runes in our night sky like constellations. So it is with Maidengraces. Findross Runes integrated into the spirits of sorceresses by some method X I don't fully comprehend.

So what's the deal with Elixirdross?

[ ] Elixir (all picks, 20 Arete) - Feat: Reckoner, adding .375 Rank and upgrades Edeldross to 25-point version. A rare Advancement. Sufficient refinement of Edeldross can create a substance ontologically equivalent to findross in potency but different in character: fairer, nobler and brighter, a power not for shining paragons but for heroes of legend; not the pristine beauty of the stars, but the blinding incandescence of the Sun itself!

*In conjunction with the Ring of Blood, allows Hunger to induce the Fairbright Bloodline in himself once his effective Blood Rank exceeds 8.0. If successful, mitigates the Apocryphal Curse by one half-stage.
*Vastly expands the space of possible Graces and enormously expands their potency.
*Does not disqualify Hunger for Trinity later, as Arete spend towards his Element is not classified as belonging to any one Artifact.
*Edeldross can now heal Hunger's eye, liver, and lung. Discounts Final Form by 7 (!) Arete.
*Hunger will learn what the Fairbright Bloodline actually does. --Heartlessness.
*Lucenthorne shall seek you as an ally, for any who wields the Fairbright Essence cannot be its enemy. You need not wield it personally; it has resided in the hands of ruler and champion both.
The valid Grace space is expanded and enhanced in potency. The valid Findross Graces from Edeldross remain valid and they are stronger than they were before. However, a set of presumably non-findross graces get unlocked that are unique to Elixirdross. More Runes are valid somehow and those Runes don't work with Findross. What the capabilities of Elixirdross graces are, and the refinement mechanism for Edeldross to get Elixirdross is something beyond my ability to speculate on. Perhaps they are the physical things you speculated on. Perhaps they are something else.

Edit: I actually have some data on what somebody benefitting from Elixirdross may be able to do.

Arisen Again:
Gabrielle Fairbright fell without incident. The blood of ten thousand heroes sang in her veins, choirs of the Astral had descended to shield her, her blade of legend had blazed like a second sun, plain become glass before its incandescence; and yet none of that had saved her from the ordinary thrust of his blade, which with unerring force struck true. That was his pride and culmination, the sole point and purpose of his existence, for which his father had given his life and his mother had died in despair. Strike a thousand times, or make one strike that tells.

Glass the plains with the light of our blazing sword? Edit2: It looks like Elixirdross operates on a Solar Exaltedesque aesthetic. Edit3: If Findross exemplifies the Beauty of the Stars, Sidereal Exalted are the ones who like astrology.
Edit4: What then is edeldross? The Sky itself?
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It began, the herculean struggle between man and beast, the test of patience and timing, of placement and cunning, a contest of wills as much as of strength. Prey and predator were united by hunger as well as happenstance: the fish, to nibble at bait without surrendering its life, and the man, to seize his prize before the lure dissipated.

Overcome by the moment, defiant against the fates and the world, he spent of himself recklessly, drawing forth every iota of power to bend lake and denizens to his will. His instincts pierced the waters like a great refulgent eye, and the tantalizing gleam and dance of his bait was as a thing of gold, made precious and inescapable by the will of his spirit.

And somehow we've ended up in Fishing: the anime. :o

Of all the shounen I've seen, this one still wasn't in my anime list.

"I-is all this really necessary?" Letrizia shouted, barely audible over the circle of winds that whipped around him, an intemperate halo.

"Go Hunger! Feed us, yay!!" Gisena cheered, bouncing lightly in place. She'd come over to witness the spectacle, pausing her ominous work on Verschlengorge's missile array. Hair and dress alike fluttered crazily in the wind; he wasn't sure how she could see.

Letrizia, can't you understand? Can't you feel the passion, The BOND between hunter and prey, between fisherman and fish?

We HAVE to do this!

