Didn't know they have that strong of a Leopards tank version here

And that Information joke
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Didn't know they have that strong of a Leopards tank version here
What is the reaction in Taiwan after bloodbath in india? Any changes in British political landscape?
37. Nose art is an aviation tradition dating back to the "Flying Tigers." Painting anime girls on your helicopter does not count as that
40. Coca-Cola does not contain cocaine, so stop trying to tell people "They put the cocaine back in the future."
Later than that, according to Snopes, though it was only tiny amounts by the turn of the century, as they switched to 'decocainized' coca leaves. That process wasn't perfected until 1929, up until which the cocaine content of Coca-Cola was estimated to be something like 1 part in 50 million. Still, they lobbied heavily for exclusions to anti-narcotics laws, and got special provisions to continue importing coca leaves in 1922, which were grandfathered in to all future legislation.Anymore*
They only stopped putting it in round 1911 I believe.
For the record, I did say "No more CIA Shenanigans."
The MIB, however, is not part of the CIA.
Let's hope anime series that got cancelled due to the event gets picked up by local animation studios as well.
WORST POSSIBLE TIMELINE /jk*Isekai becomes the most popular genre and it spreads outside anime/manga.*
The real question is whether Alice in Wonderland counts as an Isekai, and if that means that the English have a claim to being the inventors of the Isekai Genre.
Also, since I have been reading the Imperial Regent Quest (Go check it out), I just realized something:
Games Workshop doesn't exist anymore, which means the IP is public domain.
Which means TTS lives on in this setting, and that makes me very happy.
It might be covered in a later section on tabletop gaming in the early 1920's, but there is a burgeoning 3D printed model community since GW isn't around to sell their "Plastic Crack Cocaine" anymore.
Yes, I am still mad about this.
Games Workshop... Doing they're best to murder their own franchise despite the best efforts of the fans.Games Workshop doesn't exist anymore, which means the IP is public domain.
Which means TTS lives on in this setting, and that makes me very happy.
It might be covered in a later section on tabletop gaming in the early 1920's, but there is a burgeoning 3D printed model community since GW isn't around to sell their "Plastic Crack Cocaine" anymore.
As for Houdini, I could see him becoming a sort of early 1920s Mythbusters act, except with superstitions. As he gets on in years, he might shift gears.
Apparently, he had some ties with HP Lovecraft, of all people, which would be an interesting dynamic.
Especially when the Great Journey probably kicks superstition into overdrive.