I think that we all understand effectiveness of Lord Reaper when it comes to ramping up our growth. However, let's consider benefits of Evening Sky
  • Charisma and Protection. Obvious, so I won't expand on this
  • Comprehensive protection against virtually anything. Now, there is a ton to consider here. To begin with, having some measure of protection against stuff directly affecting our body or mind is an absolute necessity - otherwise a Medusa Kaiju could just petrify us by glancing in our general direction. This is something we need to get at some point, so might as well get it now
  • However, Evening's effects are not merely countering direct influence, it can even deal with poison and such. That means that it can deal with almost any matter of attacks, both mundane and supernatural, forcing it to deal with Evening Sky. In other words, this eliminates any weak spot we might have and forces enemies to overpower us instead. Not getting radiation sickness rocks
  • Now, that's good, but here comes the nutty part - it protects us from suffocation. That's not an attack, that's just lacking shit, and it can deal with that too! Now, this ability is already super useful, but implications are staggering. Can it allow us to ignore sleep? Fell-Handed Strike exhaustion? Can it mitigate parts of Decimator by giving us a bit of life force?
  • Additionally, it has synergy with Gisena. With Evening's Sky she can fire her AoE off and cancel our enemies while we just lose a layer of Evening Sky, allowing us to strike at our enemies while they are directly affected. It allows her to be much more reckless with her bolts as hitting us is not a lose condition anymore. We can likely upgrade this too to allow full integration of Gisena in our combat style
  • Speaking of upgrades, Hunger already mentioned that he lacks armor to complete his panoply, and here we are. Night is dedicated defensive item to go with dedicated offense of Edge
  • And, of course, I think that everyone would agree that any kind of new artifact for our Accretion should be of 7AP variety for potency alone
  • And, most importantly, it makes us look really fucking awesome
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Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Unelemental on May 27, 2020 at 10:22 AM, finished with 247 posts and 51 votes.
Oh, I feel dumb now. The whole point of catching the legendary fish is to one-up Gisena's high-tech nonsense with the classics. The whole point is the smugness! I see the appeal now.

still not gonna vote for it tho. :S
Goodbye, my durable and frugal statso friend. You were a dream undeserved
[X] Substantially
[X] Lord Reaper
[X] Of Fishermen, A King
[X] Star-Cloaked Shroud
[X] The Rod of Ages

I'd still rather save our Arete, but the star-cloaked shroud is cool. "Thunder of Midnight"; I'm not really sure what that sounds like but I want it.

Rod>bait, would prefer that we be actually good at fishing rather than just dropping magical bait in and scouping up whatever comes to investigate.
The Mondo Bait has been sorely underestimated... you'll regret abjuring the ability to generate provocation at will when Hunger's growth slows due to a lack of worthy enemies!!
Tally incoming
Adhoc vote count started by Conjured Blade on May 27, 2020 at 2:43 PM, finished with 259 posts and 53 votes.
[X] Substantially
[X] Star-Cloaked Shroud
[X] The Mondo Bait

Shroud gives force of personality, Bait gives manipulation, Substantially because even if we go over seven we still can't buy off exhausted. Whole point of this little detour was to recover.
I sure do hope that this 7-Colored Fish is at least goddamn delicious. I'd prefer to die with a nice taste in my mouth, thank you.
[X] Of Fishermen, A King
[X] Star-Cloaked Shroud
[X] The Rod of Ages

Calm, cautious, experienced.
This fisherman is not exactly the most tasty of snacks, but his prowess and determination allows him to catch even the most elusive of beasts.
If we don't, I'll take on a thread-relevant task of Rihaku's choosing.