The Precipitous Span
Hunger finally has some free time! Now to decide which of his many pressing priorities to take care of. At the end of this timeskip he will receive roughly +0.2 Rank (after multipliers) for his Nilfellian adventure.
Select 2, or take 1 Cursebearer's Strain to select 3.
Cursebearer's Strain - Neglect to properly maintain your position abreast of all Curses. -1 Mental Stability, +20-50% power to next Apocryphal proc.
[ ] Sightseeing - Take a load off and tour the Realm of Myth, as you originally declared to the captain at the guard-post. Given the intensity of recent events you're pretty much overdue for a vacation anyway. This is a realm of wondrous splendor and it'd be a shame to depart without taking in the sights and sampling the epic fare. Just recall the artistry of that mere street vendor whom first lead you to the Princess! [+Mental Stability, +Wis, +4 Relationship +s to be distributed as desired among party members]
*You could theoretically unlock Super Juggernaut Undead Chimera! Get that RANK, boys.
*The only option with a high% probability of food porn.
*Don't take this alongside Cursebearer's Strain. That would be silly.
[ ] Consolidate Power - While Adorie's grip on power is secure, there is still much to be done to ensure an efficient and just administration. The matter of the extensive territories conquered by the Lord Protector is a thorny one to resolve, as retraction of Augustine's conquests and restoration of the prior governments is a deeply unpopular position. Assisting Adorie now could yield dividends in the future, as you would have not only a stalwart, but a formidably powerful and well-organized ally in the Voyaging Realm for the years and millennia to come. [++Adorie, +Adorie Rank, +Nilfel strength, +Nilfel Prosperity, +Elixir Prosperity]
*If this option is taken, Hunger will also investigate other means of semi-permanent empowerment via blood augmentation, Grace development, etc. Could lead to additional +Nilfel/Elixir strength or prosperity depending on rolls.
*On a spectacular success, will improve Hunger's Rank gains by an additional +0.1 after multipliers. Re-rolls may be used to improve the result. You don't have many, though.
[ ] Regency - As you intend to be departing the Voyaging Realm soon, it may be wise to set up your existing kingdoms with a benevolent and capable administrator. Gisena's benevolence is questionable and she is coming with you regardless, so now is the time to establish Adorie as de-facto regent of both the Elixir Kingdom and Stenallon's domain. A crucial step to take if you do not wish to be pulled back to the Voyaging Realm by the Apocryphal Curse for the express purpose of defending your existing lands. [+Adorie, +Adorie Rank, +++Elixir Strength, ++Elixir Prosperity, ++Temple Strength, +Temple Prosperity]
*Note that +Nilfel Strength is worth a lot more, in terms of troop quantity and quality, than +Elixir or +Temple Strength, but the forces of Nilfel are typically deployed within the Realm of Myth and will weaken somewhat past its walls unless within the presence of the Mirellyian bloodline.
*This diminishment also affects their lifespan, so Nilfellian troops are understandably reluctant to leave the Realm of Myth.
*Even weakened, the average Nilfellian captain is more than a match for an Ancient of the Temple.
[ ] Artifice Gopher - Gisena's been too busy working on foundational Graces to develop any Artifacts capable of assisting in magus extraction, but perhaps if Hunger were to gather materials, that state of affairs could change... there are certainly abundant reagents within the Realm of Myth, and as you currently have no leads it would be a start towards your chiefmost pressing problem, the Chains of Fate!
*Gisena will have time to build an Artifact that offers at least some insight or utility in resolving the magus extraction problem. Exact efficiency presently unknown.
*Unlike Intensive Research, this is guaranteed to at least generate some sort of actionable lead beyond kidnapping Republic personnel, though it may be excessively dangerous to pursue or only yield incomplete information. Such is the power of a Maiden!
*Re-rolls may be used to improve the result, with each successive re-roll generating a mounting effectiveness bonus as Gisena iterates on previous experience. You don't have many, though.
[ ] Intensive Research - Perhaps the Signs of the Empyrean can offer some leverage against this problem... Adorie is perhaps the most knowledgeable on the topic, having studied the magics of Myth from a young age, and possessing Rank enough to channel some of its effects, though only ever from a theoretical standpoint (military applications being, obviously, disallowed during the term of her custody). Thus, this option will benefit stronger from improving Adorie's Rank.
*By default, discounts by 50% the cost of accelerating the 4th Sign of the Empyrean
*If Consolidate Power is taken, instead grants the 4th Sign for free
*If both Regency and Consolidate Power are taken, instead grants both the 4th and the 5th signs for free.
*Possibly tremendous value, but requires a similarly tremendous commitment of effort, and for a party member that isn't even accompanying you outside the Voyaging Realm. Unless...?
*Getting closer to Adorie's EFB could unlock even greater utility on the horizon
[ ] Mentor's Duties - Train the kids in the use of their Elements and general tactics in combat. It's important that they're able to contribute at a relevant level in battle, given the Apocryphal Curse. [+Aobaru, +Letrizia, +Aeira, ++Power for all the kids]
*While they're unlikely to withstand someone of Hunger's power on the battlefield, perhaps with severe training and teamwork they might be able to contribute if they maintain their distance and play defensively...
*As you have Undying Vanguard, the safe intensity of training can improve!
*Also advances the utility effects of their Elements.
[ ] Study the Blade - While they prattled on, he studied the blade.
*Generates +1 standard and +1d3 Praxis picks. You may spend Arete to generate more.
*May be taken multiple times, but each successive selection has escalating costs in terms of mental and physical strain. Suffer -2 temporary Willpower if taken twice, and -5 if taken three times.
*An opportunity to generate stacking Praxis picks such as this does not come about very often... the amount of effective free Arete this option generates could be enormous, and represents an opportunity to begin getting your combat stats closer to par with your Rank.
*Re-rolls may be used on the Praxis picks generated.
The digital waterfall has so much to offer, a copious stream of new ideas and experiences, but it must be balanced by the concrete and reified lest the toxins of overreach contaminate this beautiful vessel.
[ ] Dungeoneering - Seek out the Foremost lore by the most reliable means: a primary source. Attempts to locate and confront Augustine's mother. Could be suicidally dangerous, especially since you slew her daughter, but maybe Aobaru's presence will stay her hand?
*Consumes two options
*Instead of a timeskip, Hunger & Co will attempt to locate the Shard of the Arcanist for a discussion
*Could be incredibly dumb, or profitable - the Shard surely knows much more of the Foremost protections upon this Realm than almost any other still living.