And we obviously have to do this in the most Dramatic way possible!

well, her reaction explains why this option came with Gisena+ but no Letrizia +. I'm disappointed in her..:(
There. A sharp tug and jerk on his line, sudden force as if to pull the rod from his hand.

A big one.

He stabilized, setting one foot against Verschlengorge's finger to resist his opponent's strength. Hook, line, rod and man bowed taut under the strain, a single parabola of exertion that bound them to the leviathan below. Pressure alone held line and rod together against the forces transmitted; in mortal hands they would long since have snapped.

This was no ordinary fish. He, who had the strength of ten men on a poor day, whose line and rod and hook were infused with the power of ruin, was being pressed to the uttermost limit. He sensed deep power here, vigor beyond the limits of muscle and scale. Down below, beneath the windblown chop of the lake surface, he caught a glimpse of movement, an opalescent shimmer that tugged the eye even as it fled.

Truly a worthy foe.

On a secondary note I can't think of many fishing anime. I suppose there was Sampei, Though I've never watched it, and HunterxHunter DID start with Gon fishing a respectable catch..
"Gisena!" He roared. "A magical beast!"

She came up beside him, pressed between the fingers of the Armament. Indiscriminate fire would dispel his Pressure and the rod would snap immediately. Carefully she raised her arm and found an angle, open palm launching Null bolts rapid-fire into the depths below.

No, Hunter, what are you doing! You'd let Another intrude in this sacred moment, in this sacred challenge! :o

You disappoint me, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. IT's obviously the Doom of the Tyrant's fault, that you would not abide by the conventions of the genre, of respecting the holy 1v1.

Or maybe I misread you. Maybe you're no longer the hero, but the Villain instead. And the villain, as is tradition, rarely cares for rules in sports shounen anime.

Moments passed. Gisena shook her head, hair trailing distractingly across his nose and cheek. "It's shrouded by some supernatural murk. I can't get a good lock on it."

He grunted, arm livid with strain. The steel wire of the line was beginning to fray visibly, and the wood of the rod was shot through with cracks. Sheer will held them together. He needed a plan.

Good. She won't intrude in this sacred match.

Learn, Hunger! Only skill and grit will win you this sacred match!

"I'm going to pull up," he said. "The rod won't last much longer regardless. When I do, fire a wide area attack into the lake. As soon as it passes, I'll give you the rod. Hold the line as long as you can."

"Okay," she nodded, not bothering to ask for an explanation. An orb of concerted Nullity formed around her hand, a thrumming distortion that cleared the appearance of the air rather than twisting it.

"Now!" He heaved upwards, arm and implement pressed to the breaking point, the hollow, scraped-out reserves of his personal might rallying one last time. The fish resisted him, it tugged and thrashed with a congealed river's worth of force, but was pulled skywards in the end, at last visible beneath the waves.

Gisena swept her arm, Nullity in an arc released before her, catching wind and wave and fish alike. As that rippling translucence passed through, the beast spasmed once and began struggling even more fiercely, but the strength of its movements was lessened, now mere muscle and sinew.

He handed over the ravaged rod and plunged into the water.

...correction. Only Skill and Grit and the power of Nullity.


oh, I suppose I can chalk this up to the Power of Friendship, but I'm not happy with you!
It was a great iridescent creature, near serpentine in length, fanged maw snapping impotently at the waters around it. Striations of texture and color crossed its body in thick bands, pearly scales of amber, violet and pale blue that contrasted with the glittering mass of its main body.

His hook had dug deep, disappearing down its gullet, and dark crimson blood plumed steadily from its mouth. Even now, denied its supernal primacy, it raged in furious consternation, without a hint of fear in its ruby eyes.

He smiled. It was overlord of this idyllic stretch, the biggest fish in this inland pond. As had been the Tyrant himself, in light of such beings as the Accursed.


well. remember, little fishie. There's always a bigger pond.

