My initial thoughts were to go with One and Keepin' it Simple. Would allow us to condense plotlines and keep the story driving forward while tossing in some cool fight scenes against a Rotbeast returned to relevance. 4 picks and increased power? Swell! Chance of death served along a side of sick fights? Yes please! That the Rank gains would only be reduced if we didn't save the Sovereignty (which I'm frankly ok with not doing, since it just decreases Rank gain to maybe ~0.15 instead of 0.3 Rank) which is an acceptable trade-off to me. Bite the bullet of Apocryphal right now so we don't face a more dangerous threat in the wings.

But then I realized, if we beat the Rotbeast, we get 4 picks. And what does that mean? Another opportunity for the thread to burn 7 Arete or more! If we survive the Apocryphal now and slay the Rotbeast, I can guarantee a significant portion of the thread is going to pivot to the next available shiny, pushing back Trinity further once more. The MAEG Gang has been quiet lately... and if they rise up on a tide of good-feeling after surviving a 4 pick fight, we might find ourselves throwing away another 7 Arete for magic systems of all things. After MORAL Gang and SOCIAL Gang having risen up to become such a force in the last vote, I have little desire to fend off more attacks on our precious Arete reserves. So...

[X] One
[X] Prestige Classing

This literally forces the thread to concentrate their Arete towards Trinity and All-Defeating Stance after that, because if we don't give EFBs, we just die against powerleveled and Apocryphal-boosted Bearic. It's a sad day indeed when I have to join hands with Not Dying Gang but ultimately, I must fight to SAVE at any possible opportunity (barring of course, when the Praxis comes again, because I am a devout acolyte of the Accursed way before all else). We've already spent at least ~70 (?) Arete on FB-equivalents so we need to start focusing on grabbing more powerful EFB effects. ADS isn't my first pick for EFB, just like Silver of Evening isn't my first choice for Evening Sky EFBs, but I'm willing to compromise as long as we get Trinity. Man, I would be so sad if we somehow don't get Trinity after mining like 100 Arete. So, I guess I'll throw my lot in with the Not Dying Gang's plans so that we can make some progress to more EFBs and oppose all other Gangs' desire to burn away Arete in chasing 'morals', 'magics' and ever present 'unique' 7 Arete options. I'd even pledge to not spend any Arete on Praxis until we somehow manage to cultivate a stockpile of 25 Arete, just to maintain the goal of SAVEing, no matter the cost.

I'm not actually that opposed to any of the current vote combinations though, even the Two options though I think I'd rather bite the bullet of 1 stronger Apocryphal event than two of these things. I'm voting with minimizing Arete expenditures in mind though, so committing to Trinity and ADS beforehand is kind-of okay with me.
Actually, beating 4 pick Rotbeast is likely to give you either Rank or Defining Advancement, both of which typically don't cost Arete at all.

Imagine if we get something like Kinslayer, but then doubled. 0.5*2 Rank sounds like some real shit..
I'm not voting for this but:
If we were to pick Rotbeast and the Kill Team and proactively go after the Rotbeast as soon as the Prototype is dealt with - which we should do whatever we pick - then there won't be a Rotty-Republican pileup in the city because Rotty will already be dead by the time we get there. That will leave a tired, irritated, covered in gunk, definitely the hero Hunger dealing with the Kill Team. Between Gleam and Inheritor everyone will be sympathetic if we flat out murder them before they even start anything.


Actually, beating 4 pick Rotbeast is likely to give you either Rank or Defining Advancement, both of which typically don't cost Arete at all.

