A Road of Life: A Road To Power: A Medieval Adventure of Rising to Power

The Herald of Destruction 3
The Herald of Destruction 3:

The Throne was actually quite a comfortable chair despite its importance. It was large yes, had a few cushions on it, and it could hold yourself, your wife, all your children, and Elric comfortably. But it was still a weight that fully weighed down on you.

You were expected now to lead your people through whatever crisis may befall them, something you dreaded for every moment, but it was not to be. And it may come sooner rather than later.

Harald Fairhair had arrived under peace banners, the rumors, stories, and fantasies about the previous month were… to put it bluntly… wild, exaggerations of the truth, and those exaggerations were… putting you into a light that was...useful for cementing your rule.

But ultimately dangerous.

Haralds Demenor: 1D100 => 19

Fairhair smiled as you stood to greet him. "My… such a change of fortunes has befallen the men of Norway… a new Jarl graces me with his presence." His smile was real, if not his intentions. "Hello Einar, It is nice to meet you again under better circumstances."

"Yes… You're not going to kill me for sending a message." You replied bluntly.

"Well, Erik insulted me greatly with his… lack of tact." He replied giving a small laugh. "May we speak with some ale? Thirsty bit of work trying to get through the snow."

You nodded. "Koll. Bring us some ale, and a table."

Koll nodded and a table was brought to you. You sat on one end, Harald the other. Horns of ale followed.

"Your men respect you." Harald stated.

"They do… Amazing what working with others and working beside them can do for your likability, compared to overreaching with the law, threatening a man's family and privileges." You stated.

Harald nodded. "Aye… to your health!" He saluted, and you clanked horns together.

"Why are you here Harald?" You replied quietly as you did not join in the drinking. "It's not just to congratulate me for my success in removing your rival?"

"Right you are." Harald stated. "Personally, if you were any other man, I would demand you bend the knee and call me your king… but your work in Eire has given me pause, particularly… the lack of stories."

"And?" You asked

"You lack stories, yet you return with over a hundred Thralls and enough Gold to buy your way to nobility. And your men sing songs of you walking into towns and villages, disarming the entire population, before putting them in chains and stealing everything of value." Harald stated. "Now that is a man I would not want to trifle with… at least until I can learn to deal with him."

"Are you threatening me, Harald?" You asked. "The last man who tried to threaten me ended up in the ground without honor."

"No brother… far from it." He then turned away, as if he could not face you. "There are things I have seen Einar. That tells me that I am destined to be king of Norway."

You froze for a moment as he turned back. "I will become king Einar… if you join me, I will not kill you and everyone you love… your name will be etched in a saga, being sung by our people forever."

"You are so arrogant to just walk into my home and demand a man's fealty, after drinking his ale, and honoring his hospitality." You replied. "Men have been killed for less Harald."

"Yes… but I am not here to offer you a choice of fealty that you would never accept… I am here for the girl, promised to me many years ago to be my wife." Harald stated. "By the man you so graciously murdered for me."

You narrowed your eyes. "She's useless to me, her father made sure of that. You can take her."

Harald was surprised. "I didn't take you for a diplomat… or a man that caves easily to a demand?"

"Oh trust me, Harald… if you were demanding something from me… it would cost more than the ale you drank and a woman whom everyone in the Jarldom despises." You stated. "This a courtesy… we both know it."

"True… I'm not going to attack you," He replied. "Call it a courtesy."

"Anything else you want to brazenly demand?" You asked. "Or give me?"

"I am giving you 1 year to think about what you truly desire… I will be back with my host to here your answer. I am sure age will give you wisdom… and hopefully, you will see the error of your ways of not accepting your true king."

"Go bother the finns with your words… for if you have nothing else to say… leave." You ordered, not even moving from your seat.

"I wish you well in the wars to come Einar Wallbreaker." Harald stated.

The other Jarl left without another word.

Reward: Einar is now the Jarl of Hordaland.

Income will change and be adjusted due to his new role.

You have a military of 5000 soldiers and 50 ships.

You have 1 year before Harald Fairhair comes back with his army, demanding battle or fealty.

You have new actions available.

AN: Enjoy.
Dynasty Creation
Due to your Rise in Rank, you now have a chance to begin a true dynasty. This task will require all your efforts, as you will gain roll bonuses for what your name is, what your sigil is, and what your house words are.

It just gets people on your side.

What is your Dynasty's name?:
[]Write in

What is your coat of arms?:
[]Place image here.

