If Hunger could only wield one Artifact of his five (incl. Versch), I'm curious which you guys would choose him to be bonded with... the Forebear's Blade is the obvious choice, but its utility may be a bit linear compared to the Cloak of Sky, for example.
Versch, since it has seemingly the greatest compatibility with the Accursed. And being a mech pilot is cool!

We might even get it to be a smaller Golem type being or something, and it would be a fresher aesthetic than a sword or a ring too.
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[X] Shelter

Don't have time to write much this week, but arguments for Shelter have convinced me. Much as I'd like to see a tearful confrontation between Adorie and her sister, this is the option that solves our problems most directly.
You, with your mere brute skill, your unseemly invincible power,

The Cloak of Sky had given him dominion over sorcery, and its theoretical power over magic was as vast and encompassing as the heavens themselves. The prototypical arcana it'd provided were the means by which he'd transported himself and Gisena to the location of the Armament-Fish. Could he draw upon those predecessor magics to bring forth a solution to this matter? Conjure some Astral Entity with knowledge of the Lord Protector?

I'm quite curious in what ways the Empyrean Signs are meant to be on the same ballpark as the Royal. By default, you might get more bang for your buck as far as immediate power goes, since the Praxis can't do things that grant you infinite protection for a moderate time investment. On the other hand, I don't think effects like that scale as well as Praxis effects do, though I suppose it doesn't really matter. If they aren't resistant to +Progression boosts or time manipulation, a Progressor would likely get more value out of them for quite a while.
Ticket Punched
I don't really want to go in there and get shot. But I do have an invitation, sort of, and I'm safer than I was a minute ago. Also, I'm planning to attack the Slaughterhouse Nine. I can walk back in there with only one arm auged. So I do.

When I do, I see Nonstop. He's about halfway across the warehouse, coming over at a brisk pace - I like his outfit; black armor styled like a train conductor, hat brim and everything. I think his mask is glowing. I call out "I got your letter", and hold up the document in question. He waits until he's about twenty feet away before answering. "Yes, that looks accurate. What's in the box?"

"Toybox fusion reactor," I reply, "and I'm actually a frontline cape. I also have critical info on the Nine."
"Who are you?" I can't see his expression at all.
"I'm a new hero. Very new, very powerful. I'm calling myself Philosopher, but it's provisional. What do you need to know?"
He's silent for a moment. "Watchdog wants a photograph. Do you consent to provide one, given that you appear to be unmasked?"
That startles me a little - I forgot about needing one. "Um, yeah. I was planning to use my power for that, but I've been reluctant to experiment with it just yet."
He doesn't answer, just stares at me for a minute. I presume he's photographing me, and wonder what sort of lens he's using - diamond? Then he starts again. "Confirmed. Come on, let's get you read in."

Two vote options this time! Firstly, how much of my canon knowledge do I share and under what pretenses?

[ ] Deflection. Claim that my powers involve an indirect Thinker aspect regarding past atrocities. (Technically true.) Conceals my future knowledge.
*Says with some confidence that The Siberian is actually a projection, which is why she's immune to most anti-power effects, in addition to my personal theory that she's a rolling-telefrag sculpture.
*Speculates that Jack has a secondary power to read and influence Parahuman minds, but cannot back this up well. Can't claim specific immunity to that effect unless you guys can come up with tactics that convince me, but I might be able to bluff a broader immunity for the moment.

[ ] Primary Disclosure. Claim to be a time traveler from an alternate 2020, returning with information and weaponry to avert disaster.
*Lets me explain almost everything, but I don't know if it'll aggro Cauldron.
*"Everything" includes Zion.
*Tactics will be really useful to avoid showing discrepancies. "Skitter is our main infosource" is an obvious explanation for a lot of my perspective quirks, but "my primary experience with powers is from her 2011 career and Gold Morning" is... trickier.

[ ] Impersonate Cauldron. This is probably viable. Ish. With tactics.

Secondly, what help has been provided for this particular endeavor? By default you're getting Whetstone, who wants to try his vorpal sword power on the Siberian, and Chirault, whose 'hand' tech helped a lot with the assembly zone. You're also getting as many PRT soldiers as are expected to be useful.
Narwhal would have been coordinating extraction if this goes south, but then the Exclusion Zone broke and grabbed basically all the volunteers with S-Rank contracts (which was most of them).

You may pick three options, plus one for every new Bonus Point you spend. One Bonus Point will be awarded if you can come up with a really cool cape name for me!

[ ] The Burning Sword - a lightsaber. Anonymous donation, suspected to be from a villain in Alberta. Chirault is planning to stay with the factory and possibly die tin its' defense, Nonstop doesn't have a lot of use for it, and Whetstone's power isn't compatible. Also, it actually does involve a silicon circuitboard, but the sender was pretty sure its' sound-based plasma containment would protect the whole thing from Shatterbird's power while active. Nonstop was planning to leave it at home. But with my speed, it would be a different story...
-[ ] Berserker Claws. Requires and consumes Burning Sword. When Chirault saw my arm, she was inspired to reformat the weapon into a pair of glove-prosthetics. (A pair of bracelets implanted just in front of the elbow, which can dimension-toggle between my fully-functional human hands and my plasma-claw-projecting robot ones.) I accepted this.

