A school for the cursed: A Psyker Quest. Warhammer 40k quest.

With a soul ablaze with power and purpose, you take hold of the fundamental forces of gravity and electromagnetism and bend them to your will. Then you reach out with your mind and look at just what you're dealing with.

You are in the burning ruins of the fuel depot. Behind you is the street and the barracks and encampments of the Torvium 124th, who are even now rallying to repel the surprise attack.
In front of you, coming from the hinterlands beyond the city, are the Tau 'Battlesuits' and their infantry support.

With a dismissive wave of your hand, you douse the remaining flames in the fuel depot, saving the undamaged supplies of Prometheum. The 124th need little motivation to rush into action, preparing their Chimera transports.
There are many wounded among the remnants of the fuel depot. A dozen of them are horrifically burned. But they could become a fighting force.

The energy of the Immatereum flows into you, where you turn it into the stuff of life itself. Tendrils of clean green energy seek out the wounded, jabbing into them and triggering bodily regeneration. Soldiers burned half to death get to their feet, wounds fading before their eyes.
We're getting to see how powerful a Beta Psyker that's trained is.

You have pushed as far as you dare without getting permission to break out the truly destructive powers.

You turn around, glancing for the Commissar. Johan is observing at a distance, bolt pistol at the ready. Behind him, the Cadet looking at you in unrestrained horror. The Commissar gives you a glare. "Need me to change your nappies? Go on. Show them the God Emperor's wrath, Psyker!"

You catch his surface thoughts. I hope this one has some self-confidence. Last Psyker wouldn't even heal with Biomancy without asking permission. Followed by mental images of some very colourful analogies.

Your professional relationship established, you nod respectfully. The Commissar returns the nod and gets about his duty. He shoots a man running from the motor pool and begins organizing a defense.
Looks like Johan wantz him to let loose.

Your snap your gaze at the Tau. You concentrate your power with just your mind, no hand gestures, no physical motions. Just raw power focused upon him. The Tau lets out a brief scream as he is crushed flat by the weight of your thoughts pressing down upon him.

You throw the grenades back at the squad, then pull the facade of the hab block they're firing from down around them. You feel a sting of a distant headache as you try to find the source of the projectiles raining down upon the Chimera.

You feel a projectile passing through one of your Kine Shields, slamming into the engine compartment of the Chimera. You immediately focus your attention upon the origin but it is too far away.

Soon another shot rings out, coring another Chimera. You quickly formulate a plan.
We're getting a look at how he's very skilled in combat and planning.

In the months to come, you become a living terror for the Tau forces upon the planet. You tear apart Battlesuits, protect whole companies of troops with kine shields to support their advance, and throw Tau tanks around.

The sight of you, charging into battle trailing lightning and holding your force staff is a sight that spurs equal parts fear and respect.

Most of the Imperial Guard stationed upon the planet fear and recoil at the sight of you. Clutching holy symbols and glaring at you. Their Commissars give you the evil eye and complain to the Torvum 124th about you being kept outside of a containment cage between battles.

The Torvum Tribunes, while wary at first, find themselves respecting and appreciating your power and assistance. They follow you into battle, and your feats are even occasionally cheered for. They ignore any such demands, and defending you becomes something that results in more than a few punch-ups. And these warriors, their officers being connected to the military families of the Torvum Sector, sent word back home about your feats.
Man has earned a reputation.

[X] An Explorator Ark Mechanicus:

Seems like an interesting fellow.
124th Chimeras are aggressively pushing out, heavy bolters blazing at the enemy battlesuits that are approaching over the rooftops. The Tau are firing their weapons from extreme range, the massive kinetic weapons their suits use each coring a chimera in a single shot.
That's pretty awesome to read, Tau truly are the masters of long-range combat.

The railgun shot, held in place, shoots off too fast to follow, tearing the battlesuit that fired it apart.
Such bs, magic is funny.

Their Commissars give you the evil eye and complain to the Torvum 124th about you being kept outside of a containment cage between battles.
Fuck you too, let's see how that would go of you tried it.

When the last Tau is finally dragged out of hiding and thrown still-struggling onto the funeral pyre,
That's just pure, gratuitous cruelty. We're definitely not the good guys here.

[X] A chartered luxury transport
@Mayto Can you tell me what the explicit (de)buffs for the rest of the enhancements from the previous phase would have been? I'd like to slot them in to my collection of cool homebrew ideas.