Ring still gives you ton of stats via Blood Advancements. Plus whatever War related Advancements we get once we unlock War.

Of course, real fun starts once we get Crimson Flare into Essence Ring.

That aside, there is surprising lack of Ring related EFBs we were offered so far. Crimson Flare, Ruling Ring and Dead But Dreaming are the only ones I can recall. Essence Ring too, I guess, although we never saw it in story.
It'd be interesting to see what Hunger would have been like with the Azure instead! Even greater versatility, less raw power.
He'd have to change his name. To... what would be the equivalent, anyway? Rings have so many epithets it's ridiculous.
Who should receive the Ring Azure, who is the Ring of Time? The Lunar Band, Ring of the Mind, Jewel of Artifice, the Ring of Truth?

Awaken now, O Hunger ring; from blackest myth abjure:
thy band once stained, now un-profaned, to shine forevermore.
O Ring of Blood, O Ring of War, thy tide of battle fades;
cast down Their thrones in crimson gloam: unfurling of thine Age!

The Heart-Ring, the Battle-Brand, the Ring of Fury, Ambition's Grip.
Call'd the ring in direst hour;
Azure's brethren faces turned.
Yet came the Lord its cause to flower;
then saw its keepers, to ruin burned.
Forgotten not, the debt of Time
when all its kind had turned their backs;
Not Hunger ring, its steed to ride,
brought Temple low, rapine and sack.
And debt unpaid shall not abide.
From "who it the Ring of Time" and "the debt of Time," I think Time is the most likely candidate? Which is a name even more ambitious than Hunger is edgy. Could get puns out of it, though. If not that, then Luna? It's feminine, but that would be kinda badass honestly, I like it more than Time.

Edit: It clearly has to be Luna, and we'd have to have picked the Doom of Lunacy rather than the Decimation. Which would've slashed our power even further. Hm.
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If you guys pick Glimpse, do you intend to attempt recruiting Augustine? That may trade one problem for another, if the price of her aid is a protracted campaign against her mother... aren't you guys trying to return to the Human Sphere ASAP?
It depends on how the chips fall? I'm honestly ambivalent, her character is interesting but that's hardly a license to discard considerations of Hunger's character. Augustine is a despot, her vendetta's indirectly caused a staggering number of deaths and hostilities have potentially escalated beyond all possible compromise. We could maybe find common ground in the pursuit of vengeance against beings vastly our greater, but the Arcanist has offered no insult to Hunger or his companions, and it's not like we're getting an unbiased view of the situation here; the Shard's seeming desire to recapture the lost glories of the Foremost is understandable.

And speaking of companions, the cast's quite sizable as-is. So any outcome's fine in my book, as long as it happens organically: death, imprisonment, some kind of work-release program, an actual alliance, etc. What Adorie wants to do with her half-sister could be the deciding factor, though this would be a lot easier with Heavenly Tomb. I suspect Augustine will ultimately wind up consigned to the dustbin of entertaining hypotheticals alongside Vanreir and Aristeia.
If Hunger could only wield one Artifact of his five (incl. Versch), I'm curious which you guys would choose him to be bonded with... the Forebear's Blade is the obvious choice, but its utility may be a bit linear compared to the Cloak of Sky, for example.
It's difficult to disentangle Hunger from the Ring, since he assumed its name and the incentives have shaped his narrative so strongly. Our boy's bound and determined to chase that growth rate right off a cliff... so on reflection maybe the Forebear's Blade would be the better solo Artifact. Its themes are limited, but if you can convert every contest to one of martial prowess that matters less. I wonder what Onefold would do? Specialization goes hand in hand with power, after all.
#630 Words of Azure Ring Build ideas.

Edit: It clearly has to be Luna, and we'd have to have picked the Doom of Lunacy rather than the Decimation. Which would've slashed our power even further. Hm.
IMO Lunacy can only really be paired with Slumber. You could use the Azure Ring to set up traps and long-term enhancement mechanisms so that your sleep time is not completely wasted: a sort of DIY Might's Repose. Dominion over Time suggests a few mitigation strategies for Hunger, and Artifice allows you to outsource some of your power to 1-use items in order to circumvent having 75% of your personal power locked down.

This build seems heavily dependent on avoiding making enemies during the early part of the game, but I almost think that's a feature and not a flaw. Seems like this is very similar to one of my previous 0-arete proposed builds.

[] Apocryphal
[] Indenture
[] Lunacy
[] Slumber

Primary Remittance:
[] Regalia

*Fortune: Groundhog Day up to 100 years (but only once).
*Force: You will acquire a modest but useful superpower synergistic with your existing capabilities:
-[] Combat-Thinker power like Cauldron's Numberman seems like it fills the "synergistic" qualifier, by combining time manipulation & tool use to beyond superhuman levels. Otherwise I'd love an invulnerability power for extra defense while Slumbering.
*Favor: Choose one additional Lesser Remittance.
-[] The Ring Azure, who is the Ring of Time? The Lunar Band, Ring of the Mind, Jewel of Artifice, the Ring of Truth?
*Wild: Duplicate Favor: Intensify
-[] Intensify: Sharpens and narrows the domain of your Primary Remittance. What might that look like for the wide remit of Regalia?
--[] Fortune could be altered to give foreknowledge of doom if you're about to make an irrecoverable mistake, maybe at the cost of reducing the range of your emergency rewind.
--[] Combat-relevant precog would be compatible with the intensified Fortune effect. Maybe the limitation is that once you engage in hostilities you cannot path your way towards win-conditions other than absolute martial victory.
--[] I'm not at all sure what Intensifying the Azure Ring would do, but I bet it would be cool