[ ] Lone Ranger - Trickshooter shows up to help. She's a 'specialty ammunition' Tinker, and a really good power-assisted markswoman/gunsmith. Has a number of special bullet types she's hoping will at least soft-counter the Nine's current roster, and brought enough to share with the whole class. Would make PRT troopers considerably more effective.

[ ] Invisibility Ink - A gift from Lacquer, non-member Toybox affiliate. Bioelectric-powered broad-spectrum optical camouflage, enough to cover about thirty people. Not exceptionally useful against the Nine, who have several anti-Stranger defenses, but still a marginal upgrade with a lot of long-term utility.

[ ] Dragon's Hoard (two picks) - Dragon, naturally, donated pretty much everything she could spare to this project. In this case, that means everything captured from Bloom (the unfolding-structure tinker), which includes some really pretty good power armor. It's not compatible with Nonstop's, but it would be amazing for me, and even better for Trickshooter (although most of the advantage for her is long-term). Also, having analyzed it will give the train a couple of good new tricks.

[ ] Concept Train (free with five picks) - Lacquer has taken the train as a personal project, providing his assistance with lubricants, sealants, armor, camouflage, and tinker-solicitation. Most of Toybox would send something in for field-testing. Increases both train and factory's capacity considerably, to the point that Trainyard will be a major power if it survives the upcoming fight.

(Last time the vote was nearly unanimous for Violaceous Devil Arm. Argument power was mixed.)

EDIT, because it may help with planning:
The attack plan is somewhat dependent on how much I tell them, but their existing strategy is to load up and head south, track Shatterbird's next song (history suggests it'll be a day or two at most, given my earlier entry date), and start shelling them from long range. The train needs rails to outrun them, but it's still fairly mobile in hovercraft mode, and that's vastly improved by the reactor.
(1068 words.)
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That and timing, plus this particular vote is a bit dull.
Don't have any real descriptive notes for our summon.
The Lord Protector is very capable but their abilities are too broad and this view too narrow for Rihaku to give us more to go on.
Fish was too big and too easy for a fight scene, and Hunger trounced the legions, so we haven't been able to see a good fight since the Temple.

It'll pick back up here in a bit. Either we'll hit long term planning for more heated debate over complex plans, or Apocryphal-chan will drop a more compelling foe in our lap.
Probably the latter, when Augustine is forced to play her hand.

And yes, the Discord has eaten up the memes. The thread is mostly serious by comparison. Times change.
Update in 30-40.

The net of stars drew forth a being of whirling runes, sigils traced in translucent fire that writhed and spun around a disk of
blazing gold. Into his mind it transmitted a facsimile of the information he sought, a recent scene from the Lord Protector's mind, and he felt a great exhaustion fall over him, cost and consequence of carrying his thoughts alongside as it pierced the veil of Augustine's protections.

Call upon This One should you wish to do business again, the being spoke in words of light across his vision, But take care, for the cost shall mount with every transaction. Be well, Praehihr.

The runes dipped once as if in genuflection, and then the being departed, winking out like the stars burning low, become dim embers before they faded into ash.

Hunger blinked. It seemed there were some perks to his Cursebearer status after all. Neither the Foremost armor nor their 'theme park agent' had recognized any privilege, but this Astral Entity had been respectful and accommodating.
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Hunger blinked. It seemed there were some perks to his Cursebearer status after all. Neither the Foremost armor nor their 'theme park agent' had recognized any privilege, but this Astral Entity had been respectful and accommodating.

I bloody hope so after we spent 2 Arete on him. The mounting costs are really worrying, we have to develop some kind of divinatory capability and soon. Warcriminal that she is, I'd take Augustine along for that alone, the gap in our toolset is just too huge.
The net of stars drew forth a being of whirling runes, sigils traced in translucent fire that writhed and spun around a disk of b
blazing gold. Into his mind it transmitted a facsimile of the information he sought, a recent scene from the Lord Protector's mind, and he felt a great exhaustion fall over him, cost and consequence of carrying his thoughts alongside as it pierced the veil of Augustine's protections.
Formatting error, but I'm sure you noticed already.

Also, nice to see that there's a contingent of Astral Beasts that have respect for Cursebearers. That's always a good thing to have.
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Well, the mounting cost is bad, but it's a good thing we have this contact in the back pocket now in case of emergency. We'll just have to make sure we don't have emergencies that require such services often...
You may pick three options, plus one for every new Bonus Point you spend. One Bonus Point will be awarded if you can come up with a really cool cape name for me!
Three points would get you all the options, and there's a secret bonus if you get four. Also, because it may help your planning:
Attack plan is somewhat dependent on how much I tell them, but the existing strategy is to load up and head south, track Shatterbird's next song (history suggests it'll be a day or two at most, given my earlier entry date), and start shelling them from long range. The train needs rails to outrun them, but is still fairly mobile in hovercraft mode, and much more so with the reactor.
If the Royalists flub their roll it would be totally expected instead of interesting, so hopefully they've had wild success instead!

hahaha, even I can't believe that
adorie is going to go absolutely feral and spank Augustine like a red pink haired step child
Our friend on the other side is smart. We've got Progression, so they know if they get called by us again (a static value, sight-unseen) they can ask more of us because it can be assumed we will have more to offer.

With friends like these, we need weaker enemies.