Imagine if we get something like Kinslayer, but then doubled. 0.5*2 Rank sounds like some real shit..
Rank costs a bit but Stranglethorn is picks only IIRC. However, if we can have 3 defining advancements and do have 3 defining advancements then there is reason for more defining advancements to ever show up on the picks list, not even ones that could increase the slots. We'd be relying on the rumours that Trinity might increase the slots.
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Rank costs a bit but Stranglethorn is picks only IIRC. However, if we can have 3 defining advancements and do have 3 defining advancements then there is reason for more defining advancements to ever show up on the picks list, not even ones that could increase the slots. We'd be relying on the rumours that Trinity might increase the slots.
Rank only sometimes cost Arete; Kinslayer, for example, was picks only:
[ ] Feat: Kinslayer - A true opponent's worth. Set Rank to 5. (4 picks)
Dunno about Trinity, but I guess we'll get offered more slots at some point if we fill current up? Maybe we could liquidate current DAs into standard picks, or somewhat upgrade them?
But then I realized, if we beat the Rotbeast, we get 4 picks. And what does that mean? Another opportunity for the thread to burn 7 Arete or more! If we survive the Apocryphal now and slay the Rotbeast, I can guarantee a significant portion of the thread is going to pivot to the next available shiny, pushing back Trinity further once more. The MAEG Gang has been quiet lately... and if they rise up on a tide of good-feeling after surviving a 4 pick fight, we might find ourselves throwing away another 7 Arete for magic systems of all things. After MORAL Gang and SOCIAL Gang having risen up to become such a force in the last vote, I have little desire to fend off more attacks on our precious Arete reserves. So...
This literally forces the thread to concentrate their Arete towards Trinity and All-Defeating Stance after that, because if we don't give EFBs, we just die against powerleveled and Apocryphal-boosted Bearic.
It warms my heart to see a fellow miner lose his hope. Only by embracing the bitterness and feeling of powerlessness could you harness good quality Arete.

And you will soon see the patterns. If we are offered +Rank the thread will go for hornet or something equally insane. This is after all the Curse of Anti-synergy and Curse of the Ranklet

I'd even pledge to not spend any Arete on Praxis until we somehow manage to cultivate a stockpile of 25 Arete,
GISENA EFB gang wants to know your location.

...Fuck it - lets twist the arm of the thread and see what happens
[X] Two
[X] Keepin' it Simple
[X] Prestige Classing
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[X] Two
[X] Keepin' it Simple
[X] Prestige Classing

Mainly going with this because the 10% mitigation for Ber gives us a little leeway in the "must take optimal build votes", which we probably need. And while the rotbeast might wreck the sovereignty, with 20% mitigation I think we can probably keep the collateral damage down.
Seriously, we want to kill Ber and get Silver+ADS anyway. Why not pick the option compels us to the things we were already going to do? It's much simpler this way.
Are you entirely certain that is what is meant by an optimal build? Are you very confident enough of the thread agrees with you?
Nah, PRAXIS voters would fight tooth and nail to avoid Praxis training while we're at 14 or less Arete. I would vote for literally anything but that, just because of how accutely painful it would be if we ended up going into a training session and get only 1 pick. Can't speak for Maeg or Gisena Gang though.
Are you quite certain that the thread would be given a choice on the matter? Sometimes opportunities just happen, without a vote clearly warning ahead of time.
[X] One
[X] Prestige Classing

Let's keep things simple. The enemy we already knew was coming, coming after us with a proper power-up. We just have to grab Trinity and we're good.
[X] Two
[X] Keepin' it Simple
[X] Prestige Classing

Nice, now that the maximum fuck the Sovereignty combo isn't winning, I can switch my vote to only kinda fuck the Sovereignty.
Are you entirely certain that is what is meant by an optimal build? Are you very confident enough of the thread agrees with you?
Who cares about those boosted bonobos, they will be dragged kicking and screaming towards optimal build. AST glories are build despite the thread not because of it.

Lets make a social experiment, how much "in two weeks we are going to die if we do not SAVE and get 2 EFB" will work?

EDIT: If you feel insulted you have 2 options - prove me wrong and SAVE or prove me right. Choice is yours.
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Who cares about those boosted bonobos, they will be dragged kicking and screaming towards optimal build. AST glories are build despite the thread not because of it.
Kinda annoyed by the "fuck the thread" meme, it's starting to feel actually hostile. As if there is anyone in the thread who isn't part of the thread. And everyone of y'all are cool, don't get down on yourselves so easily.
Suggestion: Republic Killjoys and Lucent Thorn. Killjoys would be at 30% mitigation compared to baseline, which means we could very probably social them effectively, and that means we probably wouldn't have to kill anyone. Meanwhile, Lucent Thorn is only 5-pick at the moment, so it's something we very much should be able to outscale, especially if 10% mitigation functions by making it slower.
Probably also more easily outscaled than Ber, given the timeframe - and giving Ber Prestige Classing might give him strong social defenses, which I kind of doubt would be native to his System.
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Doing a quick analysis before I decide on a vote.

