Not picking shelter doesn't necessarily mean Versch auto-dies, and the cost is the sort of Apocryphal Bait that can just cost us without the ability to mitigate. It's pretty much guaranteed that that 24 hours isn't some random time, it's when we won't want it.
On the flipside though it's been like two weeks since the last Apocryphal proc. Plenty of time for it to charge up again.
I agree that leaving an IOU on the table is Apocryphal Bait, but given that a proc is due sometime soon so is not securing Vershe while we can honestly.

I'd rather tank an Apocryphal Proc in the future where it's presumably more mitigated from other purchases and we know what shape its going to take than have it blindside us now minus those mitigating factors.
Did she infiltrate as the 5-year old they hire to foolproof their plans for Nifel and after 3 years on employment was so fed up she decided to say fuck it and just take the government by force? It would explain a ton, actually.
If we feel truly paranoid we can just kill this Astral afterwards. No being means the request is never made. Easy.
If it was that easy I'd vote for Shelter in a heartbeat, but even if it were possible I don't think Hunger would go back on his word in such a way.
Is there any possible way what Gamer Boy did to her could have thrown her through time? Maybe as magical backlash from heavily nullifying one of the Accursed Remittances?
Hunger got an AU Gisena who tried and failed to assassinate Jotarun, where the original was paralyzed by his Stranger Title equivalent (which we now know to be Rank), so she never encountered Seram. It would have to be a different timeline that resulted in the Foremost faction, since I don't see a world overrun by orcs allocating part of the budget to building a theme park, no matter how interested the Hero was in the dismal science.
You have never had a Gisena interlude...
I... had mostly moved past the Gisena conspiracy theories, but this is a salient reminder that we really don't know what's going on in her head. All we see is the carefully cultivated exterior, something she's adept at controlling. Pragmatism may dictate rationing our paranoia for allies we didn't purchase as a Remittance, but I wonder what words of advice Augustine's father would have for Hunger?
Do you have Discord info or something supporting this? Nothing in the text of the deal seems to indicate we couldn't kill it, though if it's able to rattle off the request for protection before we manage we'd have to stop. Unless there's a bunch of implicit meaning as part of the contract as well though it doesn't seem to breach the deal.
If so, then both caster and entity will be bound to said conditions by the power of this sign;
One day this being will call upon you to defend one thing it holds dear for the span of twenty-four hours, and you will not be able to deny them.
The power of the Signs are backed by the Tower Itself, which has indelibly fused with the Evening Sky to make it the full Cloak of Sky. Having to destroy the Evening Sky to escape the binding is admittedly speculation, but at bare minimum if we seek to renege the Tower Itself which the Signs spring from would probably be disabled.
Man, the Royalist faction will never recover from this revelation. They will now forever be known as the incompetents who lost to a 8-year old girl.
Foolish little sister, if you wish to kill me-

Huh? I don't get it, do you have cake?

You know what, fuck it, I don't care what she's done anymore let's just trade Adorie in for her. Anyway who punks a high fantasy Superpower and makes her own religion wholecloth before she hits puberty is worth a remittance at least. Girl must have Oddysial level drive going on.
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I'm a bit worried about choosing Glimpse, now. Some things man was not meant to know, and Hunger might just kill himself from laughing too hard. With SS it's probably fine.
You know what, I have it. This woman is brooding magical super genius who has done horribly evil things for a greater good(?). She's also a extremely cute girl about the same age as Aoboru. Let's just throw our designated hero in her midst and let fate sort this out for us, I believe in our protege's protagionist level romance game. He'll be the Lord Protector's consort in a week, tops.
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Are you, Adorie? Are you really?

But hey, now we know why Claumgnor's name is such an unaesthetic mess: it was invented by a bloody eight year old. Poor Augustine, her dark past literally weighs heavily on her.
A: Behold, it is I, the gweat and teewible deity of the Lowd Pwotectow!

Nilfel: Gasp! Oh great one, please honor us unworthy with your name.