Art of the Isekai Realm:
[] Seven Seals

Canon Difficulty: Select 3 Lesser Remittances
[] Retinue
[] Ceathlynn "Catherine" of Amarlt
[] Hunger

As with any Retinue build, this involves relationship management. The most important benefit is that a companion who has pledged loyalty to us under Retinue is axiomatically incapable of betraying us. Presumably this holds even if she observes a proc of the Form of Lunacy.

As for early gameplay, the MC would be unconscious quite a bit, while Catherine is out killing things. First priority would be establishing and fortifying a safe base-camp. Second priority is equipping Catherine with fancy gadgets. With Retinue + Hunger, she has a dramatically faster rate of advancement on top of her already prodigious talent for weaponry.

The MC's power set would have two components: one for preparation and one for when the fighting starts. During preparation, 7-Seals and Artifice provide gear for the Cursebearer along with Catherine. This power would be able to somewhat evade the effects of the Doom of Lunacy by creating single-use items instead of focusing on personal power that would get sealed by the Doom of Lunacy. During combat, 7-Seals and combat-precog allows for optimal leverage of single-use artifice items. The 75% rate of progression is offset by Fortune's intensified Groundhog Day emergency button.

Catherine's power set would be much more straightforward. In the short term, we'd give her as many single-use weapons as we can spare, so that she can kill impressive to pursue Dominions / Preeminences. In the long term, we'd pile on as many long-term supernatural buffs as possible using 7-Seals and infrastructure based on the Azure's artifice domain. Theoretically we could awaken both her Rank and her Soul Evocation, although the training malus from Hunger would make the Evocation less effective.
If Hunger could only wield one Artifact of his five (incl. Versch), I'm curious which you guys would choose him to be bonded with... the Forebear's Blade is the obvious choice, but its utility may be a bit linear compared to the Cloak of Sky, for example.
It's utility may be a bit limited, but sheer unrestrained might has its own uses, frankly.
The Ring provides utility and growth, but cuts off the possibility of just grinding out some levels, and necessitates near constant conflict.

Edit: The most powerful part of the sword, though, is that it forces you Hunger into a coherent and powerful build.
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[X] Shelter

One of the remaining options solves our current problems and the other doesn't, simple as that. I couldn't care less about the tinpot tyrant with parental baggage, that's not special or unique. Only the associated body count's impressive, and not in a good way.
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Edit: The most powerful part of the sword, though, is that it forces you Hunger into a coherent and powerful build.
Ring does the same: Vampire is a coherent and Powerful build. There are other coherent and powerful builds, like bloodsucking leech, monarchist, biomancer. Actually, the Ring would be compatible with some cool Mad Scientist avenues of advancement if you focused on the bizarre experimentation instead of the careful documentation of the scientific method...

Cloak of Sky is also an automatically coherent build. If we had access to the full Opalescent Tower EFB at the start, the first fight against Ber wouldn't have had any injuries, and it would've been easier to find parts for Versch repairs (assuming we still met Versch). Without the Hunger training malus, we could've unlocked Quintessence through our Soul Evocation, which seems pretty dope imo.

I'm not sure what a Versch or Tears build would look like, so I can't comment there.
How would we get seven picks though?
Okay, let me think. A 5-pick fight is suicide, but we just have to survive it, that's EZPZ. None of us actually want to open the can of worms of grinding to 99% XP before a big fight, but we could- wait, nevermind, assuming scaling costs that would barely help. Gonna take some serious
Pick Science
to get seven. A snap-buy in the middle of a fight would be needed, which miiiight make a 6-Pick fight as survivable as a 5-pick if we're lucky. Or if it's incredibly specialized? Wait, no, we don't need more strategies than that, we only need to dump 200 Arete on incredibly specialized 0-pick purchases in the middle of a fight to get seven picks. And also survive to do the spending, which means we have to load up on perfects, but then we'd have used them and would be weaker. Drat.

So maybe we should stockpile 500 Arete first, just to be safe. And a few dozen rerolls.
Ring does the same: Vampire is a coherent and Powerful build. There are other coherent and powerful builds, like bloodsucking leech, monarchist, biomancer. Actually, the Ring would be compatible with some cool Mad Scientist avenues of advancement if you focused on the bizarre experimentation instead of the careful documentation of the scientific method...

Cloak of Sky is also an automatically coherent build. If we had access to the full Opalescent Tower EFB at the start, the first fight against Ber wouldn't have had any injuries, and it would've been easier to find parts for Versch repairs (assuming we still met Versch). Without the Hunger training malus, we could've unlocked Quintessence through our Soul Evocation, which seems pretty dope imo.

