Dueling Wits
Dueling Wits

It had taken time to settle in, to orient himself towards the painful mundanity of this husk-realm, all but empty, worlds like glittering trash-heaps atop a fusion-torch pyre. But there was nothing quite like a capable opponent to reify his focus, light a fire in his spirit to burn away all that was feeble and unnecessary.

Every Hero, after all, needed a Tyrant to overcome.

Dien clicked his tongue as he felt one of his Feeder Suns extinguished. It did not take a Hero of his formidable intellect to deduce that the aptly-named Lord Hunger was the cause. Frustrating, but not unexpected. He had felt the Cursebearer's Pressure battering at his own not minutes ago, though - in no small part because of those Suns - his own was the greater, and likely to remain that way. Seventeen Ringwastes fully assimilated and another two hundred eighty-nine in various stages of completion: his findross-absorption schedule promised exponential progress, and it would not be long before he could move on to methods more elegant and effective than the full-scale exploitation of populated systems.

The more stars that fell beneath his sway, the greater his personal power became, reserves of findross swelling to reinforce his Astral gradient and physical frame. Along the way he'd extinguished more than a few rival Shards; in terms of opening position he'd been more than fortunate, his advantages of valor and circumstance sufficiently overwhelming that their defiance had been wholly inadequate. How uninteresting!

Etrynome had been critical in providing the terraformation infrastructure necessary to enact his plan in weeks rather than years, but the day would come sooner rather than later when Ceathlynn of Amarlt turned against him. He had kept Armament and pilot occupied and isolated, building the tools that he used to build the tools that eventually delivered the final product. Nonetheless he expected both would catch on quickly enough if they had not already done so, and he doubted they would tolerate his wholesale reconstitution of native Republic populations. Perhaps he could buy a few weeks more of loyalty with a genuine offer of augmentation, subversion absent even on the Astral or sub-molecular levels... ideally she would accept and then slay Lord Hunger on her misguided personal crusade, or at least weaken the man for a few days.

Even in spite of such relentless efficiencies as Dien had pursued, it was no foregone conclusion that he would grow past the ability of Lord Hunger to defeat. Beginnings were fragile times, for life most of all, and Dien in his current state was little more than a nascent shell compared to the Foremost glory of the Surgeon. An inconvenient Progression-type Cursebearer was just the sort of foe capable of cutting him down before his prime, whether through sheer thoughtless might or some spectacular feat of sudden advancement.

Thus he had not been negligent with contingencies. All manner of clone and spore and infective data-carrier had been seeded throughout Republic space, not merely within his own sphere but all systems adjacent or which practiced trade - or any remotely physical form of contact - with the societies under his covert or open control. Some projects had been designed for aggressive growth, others for stealth and resilience. It was unlikely for any one strategy of Lord Hunger's to address them all, though the miracles of a Rank gradient would surely sift the vast majority away, in the absence of Dien's own shadow to protect them.

Deep-tunneling programs carried seedling spores through the Astral to distant systems throughout the galactic rim, well beyond the conventional reach of the Human Sphere; should he perish here, there was no reason another iteration could not arise in the void of deep space and muster a calamitous wave to avenge him. He would flee with his consciousness if he could, but he very much doubted that a Cursebearer worth their salt would, in event of victory, fail to dispatch him in every way that mattered.

This despite the depth of his network; he had spared every means not to underestimate his foe. Bio-modded infiltrators spanned every major Republic settlement, and were making inroads into the Empire; these would maintain a facade of normalcy to Lord Hunger while securing Dien's control over relevant polities.

At the next stage of conversion were factory-worlds, planets directly conquered and re-written into productive engines churning out implements of expansion, restoration and war. Many lesser Heroes he'd budded across these planets, an army swelling by the billions every day, honed against themselves in the manner of Heroic warfare such that only the most able would survive; the findross of the weakling consumed by the Orkhor, and the Orkhor's by the Warlord, and so on up the cosmic chain until viable lieutenants started to materialize. Planetary-wide countermeasures ensured that, outside of the systems themselves, cursory examination of a factory world would reveal nothing untoward to optical or Astral observation.

The fewest and most critical were his Incubator Realms: impossible to hide, the scale and ambition of these future Ringwastes and their Feeder Suns simply too vast to practicably cloak with his current means. These he had to hope that Lord Hunger would not stumble upon - or produce at such a rate that the Cursebearer would be unable to scythe them down in time. Hopefully the Praehihr, lacking any other examples in his immediate vicinity, would believe the project a one-off.

In a battle of cosmic resources, there was nothing so crucial as initiative, and so Dien had prioritized speed above all else, even to the point of his personal diminishment. Much of his own reserves he'd fed to one project or another, succoring otherwise-unviable candidates whose functions were critical to the broader vision. It was disgraceful and unnatural to so-compromise empirical selection, but necessity demanded and - like any good Hero - Dien would do anything to win, no matter how much he enjoyed a good fight. It was ironic that in his present state he would be wholly incapable of putting up much of a fight against Lord Hunger, despite his superior gradient. The gulf between their physical attributes and combat techniques was likely too vast, given his opponent's access to at least the Royal Praxis.

Parasites and skinchangers; factories and nodes; like the tendrils of a vast and inescapable forest he had taken root in this Sphere, and it would take a fire of galactic proportions ever to burn him out. He possessed self-propagating assets across every phylum of organization and scale, every strategic niche fostered and exploited.

Would it be enough to face this enemy, this Praehihr who would yield for nothing, whose Progression was as shocking as Dien's preparations were thorough? Would enough of his projects mature, come to useful fruition, before he was hunted down and killed like a dog by that murderous blade?

Perhaps. But even if he fell, his plots undone, all his works unraveled, banished to oblivion beyond even the reach of memory... Dien smiled.

It would be one hell of a fight.


They were supposed to be striking the enemy's flank, supporting Hunger's push towards the Republic capital with a two-Armament incursion of their own. But, Aobaru mused, no plan ever survived contact with the enemy, much less... whatever the horrific conspiracy was that they'd encountered here. Gisena had outright slain the first man they'd come into contact with, blasting him with supernal fire to briefly reveal tendrils of something unspeakable before a wave of Nullity had rendered it mundane ash.

"Go. Stay in Novakhron. Don't leave Totality." Gisena's command had been brisk, frost overtaking her voice as soon as they'd touched down on this world, a field of Nullity like a shimmering veil drawn across her face. "Letrizia, you and Aeira don't leave that cockpit."

It was unlike Lady Allria to be so serious, but she offered no explanation, merely stared unsmiling at the air around them, eyes a brilliant emerald. It was a different shade than Novakhron's green-and-gold; the Apocryphal Armament's autumnal plumage a hue deeper and richer that seemed almost impossible to replicate with physical means. Always it had been the unbreakable bulwark of their formation; not even Letrizia and Verschlengorge's long experience sufficed to overcome its supremacy in raw power.

He was biased, being Novakhron's erstwhile pilot. But it had been more than borne out in their actual battle performance! The only other explanation was that he was some sort of genius in warfare... which, now that he thought about it, didn't seem that unlikely...

"No," Gisena muttered to herself, eyes darting between objects only she could perceive. "Anyone who could make something like this, wouldn't be restricted to working with findross alone. Our individual Rank should protect us against anything wholly corporeal, but the populations here... Kids! Change of plan. We need to get into contact with Hunger and Adorie as soon as possible. And not just because we miss them!"

Just like that, the unease on her features was gone, and the mockingly cheerful Nullity Sorceress returned. Had she even actually been caught off-guard, Aobaru wondered, or had she merely adopted that expression to impress upon them the severity of the situation? Ever since she'd gotten that temporal Grace, it was becoming even more difficult to tell, and her facade nearly impenetrable even before.

It was hard not to observe the Nullity Sorceress, he thought with chagrin. She was so stupefyingly, transcendentally pretty that the eye could not help but rest unconsciously on her, the rest of humanity bleakly dull in comparison. Hunger truly had superhuman will to resist her wiles on a regular basis. Or perhaps they were just extremely discreet?

"What are our options?" Letrizia asked, Verschlengorge's smiling fangs bared in anticipation. "Anything faster-than-light requires either magic or Astral travel, but we don't even know which system they're in right now."

"We have three," Gisena articulated, raising her fingers in a lecturer's stance. "First, we could hunker down and try to create a Grace that can communicate with him. This isn't the Realm of Evening, so it may take as long as a realtime week for me to finesse something workable. Second, we try and seize the Republic Emergency Broadcasting system located in the sector capital. That should give us an indiscriminate line to every major Republic world and has good chances of reaching Hunger, but could be sabotaged by sufficiently determined interference - here or in the Astral Realm. Finally, we try to track them down manually, hijacking the fastest vessel we can find and relying on Nova's Pressure gradient to draw us towards him."

"No path seem strictly better than the others," Aobaru said. "So, are we going to vote here, or are you just going to decide?"

"As if there's a difference," Gisena smiled, batting her eyelashes coquettishly. "We'll do all three, of course! I'll work on the Grace while you kids find the fastest vessel you can and push towards the sector capital. If that works, wonderful! If not, we'll have to track them down manually. Let's go, kids. Time is of the essence. This enemy has already defeated humankind in another realm, and it was much less sophisticated then... but, so was I."


The winner was [X] Breaker of Suns, though with a truly enormous amount of omake power behind both it and Tower Above the vote could easily have swung a different way.

You have well over 47 Arete amassed from fanworks and Hunger's previous reserve, but no picks currently to spend it on. Perhaps Hunger will have to resort to manual training, given the lack of appreciable foes willing to throw themselves upon his sword...

[ ] Enough Gun - It doesn't matter what Dien does. With enough Praxis, any problem can be overcome! Few would have the absurd fortitude to push through more Praxis training after the excruciating tiredness of all his recent sessions, but even if it takes longer than usual, Hunger will cut through as always.

*Generates Praxis picks with Arete. Since Golden Goose was chosen earlier, Hunger can afterwards summon up a relevant Astral to slaughter for a single pick.
*May take a week or more. Hunger's will is immense, but even his spirit is not truly inexhaustible.
*There's plenty to buy if Hunger gets a pick. Cold Light of Vengeance, Imprisoner's Refinement, upgrades to Refinement of Battle or Quickness...

[ ] On the Trail - Attempt to actively investigate and discern what the enemy is doing. Hunger doubts he'll be able to understand the technical specifics of his opponent's strategy, but he is well-versed in war, adept at perceiving the instrumental principles towards which conflict in any theatre must converge. Even if he cannot discover how his foe intends to secure victory, he should at least be able to get an idea of what their tactical objectives are. And who knows? Maybe he'll stumble upon a convenient abomination or two, something capable of posing at least a minor threat.

*Better chance of discovering Dien's plan, though he'll be opposed by the slightly superior Rank of his opponent.
*Unsettlingly, that Rank seems to be growing at a noticeable pace per day...
*At the very least, Hunger should be able to gather plenty of empirical evidence for Gisena's future analysis.
*There's a good chance that obliterating all of Dien's assets in a system will set back their objectives at least a little, and the most interesting specimen can be neutralized with Hunger's Seal of Ruin if he doesn't want to annihilate it.

[ ] Do Something Else - Hunger could try researching the Eighth Sign with Adorie, or synthesizing enough mythic platinum to produce it from the Cloak of Sky... though the mind boggles at the sheer quantities required, there may truly not be enough mundane platinum in the universe to secure that result! He could search for Gisena & Co to draw upon her expertise on the matter, and unite with Novakhron to maximize their concentration of power.

*Hunger will apply his Wisdom to augment any write-ins proposed, or veto unviable plans from his perspective.

Gisena has made public her surface-level plan. But the Nullity Sorceress, as always, keeps her own counsel, and any who know her well understand that she places plots within plots, wheels within wheels -

[ ] Keep it Simple - It's really that simple, and on the face of it, there aren't many plans more effective than this.

[ ] A Hard Counter - Gisena will be working on a Grace, but it's one designed specifically to counter orcish physiology on a mass scale. She will be relying on the kids to successfully push through Republic defenses and Astral interference of unknown scope, in order to reach Hunger.

[ ] A Promising Lead [12 Arete] - There have been reports of other anomalous entities emerging from around Human space. If these are the Foremost come again, they certainly do not seem inclined to mutual cooperation. In that case, their own Graces should be well-suited to locating and assisting their diminished selves. And the enemy of an enemy...

*Unlikely to discover an ally as suitable as the Shogun, but there are a potential myriad of uses for a Foremost-detecting Grace, assuming it works consistently and at stellar ranges.

[ ] A Broken Kaleidoscope [50 Arete] - Desperate times call for desperate measures, and Gisena Allria will not see humanity fall before the Orcs again. When she glimpsed the Lathe of Heaven she understood only enough of it to grasp its barest traceries; implicit in its structure was the admonition that understanding ought to stop at the limits of one's comprehension, and to push farther was to chance destruction.

But destruction is coming regardless, and of a form and manner that Lord Hunger is ill-equipped to directly oppose. So be it, then.

This time, it is Gisena Allria's chance to do her uttermost. This time, she will not be found wanting.

*Something like a Cursebearer's Remittance, conjured from her rudimentary understanding of Hunger's essential nature and the arts of the Foremost pushed to the absolute breaking point. In isolation, it would be about as much power as a Combat-type Remittance, but combined with Gisena's existing capabilities it could offer far greater effects, in practice. Imagine the likes of the Interface, paired with her pseudo-Progression and Foremost Graces...
*The Ring of Artifice shall surely be shattered, broken beyond the possibility of repair at this act of supreme hubris.
*As for the Lady Nullity herself, who knows how much of herself will survive the process, of reaching so far beyond one's grasp, and succeeding anyway.


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Untoward Mustering
Untoward Mustering

Content warning: Described in generalities, the party discovers the extent of Dien's biological subversion.

Nearly two weeks had passed since Princess-Regent Allria had discovered the first great contagion. As she stared through Letrizia's vidscreen at the crowds milling peaceably below, Aeira wondered if there were any humans left in the Republic still free and un-contaminated. This was Jovien, the sector capital of the Republic industrial heartland, a planet which to all outward appearances seemed entirely unchanged.

Human minds habituated quickly to the rhythms of their environment. Novel stimuli, no matter how strange or surprising, quickly found themselves relegated to the confines of normality. Normality was the ever-present and inescapable state of humanity, the homeostatic baseline to which their sentiments invariably converged.

But normality was also a trap; for in binding one's fundament to a schedule of repeated events, it was all too easy to disregard the unknown, the unseen, or even the merely uncommon. And the rarity of an event had little correlation to its importance.