So even Apocrypha faces economic challenges! With its Credibility currency, she can sadly only buy a limited number of Choices, so she has to pick quality over quantity.

It's kind of interesting to get such a vote now. We can anticipate the upcoming danger, even if only OOC, and decide what kind of problem we want to deal with, which is a significant advantage against the Apocryphal Curse. I doubt this is going to happen all that often, if at all, but doing it once in a while is both entertaining and gives us a chance to steer the Curse a bit. Still, this is Apocrypha, so I doubt any of these choices will be of the nice variety.

Of course we could make the decisions in the spirit of the update and create the most difficult configuration for Hunger, but I doubt we have the heart for it, no matter how cute Apocrypha-chan is. Besides, I'm sure she wants no freebies from us and will create a fun challenge no matter what.

After a long slumber, the Apocryphal Curse arises in glory once more! What shall be its fated challenge for our unworthy hero!?
Hey, no need to make things personal! Just because we chose the Temple over you doesn't mean we don't appreciate your efforts to dispel our boredom, Apocrypha. It was just that one time, surely you can find it in your heart to forgive us! Besides, wasn't the Temple interesting enough on its own? We went and all but destroyed a civilization, putting Hunger in deadly danger numerous times. Too bad Triumphant Gleam means that our actions will be seen positively afterwards and we got a Ring out of it, but you can't have a cake and eat it too.

Also, I'd be a fool to believe that the Apocrypha was actually sleeping rather than starting some long-term schemes in the background. I believe in you, Apocrypha, you can't let that workaholic Hunger upstage you! Maybe you can't train hard enough to learn the Praxis, because that Cursebearer-supremacist Accursed only talks about fairness when it suits him, but you can make up for that in other ways. Certainly we'll find out and praise curse your very name as soon as we contact the Human Sphere proper!

You're here to cause interesting times and chew bubblegum, and after several embarrassingly long failures misadventures you are finally out of bubblegum. Choose two with weakened impact (20% additional effective mitigation for the first, and 10% for the second, how disappointing!), or one as-written. Be careful not to spread your power among too many sources and dilute the IMPACT of your glorious, terror-resounding return!
Can we, like, buy you some bubblegum? We don't mind the expenditures, I'm sure Gisena can foot the bill. This doesn't mean we're tired of you, but sometimes I think our relationship would work best as a long-distance one. It's not you, it's us!

Though the paragraph poses an interesting question: can the Apocryphal Curse fail when we aren't involved? She's not all-powerful and is limited by our own power, so if she tries to affect things at a significant distance from us, can her accuracy and power suffer? Like if she tried to set up some enemy while we were busy in the Temple, but at some point just... slipped, and that enemy died or something. Not that we'll ever find out about those failures, Apocrypha would likely cover up any traces of such an embarrassing situation.

[ ] Two - Feint with the jab, then catch 'em with the right hook!
[ ] One - You've got some power stored up, despite that buzzkill of a Nullity Sorceress. Land a real haymaker.
Certainly the voters will be so impressed by the Apocrypha's majesty that they will listen to her sage advice and choose a single vote to maximize the IMPACT over two.

Well, not that I cannot understand wanting to get it over and done with after one challenge. Less challenges would mean more preparation time, even if the events themselves would become more difficult. Personally, I reckon it's best to think about the following options as opportunities to witness new things rather than problems we'll have to solve, and decide accordingly. What would we like to see the most? If I do that, the choice become much easier to stomach, even if I suspect there's a certain level of self-delusion involved in this chain of logic.


[ ] Wait and Hope - The Apocryphal Curse shall merely bide its time, waiting and hoping for a perfect opportunity to introduce delicious complication! A perfectly cute and prudent decision. Patience is a virtue for a reason, you know! Fighting, Apocryphal~ !