What are your Dynasties words?:
[]Write in Here.

Any Extra things you want:
[]Place Here!

AN: Vote in plan format, and please, think of the culture you are in when coming up with this.

Because it will help you unify Norway.
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The War of Unification
The War of Unification:

Traditions needed to be kept, lands needed distribution, so many things needed to be done. You were not a leader of men, not like the Jarl was.

But such matters mattered very little, as you need to do your duty.

Norway needed you to do your duty.

And you would not be stopped. You couldn't for Odin had claimed you were the man chosen for this victory.

Kara looked at you, feeling the stress on your body with her hands. "You know what this means."

"I know." you replied stoically. "We cannot be careless… or we all die."

"I know you will lead us to victory." She replied as you leaned on her. You needed them all.

Your Millitary Forces:

3534 Light infantry
1466 Heavy infantry

50 Longships.

You are currently 70% matching the strength of Harald Fairhair. He outnumbers you in men, but not in ships.

You have 8 actions

Actions Locked out due to Fighting in the War of Norwegian Unification.

Critical Actions: These actions are available for this turn, that may assist you in unifying Norway.

[]To Unify The Realm: The Thanes of the North (Diplomatically): You are a Jarl of Norway, and you can use your influence of both men, material, and legend to bring these men to your Cause of unifying Norway. Cost 200 Chance of success: ???% Reward: You try to diplomatically bring the thanes to your side and banner.

[]To Unify the Realm: Kjotve the Rich (Diplomatically): Erik's former Ally to the south is without a doubt, the richest man in gold and men in Norway. He is someone whom you need on your side if you have a chance against the Fairhair. Cost 200 Chance of success: ???% Reward: You meet with Kjotve the Rich, and try to bring him to your side, and banner.

[]To Stamp out any Opposition (Subjugation of the North): You will be king of Norway, and if they do not bow to you, you will destroy them. Cost: 100 Chance of success: ??? Reward: You battle for the North, and bring them under your command.

[]To Stamp out any Opposition (Subjugation of The Rich): You will be king of Norway, and if the so-called richest Viking lord does not bow to you, you will destroy him. Cost: 100 Chance of success: ??? Reward: You battle for The Jarldom of Agden, and bring him under your command.

[]A Moot: There is no need for battle… You will gather the Jarls and Thanes to Viken… and call a moot. Let the men of Norway decide who their king would be. Cost 1000 Chance of success: 100%, ???% Reward: The Moot is called...and all Thanes and Jarls will be in attendance. Due to you calling it, you will be at an advantage… but so will Fairhair.

[]Glory or Death (Battle the Fairhair): There will be no peace, not while both of you live. Cost 0 Chance of success: ??? Reward: You will do battle with Harald Fairhair.

Diplomacy: You have lots of things to do to bring peace to the lands.

[]Hire a Diplomat: You need an assistant in the realm of diplomacy… someone you can trust. Cost: 100 Chance of success: 80% Reward: You gain 1 action.

[]Flyting: You shall sing the praise of your ancestors and kinsman in a song that will shake the heavens. Cost:0 Chance of Success: ???% Reward: Prestige gain, Chance of a Trait. Chance to Gain diplomacy.

Martial: War is coming, you need to be ready for battle. (Raids have been disabled until the War of Norwigein Unification is over)

[]Recruit Warriors: You need more able-bodied men in your army, and you know the lands of the north have more abed bodied men within the surrounding Fjords. Cost: 1000 Chance of success: 50% Reward: A D1000 is rolled for soldiers recruited. Soldiers will be placed in the army and are temporary for the remainder of the War of Unification.

[]A Capable Commander: You need to have capable field commander who can advise and maintain a military force. Cost: 25 Chance of success: 70/50/20% Reward: A Brilliant Commander joins your court, +1 martial action. New actions become Available.

[]Reorginize the Huscarls: You need loyal men in your retinue. Men who will follow you to the ends of the earth. Cost 500 Chance of success: 100% Reward: You gain a full retinue of 500 men ready to do battle with you.

[]Drill the Men: You will be fighting the most important battle, possibly in all the lands history in a year. You want every man to do his duty. Cost 300 Chance of success 75%/25% Reward: You will begin with 100% morale in the next battle.

[]Fight in the Arena: The Local Fight club… an arena. You will risk your life in that fight pit… to earn coin, and hopefully, become a richer man. Cost 0 Gold.Chance of success: ??? Reward: You will fight in the Arena. If you fail, there is a chance you will get wounded, maimed, or killed. However, you will be richly rewarded for your efforts if you succeed.