Today the world turned as it always did, as it always had for the last ten, twenty, or three hundred million years. Tomorrow, an extinction-level meteorite might render your entire species extinct. Or the ash cloud of a super-volcano might displace the cycle of day or night, dooming all your people to smog-choked starvation!

Or magi-technological hyperviruses might infect and puppeteer your entire civilization, spreading with a speed and subtlety that would leave any outside observer unknowing; the actions of your people apparently unchanged even as they stewed within a thousand billion biological prisons helpless to voice any quantum of alarm or dissent. Helpless to so much as place a single finger out of line, betrayed by even your autonomic systems.

Condemned to enact the unceasing clockwork of your unknown master's perfect facade, all to achieve a marginal advantage within a conflict you would never understand, much less support or appreciate.

"Theirs was not to question why," indeed. Aeira sighed.

This was why it paid to be prepared.

Having known the Foremost once existed; having known of even the location of some of their slumbering shards, was this level of laxity truly unforgivable, or was Aeira simply being unfair? She more than anyone knew you couldn't plan for every outside context problem, but the Armaments of the Republic were themselves tools capable of potentially forestalling such an assault - had the Republic possessed the foresight and executive capacity simply to plan. Likely there had been short-term priorities that seemed critically urgent at the time.

There always were. But excuses mattered nothing in the face of brute reality.

Regardless of whether your people held you to account, the world always would, once the power to insulate yourself from consequence was spent.

They had fought through much to reach here, rampaging Astrals supported by swarms of variant monstrosities. Shadow-wreathed Verschlengorge and brilliant Novakhron were hammer and anvil, steadily but slowly working their way through the abominable tide. Luckily the Princess-Regent was far more competent than the Republic Council, but against this foe she had tended towards an excess of caution, comprehensively pre-empting many vectors of esoteric attack even at the cost of time. Was it wise, to ensure they could not be used as hostages against the King, or foolish, to place so much faith in his powers of advancement alone?

"Penny for your thoughts?" Letrizia asked. The Duchess was frowning - a frequent occurrence these days - but not unkindly. Aeira smiled brightly in response.

"Feeling sorry for this Republic system," she said. "So many unfortunate people, condemned by inept leadership. Their new ruler seems far more capable, though I doubt they will enjoy the spoils of that ability."

"Hmph," Letrizia said. "That's what comes of allowing the masses to choose their leaders. Say what you will of Attramemnar, he would never have allowed his pilot, or his pilot's holdings, to be caught flat-footed like this."

Aeira hummed noncommittally. They had heard of the Empire's alliance with an entity known as the Shogun, and their subsequent policy of total isolation. Letrizia had been quite relieved to hear of her homeland's relative security. Was she unaware of the Princess-Regent's hand in those events? It was unlike Gisena Allria not to take credit, though they had all tread lightly around the Duchess since her father's demise.

"Perhaps," she finally replied. "Though I wonder how much say the masses actually had, given their government's soft control over all forms of data distribution. It seems much more an oligarchy than any form of democracy by ideals."

"Oh come on," Letrizia rolled her eyes. "You're not one of those 'democracy has never been tried' folks, are you? Without the Armaments to keep their territories in line the Republic would have fallen apart long ago. Whereas your breakaway state kept to Imperial traditions even as it severed ties politically! What does that tell you?"

Hunger still sometimes looked askance at them when they made such comments, as if deriding the idea of popular rule was in some way a faux pas. The Earth of his time had been somewhat democratic, she'd gathered, or at least the nation in which he'd resided. What little he had mentioned evoked a primitive, but less-sclerotic version of the modern Republic. That the rest of them hailed from states governed by an aristocracy or absolute monarchy, did not often come up.

As for Aeira herself, she was more than clear on the disadvantages of rule by a hereditary nobility - exploitation and abuse of power, lack of social mobility, inconsistent accountability, with one poor leader capable of ruining the entire nation - but did not have enough experience to say whether something like democracy would be more effective overall. It was, she supposed, a moot point given that even Princess-Regent Allria's power could suffice to create a philosopher-queen without peer, much less the unlimited Progression available to the King himself.

The only rule she would live to see, given how intimately her fate was tied to theirs, would be the invincible benevolent autocracy of King Hunger or King Hunger's agent, in practice if not in name. They would prevail or die, and she would play her part to the best of her abilities. It was comforting, in a way, though she understood why Aobaru found it smothering.

Aeira shrugged. "The Elixir leadership did what was most comfortable for them. And what is normal is often comfortable."

It was easy for simple comfort to take precedence over near-every priority. For example, Letrizia had never asked why Aeira did not use contractions (a fact that Aeira greatly appreciated). And now that they had known each other for several months, it was simply too awkward to broach the topic spontaneously. That would not stop the likes of the Princess-Regent, but it would certainly give Letrizia pause. It was one fortunate event of many in Aeira's life.

How would the Sovereignty have fared, she wondered, if the outside-context problem that stumbled upon them was not Lord Hunger but his opposite? An actual conquering tyrant, cruel and capricious rather than their brooding champion the Reckoner of Rotspawn? Would the surgecrafters have marshaled any meaningful resistance, or simply fallen in disarray?

The greatest upheaval of her life had been a positive thing. If the valence of that event had been negative, would she have been sufficiently prepared? Lord Hunger was not invincible the day he chanced upon them. Before he slew the Rotbeast, in theory he could have been repelled.

It was cramped in Verschlengorge's cockpit. Strings and blankets of her Element were strewn and woven around her, a soft cocoon of cushioning that ablated the impacts of the Armament's movement. Foremost technology did the rest, she assumed, even though a pilot in Totality had no need of g-force mitigation to survive maneuver at combat speeds. The Foremost had been prepared for the possibility of passengers in the pilot's compartment - or perhaps had simply wanted to ensure the survival of the pilot's accoutrements.

What system of governance had they employed, she wondered? How had they arranged their affairs, they who once dominated the cosmos and whose departure left it a diminished ruin? Had they, too, been caught flat-footed by some outside-context problem of incomprehensible immensity? Had they stirred the ire of some trans-comic being as far above them as they were above ordinary humanity?

It was exciting, and truly foreboding, that she might one day actually know the answers to such questions.

They were all caught within King Hunger's wake, and his outrageous rate of ascent showed no signs of slowing. Impossible as it was to conceive, one day she, Aeira Shadowcord, an impromptu mercenary without so much as a bachelor's degree, might scale such heights of power as to rival the Foremost themselves! Already her personal prowess was beyond that of any Armor Prototype, a side effect of King Hunger's magic that ensured his 'companions' held a level of Rank only moderately below his own.

To Hunger it was an incidental advancement, one stone of many in the redoubt of his power; acquired mostly for Gisena and Letrizia's sake but conveniently extended to Aeira and Aobaru as well.

To Aeira, it had been the greatest and most stupefying elevation of her life. The mightiest surgecrafters of the Sovereignty would struggle their entire lives to claw towards enough power to rival a Republic super-dreadnought. Aeira could slaughter such via the indifferent emission of her Pressure, a capability that she had not ever even trained to use! She could stand careless and undaunted before the maw of its main guns and be confident its fearsome cannonade would not so much as stir a hair.

Entire nations, entire planets would yield before her Rank, armies of billions as helpless as babes before the supernova glare of that Astral incandescence. It was truly peculiar, to wield such power simply because Hunger had one day decided it would be more convenient if his retinue could all defend themselves.

It was absurd. It was comical. It was pure fantasy, pure escapist impossibility beyond even the realm of daydream. Only her paradoxical lack of agency despite such outrageous power lent a tinge of the real, of credibility, to the situation. Had she told her senior-year self, even with incontrovertible proof the younger Aeira would have struggled to believe it. And yet this was the experience of her life today.

It was a dangerous thing, normality. The systems of one's world could crumble in an instant, and who presided above the ruins would only be the fortunate - and the prepared.



Wheresoever he turned, it seemed, the enemy was ahead of him. Every planetoid, every platform, every colony, every star, the mark of Dien Bravo was plainly apparent for those with eyes to see. That something had been off about even the superficially ordinary worlds they ventured to became clear very swiftly: Hunger himself could find no physical abnormality, but the Ring of Blood spoke of their warped and futile passions, the screams of a populace caged in body, spirit and mind.

Adorie was beside herself searching for a way to rescue them, but for all their raw power neither of the two possessed the specific conjunction of abilities necessary even to attempt such a thing. These people were parasitized from the Astral down to the sub-cellular levels. The luckiest were wholly unwitting, people whose neurology had 'merely' been restructured such that they were, on a sub-conscious level, utterly incapable of disobeying Dien's agents or acting against his interests.

But there were plenty of strains exhibiting various degrees of control or manipulation, from fanatical Dien-devotion to full-on locked-in puppetry. Absent any superior interventions, Hunger had done his best to pretend that the 'oblivious' strains were the best at fooling him, lest the Republic's populace would become wholly expendable in the eyes of that Foremost shard.

Sheer overwhelming Rank sufficed to protect those in their immediate presence, but that was less than a sliver, not even a drop in the ocean of silent calamity that Dien had proliferated upon the populace.

He had committed to tracking down the source, the monstrosity who had unleashed this plague upon the Republic's trillions. But it was difficult to find a trail to follow when evidence sprang up in every direction he turned. No matter which system he ventured to, he could hardly step forward without bumping into some scheme or abomination of Dien's. The enemy was everywhere, which meant its originator might as well be nowhere for all the good it did Hunger.

Which meant only that he would have to search faster.

It was clear that the systems Dien subjugated were of unequal importance. Hunger theorized that the star-spanning ringworlds were the most critical of his enemy's assets, though their exact function beyond findross-harvesting was still unclear. He had destroyed dozens of such worlds and their incubator-stars, enough to have provoked a military response from Dien's forces, which otherwise preferred wholly to avoid him. That he had crushed easily enough, but the remaining ringworlds were spread distantly in remote systems, fed by Republic populations transported with uncanny swiftness.

Thankfully the worst of it seemed confined to Republic space, with other Foremost awakening and partnering with the Empire and Association for mutual defense. But it was entirely possible for Dien to have simply spread in the direction of least resistance, outwards from the Human Sphere.

Hunger had never thought he would oppose an enemy more terrible than the Tyrant - greater in power, certainly, but never as pitiless, as omnipresent and relentless, as skillful and cruel as the Forebear's get. Naive, perhaps, but now that he wielded Progression he had assumed that no opponent would drive him to such lengths of desperation as he had felt against his original foe. But this was a war of unprecedented scope, whose unspoken atrocities were horrifying even to contemplate. Dien Bravo was giving the Tyrant a run for his money, but that man's calculating brutality was almost preferable to the Foremost's total indifference towards suffering.

Even if he succeeded in rooting out the foe, what degree of punishment could account for such crimes?

But justice was only the prerogative of victors. To have a hope of contemplating that problem, of presiding over the shattered Republic populace and the ruins of their core systems, he first had to move faster.


The winners were [X] A Promising Lead and [X] On the Trail.

Gisena's actions have lead her to a shard of the Foremost known as the Emissary, who has arranged a united front between Empire, Association, and the shards within their territory against the forces of the Surgeon. They are barely capable of repelling even his diffident attentions, and this unified resistance will make both polities more difficult to conquer in the future, but at least a humanitarian disaster has been mostly averted within Imperial and Association space. With this, the immediate annihilation of the Human Sphere is not as pressing of a threat, though the fate of the Republic's citizenry still hangs in the balance.

Through desperate training in the Praxis, Hunger has acquired the Attainment of Quickness, allowing him to maintain +1 ISH Agility at all times. With such power, even Dien's greatest creations of the moment pose no personal threat to him, allowing Hunger to continue his sun-hunting campaign unabated and at great speed. But the chief priority remains finding the Surgeon himself, and despite the damage he's inflicted Hunger still lacks any concrete leads...

Hunger has suffered -Mental Stability from witnessing Dien's horrors.
Adorie has suffered ---Mental Stability from witnessing Dien's horrors.

Dien is no fool, of course. He has crafted countless layers of contingency to secure his person and obscure his location, efforts bolstered by his continually-growing Rank. Though Hunger has notably slowed his rate of ascent, ever-more Feeder Suns are coming online by the day. This state of affairs cannot continue.

[ ] Once United - Focus on reaching Gisena and the kids before the upcoming Realm of Evening proc, which will be occurring soon. Once within, you can both take measures to develop an effective answer to Dien's strategy. Dien and his Astral - allies? slaves? - will certainly do their utmost to stop you, but despite their strategic outflanking they cannot match Hunger or Novakhron in sheer tactical strength. It will take some time, but you are almost certain to re-convene with your party and enter the Realm of Evening safely.

[ ] Must Divide - Dien cannot be allowed to roam free even one day further. His exponentiating tide will consume the universe if unchecked, and who knows how long the less-advantaged Foremost can hold out. Though it will be taxing to do so, Hunger can split the Blade & Favor so that he may re-cast Closing the Fist on another set of Artifacts, potentially creating an object of power capable of countering Dien more directly. He can then exploit the Supreme Enclosure Sign to acquire as many picks as possible before the Astrals fully neutralize it.

*Desperate Times - Unlocks Ring & Blade merger, though the risks are high and the consequences even of success, dire. Hunger will also suffer -Mental Stability from dividing the Blade & Favor and re-casting Closing the Fist under such time constraints.
*Desperate Measures - Will almost certainly render Supreme Enclosure useless in the future.

[ ] Another Kingdom - The Voyaging Realm so far seems to have been spared Dien's attentions. Perhaps it holds defenses capable of repelling his agents, or is he wary of the Shards within? Regardless, falling back to Nilfel should retract Dien's Apocryphal support for a few days, and Hunger can now awaken and consult with the Arcanist by force, if necessary. From there, many possibilities arise - perhaps Hunger could attempt to unlock the Eighth Sign of the Empyrean, or see if the Throne Agent program has produced any relevant warriors, or open a dialogue between the Arcanist and Shogun. The Voyaging Realm is on the border of Empire and Republic space, so it wouldn't be a far journey for either, and as Makers they would have more in common than with Dien. Still, this would be ceding the initiative, if only for the moment, in exchange for greater options down the line. +Mental Stability, +Adorie, +Adorie Mental Stability


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Blurb Library: Regalia of Strife
Blurb Library update on the Patreon for Foremost+! Current vote count?

[ ] Regalia of Strife [3 picks, 50 Arete OR Heroic Advancement] - Req. The Forebear's Blade, the Tears of Winter, the Evening Sky, King of Winter, Breaker of Suns - Supreme Commander, Core Panoply, Closing the Fist.

Inset upon that iron guard like jewels atop a crown, like stars plucked from evening's face and forge-bound into covenant; the tears of the sky adorn that murder-weapon, wed might to glory that all under heaven shall yield to its reign.