Hallowed energies swam about as it began to recover from Gisena's assault. Swiftly he drew the Forebear's Blade and in one fluid motion plunged it into the creature's gills. Its scales were dense, layered and overlapping like lacquered armor, but physical necessity left these unguarded. As it writhed, he sent a pulse of chopping force out through the blade and into its internals, then twisted cruelly, sending a second strike towards its brain.

It flailed once, desperately, and went still.

Moments later he emerged from the lake's surface with the beast strewn across his back. Its bulk was heavy across his shoulders, head flopping down to his elbow, while its muscular tail dragged sullenly against the ground.

And so falls the overlord of this pond.
"You did it!" Gisena exclaimed, running down to join him.

"Not... going to take credit... for this?" He panted.

"No," she replied, eyes bright. "Unless you want me to. It's only been a few hours; did you miss my teasing already?"

..kinda? :oops:
"I... am going... to lay down." He said, walking up the grassy incline. Upon reaching level ground, he set the fish atop it and sprawled out beside, breathing heavily.

He should not have done that. It had been an almost completely pointless endeavor. The purpose of this jaunt had been to rest, not to tire himself further. And yet, as he looked at the magnificent catch beside him, he couldn't help but feel that it had all been worth it.

Fuck. He still had to get in the robot after this.

This sums up our feelings on the matter I think.
Gisena peered down at him, amused, while Letrizia came around to admire the catch.

"You find this... funny?" He asked, still breathing heavily.

The Sorceress smoothed out her dress and sat down beside him. "You tell me, hero. What part of this isn't funny?"

He grunted, raising himself on his elbows, but Gisena placed one delicate hand on his chest and pushed him back down. "Oh no you don't. Rest now, you've earned it."

not quite as forward as using her dainty feet, but good enough. I suppose the feet will wait until we do something more impressive than catching a fish.
She smiled slyly. "Or... would you prefer to lay your head on my lap? Fellow Sorceresses tell me it's very comfortable. Our standards are the very highest!"

Gisena!!! How shameless! :oops:

.. Not where Letrizia can see!:oops::oops:
"Hmph." He closed his eyes. "Arrogant and a liar too. Why do I put up with you?"

She laughed. "Using my own lines against me? How shameless, hero!"

"You don't deserve original lines."

"Hm? And what would one do to earn such an honor?"

"First, catch a legendary fish."

"Well then." She stretched prettily, then got up and stalked around to the other side of the fish. "Perhaps I'll take credit for this one after all."

I love her each day more and more. She's not quite Aurelia/Suizhen/Imperia level though. she has the potential though, after all she's the companion of a progression type cursebearer!

...you know, wouldn't it be interesting to play a FEMALE cursebearer at some point? she'd be the ultimate waifu, breaking hearts all across the multiverse!

As Gisena inspected their catch, he let out another deep breath, staring upwards at the sky.

Twilight had come to their corner of the Voyaging Realm. The sun dipped slowly down the horizon, incandescence like molten wax pooling atop the waters. Above was the first encroachment of the evening dark, faint tracery of the moon and stars, the world grown hushed and still like an expectant audience. Atop his finger the ring of power shined, a burning jewel, a wound in the world from which no recovery was possible, light like blood spilling into the slowly dimming dusk.

Scraps of shadow, like inverse fireflies, fluttered around the ring-light, orbiting it steadily. Residue of the pirate captain's armor, the Astral equivalent of blood on his knuckles.

He frowned, thinking slowly. Was there some way to capture that power? Harness it, as he'd done to the Forebear's Blade and Tyrant's Ring? He needed some form of supernal protection. The armor's abilities had been impressive, even if its loyalty had been lacking.

oh, so Evening Sky won? It wasn't my first choice, but it has grown on me after all the arguments in its favour. Comprehensive defense is certainly good, expecially with the Apocryphal Curse always looking for more interesting dangers to let us face.
But he was unusually skilled at abducting the artifacts of others and binding them to his cause. It was the only field where he'd surpassed the Tyrant definitively. Ring and Blade were willful items both, difficult even to command. And yet he'd succeeded completely, united his will with theirs until there was no distinguishing them. Physically they were discrete objects, but in the realm of spirit they were one being, free of discontinuity. Were his physical form to perish, would he live on in them as a remnant?