*Dramatically increases the power of the next Apocryphal Curse-induced Event!
*Biding your time results in extra power, but an anticlimactic return, how boring...
*Let the Hero stew in fear of your dreadful contingencies, mwa ha ha!
*The Hero has advanced beyond many of the simpler challenges you can muster right now. Best to strike during a better opportunity! Delightful pandemonium may only be a star in your eye, but properly nurtured it can spawn unending havoc.
*That said, the ones below still present some opportunities of not-insignificant promise!
So cute! Letrizia's place as our party's mascot faces its first serious challenge! Certainly there is no cuter Curse in the whole wide metaverse.

Procrastination is the name of the game here. I see that Apocrypha is a Doctor Who fan, so can we expect to fend off attacks from time travelers if we give her the opportunity to set things up properly? I can't wait! What a fun diversion that would be, suddenly getting accosted by a stranger that would accuse us of killing their father and causing a catastrophe, and us desperately running away while we wonder what the hell the crackhead is even talking about. Best if they're an Armament pilot as well!

The 'dramatically' part makes me nervous. We're used to mortgaging our future for the present after taking the Geas, but I don't think we'll like the sort of stuff Apocrypha can come up with with 3 or even 4 picks collected for a single Event. And Apocrypha isn't really enthused by the option herself!

...which should be a hint to take it, now that I think about it, but I guess for once my preferences coincide with the Apocryphal Curses's tastes. It has been missing for so long, will we really let it languish any longer? We might even forget its favorite catchphrase at this rate! And that just won't do.

So to sum this up:

+ less problems now
+ theoretically we can scale harder than Apocrypha, so letting it accumulate Credibility could benefit Hunger
+ they will be chances to mitigate it in the interim, especially now that Gisena is a Ringbearer
- more problems in the future
- what if we fail to scale faster and are crushed under its accumulated weight?
- the Hero needs challenges to grow, so we might slow down without Apocrypha's intervention

[ ] Republic Kill-Joys - The Elixir Sovereignty attracts all manner of wandering adventurer and aspirant petitioner seeking relief and regeneration at its famously potent healing springs. Among them, this Republic Kill-Team, armed to the teeth with devastating battle-augs and equipped with top-of-the-line Republic military Armor Prototypes! Embrace the power of L.U.L. and show these imperial bootlickers traitors that only the Free(tm) know truly how to party!

*Itchy trigger finger. Wouldn't the Sovereignty love to get their hands on the equipment these boys & girls are packing?
*Thus, righteous paranoia and relaxation are the order of the day! And there's that mage they're trying to smuggle out...
*Add a Tyrannical hero with no inclination to obey Republic authority into the mix and ka-blam! A sure-fire recipe!
*It'll be interesting to see how they fare against the Surges of the itinerant band, even more so when the high schoolers join the fray!
*A marvelous free-for-all of rollicking Free(tm)-spirited destruction!
*Our hero might be able to claim one of those top-grade Armor Prototypes with the help of his Sorceress friend! Artifice, how gross!!
The power of London Underground Limited? Of Lesser Used Languages? Or is Apocrypha dabbling in Dutch?! I don't believe our cute Apocrypha could be so crass, but neither do I believe she would lower herself to laughing at us! After all, we're the best of friends, our relationship so close that we have to avoid her so that Gisena doesn't get jealous.

Here we can see our old friends from the Thunder of Blood update, now less crippled and more than ready to make everyone's lives miserable in the name of Liberty. Hunger still appreciates their Armor Prototypes despite Letrizia's objections that the Empire's are better, but this time he's far more likely to trigger Tyrant, not only because they'll be more belligerent and authoritative after having recovered, but also because the Penitent could chime in. We'll surely be forgiven afterwards thanks to the Soul Evocation and Triumphant Gleam, but that doesn't help us deal with the deadly Kill-Team!

We've grown since the last time we saw them, but they've also recovered, and they seem to be the most dangerous opponents out of all the options here barring Ring War. Not only because of their own strength, which is significant, but also because they're intelligent and have the least scruples of them all. So while Hunger himself might survive, they won't just stupidly continue attacking him when they realize he's too powerful, they'll just switch to softer targets. Black Ops team, what can you do? Strange that they would be so stubbornly transfixed on us and the Sovereignty when they have their own mission to finish, but Apocrypha-chan will surely come up with contrived enough circumstances to make us into irreconcilable enemies.