*The Tears of Winter are fused with the Evening Sky, then set upon the hilt-guard of the Forebear's Blade. Integrates, upgrades, and imbues Breaker of Suns and Core Panoply into the Blade, causing the resulting Advancement to be available to the worthy wielders of that weapon. This does mean that effects which renounce the blade, even temporarily such as Sword in the Stone, will deprive the wielder of those Advancements for the duration.
*Retroactively apply the % Rank Gain from Breaker of Suns to the Rank acquired from Core Panoply.
*Combine the wielder's Might with their Charisma. Combine all Attribute +s, sum all % Modifiers, and effects that augment or draw upon the Attributes in question now interact fully and seamlessly with the new combined Attribute, named Potency. Refinement of Battle now multiplies Potency, increasing both the character's physical and interpersonal force with undiluted effectiveness; Vigor Incarnate adds the character's full Potency to their Protection. Holy Shit doubles the character's Potency against individuals weaker than him. However, Sky Veil now reduces physical strength alongside charisma if employed.
*+++++++++++++++++++++++++Potency, Potency minimum modifier set to 500%
*The intensity of Supreme Commander is automatically maximized regardless of feats. Even unmoving does the character's power distend the Astral wheresoever his name is known.
*Add the Prowess Attribute to the character's trainable qualities. Perhaps with sufficient skill the consequences of power overwhelming might be mitigated.
Twilight of the Gods
Twilight of the Gods

Dien chuckled to himself. Abruptly and totally had the dread Lord Hunger's strategy changed, and the Foremost Shard had no idea why! All at once the Praehihr had ceased his campaign against the Feeder Suns and shifted trajectories. The projected course of Hunger's movements took him on a rendezvous course with his retinue of long-suffering minions, but what could they possibly achieve together that they'd failed to accomplish apart?

What could be so important that Hunger would forthrightly ignore the delightful succession of baits that Dien had placed before him - vulnerable Suns, populaces whose rescue was a trivial effort, even hints to an increasingly important selection of Dien's most-secret plans!? Genuine weaknesses, utterly exposed... had Hunger simply intuited that none were truly critical to Dien's success, that their loss would always be painful, never lethal?

Dien had no idea, though of course he'd matriculated a thousand hypotheses merely awaiting empirical confirmation to be graduated. Despite his total penetration of Republic security systems he did not have a complete picture of the Praehihr's capabilities - to say nothing of those which 'the Anomaly' might have spontaneously developed during this period of rampant Progression. Would Lord Hunger and his allies merge into some sort of unstoppable memetic super-juggernaut, thematic mirror to Dien's own ascent atop the bodies of his unwitting lackeys? Was there some unique attribute to his Armament beyond its superior raw strength and devastating arsenal? Had they given up this universe as lost and now sought merely to re-unite, that they might bridge to the next world together?

Who could know? Who could say! But the arrant decisiveness of Hunger's action, Dien enjoyed greatly. There were always more contingencies to spin, but all and any would only matter if they were deployed; and, having been deployed, contributed meaningfully to his victory. In contrast Lord Hunger was always moving forward, always cutting through, straight singleminded pursuit of that fatal joint which would deal death to his current opponent - bring it unto Ruin, that conceptual lacuna which ringed him like a halo. Dien could not wait to pit his greatest weapons against that aegis, see them falter or endure!

He dearly hoped that Hunger had no intention to flee. But regardless, whether Hunger's swiftness was confidence or desperation, Dien would do his best to see it stymied. Even if he could not understand his opponent's move, he knew better than to allow it to proceed unchecked. And if all of that had simply been a trap, an elaborate act to force out the puppet-master, despite laughably improbable odds of success?

Well, Dien would be impressed! For success was never laughable when it manifested in truth. But Heroes of all castes knew best how to improvise. A Maker crafts scenarios in which their defeat would be impossible, so that a Hero may come along and defeat them anyway.

He was certain a Maker would see it differently. But what did that matter? He was the Surgeon, or its foremost shadow in this diminished universe. And to one such as him, all caste was flesh, and all flesh but clay for the sculpting.


She still wasn't used to playing second fiddle.

For much of her life, Letrizia Artriez had been the fearsome shining star of her duchy, her dutiful valor an example across the Empire, the sacrifice of her lifespan praised and bemoaned by a trillion admirers across the Human Sphere. The appellation of Pilot was all but synonymous with 'idol,' a bewildering synchrony that she had always taken for granted, attributed more to a certain peculiar resemblance than any prize earned or gained.

Her life was not to be the passive vessel of adulation; she knew little of her 'fans' and encountered very few (For goodness' sake, she had even been oblivious to her fellow pilot's crush!), nor were the royalty-derived revenues more than a pittance compared to the income of her family's estate. To say nothing of the influence-in-practice that an Armament Pilot in good standing with her Implement could wield!

Her life had been a regimented sequence of objectives to fulfill, interspersed with fleeting downtime clutched preciously and mined greedily for vivid experience. Some would protest that, while her hobbies were not inexpensive - fine dining in prodigious quantities, Astral research methodologies, authentic printed books and pre-Sphere media from Old Terra - they were still restrained compared to the bacchanalian carnage enjoyed by some of the peerage.

But the worlds that her fellow nobility saw, holographically-projected or opulently-rendered into the real, came from the perspective of a modern augmented human with centuries of life ahead of them. They lacked the urgency, the verve, the hurried and desperate fury of the Old Terran artists, whose mayfly span was nearly as brief as her own.

Of course, she was not a benighted idiot who believed that greater humanity ought sacrifice its five-century life expectancy on the altar of artistic output. She simply believed that the experiences of a short-lived species might resonate more thoroughly with her own; that their wisdom might be more relevant to her than the quotidian tripe of her era. Perhaps she was simply parroting the attitudes of every teenager from every era, searching for wisdom anywhere but here.

But that was the Letrizia of the distant past, three or four long months ago! That Letrizia would have been overjoyed to survive a century or more; now Lord Hunger's transfusions ensured she would persist millennia if undisturbed. Now there was no Decimation, no mission, no onus of responsibility or duty. Hunger and Gisena decided everything and took care of everything. Their role as 'the kids' was essentially to follow and obey.

Sometimes they contributed, but rarely was their contribution pivotal or decisive. She and Verschlengorge were both as powerful as they'd ever been in her life, for all that it was less than a speck before Lord Hunger himself. She was not even the foremost Armament Pilot of their party; Novakhron's parameters were categorically superior in nearly every way! Stupid Aobaru thought it was his piloting skill that made the difference...

From short-lived sacrifice to nigh-on immortal. From revered icon to party... mascot.

Was she happy? Was she resentful?

Mostly, she was confused. Her emotions had settled into a doldrum that was not idle apathy; she wanted to feel grandly, but did not know what to feel.

The shock of Papa's death had given her direction, but Gisena's promise to eventually... resurrect him placed that emotion into limbo. She wanted very much to visit terrible retribution upon the Republic, but even the fire of that hatred had burned down to mere embers in the face of Dien's atrocities, a fate even the Republic high command probably didn't deserve.

Though Hunger had granted them each an enormous degree of Rank, and Letrizia's personal Element was highly synergistic with both her prior interests as well as that largesse, she had (shamefully!) not devoted much time recently to developing the ability. Her power was great, but still below Verschlengorge's own, and the myriad of applications that it 'might' bring about seemed inconsequential in comparison to Gisena's limitless versatility.

Case in point: they were fighting to re-unite with Hunger and Adorie now, having arrived on the same planet but with their meeting interrupted by a veritable tide of bizarrely-augmented Astrals. In this they were actually assisted by the few Republic forces in orbit, volition restored by a sub-grace Gisena had developed, the Galvanic Truss. Sadly it lacked interstellar range and limitless target-applicability, else at least one of Dien's plagues upon the Republic would have been halted in its tracks!

Letrizia was an excellent Pilot, a highly-trained veteran with a natural affinity for her Armament and thousands of engagements under her belt. But for the first time in her life, mere excellence did not suffice. Gisena was a genius beyond reckoning. Adorie, Aeira and Aobaru all possessed powerful support abilities that - importantly - scaled to the strength of the recipient. They would always be important, would always offer meaningful advantage to Hunger and the pursuit of his goals.

Lord Hunger had, of course, grown stronger in the time between meetings; he was no man but a murderous haze, a probability-cloud of terrible death becoming inescapably certain as one neared the center. Even the Sovereigns of the Astral Realm could but bow and submit to that beautiful destruction. A curious tension, like the eddying of a vortex, had overtaken the battlefield; the Astrals outpouring and seemingly limitless, and Hunger equally infinite in striking them down.

Much as she was grateful not to be Lord Hunger's enemy - a fact that may not have been as ironclad as it seemed, but for the accident of fate that they had encountered each other first - still she struggled mightily to find a place of relevance aside him. In the time it took her to land one blow with Verschlengorge, he could dismantle an army.

And he wasn't even using Novakhron to amplify his powers further! Wheresoever Lord Hunger took the battlefield, the age of Armaments was over. Ereadhihr below Praehihr - never before had the hierarchy been so starkly delineated, so sharp and clear and bright.

Letrizia sighed, and smiled wryly, disengaging from Totality without a word. She put her headphones on and began to play a track from the Terran epoch. The hum of the analog tape had a graininess that was uniquely satisfying. What she did, would not change the course of this battle. It was a novel feeling, to accompany a long-apparent truth. The tide could come in or the tide could go out; neither minnow nor whale could change that. Best go with the flow, lest one end up beached.


Synaptic nets erupted under enormous pressure, a feedback web of fatalistic surety that coursed through his minions and resulted in their gory end. The data was conclusive.

There was no point in fighting, better to self-destruct and deny what advantage they could to their enemy. At the close they had achieved essentially nothing; in half an eyeblink Lord Hunger had regenerated himself, wounds washed away in a swirl of blood. His companions had not been touched at all, sheltered by Nullity or Totality or their own formidable Rank.

Rage and joy coursed through him; conjoined, they became a shiver of anticipation. How outrageous! How unfair! Lord Hunger's tactical superiority was truly unassailable at this juncture. Dien had sent forth his utmost, creations of sublime power invested with all his present technology, every spark and flourish of genius yet available to him. It had been an undying Astral horde that would neither relent nor yield.

And yet they had accomplished nothing. A benchmark, a speed-bump to briefly delay the Cursebearer from his desired reunion. At best, a head-fake that Dien might still be toying with Hunger.

Never mind that the Praehihr didn't seem to actually do anything afterwards, content seemingly to exchange banter with his lieutenant and their mutual supplicants.

What did it matter, Dien wondered, that the Hero held every world and territory of import, if they still could not stop the Tyrant from doing as he pleased?

He struck himself violently, bone rupturing beneath the force of his blow.

Melancholy was so unlike him! This was not the first time that Lord Hunger had butchered his premier creations. Back to the drawing board, as always. What could he do but persevere?

Perhaps it was time to deploy Etrynome. It might make no difference at all; he had materially failed to elicit any sort of ceiling to Hunger's might. But he could hardly count as having done his utmost, when there was still one card to play.


Vote update in couple days!

If you'd like to discuss the quest in real-time or just chat, you're welcome to join the AST Discord!

A huge thanks to all my subscribers on Patreon! The amount of support has been truly incredible! Subscribers receive access to patron-exclusive content, such as the Blurb Library, early updates, Discord roles, Wishes, commissions, and bonus chapters.
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A Solemn Reprieve
A Solemn Reprieve

Vote Update time!

Uniting with their errant companions, the party was able to hold out until the day of the new moon, and earn themselves a brief & solemn reprieve from the horrors of Dien's campaign. Yet when time resumes it flow, the Hero's exponential growth shall continue unabated. It falls upon Hunger and his allies to emerge from Evening's Realm with the tools and abilities to overcome this monstrous puppetmaster, lest the universe entire end up bridled by its strings.

Hunger has not been idle in the weeks leading up to re-unification, of course! He has continued at the same relentless pace which drove him in his original world - harried from one desperate redoubt to another, staying just inches ahead of the Tyrant's pursuit, cultivating just enough in the way of prowess, allies, equipment or resolve to remain doggedly alive despite the hail and thunder of the Overlord's fury. Unceasingly he has sought further development, power enough to rip Dien Bravo from its throne and cast it down into irretrievable oblivion.

And his efforts have borne fruit, somewhat. Hunger has developed Breaker of Suns - Supreme Commander and the Refinement of War. Power enough, at the very least, to demonstrate his absolute tactical superiority over even the mightiest of Dien's creations.

Refinement of War - 1 + 7 Praxis picks / 25 Arete, Req. Refinement of Purpose, Refinement of Quickness or Prowess, Refinement of Battle

The caster for an instant embodies the supreme war-making version of themselves, triumph distilled and made incarnate. Extremely draining, for emergency use only. Like a controlled Shattering Blow.

*Apply half the numerical benefits of the Refinement of Battle, and half the ISH elevation of the Refinement of (Quickness/Prowess), to the character's Might, Agility, Wits, Prowess, Luck, Protection, and Wisdom (Combat) for one action or brief sequence of actions. Does not stack with the benefits inherent to the pre-requisites of this Advancement.

-If possessing Attainment of Quickness: Highly Draining, apply 7/10ths the benefits and elevation instead.
-And possessing Attainment of Battle: Duration increased to "one full exchange of blows or the equivalent," apply full benefits and elevation instead.
-And possessing Attainment of Purpose: Unlocks Subordination of War

Supreme Commander [Special Advancement]

Upgrades Conquerer's Nimbus, appending the following ability:

*The character is master of every battlefield, all-seeing general whose omnipresent strategies are as conclusive as they are inescapable. Wheresoever word spreads of the character's feats within a conflict, the character's Rank is as well. With fame enough it is as if he were physically present at the site. At its greatest, this may encompass the entire theatre of said conflict regardless of scope. Now at last does the reach of his Astral gravitation come to match its force, so long as there are subjects - or enemies - to bear witness. The terror and despair of an overmatched foe are just as potent a catalyst as the admiration and trust of one's partisans.
*Note that the effectiveness of Rank normally falls off with distance. Properly utilized, this Advancement allows the character to wage war at nearly unlimited scope, as one-many army and occupying host; war across whole realms and realities, connected or disjointed, fending off infinite fronts so long as his exploits are known.
*The character's projected Rank reaches full intensity with one epic feat, three notable feats, or a steady pattern of moderate but impressive feats of martial achievement. This is relative to the context of the conflict; what may seem epic to inland barbarians is trifling to the Foremost, for example.


