Aerial Cloak kills mosquitoes and lets us smell nice.


Also probably helps us with smoke, and COVID.
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Even ISH 3 mosquito-slaying won't save you from choking on smoke and/or the deteriorating mucus membrane of your own lungs!
It is my hope that one day, we can panoply ourselves an entire Extermination Kit.

Imagine the synergy! And it'll also help us in case we ever have to face things that have been boosted by the Apoc.

Like houseflies...and roaches.
This is 2020 we're talking about. Apocalypse procs aren't going to send mosquitoes once it knows we can handle them. The versatility of Aerial Cloak allows us to have better odds if survival without sacrificing our short-term mosquito-slaying ability.
[M] The Forebear's Flyswatter

Would you rather live a life wherein must always hold a weapon of vengeance?

Or would you rather live a life where you have to constantly set up a Bed Net in the toilet just to take a shit?
Vote option Analysis for Mosquito Quest
#2469 words

The pestilence of mosquitoes
omg lmao can you imagine if i really efforposted this

The Forebear's Flyswatter may be the best implement at killing mosquitoes in the Voyaging Realm but the mosquito was in my house. I need an implement that will improve my wisdom, so that I can track down the way it got in despite all the windows being closed for the October heat wave. I need an implement that will automatically kill mosquitoes if they get into my bedroom while im asleep.

i need an implement to prevent spraying myself with off-brand lysol in a misguided attempt at anti-air countermeasures

The stats from Cloak of DDT have way more synergy with my current build!
how the fuck is mosquito killer quest the most popular thing i've made for this thread

anyway, i should point out that the Aerial Cloak only autokills the mook tier mosquitoes (though the sorts of mosquitoes that fall into that class steadily expands as you raise your power level) and its power isn't the best at fighting against singularly powerful opponents since it needs attrition

that said, the flyswatter is by far the least comfy of the options involved, either having to deal with bites or eternal vigilance

i think people are really underestimating the Bed Net, it's basically like a deployable fortress, both strong and comfy. that hastened advancement is also so important for the early game. all in all, it's the best choice from a No Sting perspective, easily
[M] the Aerial Cloak
a compromise between not killing the mosquitoes and not getting bitten as goals
(Unless you're arguing with Sharky, then go nuts)
:cry::cry::cry: - Why? What did I do to you? I thought we had something between us man - I post funny shitpost and you liked them. Was this all a lie? If I ever insulted your opinion, argument or Gang, I want to say that I was right (and your opinion/argument/Gang is objectively wrong) and you should feel honored to be noticed by senpai.
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how the fuck is mosquito killer quest the most popular thing i've made for this thread
Simple/short + Funny + (this quest specific) Quest-in-a-quest = Massive popularity

Short posts are easiest to digest. 23k posts have few people bothering.
Funny content is always most popular. Especially if it's short. Go to any thread. One sentence jokes are amongst the most liked posts there.
Quest allows people to react, which makes more related posts, which drives up the visibility of the original.
it's close. I'm within spitting distance of the 50% vote share for plans that take Strain.

any estimate for how long the vote will be open?
It's neck and neck...

Adhoc vote count started by Unelemental on Oct 2, 2020 at 6:27 AM, finished with 484 posts and 64 votes.
Strain: 26~ voters (28 with DKArthas and Talace)
Sightseeing: 21~ voters (22 with DKArthas)
Neither: 15~ voters

The compromise option is of course the most unpopular.
Well, moderate options failed to come back from the dead, so I'm flipping yet again. The fact of the matter is, as much as I dislike mental stability hits, I dislike more Sightseeing+Regency and Regency+Consolidate with no Intensive Research. I'd have been most happy with Consolidate+Intensive with no overwork, and Sightseeing+Praxis was a decent compromise vote I thought. But neither of those have materialized support.

Faced with only choices I'm not a fan of, I'll take the one that gets nice shiny Signs at least.

[X] Cursebearer's Strain
[X] Consolidate Power
[X] Regency
[X] Intensive Research
Well, moderate options failed to come back from the dead, so I'm flipping yet again. The fact of the matter is, as much as I dislike mental stability hits, I dislike more Sightseeing+Regency and Regency+Consolidate with no Intensive Research. I'd have been most happy with Consolidate+Intensive with no overwork, and Sightseeing+Praxis was a decent compromise vote I thought. But neither of those have materialized support.

Faced with only choices I'm not a fan of, I'll take the one that gets nice shiny Signs at least.
The Prodigal Son returns to the sweet embrace of MAEG Gang.

I need an implement that will automatically kill mosquitoes if they get into my bedroom while im asleep.
I usually read the "A wind full of knives" update before bed and the resulting massive spike in blood pressure causes mosquitoes to explode when they try to bite me.
every story has been spoken before.

this one is about mosquitoes and killing them

some stuff happened and ya boy is fucked up. used to be the saikyou and now he's so busted that he can't even kill a single bug. his incandescent fury at that sad fact has allowed him to regain a little bit of his former potential though, which means he can panoply one artifact. what does he choose?
[M] The Hero's Bed Net
+Progression, guys? Why on earth are you passing that up?
Also, I've added this to the subquest index.
Comfiness is for cowards. Simply maximize xp gain by going on a Neverending fly rampage until you finally either finish the job or die in a blaze of glory. Next, descend to another hell-dimension and repeat the process.
4. BEAR.
So what's the plan for dealing with an Apocryphal proc with over 100% strength? Our last Apocryphal proc was only at 80% and it would of forced Hunger to use the shattering blow if Gisena hadn't gotten Renaissance Woman for free and we had gotten 4 EFBs before that.
So what's the plan for dealing with an Apocryphal proc with over 100% strength? Our last Apocryphal proc was only at 80% and it would of forced Hunger to use the shattering blow if Gisena hadn't gotten Renaissance Woman for free and we had gotten 4 EFBs before that.
Not currently voting for it. My plan if it wins though...

Remember Azure Moon and the Arete precommitment incident where I mentioned that such opportunities should be treated as a gamble about what our future problems will be? How we ended up with a serious problem in the update right after that that needed us to fight the mirewolf to heal Letrezia when if we had taken Azure Moon we could have panic trained and gotten the benefits of Hunger as an Alternative option? We are going to have to be Especially careful about balancing power and utility until the next Apocrypha proc. We'll simultaneously have to account for the possibility of running into Aobaru's terminator before the pillars, an unrelated buffed apocrypha proc, and in the worst case scenario, having to choose between a pleasure palace or monster realm starting pillars build, sacrificing our sustainable scaling against the terminator. Best pick the signs well.