[x] Regency
[X] Consolidate Power
[X] Intensive Research
[X] Cursebearer's Strain

Adorie's EFB keeps sounding even more interesting, I am still hoping for further Praxis boost.
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I believe she refuses to lessen her blinding radiance because she wants to draw people closer and celebrate her triumph. Not sure which is more conscious and powerful between the two causes.
Hunger keeps the banter up for fun, but also to avoid the closeness which he shared with his first adventuring party. The loss really broke him, and who he is now is more new than old.
I'm also a pretty shameless shipper, so perhaps take my thoughts with a grain of salt.
Absent the Duty that defines the lives of Manifest Realm humans, it's understandable that she'd default to following Hunger around.

If my time on SV has taught me anything, it's that all supporting character in a given Quest have an Implicit Duty to help the protagonist out with whatever inane goal they might be pursuing at the moment! :V
[X] Sightseeing
[X] Regency

I'm an advocate for mental stability. I'm for anything that increases it. As for regency, the main reason we wanted Adorie was so that our territories wouldn't fall to apoc. Not taking regency here seems counterintuitive to me.
...Goddamn it.
[X] Cursebearer's Strain
[X] Regency
[X] Consolidate Power
[X] Intensive Research

I shall give over myself to greed! This combination solves all outstanding issues in the Voyaging Realm while giving us a ton of power and a possible way to perform the mage extraction. Getting the 4th and 5th signs for free is easily worth the Apocryphal Boost in my opinion. I think Regency is basically necessary because we don't want the Apocryphal to make us return to the Voyaging at the most inconvenient possible time, and after that the above combo just seems to give the most value out of all combos. It is Hunger basically running himself ragged for the benefit of the polities he's the ostensible leader of however, which some people don't like. It's hard to argue the value of this tough.
Here's BrainInAJar's Plan's net values:
[+++Adorie, ++Adorie Rank, +Nilfel strength, +Nilfel Prosperity, +++Elixir Prosperity, +++Elixir Strength, ++Temple Strength, +Temple Prosperity]
*If this option is taken, Hunger will also investigate other means of semi-permanent empowerment via blood augmentation, Grace development, etc. Could lead to additional +Nilfel/Elixir strength or prosperity depending on rolls.
*On a spectacular success, will improve Hunger's Rank gains by an additional +0.1 after multipliers. Re-rolls may be used to improve the result. You don't have many, though.
*Note that +Nilfel Strength is worth a lot more, in terms of troop quantity and quality, than +Elixir or +Temple Strength, but the forces of Nilfel are typically deployed within the Realm of Myth and will weaken somewhat past its walls unless within the presence of the Mirellyian bloodline.
*This diminishment also affects their lifespan, so Nilfellian troops are understandably reluctant to leave the Realm of Myth.
*Even weakened, the average Nilfellian captain is more than a match for an Ancient of the Temple.
*instead grants both the 4th and the 5th signs for free.
*Possibly tremendous value, but requires a similarly tremendous commitment of effort, and for a party member that isn't even accompanying you outside the Voyaging Realm. Unless...?
*Getting closer to Adorie's EFB could unlock even greater utility on the horizon

-1 Mental Stability, +20-50% power to next Apocryphal proc.

It's a mouthful. Quite a lot of synergy. I feel that research is perhaps an over-reach, since most of the synergy is between the first two options. Obviously it becomes much better if you intend to take Adorie's EFB and/or bring her along with us. I'm not sold on that, so I'd be more interested in dropping Research.

Edit: Put some emphasis on the Signs, which are the big yield of this plan. 4 and 5 should be pretty amazing.
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[X] Regency
[X] Consolidate Power

We didn't get Elder Sign, so i don't want research badly enough to take the Strain, and I specifically want to have both of these.
Some considerations:
  1. How much Arete do we have?
  2. What's our relationship with Adorie right now?
The winning plan from Blade that Banishes Shadow had a default ++Adorie, modified by how she perceives our actions. For example, she got to watch us try to spare the lives of her soldiers, but she also watched us kill her sister :-\​
By my count, we are at 7 relationship with Adorie by default, which puts her EFB just out of reach unless we got a boost from having her along to watch us play nicely with her soldiers.​
We kinda need power at the moment other than Rank. I propose RoB which is rapidly scaling without limit. 50x increase in power sounds nice.
With x2 Study the Blade we would get at minimum 4 Praxis or 8(best case) allowing us to get RoB for 12 Arete or none.
[X] Study the Blade x2
Also @Zampano I am invoking my final marker (giving you your freedom at last). Vote for me (Sharkey_smt).
@runeblue360 are you ready to mine?
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Sharkey, half the picks are regular, and then you add 1d3 Praxis. The minimum is 2 and the maximum (w/o additional arete) is Edit! Can't math, need to sleep 6.