Even with Adorie's assistance, Hunger cannot use Refinement of War very often. Having very briefly employed it against Dien's legions, his first few days within the Realm of Evening will be spent recuperating - not merely from the exertion inherent to the technique, but from the ruthless pace he has subjected himself to these past weeks.

Afterwards, the task of finding Dien - or of fortifying the Human Sphere sufficiently to resist his pernicious work - continues apace. Hunger has somewhat over 54 Arete. What shall he spend his efforts and ingenuity upon?

You may choose up to two. If you think of appropriate strategies, you may write-in options targeting Aobaru, Aeira or Letrizia's advancement as well. For example, purchasing Sublime Fulcrum with the Legendary Template to be applied to Aobaru could drastically elevate his relevance in both present and future conflicts!

[ ] Strife Without End - The destiny of those afflicted with the Apocryphal Curse is battle without surcease. What others may call a reprieve from war, Hunger recognizes as an opportunity to train further. Hunger will generate a substantial number of picks (fed into Echoes) this Pillars effort, and may also spend his Arete on both normal and Praxis Advancements appropriate to the picks generated. 1- and 2-pick fights are readily achievable within the Realm of Evening; 3-pick fights are possible but dangerous.

*Staying ahead of Dien's advancement curve requires constant effort on Hunger's part. Fortunately, so long as Hunger maintains his lead he has little to personally fear from the depredations of the Surgeon, and so far the compounding effects of his interlocked Advancements have kept him well above the Foremost Shard.
*Gives you the opportunity to spend picks & Arete on Advancements for Hunger himself, including some Praxis techniques.
*Even without this, Hunger will still train to some degree, picking up a modest number of Echoes.

[ ] Barricade of Myth - The Walls of Myth have sheltered Nilfel from diminishment and external ills for time immemorial. Perhaps there is some way to offer that fortified seclusion to territories that Hunger conquers? He is, after all, Nilfel's Champion, and bodyguard to its queen...

Unlocks Hail the Queen. Hunger will need to succeed in a 3-pick fight to acquire the Advancement. ++Adorie Mental Stability; she's so relieved to be finally helping!

Hail the Queen [3 picks, 28 Arete] - Req. November Sky - Winter Wonderland, Spare the Innocent, Oath of Winter

Wheresoever the snow touches, that is her domain.

Grants a further +++++All Attributes to the Queen and Champion of Nilfel, and tremendously expands her power of rule. Elevate her Social Attributes by one half-step along the Infinite Singularity Husk.

Further, reality itself respects the surety of her dominion; the law, written or fundamental, is hers to reshape as she wills. Nor is she bound to the finitude of her existing territory: lands annexed into her domain can be equally warped to her purpose.

The bearer of the Oath of Winter may re-configure the metaphysics and fundamental phenomena of her territory to a degree. Lands conquered or bartered for, or which otherwise fall under her legitimate dominion, are immediately subject to this effect the moment that power is secured. The preconditions for legitimacy are strict; ostensible rule does not suffice, only the true power of a de facto monarch can establish such totality of influence. A governor may administer such territories in her place, so long as their role is contained to the execution of her overriding policy.

Lands under her rule may be subject to any number of ordinary societal laws, as well as up to three supernal Decrees. Access to a Decree-effect is profoundly influenced by its thematic suitability to the kingdom in question; a criterion that takes into account the nation's history, customs, culture and holistic factors. In general, the broader and more supernatural the Decree, the lesser its strength of enforcement, though specificity does not yield additional power past the point of reasonableness, save when it targets the Champion of Nilfel. There is no special benefit to overlapping Decrees. Decrees are applied with equal strength over the entirety of the Queen's dominion, unless she uses a Decree to specify otherwise. It is difficult and time-consuming, but possible, to modify or replace Decrees once issued.

By default, the strength of an suitable Decree is equal to that of a Ring of Power exerting an appropriate secondary domain with effective Rank equal to the Queen's. A thematically resonant and highly focused Decree might wield strength equal to a primary domain at one level of Rank above the Queen's own, while an exceptionally broad and outlandish Decree with no thematic connection might use half the Queen's Rank or less. All who reside under the wreath of such a monarch hope that she will use her power to benevolent ends, rather than towards the creation of a more perfect tyranny - that is, unless she Decrees otherwise.

Example - some presently accessible Decrees for Nilfel:

It is always winter in Nilfel, and Nilfel is winter's land; any foe or ailment that seeks to besiege it shall be bled of its vigor until frozen in stasis. Strength: Queen's Rank.

The Champion of Nilfel is its unwavering aegis. So long as he stands, any external ill that seeks to afflict its peoples shall find its every incursion blunted, its every design turned to naught. Strength: Queen's Rank.

The Champion of Nilfel, when fighting upon its soil, surges with indefatigable vitality and terrific force of valor, exhibiting unprecedented strength in battle. Strength: Queen's Rank. Grants a bonus to combat effectiveness equal to the Ring of Blood at that Rank.

The Fonts of Myth shall be turned to this purpose: that no plague or contagion of Foremost design may afflict the Nilfellian peoples. Strength: Queen's Rank +1, Primary Domain, but consumes the output of the Fonts of Myth.

The Champion of Nilfel shall be a mighty magus and sorcerer, empowered by the land to effect feats both subtle and encompassing. Strength: Queen's Rank. Grants the Champion access to a 'Sorcery' Ring Domain with effective Rank equal to the Queen's.

[ ] Critical Mass - Time to fight fire with fire; findross with findross; Foremost with Foremost. Dien Bravo is not the only genius who can scale, and the realm of the sciences has ever been the domain of the Makers. Show him the glory and the power of their aspiring champion, their genius without weakness or equal. Hunger will spend substantial time exerting his influence over the Realm in order to accelerate and augment Gisena's Grace research and creation efforts.

Unlocks Mythology Halo. Hunger will need to succeed in a 3-pick challenge to acquire the Advancement.

Mythology Halo [3 picks, 28 Arete] - Req. Ring of Artifice, Renaissance Woman, Feat: Orb

To match the Foremost is the destiny of a sorceress. To exceed them, is the feat of a genius.

A Halo-type Advancement.

Gisena Allria gains +300% All Attributes and may merge three of her Graces into a Halo, a ring of patterned light at her back which manifests effects of surpassing scale and eldritch complexity. The exact suite of effects created depends on the Graces employed in the merger.

The Halo is a semi-physical object, purest information imbued with purpose and substance. It is only somewhat more durable than the Sorceress herself. If destroyed, it must be recreated in a process of immense intellectual effort. During its absence the Sorceress will be deprived of its Attribute bonus and lose access to its constituent Graces. The Halo's existence is maintained by the Artifice domain; destruction of the Ring of Artifice would cause it to slowly unravel, with eventual consequences of similar scale.

Example Halos:

Halo of Singularity - Auspex Temporal, True Perfecting Blade, True Nullity. The bearer constantly exudes a world-state paradigm whereby all effects beyond the baseline capabilities of one's form can only be achieved by skill or technology, but the potential of the latter is wholly unbound.

Renaissance Halo - Evoker's Panoply, Grace of the Glaze, Maiden's Whisper. The bearer loses access to the component Graces, but may through this Halo manifest any two Graces she has encountered, and may alter the manifested Graces every twenty-one hundred hours. The strength of these manifested Graces will not massively exceed that of her mightiest native Grace.

[ ] A True Reprieve - Actually take some time to rest beyond the first few days. The demands of the hour are great, but if Hunger will not steal what moments he can while the hourglass itself is stilled, when will he ever take the opportunity? His lead over Dien is substantial; now is time to mitigate the stresses of accruing that lead, before any cracks in his psyche grow from fine spiderwebbing to extravagant flaw.

+Mental Stability to Hunger and the party as a whole.

[ ] Full Throttle - Mighty as Hunger is, he has been intentionally crippling himself. The cause was worthy: Gisena's party may not have survived Dien's attentions without the bulwark of Novakhron's sheer might. But the time has come to concentrate that power, that it might be leveraged fully in exterminating the Surgeon. For this enemy there can be no peace nor mercy, no honorable exchange of blows: only annihilation, total and unremitting, at the hands of the Dog of War.

Get in the robot, Hunger.

*Hunger will train to use Novakhron seriously in battle, substantially increasing his overall power at the cost of reducing Aobaru to a support character once more.
*Unlocks various Novakhron- and Piloting-related Advancements. You may want to see them even if you don't end up investing a lot of Arete here!
*The stellar manipulation afforded to an Armament covers a range of effects far beyond mere kinetic destruction...
*You may also gain some insight into what Dien may have done to augment Etrynome!


If you'd like to discuss the quest in real-time or just chat, you're welcome to join the AST Discord!

A huge thanks to all my subscribers on Patreon! The amount of support has been truly incredible! Subscribers receive access to patron-exclusive content, such as the Blurb Library, early updates, Discord roles, Wishes, commissions, and bonus chapters.
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Wrack and Ruin
Wrack and Ruin

The Realm of Evening was the site of magnificent opulence beyond mortal dreams of luxury. Few places were better suited to mirthful indolence, though there was little such in evidence today. Gisena had recruited all their companions into assistants for her experimentation, which proceeded at a feverish pace unmindful of bodily or spiritual demands. The ambrosia of Evening, and their own Rank and magics, would more than suffice to supply them with vigor enough for the interim. All the power around them had been turned to the purpose of bare function, and the wonders that spilled forth merely prelude to war.

It was a shame, Hunger thought, that none of them would get to enjoy the Realm as it was intended this jaunt. Theirs was a voluntary conscription, but perhaps he could still intervene...

He strode in wearily, finding the Sorceress of Nullity at the center of a mystical conflagration, prismatic elements fluxing and blazing in controlled pandemonium around her. Runes carved in Vigorflame and Shadowcord guttered about on her periphery, straining to maintain their shape as they one-by-one winked out. Gisena released a tide of Nullity, extinguishing the rest as she strode pertly over to greet him.

"How stereotypical," he scoffed. "As soon as she gets magic, it's onwards with the multi-colored explosions and incomprehensible sigils. At least try to maintain something of your dignity as an anti-magic specialist."

Gisena smiled dreamily. "Aren't they wonderful? Such beautiful lights to reflect the vast bounty of potential they carry! These reified Graces will be combined into something far more versatile someday."

"If you want support from the Realm of Evening, I can sit here and assist you while I convalesce from my own training. You'll have to let the kids go, however. Letrizia's a duchess and Adorie is even royalty; who knows what kinds of enemies you're making by forcing them them to work in such an environment? How inhumane."

She pouted. "Aww, but they volunteered! And I didn't even try very hard to convince them. There's no need to resort to human rights excuses. You can just admit that you want me all to yourself, hun!"

"Given your powers of influence, one would say you have an implicate duty not to try convincing them at all."

Gisena smiled sadly. "The implicate duty failed to defeat one warlord of this kind. Why would it be any more effective against another?"

"Then I will be explicit. Defeating Dien is our paramount priority, but a balanced approach would be better suited to combat effectiveness in both the medium and long runs. Your 'assistants' follow your example, so for their good you should set a more sustainable pace."

"Is that the example you've set for us?" Gisena raised a skeptical eyebrow.

"Of course. Haven't I just told you I'd be convalescing between training sessions?"

But while they occurred, of course, he would have no choice but to do his uttermost...


Let us return, for a time, to that eon of elysian fire, when the petals of the firmament unfurled to rain annihilating oblivion, rapturous and irresistible, upon our languished forms...

The-That-Was spoke, and its word was a raiment and pronouncement of doom, strait-jacket laid upon the cosmos and tightened to suffocating constriction. Hunger sallied to meet it, this figment of his imagination, phantasm of the Evening Realm who even semi-corporeal eclipsed the greatest of Dien's monstrosities.

The-That-Was, was the past in all its glory, an Epochal Thing of unquiet legacies gathered like a thunderhead, time-space distorted in cauliflower bloom about it. The glance of its regard was showering cinders, its cloud-giant limbs pillar to whole realities, the curve of its profile the pearly gates! It eclipsed an Armament what an Armament was to a man, its every stride a seizure upon creation; momentary paroxysm beneath which the senses guttered like a flame, afterwards restored only unnaturally and fundamentally changed.

This was the enemy he had bid his Realm conjure, spell-dreamt into being, that he might face a foe worthy of consumption by his Ring.

Sometimes Hunger wondered if the drive to advancement, in its unremitting lunacy, was itself the most dangerous aspect of the Apocryphal Curse. In preparing for his greatest challenge, he had voluntarily subjected himself to a challenge even greater; his soul now a stained-glass mosaic, ruptured and pressed whole beneath the apocalyptic enormity of his current opponent. To that, the same refrain played as it always did, as it always must.

His soul could yield, his blade could yield, his Realm could yield, but he could not. That was what kept him coherent against the blanketing tide, the trillion-supernova force of his... training dummy's Rank continuously iterating and erupting, seeking to crash against him and crush him, smear him into his constituent elements and obliterate his remains.

There was a distinction to be made between the magnitude of a power and its reach. Even a baseline Armament held Rank sufficient to withstand the mass-energy of the entire material universe launched against it - though the gradient of that Rank, like gravity its analogue, diminished precipitously with distance, so that an ordinary Armament could not effectively control more than one star system without logistical support.

The-That-Was held no such weakness, for it embodied and mastered not merely the fabric of the Astral but of the material its mirror; space was its dominion as wholly as pressure, and the onslaught of its Rank came from all directions unrelenting.

Such was the intensity demanded of his Ring, to find further purchase among the summits he'd reached. And yet he almost despaired that his journey had only begun.

The Accursed had done it, and Haeliel after him... a journey of such interminable length and ferocious hardship that it was literally inconceivable to Hunger in his present form. That was what pushed him onwards, what maintained his resolve: that the Hunger of tomorrow, would not be so weak as he was today.

The thunder of his opponent resounded in his ears as he plunged forward once more, Refinements of the Praxis like a comet-trail of runes. Onwards and forwards, the piercing thrust that had felled Procyon mastered and re-invented a thousand, ten thousand times: at last his blade found purchase in the Epochal Thing's chest, at last he struck more than starlight and air, and burrowing Ruin like enmeshed fingers dug deep its roots and tore.

Mere time could not withstand that, or its concupiscence for Rank. Like the march of ages yielding to entropy, his opponent succumbed. With a great ecstatic bellowing the monster exploded beneath him, thread of its organs arrayed spontaneously into a symbol:

Time burns. Cursebearer.

This was no suicide-burst, no defiance by mere force, physical or astral. Alongside its brief message, the symbol merely spelled out the hours remaining before Hunger would be forced to depart the Realm of Evening this month. One last parting shot from that distillation of bygone times.