[]Get: Better (Martial): You want to learn how to lead men into battle, whether it be a bar brawl, or the militia: Cost:0 Chance of success 80/40/20/10% Reward: Martial stat increases. The chance to gain a trait ???

[]Get Better (Personal Combat) You need to get better with a blade, You have to. Cost:0 Chance of success 80/40/20/10% Reward: Personal Combat stat increases. Chance to gain Formidable Fighter: 10%

Intrigue: You cannot ignore the World any longer, for you are part of it.

[]A master of Shadows: You do not trust anyone… But you need an ally who can assist you in court. To help you. Maybe one day, you can trust that person. But they have to prove themselves first. Cost: 50 Chance of success: 60% reward: A spymaster, new action soon become avalible.

[]Spies...spies everywhere: You need to know who's keeping tabs on you...and whether you should leave them be or purge the sons of bitches to send a message. Cost:100 Chance of success 50%. Reward: You learn who's spying on you.

[]What the Hell is going on in the World: You wish to learn what is going on around the world if you can Cost 20 Gold Chance of success 55% reward: A Basic news network is founded. Reports unlocked.

[]Get better: (Intrigue) You need to get better at lying. There are enemies all around you, you need to know how to find them to rise. Cost:0 Chance of success 80/40/20/10% Reward: Intrigue stat increases. The chance to gain a trait: ???

[]Into the Bones: You wish to see the future, and what fate may be around the corner. Chance of Success: ???% Reward: A Glimpse into the future.

Stewardship: You have gold… Now rule wisely.

[]Hire a Steward: You need to hire Steward to do the number work. Cost: 25 Chance of success: 60% Reward: You have a steward. +1 to Stewardship actions, New actions become available.

[]Gamble: The Dice, the Cards, The Thrill… and the reward will be well worth the risk. Cost 10/20/50/100 Gold.Chance of success: ??? Reward: You can get greatly rewarded for your risk. Win too much, people may take notice… and they may kill you. (Note for this Action: Please leave only the amount you are willing to gamble in the vote. Like only Place 10 instead of just leaving. 10/20/50/100)

[]Buy Arms and Armor: You are in desperate need of equipment for defending yourself, and to join the arms. (This action will start a Marketplace miniturn)

[]Invest into the Lands: You will revitalize the lands, and turn it into a prosperous region. Cost: 2000 (two turns) Chance of success: 70/50/30/10. Reward: You invest in your lands, and you will see a prosperous outcome.

Learning: You may know the numbers… but that does not mean you cannot learn more.

[]Sacrifice to Odin: You will give a sacrifice to Odin, to see if the Allfather will be merciful and grant you wisdom. Cost 100 Piety Chance of success: ???% Reward: The Allfather gives you a boon.

[]Teach Elric: Your Father Needs Help teaching Elric about something. You might as well. Cost 0 Chance of success: ???% Reward: Elric gains stats or traits.

[]Get Better: (Learning): You need to get better at book work and studies. A Wise King is someone who comes once every few generations... At least that is what you've heard. Cost:0 Chance of success 80/40/20/10% Reward: Learning stat increases. The chance to gain a trait: ???

Personal: Father is proud of you, for disobeying him… even though he is angered by you.

[]Walk the Lands: You want to walk the lands and see how your people are doing. Maybe you can learn something your spies or friends haven't told you. Cost: 0 Chance of success ???% Reward: Interesting Events might happen.

[]Spend Time with Kara: You and her have been rather busy… Time to make time for her. Cost: 0 Chance of success ???% Reward: You and Kara Spend time together.

[]Overlook: You can oversee a project personally, giving it a personal touch. Cost 0 Reward a single action can have a +15 roll added to the dice.

AN: Enjoy. and Vote in Plan format please.
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A Change in the Tides
A Change in the Tides:

-[X]To Stamp out any Opposition (Subjugation of the North): You will be king of Norway, and if they do not bow to you, you will destroy them. Cost: 100 Chance of success: ??? Reward: You battle for the North, and bring them under your command. Rolls: 1D100 => 98

You had expected a bloodbath… a total wholesale slaughter of thousands of men in the mountains of Norway, with the Thanes of the North quickly and loudly assembling their defenses to make you enter a long, costly group of sieges, which would weaken you… and leave you vulnerable to attack from Fairhair and his forces.