Probably not. He was too weak still. Something to strive for in time. Couldn't let death impede his vengeance.

Does the ring count? I mean, it only started working for us AFTER we became a cursebearer. The blade accepted us even before that.

also it looks like we have the potential to make our artifacts basically become our philacteries, which I suppose makes sense.
Exhausted as he was, he focused again. Remembering how it had felt to lure the tyrant-fish to him. The shape of the Pressure he'd had to exert, its tenor and form. He remembered the hue and spill of that pirate's armor, ink the violet of midnight that rose in steady streamers.

The night sky's incursion against sun and blue.

Evening approached; there was no better time than this. He clenched his fist, and the ring that bore his name flared red, light so bright as to rival the setting sun, and slowly the scraps of shadow surrounding him began to multiply, drawn by the gravitation of the one who had defeated them.

He grasped them, wove them together with his magic and will, usurped them and made them his own. From the jewel of his ring burst forth a cloak, wrapping up and around his arm to rest upon his shoulders. It was the stars and the evening sky, a texture like billowing clouds, the fall of its drape a velvet window into night. Power infused him, boundless and inexorable as the evening itself: against which mundane force could find no purchase, and resilient against stranger assaults.

poetic. Also it likely looks very good on us. We'll put that extra charisma to good use!
Contentedly he closed his eyes. Properly outfitted at last. He recalled the final dictates of destiny, hours before the Tyrant had slain its oracles -

Treasures numbering three,
Ought hero's panoply be.
Crown, Saber and Orb,
Shield, Symbol and Sword,
Blade, Mantle and Ring;
Aloft to murder a king.

It was a childish rhyme, and meaningless. But a cloak - a mantle - was more comfortable than armor, and its magic protected all the same. Let this be their victory as well, they who had first given themselves to shield him from the Tyrant's regard.


ehi, I like the rhyme! Of course destiny was dead in that world, so it TRULY was meaningless..

We now have Blade, mantle and ring. We just need a few more (evil) kings to murder.

You have gained [X] Fell-Handed Stroke and the [X] Evening Sky.

Having overcome the King Fish, a feat of great, prowess, you may choose a benefit:

[ ] Crown - +.25 Astral Rank. Your Astral Rank is now 3.75, though see Exhausted, below.

[ ] Saber - Restore a fraction of the Forebear's Blade, extending its reach and sharpness with all the advantages that entails. Once per battle, may defer the cost of Fell-Handed Stroke until the fight concludes.

[ ] Orb - Gain title, [Master Baiter]. ++Manipulation when provoking enemies to attack you, or ++Bait Quality for Fishing and fishing-analogous tasks.

ok, I don't care much for Orb, so it would have to be either Crown or Saber.

Probably Crown, astral rank seems like the most important number to raise.

Also so we're 3.5? high, but not unreasonably so. Apparently value above 3 are very rare in this world for normal humans. It might also be better to raise it BEFORE we reach civilization, as it's the easiest way we have to prove our value.
You are currently Exhausted, unable to exert Pressure in most circumstances, though the abilities of your panoply remain active. Needless to say, if attacked you will be at a significant disadvantage. A day's rest will render you merely Tired.

And yet, a hero's work is never done. What now to do?

[ ] Dress the Fish - Help Gisena clean, dress, and investigate the King Fish. Its magical power was immense. What secrets lie beneath its treasure-laden scales? [+Gisena, +?]