Fitting. That Hunger did not appreciate the aesthetic, did not mean he failed to grasp the salience of its message.

Outside, too, mere force did not suffice to overcome his present opponent. As it had failed The-That-Was against Hunger, by means of Hunger's resolve; so too had Hunger's strategy failed against Dien, by means of Dien's cunning. The Foremost Shard had simply declined to fight a conventional war, and Hunger, so used to direct means, had failed to adapt to this new theatre of conflict. Where before he had soldiered onto victory through sheer concentration of power, this arena required its effective dispersion, and their lukewarm attempt - separating into two parties - had fallen woefully short of reality's demand.

Could they have done better, knowing what they did at the time? Or would the Apocryphal Curse merely have found another vexation to highlight, another weakpoint to sting? He had grown mightily in strength, so much so that Dien had been active for weeks and still feared to confront Hunger directly... but his strength could not be applied with the range, the finesse, the fluidity to confront the Surgeon wheresoever he might spread, and thus Hunger was doomed to play catch-up against an ever-expanding foe.

Better this, he supposed, than a foe that was simply so overwhelmingly powerful as to extinguish Hunger before any attempt at resistance could be made. Yet still it felt grossly unfair. Had he become a paragon of versatility instead, expending his resources in that direction, would the Apocryphal have simply summoned a juggernaut in the mold of the Epochal Thing, sheer brute strength which relegated such tricks to little more than pantomime before its oceanic might?

Or was that not an admonition, but a solution in itself? Yes, Dien was clever, his plans myriad and contingencies multi-layered, but if Hunger simply grew more powerful than the Foremost could ever challenge, wouldn't his problem be solved?

He scoffed. Easily contemplated, when such examples as the Accursed existed. But the lesson of his Praxis, showed it the farthest thing from easy.

Do or do not, but always try. His patron's meaning, implicit within the very structure of the Art. All Hunger could do was continue to strive, continue to push himself to live up to that meaning and that purpose. He still had to repay the Accursed; he could not falter before.

Try hard enough, and the world would break before he did. No ailment, no Curse or adversary could compare. That was the promise of the Praxis. An impossible ideal. A dream of fairness, defiant against all and everything.

He would put his faith in that dream, as the wielder of his Blade had before him.


Hunger has unlocked Once and Future III, which can be purchased by acquiring Once and Future II in conjunction with the Seraph's Favor.

[Once and Future] III - When the world and an ideal exist in disharmony, it is not the ideal that has to act. It is not upon the ideal to bring change to the world.

It is the King.

O dream of fairness, become his blade, that he may enact your impossible wish upon all that were raised against you.

The wielder gains eternal access to +1 metaphysical ontology, which may encapsulate capabilities no greater than those of the limited Royal Praxis. The Forebear used this to employ a series of techniques equivalent to those of the Sword Praxis.


You've about 65 Arete. Hunger has completed a three-pick fight without substantial lasting injuries, though he had to expend a re-roll to do so, having rolled poorly on his first attempt. The winner was [X] Strife without End and [X] Critical Mass.

[ ] Regalia of Strife - Including pre-requisites. A total of 62 Arete and 4 picks will be spent.

Inset upon that iron guard like jewels atop a crown, like stars plucked from evening's face and forge-bound into covenant; the tears of the sky adorn that murder-weapon, wed might to glory that all under heaven shall yield to its reign.

*The Tears of Winter are fused with the Evening Sky, then set upon the hilt-guard of the Forebear's Blade. Integrates, upgrades, and imbues Breaker of Suns and Core Panoply into the Blade, causing the resulting Advancement to be available to the worthy wielders of that weapon. This does mean that effects which renounce the blade, even temporarily such as Sword in the Stone, will deprive the wielder of those Advancements for the duration.
*Retroactively apply the % Rank Gain from Breaker of Suns to the Rank acquired from Core Panoply.
*Combine the wielder's Might with their Charisma. Combine all Attribute +s, sum all % Modifiers, and effects that augment or draw upon the Attributes in question now interact fully and seamlessly with the new combined Attribute, named Potency. Refinement of Battle now multiplies Potency, increasing both the character's physical and interpersonal force with undiluted effectiveness; Vigor Incarnate adds the character's full Potency to their Protection. Holy Shit doubles the character's Potency against individuals weaker than him. However, Sky Veil now reduces physical strength alongside charisma if employed.
*+++++++++++++++++++++++++Potency, Potency minimum modifier set to 500%
*The intensity of Supreme Commander is automatically maximized regardless of feats. Even unmoving does the character's power distend the Astral wheresoever his name is known.
*Add the Prowess Attribute to the character's trainable qualities. Perhaps with sufficient skill the consequences of power overwhelming might be mitigated.

The path of sheer power, strategic demarcation of separate routes employed by Hunger and Gisena - his the direct, and hers the esoteric, towards the goal of eradicating Dien. Aside from the Supreme Commander upgrade, a very substantial change, the Regalia does not directly provide Hunger with the tools necessary to locate Dien, but such magnitude of raw strength can be leveraged in many ways, especially if combined with further Rank-augmenting Advancements.

Gisena will still be assisted by Hunger in developing Graces, and will create those Graces she determines to be most suited to countering Dien.

[ ] Halo Crown - Purchase Closing the Fist, Once and Future II (upgraded to III via the Seraph's Favor) and Mythology Halo for a total of 65 Arete and various picks. As Mythology Halo is the only three-pick Advancement in this combination, Hunger won't have to undergo another three-pick fight.

Mythology Halo [3 picks, 28 Arete] - Req. Ring of Artifice, Renaissance Woman, Feat: Orb

A Halo-type Advancement.

Gisena Allria gains +300% All Attributes and may merge three of her Graces into a Halo, a ring of patterned light at her back which manifests effects of surpassing scale and eldritch complexity. The exact suite of effects created depends on the Graces employed in the merger.

The Halo is a semi-physical object, purest information imbued with purpose and substance. It is only somewhat more durable than the Sorceress herself. If destroyed, it must be recreated in a process of immense intellectual effort. During its absence the Sorceress will be deprived of its Attribute bonus and lose access to its constituent Graces. The Halo's existence is maintained by the Artifice domain; destruction of the Ring of Artifice would cause it to slowly unravel, with eventual consequences of similar scale.

Example Halos:

Halo of Singularity - Auspex Temporal, True Perfecting Blade, True Nullity. The bearer constantly exudes a world-state paradigm whereby all effects beyond the baseline capabilities of one's form can only be achieved by skill or technology, but the potential of the latter is wholly unbound.

Renaissance Halo - Evoker's Panoply, Grace of the Glaze, Maiden's Whisper. The bearer loses access to the component Graces, but may through this Halo manifest any two Graces she has encountered, and may alter the manifested Graces every twenty-one hundred hours. The strength of these manifested Graces will not massively exceed that of her mightiest native Grace.

*With both Hunger and Gisena gaining access to new paradigms of advancement, this is a highly greedy build but ought be quite effective in addressing Dien's strategy. They will have many options to choose from, thus a good chance of assembling an array of capabilities which directly compete with or nullify Dien's means.

[ ] Forbearance - It is not enough that the future sovereign should walk the same path as the once-King. Go further beyond, press onwards to new horizons and greater heights, until the procession of worlds trembles and breaks beneath the weight of such might.

Once and Future II (III) + Closing the Fist + Imprisoner's Refinement. Train Imprisoner's Refinement (Flood of Runes) and Imprisoner's Refinement (The Best Defense). A total of 25 + 12 + 25 + 7 = 69 Arete will be spent. Massively strengthens the Seal of Ruin while opening up future techniques of the Sealing Praxis. Once and Future III + Closing the Fist, alongside Gisena's developed Graces, offer the utility to attempt locating, outscaling, or out-fortifying Dien. The maximized Seal of Ruin ensures that the Hero does not make some miraculous retreat if he is found.

Imprisoner's Refinement - 1 + 7 Praxis picks / 25 Arete

Req. Refinement of Purpose, Seal of Ruin, Inherit the World

Absorbs and re-purposes the Outer Shadow by way of the Praxis to more accurately express the Soul Evocation of its present wielder, the Imprisoner. No longer a stained-glass sprawl, now a tide of intricate blue runes, in movement like calligraphy graven across reality's flesh.

Practitioner may permanently inscribe other techniques of the Praxis into the Imprisoner's Shadow, thereby locking them "into place" within conceptual reality; reinforcing their strength and binding them to the practitioner, at some cost in utility and flexibility. Inscription is permanent save for the intercession of highly potent entities, well beyond any natives to this Geas world. There is no practical limit to the number of inscriptions that can be made, but each beyond the first requires a significant investment of effort and time. Mentally-focused techniques are usually less suitable. The mechanical benefits of Inherit the World are still retained.


Refinement of Battle: The Best Defense - Increases the offensive multiplier by 70%, but reduces the defensive by 30%. Advantageous for Hunger who possesses the Power of Ruin.

Seal of Ruin: Flood of Runes - Cast time and endurance cost removed. Range reduced to the physical reach of the Imprisoner's Shadow, but can now affect any target it touches at 30% strength without reducing Hunger's Ruin Armor. Can still be used to wholly cocoon a target, thereby applying the full effect.

Refinement of Quickness: Always Forward - Reduces ISH elevation by 30% outside of combat or when fully retreating from conflict, but steadily ramps elevation by up to 2x if necessary to match an opponent still quicker than the Refinement-boosted practitioner.

[ ] Share the Weight - Heavy lies the crown, save for he with the strength to bear it. But sometimes the burden of rule requires more than strength to overcome.

Closing the Fist 12 + Sublime Fulcrum 25 + Vitruvian Template + Legendary Template 7 + 7 (one use) + Mythology Halo 28.

The Ring of Blood: Sublime Fulcrum (3 picks, 25 Arete)

The actions of one mortal may overturn the world, but it takes the actions of a people to remake it. To he who bears the Ring of Blood, appears that lever by which the Ages of the world may be turned.

Rather than the unfocused comprehensive boost of Ennoblement or First Flaring, this Advancement permits the wielder to directly alter, re-arrange, specialize and substantially enhance the fundamental and derived essences of a creature, creating a new baseline species capable of surviving unsupported by the influence of the Ring. The wielder may select from one of the following templates or design his own. Each template beyond the first requires either 7 Arete or increasing amounts of research time to acquire.

Thereafter, a template may be applied to those in close range given a few hours of focus, or a few moments of physical contact for Simple templates. Templates may be resisted if the target is capable of resisting the wielder's Blood Domain, though at an effective 0.5 Rank penalty. Templates do not stack effectively with Ennoblement or each other.

Advanced Templates:

Vitruvian - The endpoint of genetic selection. Target receives ++++++++++All Attributes except Protection and Luck (halved for Attributes they possess more than +++++++ in) and their base lifespan is extended a hundredfold or set to ten thousand years, whichever is greater. Vitruvians benefit from powerful and comprehensive regeneration and are all capable of manifesting the baseline magics of the reality they currently inhabit. Highly adaptive in the face of necessity, capable of developing to mental and physical maturity at a furious pace without flaws or complications if necessary. Fully Armament-compatible if used on baseline humans.

Legendary (25 additional Arete per use) - The burning star which heralds the end of eons; the supernova eruption of power which emerges at world's close. Select one strain of magic no more potent than Accretion. At the cost of emotional instability, the target's immediate ability and ultimate potential within the context of that magic are elevated by one stage along the Infinite Singularity Husk. Cannot be applied to oneself. One use per Geas task.

Hunger can merge with the Legendary-augmented Aobaru via the Closing the Fist, or gain a powerful secondary asset with the strengthened Aobaru within Novakhron. The Vitruvian Template further assists Gisena in making the most of her Halo Advancement, while a greater portion of the burden is taken off of Hunger's own shoulders. The Vitruvian Template is also a useful precursor for those Ring of Blood advancements best suited to reversing at least part of Dien's monstrous contagion.

However, this configuration is very expensive and places a lot of power in the hands of the potentially unreliable - or at least, less mentally unbreakable - companions rather than Hunger himself.


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Power Overwhelming
Power Overwhelming

Alright, you asked it for... OaF III ontologies and Mythology Halos! As a side note, it's easiest for searchability if omakes are NOT placed into spoiler tags or quotes, as spoiled/quoted material displays an inaccurate wordcount to the search tool. You will all just have to bear the slings and arrows of outrageous scrolling time in the name of Arete production! You have about 10 Arete as of this spending point.

[ ] Illimitable Vanguard Philosophy (0 picks, 0 Arete)

The Forebear is the progenitor of nations and worlds; but he is their lord and vanguard also - he-who-comes-before. None may strike his peoples, save that they first contend with his blade; none may do them wrong, save that they withstand his ire.

A conceptual assumption of the Forebear's mantle as it relates to the arena of battle. Negative physical, mental, and esoteric (with some exceptions) effects directed at the character's allies, subjects or progeny are instead re-directed to target the character himself. Thus, microbial invasion by one of Dien's super-engineered Astral strains would, when attempting to infect one of his subordinates, instead be forced to target Hunger himself and contend with the All-Defeating Stance, Refinement of Battle and Ring of Blood. Each instance of attempted offensive must struggle against the full power of the character's defenses; ten thousand infections do not combine their power, but instead must face the onslaught of his abilities individually. This effect has a maximum range determined by the character's overall strength; at his current level of strength, Hunger can easily cover thousands of star systems under his guard, so long as they remain his allies, subjects or progeny. May require serious conquest.

Foolish they who would attempt to unmake the Forebear; more foolish still who would attempt to unmake his protectorate. The character gains the following benefits:

*Protection set to minimum of 50: effects that would decrease or neutralize Protection instead fail to reduce it below 50.
*+300% Protection, Protection is partially (50%) effective against mental assaults and somewhat (25%) effective against esoteric attacks that would be absorbed by the primary effect. Can even defend against madness or aging!
*Damage or hostile alteration absorbed by the character's Protection Attribute or ablative defenses are quantified and converted into healing. This reserve of health persists for several hours and is dispensed automatically when the character suffers damage, with a maximum capacity of 10000% the character's current health. Thus, effects incapable of overcoming twice the character's Protection + Ruin Armor are incapable of effectively damaging him. Can also be exploited to artificially generate massive amounts of health; e.g. by having an ally attack you.
*Prelude to Reckoning: One hour per week, the character automatically counterattacks all re-directed offensive attempts, using his typical weaponry and strength, at no cost. The range of this effect is equal to twice the range of the primary effect.