To put it in a nutshell:

+ maybe not as individually powerful, so could be picked off?
+ diplomatic victory is theoretically possible, as the conflict doesn't have any real basis at the outset
+ the danger to Hunger himself is likely the least
+ get some secret news about the Human Sphere, assuming we can make them divulge the information
+ Captured Mage Mystery Box!!!
+ Loot(tm); maybe it's not as cool as Orc Armor, but it's bleeding edge Republic technology
- Apocrypha will enthusiastically fuck up any chance at diplomacy - it won't let its preparations go to waste to easily!
- they aren't stupid and will target our companions
- get the full experience of guerilla warfare, with the world burning down around us!
- reduced Rank gain due to dying population
- they have higher Combat Rank and are armed to the teeth
- will become enemies with the Republic if this gets out

[ ] Prestige Classing - Looks like poor Bearic has fallen behind! Still two weeks 'till he hits level cap and our hero is almost stronger than even that! Well, that simply won't do, looks like our friend Bearic needs an extra leg up. Something to really fire up his mettle and make him an opponent worthy of our dastardly Ring-Lord! You call it cheating, he calls it haxx; bust out you best Santa cosplay, 'cause Christmas is comin' early and Apocryphal Claus is going to be very, very nice to one particularly undeserving gamer. Cheer up Ber, your System may not be up to the task, but you've a far greater friend in your corner and she's coming through in the clutch! Avenge Seralize and all the others, and take back the title of Blue Swordsman from that one-eyed brooding hack!

*Conservation of antagonists, an important skill to learn for any budding Curse!
*Wouldn't you like to see Ber reach massively exceed his full potential? No matter who's defeated, the winner's going to get an absolute truckload of Experience...
*He still won't attack until he hits level cap. What a fruitfully assiduous boy! Could take a bit.
*Oooh, we just can't wait to see his disgustingly overpowered new capabilities brought to light! Make it a showdown worthy of the ages!
*With how fast 'Lord Hunger' grows, it might be possible for him to still outscale Ber after all this, if he steers his build optimally...
*Pfhaha. Like that's going to happen.
Man, even Apocrypha-chan dislikes Bearic, what a pitiful existence he leads. He grinded hard and long for his power, you know? It's not his fault his best just wasn't enough.

I'm on the fence about this one. On the one hand, Ber disgusts me on a fundamental level, as he does many other voters, so just handing this moron power on a silver platter feels pretty bad. But on the other hand, not doing this means he'll simply get splattered when he comes at us, which is pretty boring and anticlimactic. He's one of our first serious opponents (after the Fish), doesn't he deserve to go out with a bang? How can we wear the title of Blue Swordsman with pride if our challenger is so pathetic?

Curious what his Prestige Class will be. Could be anything, frankly, the only thing we can be sure of is that it will synergize with his existing powers incredibly well. Be it more SORDing or an additional type of magic, it will undoubtedly fuck up Hunger's day. I have high expectations for our hardworking Apocrypha!

Of course it's not all doom and gloom. Ber is... not very smart, to put it mildly. He's unlikely to implement complex schemes, so we've got an advantage over him here. It will also take him some time to level up, two weeks at the very least, time which we could use to Progress ourselves. And finally, there's the rewards! We could always get Rank of course, but there will certainly be unique rewards for such a memorable opponent. Could be a Title, +Progression, his Assess or some other elements of his System. Maybe we can extract his shiny new Prestige Class if it's so good!

Though if he gets a Praxis Prestige Class, I might start breaking things.

In short:

+ gives us time to prepare
+ a familiar opponent, ties up loose ends
+ we want an optimal build anyway, don't we?
+ show him some of that Age and Treachery that brought down Seralize
+ lots of picks, unique rewards
- it's Ber
- seriously, fuck him and his Gamer System
- will require we build optimally...
- could still hurt our companions, will just be less smart about it

[ ] Keepin' it Simple - Yyyuup, we're just going to dump the perfect buffing-type Surgecrafter into the Rotbeast's clutches and have it roll on out! With its Rank and general parameters substantially increased, its mountain-range sized bulk will finally achieve full mobility and rain destruction as a walking charnal tide upon the poor Sovereignty! Let's show this Hero who's boss (hint: it's not him!!).