A: (Poop, I didn't think that far ahead) I am *cough* the Lowd of Gwey Shadow (come on, brain) Claum... (good start, they're eating it up) ...gnow. Claumgnor. Yes.
Torn between Might and Glimpse. Shelter is quite solid but leaves a massive surface of attack for the Apocryphal, which I'm not really on board with. On the one hand, it would be nice to just stab her in the face and be done with this nonsense. On the other hand, leaving the Shard alive seems like a ticking timebomb for Nilfel and now that we've recruited Adorie, that's not really on. A chance to kill her right now would be quite nice, to say nothing of the loot we might get. Having such an incredibly powerful buffing wizard would also be very sweet and it's not like we haven't already committed to extracting two magic from the Voyaging Realm.

On the other hand, she is definitely, definitely a warcriminal and we have no idea to what extent she can be trusted. Maybe we could summon an Astral Entity with powers related to sanctifying deals? Our strength after one month is enough to overcome all the powers of Nilfel, unified or not. If they turned this nation to the task of empowering us further, we could very well manage to exceed the power of the Shard in relatively short order.

Perhaps this place might even have the tools necessary to repair Versch?
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Nah, 8 year old Lord-Protector just said "Pwease wet me commit warcwimes and swaughter miwwions" and she was so cute that her father died and everyone decided to get on board.

The Legions are loyal, not just because she's an inspiring presence, but because Nilfel firmly believes in the doctrine of "Cuteness is Justice" and it's hard to beat a shapeshifter with powers over findross in the cuteness department.

EDIT: a fucking eight year old

Wait if she's got power over findross and ties to the Foremost, could the magic system she practices be Total Eclipse because it's Findross sorcery's superpowered elder sibling?
I think that
[X] Glimpse
is by far the most interesting of all the options, I'm super curious about the options Hunger comes up with to deal with the situation. There is also a lot of clamor for more screen time for our newly revealed genius antagonist. I can get behind that sentiment.
I think this has the highest chance of a meaningful interaction since it's the only way for Hunger to feel anything other than calculated murder when he encounters her.
I think that
[X] Glimpse
is by far the most interesting of all the options, I'm super curious about the options Hunger comes up with to deal with the situation. There is also a lot of clamor for more screen time for our newly revealed genius antagonist. I can get behind that sentiment.
I think this has the highest chance of a meaningful interaction since it's the only way for Hunger to feel anything other than calculated murder when he encounters her.
What I felt after reading the interlude was pretty much exclusively a drive for calculated murder. Her motivations didn't inspire any sympathy in me, personally.
There's one simple way to find out if Gisena is playing us. We just need to dump 25 Arete into Renaissance Woman bc there's no way she would be dishonest to us after we did that! What's the worst that could happen.
There's one simple way to find out if Gisena is playing us. We just need to dump 25 Arete into Renaissance Woman bc there's no way she would be dishonest to us after we did that! What's the worst that could happen.
You know, we haven't had a Hunger interlude either. I know he's the strongest in the party, but how sure are we that he's on our side? He's definitely pretty sus.
Wait if she's got power over findross and ties to the Foremost, could the magic system she practices be Total Eclipse because it's Findross sorcery's superpowered elder sibling?
We saw her working at her forge, it's some kind of crafting-focused power centered around the ability to Build. Hard to compare it to the freeform findross manipulation of True Quintessence, since the Foremost presumably eclipsed the Maiden but Augustine is a half-breed wielding vestigial portions of two bloodlines. Though it's interesting that the Maiden and Arcanist are styled similarly:
Unlocks the [True Quintessence], by which She Who Was The Maiden attained supremacy over the Manifest Realm
We shall consume it, and become worthy shadow of She-Who-Was-The-Arcanist!
What I felt after reading the interlude was pretty much exclusively a drive for calculated murder. Her motivations didn't inspire any sympathy in me, personally.
Hunger might be able to channel some of that whole revenge, no matter the cost idea she has rattling around in her head.

Perhaps it's not sympathy but a note of understanding?