Power **** - Potent along near-every tier of the power ladder; even an ordinary mortal could use these powers alone to rise to high station, or a great champion defend mighty swathes of his territory.
Utility *** - Comprehensive and versatile defenses, but little in the way of proactive capability. Useful both in and out of combat; a mortal could benefit greatly from effective poison immunity and increased lifespan, while a warlord would much appreciate the Prelude to Reckoning's allowing him to retaliate against every individual component of a hostile charge or arrow-volley.
Potential *** - Simple and unconditional scaling, magnifying the effects of the character's Protection and Health enormously.

[ ] Focusing Incision (2 picks, 12 Arete)

By which art is made science.

Power and control; when the former poses an overwhelming surfeit, often the greatest advantage is to be found in pursuing the latter.

A meta-surgical procedure applied to oneself. Severely reduces the raw power of one of the character's capabilities in exchange for enormously improving the precision, accuracy, fine control, perceptual fidelity, raw finesse, and conceptual versatility of that capability. Normalizes, then vastly heightens, speed of improvement within the augmented domains.


Applied to the character's [Body], this would reduce Might by 50% after all other factors, but increase Agility and Prowess by 200% and +0.2 ISH; additionally, Prowess would become vastly easier to improve via training or circumstance.

Applied to the character's [Social Traits], this would have similar effects as the above on the character's Charisma and Manipulation, respectively.

Applied to the character's [Facility for Technological Development], they would become an extremely poor inventor, but exceptionally and superhumanly skilled at refining and upgrading existing technologies, and capable of producing with handwork what might normally require specialized precision machinery.

Applied to the [Chief Dominion] of the Ring Hunger, this would reduce the power of the character's bloodcasting by one full stage, but grant +50 Prowess towards the use of that Dominion, and such Prowess would become vastly easier to improve via training or otherwise. Combined with the Sublime Fulcrum, Hunger might shortly be capable of challenging Dien in his own theatre!

Applied to [Accretion], this would reduce the character's base Rank by one full stage, but allow the character to consciously direct which overriding goals or locations to focus their Rank on, somewhat simulating the effects of the Sharpbright element.

Power * - Obviously
Utility **** - Superb utility, with the freedom to select one's preferred domain out of all prior capabilities
Potential ***** - Further skill-based progression becomes both easy and quick; even effects that would not normally progress can now be developed, so long as improved control is the goal; and effects not normally possible with control alone may become so, under its influence

[ ] Arrow and Hunter Methodology [3 picks, 25 Arete]

By which all stories are brought to their conclusion. You can run, but you cannot hide.

Far, frail shadow of one who was once a Lord Strategos. A martial technique available to be developed by the wielder of [Once and Future] III.

Hunter, implement and stratagem become one, their seamless unity embodying the hunt itself in all its elements; from the hunger-pangs of its instigation to its blood-and-flint conclusion. Know fear, but know also that it will not save you: for the Arrow and the Hunter, no prey is too elusive, no monstrosity too fierce.

Arrow-and-Hunter - The wielder is treated as one with his weapon for all purposes, allowing him to, for example, control the direction of an arrow in mid-flight, direct the movements of his army with perfect fidelity, or relinquish his blade without surrendering any of its benefits. Neither can be truly slain without the complete destruction of the other, though he may only merge with one weapon or set of weapons (pair of knives, bow and arrows etc) at a time, and requires hunter and implement reach a certain intimacy - at very least, as thick as thieves.
*For Hunger, this would also amplify the power of any Shattering Blows performed, and would allow him to safely merge the Blade & Ring, assuming he targets the Blade.

Hunter-and-Strategem - The wielder may achieve transcendental perfection in the domain of the Hunter. From tracking and concealment, to the identification of weaknesses, to the pursuit, execution, and dressing/preservation of the meat, they may develop techniques of incredible supernatural potency to achieve feats well into the realm of hyperbole and myth. The wielder chooses one skill to focus on upon developing this methodology, and may develop further domains with training. They begin with maximized proficiency in their area of focus; the Tracker could suss out the skulking-lair of an assassin-god or non-existent thing, while the Slayer brings low primeval titans and Realms entire by the arc of his bolts.

*Note that even if you can find Dien, you may not be able to reach him, or vice versa.
*Hunger will be highly tempted to take The Fisher as his personal domain. ++++Mental Stability, +Fisher King upgrade if he does; ---Mental Stability and -7 Arete if he fails to, reflecting that he was not true to himself.
*Halve this penalty, rounding down, if he takes The Houndmaster, but only if he chooses Novakhron (the Dog of War) with Arrow-and-Hunter; or negate it if he takes The Devourer, but only if he chooses The Ring.
*The Slayer, combined with Regalia of Strife, would make it extremely difficult for Dien to outscale Hunger in any reasonable period of time. It would represent raw power sufficient to repel all but truly dire activations of the Apocryphal Curse for a prolonged timeskip.

Arrow-and-Strategem - Technique and implement become one. The wielder may summon forth his weapon simply by performing a technique associated with it; or enact repairs by performing such techniques without error. The finality-pursuing nature of his weapon infuses every action he undertakes; fate, probability, or other such effects shall unduly favor efforts to bring about conclusions, and enforce the permanence of such terminations no matter their sphere. Whether an individual foe, an empire-spanning policy, or a petty argument, all are brought to their final end by the character's actions. This operates on the deepest metaphysical layer native to the wielder's current universe.

*Mediated by and amplifies the power of Ruin, with the potential to wholly combine later on.

Power ******* - The maximized domain grants power broadly above the wielder's current elevation, though of somewhat limited scope.
Utility *** - A fairly wide spread of highly useful effects, but nothing encompassing
Potential ** - Good potential for advancement through skill training, weakened by the Ring

Houndmaster configuration offers a good balance of effective tracking skill and power, though at the cost of taking Novakhron's services for Hunger himself. Would have been great with Full Throttle, but is still good. Slayer Configuration + Regalia offers power enough that Dien might even be discouraged from attempting to outscale Hunger, perhaps even enough that he might consider negotiating! Devourer configuration offers powerful sustain and future growth. Fisher Configuration offers Decimator mitigation and the possibility of baiting Dien into aggressive action. Tracker Configuration would definitely penetrate even Dien's obfuscation defenses, leaving only the problem of reaching him before he inevitably flees...

[ ] High Evocation: The Archmage [3 picks, 37 Arete]

Science constrains itself to the realm of the possible; magic, to the impossible. What can be said of he who masters the impossible, save that he defies conceptualization itself?

An aberrant path, not wholly in Hunger's nature or the Forebear's. But when one's opponent is the Foremost master of biological sciences, what better implement to his unmaking than the unconstrained manifestation of wonder itself?

A Soul Evocation of outrageous power and versatility; so disgustingly (some would say, unfairly) potent that it would require Rank sufficient to suborn an infinite multiverse to mandate its forcible awakening in one's self. Subsumes and incorporates Surgecrafting, the Empyreal Signs, and the Domains of the Ring. Their existing benefits continue as individual spells within the Archmage's array.

The character becomes an archmage, possessing a collection of spells of both terrifying might and breadth; if they already possess might in excess of a typical archmage, the sum of their wondrous powers is equal to their total prior might. Thus do they double in force while enormously expanding the esoteric and exotic horizons of their influence.

For Hunger, treat him as effectively possessing a Ring of Power with Chief Dominion in Magic, with sub-domains of Time, Space, Life, Energy, Mind, Matter, Death, Spirit, Law, Chaos, Nature, Artifice, Union, and Essence. However, he no longer benefits from the Rank bonus of Crimson Flare. Discounted for this reason.

Power *** - Grants an archmage's power to the ordinary; doubles the might of the extraordianry
Utility ******* - What the actual fuck.
Potential **** - Immense multi-disciplinary potential within the enormously versatile domain of 'Magic'

Could be said to be ultimate mage option hence offered. Nigh-unconditional versatility with the full power of Hunger's Rank behind it.


Gisena has a choice as well; the choice of manifested Halo! While it may not offer the raw magnitude of Hunger's [Once and Future] III, it may well play a similar role in your path to Dien's undoing! You may assume Gisena can develop the pre-requisites for any of these Halo effects within her time in the Realm.

[ ] Sophont Halo - Consciousness, in its arising, immanentizes the relevance of its bearer, at the cost of consigning all else to consequence and casualty.

Evoker's Panoply, True Nullity, True Perfecting Blade. Draws in all available findross within the character's vicinity to dramatically increase the power of her Graces; treat the character as possessing one greater level of [Sealing Protocol] mastery than she has, even if her mastery is maximized. Increases the Attribute bonus of Mythology Halo to +375%, but the massively overloaded superstructure of the semi-corporeal Halo structure renders it somewhat less durable. Denies Grace and findross usage to any others in the character's vicinity.

[ ] Renaissance Halo - The flowering of the arts gives rise to their distaff counterpart, the sciences. The privilege to enliven the world, becomes the power to control it.

Evoker's Panoply, Grace of the Glaze, Maiden's Whisper. The bearer loses access to the component Graces, but may through this Halo manifest any two Graces she has encountered, and may alter the manifested Graces every twenty-one hundred hours. The strength of these manifested Graces will not massively exceed that of her mightiest native Grace.

[ ] Enlightenment Halo - Let it be said of all things: It does not suffice to do; rather, do well.

Maiden's Whisper, True Perfecting Blade, True Quintessence. The bearer constantly exudes a paradigm imposition which powerfully influences outcomes in their broad vicinity towards those considered acceptable to their personal morality. Whether this manifests as utopia realized or terror unceasing depends on the bearer's morality. If Gisena finds Dien's actions immoral and abhorrent, for example, it might empower her to develop the means necessary to bring him to justice. Of course, the power of this Halo is not unlimited, but it operates orthogonally to such semi-mechanical effects as Pressure, allowing it to proportionally reduce a villain's effectiveness no matter their quantitative might. Gisena will find it much easier to counter Dien's projects and reverse the negative effects of his existing efforts, for example, though a foe she finds sympathetic (such as, for example, Jeanne de Tymarie) would not be much hindered by this.

[ ] Industrial Halo - Whence by sheer accumulation, the world is forever remade.

Archsmith's Hammer, Auspex Temporal, Grace of the Glaze. The bearer must manifest all future Graces and esoteric effects as corporeal Artifacts vulnerable to misplacement or destruction, but speed of Grace creation is doubled after all other factors. Increase the domain of the Archsmith's Hammer Grace: it can now create any form of wondrous technology without penalty, so long as it has some analogue in existing technology, rather than being circumscribed to the arena of combat-effectiveness.

[ ] Halo of Singularity - Technology is queen of the battlefield; the battlefield, is all reality.

Auspex Temporal, True Perfecting Blade, True Nullity. The bearer constantly exudes a world-state paradigm whereby all effects beyond the baseline capabilities of one's form can only be achieved by skill or technology, but the potential of the latter is wholly unbound.


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Interlude: Away
And here's the full Interlude! Knowledge of Exalted / prior quests is necessary to understand all the references, so this will not contain any singular and plot-critical information for Hunger's own adventure - though it can be nice to put things into perspective!

Interlude: Away

Odyssial was out of patience.

As he trod the green-glass sands of Sun-blasted Cecelyne, they wailed. The limitless pale brilliance of his once-golden Exaltation blazed like a cosmic rune, sheer annihilating effulgence that overspilled his point of entry to scour all the Endless Desert. Cecelyne could but yield, for it was the nature of the Desert to enforce the tyranny of the strong over the weak, the lesser under the greater, and it had since the conclusion of their first war (or perhaps, as sinking suspicion, well before...) understood the primacy of the Exalted, and their war-master foremost among them. So too would the Principle of Hierarchy be incapable of so much as taking up arms against him.

It would not save either of them. Nothing could.

Called by his beacon, his allies arrived in various stages of preparedness. The Lathe of Heaven spun and rent the universe about it, seasons in kaleidoscopic flurry shed and re-made like the arms of a vortex. It was earlier than many had expected, earlier than would have been proper; the vileness of their provocation had indeed drawn him from his redoubt before all circumstances were aligned. But that would not spare them their hour of reckoning. He alone had strength enough for that.

The Green Sun sprang forth to contest him, and its heat was its immanence, its lance viridian rays; the searing light of its presence both writ and commandment, that all must bow to the Unquestionable above all. But Odyssial was the Most High, and merely shifted his stance in mockery of Malfeas' jotun-dancing, then cut through to its emerald heart as Ligier gasped in self-destroying shame. Broken its shield of fire; broken its sunbeam-spear, and the jewel in Malfeas' crown plummeted haplessly to earth.

You know me. I know you. We have done this dance before. And, last we met, you did not enjoy the outcome.

At Ligier's descent the sand became glass; at the turning of the Lathe the glass became void, ripped asunder as the underpinning shinma were shredded and reconstituted, rendered into a form more tactically appropriate for his foothold in Malfeas.

Cecelyne was desolation. She could abide no rule but arbitrary caprice, the trappings of codification merely a vessel for efficient enforcement. Frivolous as those trappings were, they still held insight into her identity: reach was its essential component, the Endless Desert bordering everything, distributed as efficiently across space as she was society.

That was why he had chosen this place, despite having ascended well past any requirement of five days' travel to or from the Demon City. From the Endless Desert any Yozi could be reached, and - more importantly - none could ever escape.

Even in Creation it bordered them, out to the furthermost reaches of the Wild. Only in the territory of the Handsome Monkey King, and those few Exalts his peers, could deny the principles of space itself that lent Cecelyne her access.

But the King was a matter for a later day. Today the Lord Strategos had an altogether easier (and far less disturbing) set of prey to hunt.

One by one his allies materialized, the rifts of the Lathe disgorging legion after shining legion. At its turning the order of the world bent to his purpose, and all along their serried ranks came the war-hymn of the Odyssians, as it had been in the beginning:

For the hour of reckoning is come,
And the price of your hubris is blood.

Alone in its cloister, dreaming Sacheverell awakened, and trembled. It of all beings knew, that the time of its long slumber was over, and its future respite forever dreamless.

"The End of Stories comes," spoke the Primordial voice, and around it Malfeas shook, for the Demon City could know no fear save through the lens of impotent humiliation.

"It shall be our end," continued Sacheverell, "And of all our siblings save a traitorous few, though they will come to regret his ascendancy in time. So I have seen. So it will be. Such is the shape of things to come."

And so its eye closed forevermore, surrendering itself to oblivion, a final act of sorcerous will obliterating it beyond even the trance-death of the Neverborn: so gladly did it accept nothingness in fear of its imminent persecutor, for it of all Primordials best understood the terror of Hunting Odyssial, and of the futility of striving against the inevitable.