*Another boring Kaiju event... surely you can do better than this, Apocryphal... ! But even if you can't, we all still love you!
*Work down that ablative population, baby!
*This'll totally screw up his Rank-gaining ways...
*...As long as he doesn't save them.
*But if he does, maybe you can spin him as an enemy of the Empire!
*You're a genius! There's no way to lose.
*Will probably offer him a lot of "picks" if he does win. Like, three or four. Yuck.
Sometimes simple is best, and it certainly doesn't get simpler than taking advantage of the local resources! There's a giant Rotbeast available, there is a number of High Elementalists that could buff it, mix and stir things a bit, and something terrible could come out! Like a giant Kaiju! Hunger certainly loved the last one, didn't he?

We wanted to deal with the Rotbeast, there just never was enough incentive to finish the poor monster. Well, here we are, with the Rotbeast finally mobile and ready to show us a good time. Now with more Stats and Rank, it will be strong enough to actually pose a challenge and maybe even endanger Hunger's life! The main danger will still be to the Elixir populace, naturally, but since we were willing to use teh Moon Civ as ablative armor against Apocrypha and only decided against it due to logistic problems, doing the same to the Elixir Sovereignty won't be a problem, right?

Kind of amazed the Empire would become our enemy over saving some pathetic separatists from a giant monster, but I believe in Apocrypha! She can definitely accomplish that if she sets her mind on it. Of course the more likely outcome is that we once more decapitate a government and take things over, so it might count as conquest in the Empire's name if we spin things right. Didn't we take Triumphant Gleam precisely to deal with reputation troubles?

+ a right and proper Boss Battle
+ lotsa picks
+ probably some interesting rewards?
+ even if mobile, it's still slower
+ Hunger can withdraw easily
+ Apocrypha said there's no way it could lose, sic Murphy on it!
- if he withdraws, Elixir suffers
- yet another Kaiju fight...
- could cause conflict with the Empire? somehow
- might mess with our Rank-gaining plans

[ ] Lucent Thorn - The deadly A-class blade which hunts Ring and wielder alike has set its eyes on Miss Gisena Allria, wielder of the Azure! Lest the horrors of unbound Artifice be loosed upon the universe again, Justice Blade Lucent Thorn is here to punish you in the name of the True Moonlight! Will the evil Sorceress-Queen Gisena finally be felled? Or will her contract with the devastating handsome and also evil Ring-Lord Hunger allow her to cling to unseemly life!? Find out next time in several dozen more episodes!

*Lucent Thorn has its own agenda and sees fit to chart its own course, defying recommendations despite your nigh-omniscience and sound judgement! Hmph!!
*It's also slow af. Gotta work its way from wielder to wielder alllllll the way across the Voyaging Realm...
*But once this good boy finds a Fairbright worthy champion, ohhh boy. You won't be ready. The world won't be ready. And Hunger's body certainly won't be ready! Unless he works on the Praxis a lot...
*Strength matters not! The nigh-limitless power of Hope, Love, and Determination shall strike down the cruel Rings, implements of naked Power made manifest, right where they stand! This time, a two-for-one special...
*In Realm Voyaging, 5-pick fight runs at you! Let's hope our hero doesn't just outpace this one, though it can tangle in the Human Sphere if it has to!
Apocrypha-chan will show that dastardly Gisena that she's not the only one capable of wonderful surprises! N-not that she's jealous or anything, stupid.

All roads lead to Fairbrights, it seems. I'm starting to suspect they're another branch of the Forebear's family, how else would they be so ubiquitous otherwise?! Maybe that guy had a harem and each woman started a lineage, one for each bear. I don't want to believe the awesome Fourbear would be so degenerate, but he is suspected of being an isekai protagonist too...

This one seems far more long-term, which is quite attractive. I mean, a 5 pick fight is a 5 pick fight, but it's not like we'll stop growing, nor will our desire for the Praxis lessen, so I fancy our chances against this one, truth to be told. How far will we come in just a few dozen more chapters? Not even Apocrypha knows! We could get more EFBs and even the Imperial Praxis by that point, and I'm not afraid of anything with Imperial at our back!