Not to gainsay you, I still think Praxis is easily dominant as a power choice. I suspect Study The Blade x2 Hunger would beat any other combination on the field at the moment.
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We kinda need power at the moment other than Rank. I propose RoB which is rapidly scaling without limit. 50x increase in power sounds nice.
With x2 Study the Blade we would get at minimum 4 Praxis or 8(best case) allowing us to get RoB for 12 Arete or none.
[X] Study the Blade x2
Also @Zampano I am invoking my final marker (giving you your freedom at last). Vote for me (Sharkey_smt).
@runeblue360 are you ready to mine?

[X] Sharkey_smt

I dreaded it. I ran from it. my punishment The Praxis arrived just the same.


(I'm going to have to go back and do some forensic work to find out whether my Army Made marker activation was malicious enough to merit threefold retribution, or whether you're just a big meanie :p)

Third edit: i was 100% certain that this would be your activation point. A chance for 4-8 praxis picks is an unbelievable coup for the SORDHOLES
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[X] Cursebearer's Strain
[X] Consolidate Power
[X] Regency
[X] I
ntensive Research

Let's call this Plan Please Be Useful, Adorie. Research's results benefit from increasing her Rank, which both Consolidate and Regency do, resulting in a staggering two free Empyreal Signs. For reference, that's 19 Arete of value, according to the hastening we were offered during the Armament Fish build vote. An additional three Adorie pluses (wish there was a more organic name for these) puts us on the cusp of unlocking her EFB, which if Augustine's hereditary absurdity is anything to go by should be pretty impressive. I'm admittedly reluctant to invest so much in a companion who isn't coming with us, but it can't hurt to see the blurb (famous last words), and this combination neatly wraps up and puts a bow on all our Voyaging conquests, off-loading our obligations. It's a pure win... except of course for the strengthened Apocryphal proc and the fact that we're betting on one of the Signs being a solution to the exfiltration problem.

I'm admittedly tempted by the Threefold Praxis meme (?) vote, though. Disregard trickery, trust in Hunger's ability to cut through any obstacles. It would make for a glorious training sequence and is easily scaled back for non-Strain plans, which isn't true of the above vote. Dropping Regency means no Apocryphal deflection, but alone it doesn't improve Research's discount. Gopher's guarantee is also tempting, despite the demeaning name, and could pair well with one Study session, or Regency to put the Realm in the rear-view mirror. This is a well-designed timeskip vote, the hunger for more options is successfully driving me to shoulder the greater mental burden! Reminds me a bit of the stress mechanic, back in Seacrown during Most High.
(I'm going to have to go back and do some forensic work to find out whether my Army Made marker activation was malicious enough to merit threefold retribution, or whether you're just a big meanie)
We have a saying in my country regarding revenge. Eye for two, tooth for a jaw. Vengeance does not care about fairness.

Third edit: i was 100% certain that this would be your activation point. A chance for 4-8 praxis picks is an unbelievable coup for the SORDHOLES
I am pretty sure I am going to lose the vote but I was feeling generous tonight and wanted to free you from your marker chains.
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[ ] Super Juggernaut Undead Chimera - 25 Arete

Defining Advancement. If chosen, you may have no more than five Defining Advancements.

Super Juggernaut - The character may manifest an Armament Shroud even if they are not Rank 9+. His Pressure has no influence outside the Shroud. Within the radius of the Shroud, the character's effective Pressure is massively intensified, massively increasing the difficulty of opposition to him and allowing for the manifestation of character-unique effects.

If the character is already Rank 9+, halve the effects of Tiredness and Exhaustion on him and double his Shroud's effective radius and any numerical values in his Shroud effects. Manifesting a Shroud is taxing to the will.