You did not expect posturing from low level imbeciles who thought the best way to attack you… was by trying to ambush you, while you had the high ground… in a superior position… on a clear day, in the middle of spring... When you could see them coming over ten miles away.

They tried to run shield walls, of exhausted men whom you had learned had been marching without food or rest for three days, at your lines. Completely without any rest or recuperation.

These men, raiders hardened by battles and great raids, some even fighting in the Great Army of the Danelaw… were sent running away scared, terrified of your force, in less than a moment. Their leaders, foolish and stupid, though their numbers would win.

They were wrong. You were thankful that there was not a bloodbath of the men who in all honesty, you had no qualm with. Those soldiers would be useful and you'd rather have them alive.

Their thanes… Their leaders that foolishly led them into battle…

They did not feel your mercy.

You made sure to Blood Eagle all of them. To make a statement. Cowardness, stupidity… recklessness…

They would not be trifled with, or ignored.

It would be removed like the cancer it was… permanently.

Their lands and gold, were yours, and could be used appropriately, to fund your campaign.

Reward: You have gained all the Thanedoms in the North of Norway. Their previous title bearers dead, by your order, their families and loyalists, fled to the Danelaw, to avoid your wrath.

Your father is sickened by the action, but realized that it needed to be done.

+10000 gold pieces added to your treasury.

+3 to martial.

+1 to Personal Combat

New Action Available.

-[X]To Unify the Realm: Kjotve the Rich (Diplomatically): Erik's former Ally to the south is without a doubt, the richest man in gold and men in Norway. He is someone whom you need on your side if you have a chance against the Fairhair. Cost 200 Chance of success: ???% Reward: You meet with Kjotve the Rich, and try to bring him to your side, and banner. Rolls: 1D100 => 94

You met with Kjotve on the mountain side, near a small shrine to Odin. "I have seen you coming in my dreams Jarl Einar." The fire was burning. "Sit next to me." He requested, offering a place on the log.

You joined him. "Dreams?"

The Jarl chuckled. "I know, must be strange to say those words aloud… But you are no stranger to Woodin's will. For you are his chosen." He looked down. "I have seen it in the fires, and in the bones."

You were quiet, searching for the words. "Odin has chosen me-"

"He has chosen you, just as his son, The Thunderer chose Harald Yinling." Kjotve replied.

Hearing the name of Harald was confusing. "Why would you follow me, instead of Fairhair?"

"Because I would never disobey the All-father or his plans for Norway. I would have for Freya… But seeing you, after all you've done?" He replied. "Demand my fealty, chosen of Odin…" He paused and grabbed your arms. "DEMAND IT!"

He released you. "Jarl Kjovte, the Rich of Adglen." You started. "Will you follow me, in battle, in peace, to the Sea and the land, to the moon and the Stars. Now and Always?"

"I shall." He replied with a smile.

Reward: Jarl Kjovte, the Rich of Adglen has sworn fealty to you. You can call his banner at any time to raid, and to defeat your enemies.

[X]A Capable Commander: You need to have a capable field commander who can advise and maintain a military force. Cost: 25 Chance of success: 70/50/20% Reward: A Brilliant Commander joins your court, +1 martial action. New actions become Available. Rolls:1D100 => 4

There were many commanders that were famed and capable of leading an army, your army to victory… unfortunately… they were among the stupid, and the mad, who tried to face you.

They were strewn out onto trees with their organs ripped out by your hand, to feed the ravens.


-[X]Recruit Warriors: You need more able-bodied men in your army, and you know the lands of the north have more abed bodied men within the surrounding Fjords. Cost: 1000 Chance of success: 50% Reward: A D1000 is rolled for soldiers recruited. Soldiers will be placed in the army and are temporary for the remainder of the War of Unification. Rolls:1D100 => 86 Troops needed: 1D1000 => 597 Rounded: 600.

But the Survivors of the battle, if you could call it that… were more than willing to join your army.

Reward: +300 Light infantry, +300 Heavy Infantry!

-[X]Drill the Men: You will be fighting the most important battle, possibly in all the lands history in a year. You want every man to do his duty. Cost 300 Chance of success 75%/25% Reward: You will begin with 100% morale in the next battle. Rolls: 1D100 => 67

War was the best teacher… but the next best was a constant stream of drill.

Every day men practiced their formations, their lines, their taunts… marching, fighting, sparing.

They would be better than the best raiders in the world. They would be your army.

Reward: 100% morale for all troops in the next battle.