This is also deep LORE. Rings have a natural enemy? Power made inconsequential in the face of Hope, Love and Determination, bound up in one Justice package? Magical Sword-Girl Fairbright?! Sign me right up. It even seems to defy Apocryphal control beyond being pointed in our direction, how interesting! A confrontation for the ages, destined rivals clashing and blood running high, could something more than hostility spark from this?! After all the best way to punish Gisena is...

+ very long-term, so a lot of prep time
+ we can always just run away if we aren't ready
+ it's a 'good' guy, so it should be honorable and collateral damage should be limited
+ interesting enemy
+ we've got an enormous badboy sadboy type advantage
+ finally find out about Fairbrights after all the missed chances!
- fucking Fairbrights, in more than one sense
- Gisena seems the main target here, not that Hunger will stay out of the fight
- we missed Heartpiercer, so the type advantage might not be that great
- ntr is a trash fetish
- 5 picks, nuff said

[ ] Ring War - That's a nice Ring you got there. Would be a shame if someone... ruled it.

*Have Asterios experience a truly massive and unjustifiable breakthrough, starting the contest of Primacy!
*Our Hero must war, lest he bow to the new king among Rings!
*Force him into the Human Sphere where all manner of complication awaits!!
*Especially the thing with Letrizia's - oops, can't think about that.
*Requires [ ] One. There can only be one Ruling Ring.
Going straight for the big guns? Perhaps our girl Apocrypha tires of us running around in the Voyaging Realm and getting stronger in such an uncomplicated environment! Comparatively, at least. In such a case, wouldn't it behoove us to oblige the Nicest Curse(tm)?

We wanted to start the contest of Primacy at some point anyway, this will neatly deal with our dithering and let us go for the Ruling Ring without worries. Not to mention that there are certain options in the future that could help us win that contest of Primacy without much trouble, though it could force certain build decisions on us. And as the one to start he conquest, Asterios - the bearer of the Golden Ring? - will be the main target to boot! Are we sure this is supposed to be a complication?

Not that I expect the other Rings (assuming they exist) to unite with us against him, we'll be rivals still. But not being the focus of attention might make the situation simpler. There's also that mention of Letrizia's... dad? Mom? Duchy? Friend? I'm tipping on the first, but I'm not ruling out anything, since she is still a bit tight-lipped about her past.

+ we wanted this at some point anyway
+ finally enter the Human Sphere. You know, our Geas task?
+ Contestofprimacy!
+ show once and for all who is the real Lord of the Rings
- we wanted it on our own terms
- will likely have to get embroiled in... ugh... politics
- giving enemies unjustifiable breakthroughs always stings
- it's a big 'un: can't split the difficulty up, have to take One

And that's a wrap! Remember, your goal isn't to kill him directly, though a tragic (or unexpected!) death is quite fine. But rather it's to make him say, your most favorite and dearly-desired phrase, Fuck these so-called interesting times!
...fuck these so-called interesting times. Man, it's quite cathartic. I'm sure we'll be saying it more than once in the future.

But for some reason I regret not being able to take more, all the encounters are just so interesting! Like a three-hit combo of kaiju, Ber and Lucent Thorn, a challenge for every taste! Sadly we'll have to content ourselves with limited opportunities. On a more serious note, Apocrypha itself noted it would like on bigger threat more than several lesser ones, and it makes sense, so it probably isn't some kind of weird reverse psychology. Thus:

[X] Two

And as I said before, to make this easier on myself, I'll just pick what seems the most interesting without being suicidal to me. From these picks, I think I'll take Ber and Lucent Thorn, both because they seem dramatically appropriate and because they're longer-term options, so we'll have more time to prepare.

[X] Prestige Classing
[X] Lucent Thorn

2852 Words of option analysis.
Are you entirely certain that is what is meant by an optimal build? Are you very confident enough of the thread agrees with you?
You should consider One + Prestige Classing. It'll force you to build synergistically! That's like a hidden advantage, and you definitely can outsacle Ber with Trinity + a synergistic EFB. He's not attacking for at least two more IC weeks, and likely longer!