But the erstwhile End of Stories himself, held to an altogether different creed; having triumphed against futility on occasions too numerous to be counted, he was wholly alert to the machinations of his enemy. For the Exalted and their titans opponent alike, the mere impossibility of a feat did not preclude its happening. And the titan which best embodied that causality was none other than the Dragon's Shadow - so long as it was inescapably trapped.

Mountain Hero came up alongside, shooting Odyssial a look of wariness and burning resentment. They were uneasy allies, but even the Chief Immaculate had consented to eradicating the titans to root out the akuma rampant among his institutional ranks. The jeweled ink of his Sidereal tattoos blazed like misplaced stars against the heavenly pillar of his goremaul-daiklave, though even such resplendence as that paled unutterably compared to the Lathe.

"Careful," Hero said brusquely, eyes flitting away. "Our geometers have confirmed that the Seal of Odyssial has been broken, both upon his secret tomb and within the shinmaic layer of reality. We suspect the Handsome Monkey King. The enemy of his enemy, after all..."

"Yes," Odyssial smiled. "No doubt the Dragon's Shadow will seek to emulate me with the Black Mirror Shintai. His desperation may drive him to an ever-more perfect mimicry, fueled by the capabilities of that first mirrored self."

Hero grunted. "You were already aware. What is your countermeasure? Bereft of his lance the Unconquered Sun cannot aid you against this enemy, if he even would."

Odyssial stepped forward. "Tell me, Mountain Hero, Keeper of Anathemic Lore. Have you ever heard the story of the Odyssian Horse?"


Halfway across Creation, the Dragon's Shadow cackled to itself as it assumed the form of Odyssial himself. How long had it dreamed to attain that eventuality, too cowardly to hope in earnest, yet too covetous ever to give hope up? It had not been easy - his greatest heist to date - but he had finally, finally broken that accursed seal which categorically prevented the effective mimicry of Odyssial's unique identity. Would that he'd done so during the Primordial War, and the outcome of that contest would have been different indeed.

But no need to dwell upon this joyous occasion. No fewer than seven of his greatest subsouls had perished in the attempt, an act of self-mutilation he would never had countenanced save for the desperation produced by Odyssial's inescapable aggression. Had the great 'Strategos' been wise enough to leave the Dragon an out, he would not have troubled that man at all, content to wisely slink away before such unchallengeable might.

Shine so blindingly bright, he crowed, and you blind yourself as thoroughly as if in utter darkness!

And then his twisted transformation was complete, Odyssial in name and fact but all motivations reversed... and suddenly he realized that he was blind, for nothing so trite as the inversion of all his values could keep Odyssial from his purpose.

The Titans had drawn his ire, and the Dragon's Shadow most of all. Striking at his children, ineffectual though it had ultimately been... what had the titans been thinking, short of an unexpressed death-wish: suicide before slavery forevermore? Perhaps it was simply the self-defeating nature of the Ultimate Darkness, or its abject powerlessness in the face of its own vices. The desire for petty vengeance, lashing out even in futility, or maybe simple delight in ire provoked: who could say what failure of judgement or of character had been the Dragon's ultimate undoing, if there was even a point in litigating the peculiarities of a being whose inescapable nature was failure?

Though he was but an imperfect copy, nonetheless he would do all he could to grant that self-destroying wish in the fleeting moments he was given. Ere the Titans had first surrendered, Odyssial had mistrusted them, and contemplated their annihilation: now he would turn musing to fact. Perhaps Odyssial's Shadow could even harness the attributes of this form to his advantage.

Swift as a shadow's appearance before a switched light, Odyssial's lesser copy appeared in the heart of Malfeas. He raised his blade, which was the Sword That Ends the World, and struck.


All across the Endless Desert Malfeas' death knell resounded, the pitiable hate-filled groaning of the greatest and noblest Primordial struck down by the vilest and least. Its blood fountained upwards to blanket the desert like rain, viridian green and rust-red, and marrow the corroded lime-and-gold of fallen kings. Like an overripe fruit the corpulent city burst, heaving forth endless sickened legions that could not subsist outside its ruptured rind of tarnished brass. No ablation of moulting layers could repel the unseen dagger, nor could even its infinite flesh withstand the blade of Odyssial's Shadow.

Treachery was ever the nature of the Ultimate Darkness, but even it might have been surprised at the depths to which it had betrayed its own self. Still, Odyssial mused, it would have been difficult to find a more adroit regicide. Before he delivered the Ebon Dragon to its unutterably painful ending, best to wring all the use out of it that he could.

Above him manifested a pair of his own blades: the sword Ambition which was a bar of destroying light, and the sword Hatred which was excoriating virulence. Where they passed the Endless Desert screamed, and the host of the Yozis trembled and routed before them.

Threefold the blades raised against them; threefold their doom; threefold the face of their ending. Already Saturn lingered on the periphery, finger-blades clicking, counting down to their hour of annihilation. That epochal shift would well-feed the Loom, if Odyssial decided to keep it.

Sacheverell had of course been correct, and the mustering of their opposition meaningless. The End of Stories would not have moved against them, were it not their end; samsara, being the deepest adjudicator of outcomes, could not help but serve his purpose.

The Arrow was loosed. The Hunter soon followed. All else was merely prey.


Across the span of the Infinite Waste, positioned at Cecelyne's anterior flank, Empty Moon the Winter Empress prosecuted her own division of the war. Numberless spears of mote-stilling ice descended from the torrential orb of her anima, shearing through the the silent headwind of Adorjan to crash against the mirror-blade battlements of Szoreny rampant. Nilul on the left dueled with her fallen mother, the former Empress who had absconded to become the Dragon's chief ally. Tauntingly the daughter assumed her mother's mien, though Nilul's Mirror of Burning Desire was not merely her father's art: it did not copy an opponent but produced a mimicry that was joyful and augmented, an impossible reflection the original could never surpass. At this did the former Empress grow truly apoplectic, striking with a berserk fury that was almost pitifully ineffective.

Empty Moon shook her head, but spared no further attention for her diminished predecessor. The former Empress of the Blessed Isle was not the only mighty foe to be felled today; she did not even rate among the greatest dozen. Moon herself was Queen, Empress and Shoguness of territories vastly exceeding, and yet her role in this offensive was ultimately secondary, as despite her utmost diligence she was no match yet for even the martial perfection of the Fairest, much less the impossible might of Uly himself. But he'd had the unfair advantage of his prior life as Lord Strategos, and the initially greater force of his Exaltation; nowadays there was no space in her spirit for despair, only the joy of ever-further striving. And still, even with all his advantages Uly could not claim to be more than her peer in her favored fields of abstraction and formalization - book learning, as she preferred it be called.

Moon smiled cheerfully as the depth of her onslaught increased. At last the Mirrored Forest could withstand no more; before such uttermost cold as to freeze the movements of essence itself, Reflection could not even exist, much less abide. Adorjan fell shortly after, buffeted and stymied by the infinite obdurateness that was Qaf; upon witnessing the Lathe the All-Piercer had naturally defected to their side, and the terms of its restoration and indenture had been remarkably merciful given Uly's mood.

Witnessing the Primordials fallen before them, she could take a measure of contentment in how far she'd come. Mighty as the Titans had been, architects immovable of all Creation, still they were nothing and less before the Lathe of Heaven realized. Had they been content to sit in their cell Moon might have pushed for an effort to spare or rehabilitate them, intractable as Odyssial could be on the matter; but they had decided to make war against her children, and so there was no deterring their fate.

Calculation without ruthlessness led too often to inaction; yet what the Yozis had exhibited, ruthlessness without calculation, led unswervingly to destruction. Even a book could tell you that much, so was the downfall of the Titans an excess of hubris, or a simple failure of imagination?

It mattered not. Stillness was sister to Oblivion; ere the day was past, Empty Moon would ensure that the Yozis and their agents were thoroughly inducted into both.


In the shadow of a false eternity, Oramus conversed with Sacheverell-That-Would-Have-Been, had it not surrendered itself.

"Do you regret, brother?" Asked the Dragon Beyond the World, within that liminal space not yet claimed by the Handsome Monkey King. It was less than a sliver, yet wide enough for Oramus to spread its wings. Only that paradox itself allowed the Dragon to subsist here, bare niche of which had once been its territory unquestionable.

"Of course not," replied Sacheverell-Not. "I, of us all have been spared endless suffering. Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen."

"Now," it continued, with no small urgency, "Let me cease truly, and follow my path yourself, brother. For you are a fool to believe he cannot track you here. This of all truths you should long since have realized: he always finds a way."


Some relevant blurbs!

Unshattered Kaleidoscope

E10, Lore 10. Solar or High Exaltation (Favored: Paragon Caste).
Requirements: Singularity Husk, Third Elevation (E10 All 10), Shinmaic Domination (E10 Lore 10 Occult 10)
Required For: A Dream of Fairness (E * All *)

Power beyond all reason comprises expression beyond all form.

The character is one with all peer-level versions of himself. He may freely navigate all Shards of the Exalted Dream; and, with experience, countless ontologies beyond. Treat the character as existing concurrent with all other versions of himself; combine their mote pools, Willpower, Health Levels and mote regeneration. The character may wield the abilities and attuned Artifacts of any of his selves with no regard for concurrency or duplication, and may continue to take actions within all realities where he resides even if this would defy logical causality. The character is perfectly able to manage his new state with no alteration of consciousness or increase of processing power.

Mirror of Burning Desire

E10, Presence 10. Fire Aspect (Dragon's Shadow Bloodline, Legendary Breeding)
Requirements: Black Mirror Shintai, A Mirror Darkly, Flicker-Flame Reflection, Triumphant Howl of the Devil-Tiger, A Mirror Brightly, Bride of Burning Desire, Burning Desire Embodiment

Upon invoking the Black Mirror Shintai, the character instead becomes the perfected and idealized version of the targeted individual - what that individual wishes to be, given the fulfillment of all their heart's desires. Frequently this Shintai will result in a copy vastly more powerful than the targeted individually, though the character cannot target beings with more than twice her Essence, or beings unconditionally protected against duplication. The character's Motivation and Intimacies are fully retained, but she gains comprehensive knowledge of the target's Motivation and Intimacies as normal.

Owing to her original inspiration for this effect - encountered during one of the party's adventures among the Shards - Nilul frequently refers to it with the lettering of the final word backwards. Blood purity, mastery of death, endless deceptions, unbreakable vows, and a mirror named Desire - what's not to love?

Queen of Winter Shintai

E10 Lore 10. Air Aspect Terrestrial (Mela Bloodline, Legendary Breeding).
Requirement: Transcend the Gaian Form (E10 Medicine 10), Victorious Hymn of the Empyrean Mantle (E10 Occult 10), The Dragon Wakes (E10 Lore 10)
Required For: Oath of Winter, Line of Queens, Transmission of Imperishable Might

Without calculation, failure.

One of the five Faces of the Empty Moon, others include New Moon Shintai (E10 Stealth 10) and Akashic Library Shintai (E10 Linguistics 10).

Chief among the Faces which are her component sub-souls is the Queen of Winter, Empty Moon's primary hyperbody and preferred form for war. The Queen of Winter embodies the ideal that knowledge itself is might; and to might, it is given to decide who shall rule. Comprehensive power in all forms flows from this Face, adding ten dots, uncapped by Essence or other limitations, to all the character's Attributes and Willpower. Her instinctual control over her elemental Anima now surges forth with irresistible potency, allowing for cryokinesis of infinite range and force, and conceptual imposition of her domains of influence down to the shinmaic level.

Creation yields to its rightful Queen; Fate itself bends unconsciously to her will, lowering the TN of all actions attempted to 1, and raising the TN of all actions opposed to 10; halving DVs wherever appropriate. Apply -3/+3 TN to actions taken by others that would directly or indirectly assist / oppose her. Nor is this effect limited to the boundaries of Creation alone: whether the Ashen Calendar of Setesh or the narratives of the Wyld, forever and infinitely across all existence will refract the themes of the season winter, its icy queen; her beauty rivaled only by her genius, and her might unbound and incomparable.


The update will come in following days, possibly as early as tomorrow or as late as next Monday / Tuesday depending on when I finish it. Soul Evocation: the Archmage certainly opens up a great deal of possibilities... it may be wise to brainstorm some effects you'd like to see ahead of time so that Hunger can research their practicality!
Light of the Soul
Light of the Soul

Hunger was tired.

Despite immense improvements to his swordsmanship and physical prowess, despite the advanced techniques of Pressure and Praxis that he had recently mastered... all seemed unsuitable, insufficient to the task of decisively overcoming Dien. When raw progression had failed to suffice, in the past he had turned to deception and treachery, but Dien's tactics were subtler and less direct than Hunger's own, leaving little room by which the Cursebearer could enact advantage by means of maneuver.

It was not that the Forebear had failed him, and certainly not the Accursed. The path he had taken, the path of the blade, did hold a solution to the problem of Dien Bravo. That he believed without fail.

He was merely, not far enough along to see it.

Nor would he be, at this close of Evening's Realm. Dien had spread too far, too quickly, and was so adroitly concealed that they had no leads whatsoever on his physical location - if the Foremost even had a primary body left. Hunger did not doubt that the Forebear, at the height of his powers, could have resolved this matter with a single stroke, a passing whim of Ruin mastered utterly and beyond mortal comprehension... but Hunger was not past mortal comprehension. Not yet, and not ever, if Dien felled him now.

His resolve had not faltered; he would see his vengeance through. But the constant tension between that indestructible resolve, and the apparent futility of his current situation, wore at him. It would take many mortal lifetimes to grind him down by despair, and Dien Bravo would fall or triumph well before, but it was - unusual - for Hunger to encounter an opponent so thoroughly draining. Even against Procyon's uttermost might he had kept his composure; that cool-headedness arguably had been the very crux of his victory, yet against this foe he saw only the empty pursuit of frustration.

Gisena approached, accompanied by the remainder of their companions. Behind her was a shimmering halo of condensed findross, starlight become synapse and transistor, turning like some worldly gear to bring all around it into interlocking harmony, focusing prism for the light of her magics. Channeled through the halo, the power of her Sorcery was refined and multiplied explosively, a leap as epochal as the gulf between brute awareness and sapient consciousness. Aobaru was uncharacteristically outside Novakhron, which was apparently being piloted by Aeira.

"You've completed another ascension," he noted. "Congratulations."

"Thank you, hun!" She preened. "But flattering as your adulation is, you should save it. For my work, the work of conclusively annihilating our Orcish foe, has only just begun!"

"That's a relief," Hunger scoffed, leaning back. "And here I thought I would have to kill him with my Sword."

"Oh, your sword still has a part to play," Gisena said earnestly, "As will all of you... but I will be the architect of this enemy's demise. Worry not Hunger, you will be the weapon through which my will is enacted, the creation of mystical Science that will eclipse and destroy Dien and his workings once and for all!"