[ ] Get In The Robot - Investigate the Armament and its connection with your Curse. Praehihr, it called you. Have the Foremost encountered Cursebearers before? You can, of course, get in the robot later, while the King Fish may be decomposing now. But matters regarding your Curses must take higher priority. Affects characterization.
[++Letrizia, +?, -Gisena]

[ ] Pass Out - This mantle is comfy. +1 Arete; 29 days of A Hunger Sated remain. Wastes the night.

damn, Exhausted IS really bad. I think I'd go with Pass Out, so that we can get that Arete point and start recovering. the robot can wait in my opinion, and I don't really want the -Gisena (even if ++Letrizia IS tempting).

We can go into the robot once we wake up

632 words
I really don't see the appeal of veil of grandeur. Why are people so set on using a powerful magic slot on stats, we have very little use for the actual spell except for being smug to gisena. It's by far my least favorite option because it's so unimpactful. Please pick something that will have an actual effect on the next apocrypha proc.
I think it does a lot, actually. +++++INT is massive, taking us from ~13 to ~21 - thanks to Edeldross Boost, it's a total of eight pluses. More than half our current total.
As for the esoteric effect, it lets us do things like get infinite Strength without needing infinite CON, and then translate that into collateral-free violence. That's a pretty solid unlock tree.
Ultimately, it looks like a fairly good utility pick. Not perfect on its' own, but lets us translate power into finesse, which is quite good.
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Random Dross thoughts/facts.

Findross and Edeldross, combined with Elixirdross, make a Venn Diagram. The intersection/area of overlap between Findross and Elixirdross are valid Edeldross Graces. Elixirdross is equivalent potency to Findross.

We could in theory have discovered Findross or Findross equivalent production with our party and capabilities after Vertiginous Heights. With Edeldross and a somewhat obscure mechanism. It could be the rune of ascension. It could be something else. I don't know. A Simple Transaction I Original

Gisena speculates on using her blood as dye to enhance her dress in Fending Off.

"When a genius does it, it's called enlightened self-interest! Speaking of which, I wonder if they sell dresses around here? We'd need a source of findross to make it as durable as this one, but maybe you can use my blood as a dye..."

Findross is semi corporeal, both these quotes are from Red of Sky and Fang.
Now, he thought, closing his eyes, feeling the blood pumping through his body. What else had accompanied the revealed form of his ring? If he concentrated, he could feel the location and qualities of his own blood, or of those he focused on. Gisena's was laced with a semi-physical substance, a not-quite-energy that infused each of her cells, likely the basis of her Sorcerous powers.
"The source of all our Sorcerous Graces is a semi-corporeal substance called findross. That's probably what you're seeing. In my realm humans produced it naturally. I still do, as far as I can tell," she explained.
Findross gets described as golden in A Simple Transaction original.

Chapter III.IV

There was a pulse within him, coruscating light erupting outwards and inwards, a roar like the onrushing sea, and he felt golden findross permeating every capillary and ventricle of his being. Pressure as if from untold depths forcing it into every cell - and then condensation, an unbearable compression, and finally Coalescence: every vein and nerve lit up like a molten causeway, glittering like distilled star-stuff, cross-linked into a constellation enmeshing the furnace-reactor at his heart.

Sorceresses and Humans from Gisena's world Generate Findross. Elves respire Findross(take it in and out of their bodies) but don't Generate except through bloodcasting tricks. Orcs absorb Findross for power. If Shining Exemplar was connected to Elixirdross(I don't know if it is) some Graces may, in addition to fairbright stuff like glowing swords that glass the environment, generate effects that simulate TSH on physical skills.