Undead Chimera - Gain the memetic benefits of undeath without the penalties. Immune to most poisons and diseases, not hampered by the loss of most internal organs, no need to eat, breathe, drink or sleep. For each type of undead the character can be said to represent (no more than five), choose one Attribute to apply a +100% bonus to, or increase his current Rank by 10%. Attribute bonuses affect present and future levels. You may stack choices, but each consecutive stack reduces the value by half. Thus, choosing AGI twice yields +150% AGI, and choosing Rank twice yields +15% Rank.
Here's SJUC for reference. I think there's an index with this somewhere but I'm not finding it at the moment.
I'm admittedly tempted by the Threefold Praxis meme (?) vote, though. Disregard trickery, trust in Hunger's ability to cut through any obstacles. It would make for a glorious training sequence and is easily scaled back for non-Strain plans, which isn't true of the above vote. Dropping Regency means no Apocryphal deflection, but alone it doesn't improve Research's discount. Gopher's guarantee is also tempting, despite the demeaning name, and could pair well with one Study session, or Regency to put the Realm in the rear-view mirror. This is a well-designed timeskip vote, the hunger for more options is successfully driving me to shoulder the greater mental burden! Reminds me a bit of the stress mechanic, back in Seacrown during Most High.
I would not consider a triple Praxis vote a meme vote.

In terms of personal power, that's 3d3, or an average of 6 Praxis points, which is approximately 1 EFB worth of power, or 25 Arete. Well, almost, anyway. The Empyreal Sign acceleration is a 'mere' 19 Arete.
I think with the downsides and side benefits that the arete value is about the same between the two big power plans. Praxis looks better for Hunger's personal power, while Team Adorie is killing it in utility.
I suspect that in terms of "getting ganked tomorrow" Team Adorie is a bit safer than the exhausted Praxis Hunger, but that would swing the other way as soon as Hunger recovers.

Luckily both generate build votes, which is what we're really here for.
It is Hunger basically running himself ragged for the benefit of the polities he's the ostensible leader of however, which some people don't like.
I mean, a lot of the value in this combination comes from the character implications, in my opinion? This strikes a blow against the travesty of a Dao of Kingship that was Who Dares, Wins. Hunger should strive to benefit polities that he's accepted responsibility for, in the long run putting the Elixir Kingdom in the Curse's crosshairs is very bad for its well-being. This moves him closer to a characterization that can productively utilize Fisher King's primary effect once that Advancement is complete. It's also a truckload of personal power, in a form that's at least possibly relevant to extraction.
I must stress that any Consolidation plus Regency plan leaves us with no leads on mage extraction whatsoever; and any plan without Regency leaves us open to being brought back to the Voyaging Realm at the worst possible moment lest severe consequences happen. The Signs of the Empyrean, however, are also billed by the option as a possible solution to the mage extraction problem. So the vote that solves all outstanding commitments also makes the greatest progress towards the remaining problem of mage extraction is something very convenient in my opinion. The chance to get all our ducks in a row like this combined with the not inconsiderable power of 2 extra Signs is fully worth the Apocryphal boost, in my view.
[X] Consolidate Power
[X] Regency

Well, here I stand, all in on Graces, hoping for a lucky roll to unlock Elixir, and getting all that pesky institutional garbage out of the way.

Full Sword vote is tempting, but I want my Graces darn it!
I must stress that any Consolidation plus Regency plan leaves us with no leads on mage extraction whatsoever; and any plan without Regency leaves us open to being brought back to the Voyaging Realm at the worst possible moment lest severe consequences happen. The Signs of the Empyrean, however, are also billed by the option as a possible solution to the mage extraction problem
Refinement of Place is a possible mage extraction solution.
I understand the other plan power - utility, but when we have a Terminator style assasin after us, that can match Hunger Cursebearer's (which we were told by Rihaku is 100x times faster than normal) progression, pure power wins. We got MAEGed when we relied only on Rank (honestly still don't know how Lord Protector managed to attack our soul when we have 100% protection against soul based attacks from the Accursed - @Rihaku pls) so some scaling STAT power is good

SORD gang
DYING gang
Full Sword vote is tempting, but I want my Graces darn it!
@Duquette7 may be an impostor. He seems kinda sus
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Full Sword vote is tempting, but I want my Graces darn it!
Hunger already has the holy grail: +30% attack speed. What need does he have of mere resurrection, or trifles like a wizard's armamentarium or an archsmith's hammer?

...wait, can Gisena double-dip on crafting magics? Apocalypse is already irreconcilably hostile to the party, there's no reason not to go full Skyveil and take up the Translucent Craft.