"Put our faith in your genius, hm?" He smiled. "It's worked adequately in the past. Let us hope this attempt is more successful than the last time you tried to slay an orcish Hero, however."

She pouted. "As if a genius of my caliber would fail twice at the same task! That was merely a trial run, and myself without resources and alone. Now that I have this wonderful Ring you've gifted me, there is simply no reason to fear!"

"Though," she continued, glancing wistfully down at it, "I will miss it, after it's gone. Still, it was your gift to me, and it would be terribly impolite if I failed to expend this when your life itself is on the line..."

Expend the Azure? Hunger frowned. She would certainly not have successfully manifested her halo without its power of Artifice and invention, not at any reasonable speed. He was the Ring Crimson, and while the death of a rival was hardly cause for mourning, the Azure in its current state was more his subordinate for the present Age. Yet if even its bearer was resigned to its destruction, it would hardly be capable of resistance; not against such Rank as his party could muster, while its only channel of action was through that bearer herself.

"Enough generalities," he said. "Explain yourself, miss genius."

Gisena curtsied, and brought forth a drawn diagram. "By your leave, O King of Evening's Realm. Do you recall the Temple of the False Moon? Exciting to think it's not even been a year since you first felled it, including our time in this vacation Realm! Our lonely Azure was trapped within, enslaved by Plerion's artifice to produce and power the tenements of his tiny world, augment his forces with Soul Evocations. Such a versatile form of magic! I remember well when I first saved our lives by defeating that Groundskeeper Librarian, his array of effects so encompassing as to overwhelm your swordplay entirely!"

"And you hope to awaken such an Evocation in one of us?" Hunger raised an eyebrow. "Of power and utility sufficient to contest Dien's science?"

"Hope is the province of the ignorant and the meek," Gisena dismissed. "I would hardly gainsay it, but relying on it when superior methods exist? One hopes not! Surely you've learned by now not to underestimate a genius?"

"Who could ever underestimate your skills of self-promotion?"

"But in this case, it will be you receiving the promotion!" Gisena replied, segueing instantly into the topic at hand. "For I've reconstructed Plerion's device, and improved upon it. No drawn-out agonizing servitude required: simply the consumption of the Azure, and all its potential, to fuel the awakening of a Soul Evocation whose power will be truly unmatched! And the chief component of this device will be none other than your Forebear's Blade."

She flipped a page in her diagram. "Recall the tines which held the Ring in place? Your blade will serve as the central prong. I will infuse the entire construct with findross, while Aobaru reinforces it with Vigorflame. Verschlengorge, Novakhron and Adorie will all channel their Rank to power the device, while Adorie's Oath of Winter weakens the Ring's own resistance to the consumption effect. Novakhron alone is countless orders of magnitude more powerful than Plerion or Stenallon ever were, so the energies channeled will be truly incomparable to the Temple's attempt!"

"Impressive," Hunger acknowledged. "You'll certainly create something of immense power, but how do we know it will be applicable to Dien? From my understanding, a Soul Evocation is unique to its individual, and there is no guarantee that the light of my soul will be of a form that can counter Dien's abilities. If it makes me an even better swordsman, that will not help us find or reach him."

"Still you underestimate me," Gisena sighed. "I've already calculated all of our potential Soul Evocations - mine being Nullity-related, of course... Adorie's is promising, and Aobaru's would be truly heroic, but yours wins out by virtue of your own excellent Rank, and because of some special circumstances, O King. Even if it hadn't, you are Lord Hunger and the Ring Crimson! Your preeminent powers of abduction and consumption mean that only you would receive the full benefits of consuming a rival Ring."

At this, Adorie stepped in. "Gisena has determined that your Soul Evocation is that of the Imprisoner. Which does not directly help us here, until we consider the rest of your panoply! The Tower of Sky was once my prison, and now is part of your Cloak of Sky; and the Cloak of Sky is itself the Realm of Evening, of which you are the uncontested master. As a Soul Evocation increases in power, it advances in both breadth and depth, as we saw by the 'Librarian' manifesting the abilities of a powerful magus. An Imprisoner of sufficient power, carries the nature and attributes of his prison with him, and the domain most suitable for you - which has acted as a prison before, and of which you are king and warden - is nothing less than the Realm of Evening itself!"

"Ambitious," Hunger said. "If we could overlay the Realm onto ordinary reality, even in part, it would grant almost arbitrary control over any number of factors. Time, space, matter, energy... more than simply finding Dien, we could undo all the horrors he's committed. But to extend the power of the Imprisoner so grossly... are you certain this outcome would actually occur?"

"Under normal circumstances," Adorie shook her head. "Absolutely not. But as you said, the Soul Evocation awakened by this method will possess immense and absurd power. It will have progressed many epochs beyond any reasonable standard or limitation. And, if we maximize the sympathetic connections involved by re-imprisoning me in the Realm, we have a very good chance!"

Hunger frowned. That...

"Now," Gisena cut in, "As warden you'll be able to let our darling Adorie out for the great majority of the time, and even when she's 'trapped' you'll be entirely capable of conversing or interacting with her at will, so this is not such a great sacrifice for our Queen of Winter. However, don't believe that you'll be able to control the material realm to the same degree as Evening's, either: a Soul Evocation is fundamentally limited by the Rank of its wielder, so you'll 'only' be able to manipulate every facet of reality with the same proficiency of control you hold over the domain of blood. Rather than an Imprisoner, you'll effectively be some sort of archmage, whose magical prowess at least equals the sum total of your other powers combined. I'll augment you further with support Graces, so that your effective Rank is elevated by full saturation with findross in both the physical and Astral realms. The perfect complement to my own embodiment of magical nullity!"

"I see your scheme," Hunger said, hefting the Blade, "but it's worth a try, if my Blade is willing. No tool less will suffice to destroy a Ring of Power. But the blade is still injured, and the power of Artifice the Azure embodies could be the quickest practical route to repairing it..."

"Consents?" Gisena asked. "Aren't you the master of the Blade, its owner and wielder?"

"The Forebear's Blade is not just an implement," Hunger explained. "It is his legacy, moreso than the Tyrant ever was. He was the patriarch of uncountable dynasties, but only ever wielded one Blade. Through this weapon he channeled all his techniques, all the powers and magics of his long, painful procession. Nothing more than a murder weapon, yet nothing less than his praxis itself. I am its wielder, yes, and its owner by theft and wergeld. But its master? Not in truth. Not yet. Even if it so desired, I am simply not worthy of the title."

He held the sword aloft, gripped in both hands, pointed heavenward towards the sky of evening which encompassed and pervaded all their hopes for this occasion.

In the end, he mused, it had come down to hope after all.

"Once you were the instrument by which your wielder accessed a power beyond all reason," he addressed the Blade. "I ask that you act as such once more, and deliver victory, as you have against every foe I have encountered in the past..."

O dream of fairness, become his blade, that he may enact your impossible wish upon all that were raised against you.

Hunger closed his eyes. Long moments passed. The blade in his hands seemed to grow steadily in weight and heft, straining even his colossal might, become an unbearable anchor which eclipsed the world and even the Realm itself - yet still he held it aloft, held it by the Refinement of Purpose and the Refinement of War, by the very Praxis which the Forebear had mastered with it as channel and vessel. Every moment was excruciating effort, the burden ever-multiplying, as if he were attempting to progress, not in the Praxis, but the entire Praxis itself...

And then, suddenly and all at once, the Blade deigned to relent.

It was not in the nature of a sword, that its wielder should become a magus. Still less, an archmage. Yet at the end, it was willing, as it had been for the Forebear, and events ultimately proceeded as Gisena had foreseen.

The device was made, their powers channeled, the Azure destroyed. By the Ring of Truth sacrificed, did the truth of his own soul find its accession; and, moreover, the truth of his own blade revealed:

For this particular Blade had only ever had one master, one owner, and one wielder.

It had leapt to him, had maintained its stalwart loyalty, not because of his proficiency with abduction, nor the righteousness of his cause; but simply because he embodied its master in truth - that he was not worthy at present, mattered not, for he was, and always would be, its once and future wielder, no one less than the Forebear himself.

And upon his Blade, an inscription was burned, to match the runes across its obverse side, which had first given the Forebear his Praxis of the Sword -

O realm of splendor, great evening dark; become his will, that he may enact your impossible tyranny upon all who would seek to defy him.


The winner was [X] Sophont Halo and [X] Archmage. By imprisoning Adorie, the Queen of Winter, Hunger has also gained [X] November Sky. The vote update will be tomorrow!

If you'd like to discuss the quest in real-time or just chat, you're welcome to join the AST Discord!

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What is Hunger's strategy for taking the battle to Dien? All strategies below will be executed competently due to Breaker of Suns, with input from Gisena and the others in their areas of specialty. Tactics can still help, however!

What is the purpose of Gisena's findross suffusion? Note that this effect will not persist if the Sophont Halo is destroyed.

[ ] Might Alone - While suffused with findross, Hunger's effective Rank is increased by a further 0.5. As she does not benefit from Once and Future's hyper-scaling, even this increase requires a monumental effort to effect, given the heights of Hunger's current power. Stacks with Supreme Commander, Once and Future etc.

[ ] Spark of Prowess - While suffused with findross, Hunger will gain a broad baseline level of proficiency within all of his domains, substantially increasing the complexity and sophistication of his magical effects. Adds a flat bonus to Hunger's current level of skill regardless of how capable he is, short of true mastery.

What is Hunger's proposed strategy?

[ ] War Across the Stars - Hunger will focus his initial training on a specific array of domains intended to enable the creation of a truly staggering number of wraith-constructs. Each holding his visage and a small fraction of his overall power, this phantasmal menace will spread throughout Republic space to reclaim territory and effectively proliferate the effects of Supreme Commander. Each phantasmal wraith possesses 10% of Hunger's physical and 50% of his mental and social parameters before Praxis use, and can wield Pressure at his Rank -2 levels, or at the present level of Supreme Commander in their locality. They do not benefit from the Praxis except that they receive 0.1 ISH elevation to speed from the Attainment of Quickness and one-tenth the benefits of the Refinement of Battle (currently x2.1 to their offensive and defensive final parameters).

Similarly muted versions of his other magics exist on each such clone, save for his Soul Evocation; given Might Alone, each should be near to a match for an Armament outside its shroud. Hunger estimates he can maintain roughly ~1 billion of them at a time; with Spark of Prowess, losses will be replenished in short order.

Strike teams will further pursue Dien's outflung contingencies to track, parse, and catalog his myriad contingencies. When the noose is tightened sufficiently, a final broadside of constructs, a veritable attack of the clones, will descend upon Dien and enact the revenge of all humanity upon the Surgeon's final redoubt.

An army of clones will not just serve to efficiently utilize Supreme Commander, it will also act as an occupation force for the subsequent conquest of the Human Sphere, ensuring an easy transition of power with minimal or no casualties. By flooding Dien with an unending stream of expendable, yet surprisingly powerful combatants, he can tie up the Surgeon's own resources, freeing up Hunger to continue advancing in his mastery of the Archmage Soul Evocation until victory is inevitable.

Turnabout is the fairest play of all - wouldn't you say so, Hero?

[ ] And I'll Form, the Head - Concentrate on the domains of Essence and Union in order to successfully perform Closing the Fist on Hunger, Novakhron, The Ring of Blood, the Forebear's Blade and the Evening Sky. The resultant entity will have Novakhron's base stats and the Ring's primacy, augmented by the full weight of Hunger's magics and Praxis techniques, with the destructive ferocity of the Forebear's Blade and the vast reach of the Evening Sky, all exponentiated by the power of Closing the Fist. By virtue of encompassing the entire volume affected by his Rank, this giga-conglomerate ultrabeing will expand at the speed of Supreme Commander, and simply engulf Dien wheresoever he resides, eventually. The sheer lunatic power of this fusion is all-but guaranteed to bring Dien to a close, but playing this card now invites Apocryphal escalation in the future, to say nothing of the potential collateral damage to the Human Sphere... take care you do not unmake or transmute into un-recognizability the very realm you are supposed to rule!

This is only possible with Might Alone, and marginally at that. After the fusion recedes Hunger won't be able to re-attempt this procedure for several decades at minimum.

[ ] Overlord - Focus on accelerating the feedback loop of Progression by directing all of Hunger's efforts towards comprehensive self-augmentation via the power of the Archmage. High-pick fights in the Realm itself will become only more dangerous as Hunger diverts resources from recovery towards pure augmentation, but it is simply too dangerous to pursue any individual strategy when Dien's countermeasures are unknown. When in doubt, pursue power: the ability to fulfill instrumental goals no matter what their idiosyncratic nature. Hunger will focus on attempting to increase his Attributes, the power of his magics, and his Rank in the pursuit of complete supremacy: domination of Dien in every field of endeavour, and thus victory inevitable given time. One he emerges from the Realm and can gather more data via his vastly expanded domains, a more specific strategy can be enacted.

With Might Alone - Power begets power. Significant enhancements made to Supreme Commander and November Sky, likely the most relevant magics in halting Dien's expansion.
With Spark of Prowess - Proficiency lends itself well to operations of a delicate nature. Effectiveness of Mental and Social Attribute augmentations enhanced.

[ ] Quick to Anger - But not particularly subtle. Focus unceasingly on three core areas: finding Dien, traveling to where Dien is, and putting Dien down for good. All else can wait. The consistency and strategic vision of this choice are its strengths; its potential myopia and lack of raw conceptual power its potential weaknesses. Still, there is much to be said for decisively pursuing one's objective, even if one's capacity may be insufficient: is that not the story of Hunger himself, after all?

What ought be done to those things which cannot be cut? Cut through, even so. So it is with Heroes as well. The fastest overall strategy if successful, focused monotonically on Dien's defeat. There's much to be said for limiting your opponent's scope of action...

Both of Gisena's buffs are helpful here.

[ ] The Killing Blow - Attempt via esoteric means to create some sort of Astral hyper-virus capable of eradicating Dien itself. Where he hides will matter not, if it is targeted properly, and you've plenty of samples of his work to operate from. Dien expects overwhelming brute force from you; the path of subtlety and technical prowess would run counter to his predictions, but perhaps not his precautions. It will be no trivial thing to slay the Foremost in this manner, very nearly his arena of strength, but even if you fail you still hold the offensive position by virtue of being personally invincible against Dien's counterattacks. What's the harm in trying, especially as this will create a perfect training opportunity for the higher echelons of Archmage mastery?

Spark of Prowess recommended. Gisena will lend her genius to atttempt as well, of course!