So Trinity:
That means Evening Sky EFB. We have two options - Silver and Pillars.
Silver is discounted by 7 and is combat based
Pillars is 25 Arete and is pure utility and we have missed the beginning/end of month so we cannot use it in the timeframe of Ber

+Synergetic EFB
We have 4 other options after that
Silver/Pillars from whichever was not chosen for trinity
Ruling Ring - it will fix our training malus and give +2 All stats (so power,much wow)
Once and future = +1 Rank (it does not benefit from +Rank percentage increase)
ADS = uses 5x power of ruin against everything that attack us or is being attacked by us. We have +50% Might scaling from Inheritor, out Zweihander makes our power of Ruin scale of Strength.
Its almost like this is the [REDACTED] EFB Rihaku was talking about.

So yes, I am very confident that Silver+ADS is the optimal build.

If somebody disagrees, please provide the better build. I am sure the Pillars/Ruling Ring hidden synergy will be a thing to behold.

Curious what his Prestige Class will be
Azure Bladesinger
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I don't want to say your assessment is biased, but is there some reason you're ignoring the RR's ++Progression to our combat picks and the additional +1 Rank for military actions with OaF?
It is biased. Also if ++Progression is not applied retroactively(I think it is not), we will need 38+ Arete just to start getting the benefit of ++Progression for our next picks.

Edit:Also Silver+ADS is currently the lowest cost(32) and also require just 1 pick. Rulling ring is 4 picks, which given the...interference would probably require more.
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[X] Two
[X] Prestige Classing
[X] Lucent Thorn

This puts Ber at -20%, so Silver + ADS should put paid to him easily. Thorn is worrying but we can outrun it.

Also, this lets us have some easy times at the Elixir, giving us updates to save up Arete for Silver. You know if we take Rotbeast or Republic Kill-Team we'll get a big multi-pick vote for beating them, likely with very nice Arete-costing upgrades. The best way to save Arete is to avoid circumstances that would get us to spend it. Avoid difficult fights that come with big build votes, avoid Praxis training, focus on slife-of-life and low-pick fights.

I'd really like to get some more mage-picks, but we're annoyingly short on Arete right now and we need Silver as soon as possible to get permanent Graces. Perhaps Maeg gang's plan should be to rush Silver, and then spend a bunch of actions on developing Graces. We can probably get graces without spending Arete right? I hope so anyway.

I'd also be ok with Kill-Team+Prestige Classing winning, since maybe we can get mage stuff from the Kill-Team's prisoner... But that might cost Arete...
[X] Two
[X] Keepin' it Simple
[X] Prestige Classing

I'm pretty sure we can manage 28 or so arete in about two IC weeks, and this gives me both of the running plotlines that i'd like to see resolved climatically in the forefront. Love it.
[X] Two
[X] Prestige Classing
[X] Lucent Thorn

Back to my first vote! We will either get S U P E R B E R. Or an Fairbright. I want to meet an an Fairbright fucking finally.
Doing a quick analysis before I decide on a vote.
In that case, I'll give it a quick read-through!
2852 Words of option analysis.
Hold on a minute, this isn't quick! : P

Now, I'm gonna dig through this pile of reasonable statements to find things I disagree with for the purpose of d i s c u s s i o n.
Ber is... not very smart, to put it mildly. He's unlikely to implement complex schemes, so we've got an advantage over him here.
I hadn't thought of it in those words before, but it's not a baseless opinion. "Allowed to die," giving away information for free via muttering, and his apparent over-reliance on his scanning power... yeah, he gave lots of evidence for low Wis in a single update.

On the other hand, he did retreat when he was worried about being outmatched, so he has at least some caution. More importantly, I don't think him being dumb is enough to stop him from acting smart in this case; he has or made use of some kinda precog or modeling power or something to predict Letriziagorge so well. +Combat Int? And with Apocryphal's backing, and the initiative, I don't think we should be too confident in that advantage.
Nuh-uh, this is ------- because I am very scared.
+ Apocrypha said there's no way it could lose, sic Murphy on it!
Be the best Cursebearer, ensure even your curses have curses! If we get enough +Rank, it's basically the same thing, right?