I'm not sure what a Versch or Tears build would look like, so I can't comment there.
That's just what I mean though! With the ring, you could focus on charisma, progression, might advancements, tolkien magic, or mad science. With the cloak, you could focus on one magic system... or you can get side tracked and pick up like 20..

The sword, on the other hand... it honestly seems pretty difficult to come up with a SORD only build that isn't fairly coherent, at least compared to the others.
[X] Glimpse

I argued myself out of shelter because we have over six times as much Manipulation as we did when we broke Sten. We may or may not have as much Treachery on Augustine, but boy oh boy do we have enough Age on her.
[X] Glimpse

The risks of Shelter are just too much for me. As for this and Might, I really would like to kill the Shard.
It's times like this when I really miss formalAI. I will be thrilled if we get to chase the Arcanist plot, but the risk to Versch while we're out playing soldier was just too scary for me to support it.

I hate the idea of recruiting Augustine so much... it'll be a real dilemma for me if the Arcanist plot requires that we make friends peace with the tyrant!
[X] Glimpse

hmph, not exactly a desirable companion. Like I understand her goals but fuck is she not Vanreir who I regret killing.

Guess we'll see where this goes because the other option has us in debt which is FUCKKKKKK
I just want to see the Whiteout-Overwhelm enhanced ADS and the scene of carnage that will ensue against the Legions of Nifel and magics of Augustine. Its ability to automatically counterattack anything hostile to us reminds me of the previous quest's Ring of Might and its ability to reflexively crush any esoteric effect that we disapprove. That fight will be awesome and show how far we have come against one of the strongest nation in the Voyaging Realm.
One thing that will be interesting to see is how our potential Adorie +s change after getting new information about her half-sister.

Since we're at default +++Adorie just by Bring/Oblique, we have a real chance to push for +5 to get the "impressive" EFB.

Given that we are leaving Versch in the LP's clutches for another day, imo it makes sense to double down on Adorie +s to get the biggest payoff possible.
If Glimpse comes with surrounding context aside from just her monologue (Like her location, specs of active buffs, etc) from whatever means the Astral beast divined it it would be a fine purchase, as we could just flash over to her location and go for a decapitation.

If it's literally just this string of her internal thoughts that it pulled out of the aether it feels quite meh, doesn't offer too much of use for the opportunity cost. Leaves us 2 arete out of pocket and still wasting our time trying to make steel out of the straw that comprises the makeup of the royalist faction.

Giving out a zinger about how we were her mother's backup agent all along waiting to intervene in case she started to get out of control as we execute her in order to leave her dying thoughts about how she never actually escaped the web would be funny, but I expect based on her resolve it wouldn't confer any tactical advantage in the fight.
Hunger would be best with the Forebear's Blade as opposed to the Ring Hunger, if he had to choose. The ability to kill people translates easily into everything else in Rihakuverse.
*Wild: Duplicate Favor: Intensify
man, what a blunder. I could've used this slot for any of the other options that I took, and applied Intensify to an additional remittance. Swap this out for Hunger, and I'd end up with two intensified Rings of Power. Swap for Retinue and I'd end up with Intensified Retinue.

I could've intensified Catherine herself. I genuinely don't know how I'd want that to play out, mechanically, but it is a massive oversight that I didn't even shoot my shot.

Hell, intensified Talon could even be cool.

Spent a bit less effort on this one, but you should get the idea:

Apocryphal / Indenture / Lunacy / Slumber
Additional Curses:
Doom of the Tyrant
Decimator's Affliction

Intensified Regalia:
Force: Rulership / Mind-related Superpower​
Favor: Azure Ring​
Wild: Favor: Retinue​
Isekai Magic:
Seven Seals​
3 Default Lesser Remittances:
Intensify: "Sharpens and narrows" Regalia's effects of Fortune / Force / Favor / Wild​
6 Bonus Lesser Remittances from extra curses:
Ring of Power #2​
Ring of Power #3​
Ring of Power #4​
Ring of Power #5​
Forebear's Blade​
Doom of the Tyrant is troublesome only when you are not at the top of the pecking order. This build collects five ring bearers and ensures that they are "axiomatically loyal" to you. Starting with both Catherine and Gisena ensures that it is highly unlikely anybody will take the unassigned rings by force or by subterfuge. Intensified Retinue might improve the % of progression that you can dole out to each successive vassal, or it might grant other benefits.

Forebear's blade is taken here mostly because it improves Seven Seals. Maybe Catherine can also wield it sometimes? I'd be open to dropping Forebear's Blade + Ring #5 in order to grab the Lich companion, but only if I had WoG confirmation that the loyalty pledge from Intensified Retinue would defray the relationship malus from Tyrant.

There would eventually be five different Ring-Bearers all with different conceptual domains, I'd be shocked if there weren't some Decimator mitigation strategies available through that kind of teamwork. Nearly all of my waking hours would be spent on Decimator mitigation until I got the first level of Slumber mitigation, of course. But Slumber Cursebearers reap the largest benefit from Retinue so that's not such an imposition.

Hell, I might even be willing to flip Seven Seals over to Accretion if it improves the chances of unlocking Companions of the King...
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