Total Eclipse and Renaissance Woman say True Quintessence not Findross. Full implications currently unknown.
[] Total Eclipse - 25 Arete. The numinous time of sacred transfixion. Night sweeps field and horizon in a thundering advance, halo of the blinkered sun the only residue of day. Twilight's orphaned half-brother, cast aside on the eve of creation and trotted out only for spectacle and occasion. No longer, for the flare of your cloak is this twilight pretender, the liminal glow that precludes day and evening both. Unlocks the [True Quintessence], by which She Who Was The Maiden attained supremacy over the Manifest Realm, and for which the Maiden's successors might one day be anointed.
[X] Renaissance Woman

Not merely a genius of one generation, nor of only one era; here is a greatness of mind and spirit that arises perhaps only once in the lifetime of a species. All-conquering talent that bestrides all fields and masters them beyond compare: only this genuine polymath can be said to embody the complete essence - the true quintessence - of humanity in the Maiden's image. Only so exalted a paragon can glimpse the mortal facings of Heaven's Lathe and depart with mind unshattered.

A singularity of findross births a Sorceress. A meta-singularity of findross, births a Maiden.

*Gisena immediately acquires the Maiden-level Graces: True Perfecting Blade, True Nullity, and True Quintessence.
*Gisena, through observation of the mortal-perceptible components of Hunger's Progression, may replicate the effects of the Lesser Remittance, Retinue, for up to one cardinality of infinite escalation.
*True Perfecting Blade: Massively improves Gisena's STR, AGI, CON, WITS and APP. Her physical parameters are still below Hunger's, however her Wits and Appearance are notably superior to Hunger's own. Parameters will continue to increase over time.
*True Nullity: Gisena applies the effects of Grand Nullification upon all of Hunger's Curses; her nullity strikes with absolute force. This may improve over time.
*True Quintessence: Gisena is treated as if possessing the Total Eclipse Advancement. With time and research she can develop Graces encompassing virtually any archetypically 'magic' effect.
*Her outrageously superhuman Appearance, Charisma and Wits can be classified as a high-grade memetic hazard.
*Does not build towards a Special Artifact Advancement but also does not commit you to a path.

Findross cannot be mined. A Simple Transaction Original

The First Grace of the Eschaton Sorceress suggests Findross can be infused into raw materials to enchant them.

A Simple Transaction Original

[X] Accept and [X] Personal Gain have won. The votes and arguments for the second concession are close so I will leave that part of the vote open for now. Think carefully whether you'd prefer the greater risk/reward or the safer route at this juncture. The Graces of the Eschaton Sorceress...
First Grace, Immanence - Whereby the divine becomes manifest in the material. Direct sensory detection and raw manipulation of findross in its purest form. The user can divest, alter, and transform environmental findross and all sources of findross not committed to a personal reserve. Range and degree of manipulation depend on Skill. At basic levels, the user can gather nigh-unlimited quantities of findross in order to maintain her Graces and transformations indefinitely. She may deplete or infuse the land of findross as she wills, turning verdant fields into barren Wastes or vice versa. By infusing spectacular quantities of findross into raw materials, she may create enchanted versions of the same. Raw findross can be marshalled in a relatively slow but unimaginably destructive onslaught, the perfected form of annihilation rending any barrier, breaching any defense.

Findross-based attacks that lose the signature of their personal reserve have no chance of harming the bearer of this Grace; they may even be turned against their wielder.

We also got to see the Perfecting Blade there. And I'd take a look at Chrysalis sheeting. That seems like it fits Edeldross thematics.

Third Grace, Chrysalis Sheeting - The user may emit a boundary wherein the real and illusory are conjoined, not yet distinct. Those within the boundary may, at her option, be instantiated as one or the other, treating incoming effects from the outside world as illusory, or vice versa. An invading army tramples through a city only to find its inhabitants untouchable, though those same inhabitants have no trouble striking them down. Relies on the same Skill as Forge of Worlds.

A sufficient density of findross, if not under the Sorceress' control, may resist this effect. Any Sorceress above the first Coalescence or Orc of Witch-Slayer strength would likely remain unaffected.

Fourth Grace, Perfecting Blade - Grants +30 to STR, CON, DEX, WITS, and LOCKED I. The user heals fully and rapidly (<1 hr) from all illnesses and all wounds save total destruction of the heart.