-[X]Get: Better (Martial): You want to learn how to lead men into battle, whether it be a bar brawl, or the militia: Cost:0 Chance of success 80/40/20/10% Reward: Martial stat increases. The chance to gain a trait ??? Rolls:1D100 => 27

Leading this campaign… was an eye-opener. It helped you learn of things that could help you in the future.

Reward: +1 to martial.

-[X]Invest into the Lands: You will revitalize the lands, and turn it into a prosperous region. Cost: 2000 (two turns) Chance of success: 70/50/30/10. Reward: You invest in your lands, and you will see a prosperous outcome. Rolls:1D100 => 97

Perhaps, among all things you wanted to see, was for your lands and people to prosper…

You would begin to see it. But the money you gave to allies and friends to build and expand business, were used wisely.

Reward will be shown next turn.

-[X]Sacrifice to Odin: You will give a sacrifice to Odin, to see if the Allfather will be merciful and grant you wisdom. Cost 100 Piety Chance of success: ???% Reward: The Allfather gives you a boon. Rolls: 1D100 => 29

The All-Father was Silent.

You did not know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

But one thing was for certain.

Something was on the horizon.


Nun Pregnancy Rolls: 1D100 => 85

Fate Smiles Upon you, your concubine is pregnant.

Reward: Your concubine is pregnant.

Nun Pregnancy Roll:1D100 => 80

Fate Smiles Upon you, your concubine is pregnant.

Reward: Your concubine is pregnant.

Disaster Roll:1D100 => 100
Special Event Roll:1D100 => 97

Harald came under a peace banner, his eyes filled with rage, and his face, both shown disgust and betrayal.

"Einar. There is something we need to discuss."

"What is there to discuss?"

"The future of a free and independent Norway."

"And you think I care about it coming from you?"

"You will when I tell you that 20,000 Danes are rallying their forces to subjugate the entire kingdom because you murdered Erik. As it turns out… They were backing him, to the Throne of Norway."

(Continued in: The Outside Bet)

AN: Enjoy.
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The Outside Bet:
The Outside Bet:

Fairhair came to the small campsite you had prepared as a meeting ground under the banner of peace, not his own banner of a lion. He made quite a show of it, holding it higher than any of his other banners as he rode on a fine stallion, cloaked in great deer furs… or was it reindeer from the Finn's? You didn't know.

The banner itself was white, with a red line through it.

"Jarl Einar?" He said quietly as he dismounted his horse. "It is great that we can discuss matters civilly… again, and not waste men and ships in battle."

"I'm surprised you would even want to speak to me again after you rudely demanded my fealty." You replied angrily. "The only reason I came to speak to you was for the sake of our children and our wives."

"I didn't think you would think of them before battle." Fairhair sounded… complimentary, as if he understood the words of some he loved. "But thank her for her wisdom."

"Indeed." You replied. "Why have you called this meeting, and delay a battle that will surely decide the future of Norway, and who would be king?"

Harald sighed. "Because this is about the future of a free and independent Norway."

"With one of us as king I suppose?" You sarcastically replied.

"With a Norwegian as king!" Harald stated.

"And you think I care about it coming from you?" You replied.

There was silence as the winds slowed and you could gear the forests brighten with the sounds of life. "Because Jarl Einar… The time for fighting each other is over."

"Really? I thought it just begun?" You replied. "The Thanes of the North certainly tried, and they were all destroyed, the survivors of their families and loyalists took their ships and fled to the danelaw. I have victories under me, same as you… Why not finish this little spat of who becomes king now? Why would you want me to wait."

Fairhair gave a smile. "20,000 Danes."

"Oh you brought allies?" you replied. "Bring them all, they'll die just the same."

"They are not my allies, nor are they yours." Harald stated.

"Snake in the eye is dead, White shirt rules the Danelaw… what would his sons care about Norway, when there are lands to conquer elsewhere?" you asked.

"Because you killed Erik." He responded firmly.

"Yes… why should that matter?" You replied.

"Because the Danes cared!" Harald stated. "The Danes were backing him, so he could call himself king, and Sigfrid and his brother Hafdan could lay claim to taxes as tribute!"

You frowned. "Continue."

"20,000 Danes are seeking to subjugate our home." Harald stated. "I am willing to fight with you if you would help me kill them, and remind the Danes, that we are not their slaves."

"And how come you don't join the danes? Why come to me?" You asked.

"Because your the only one I can turn to turn them back," Harald stated. "Kjovte follows you, The Northern Lands are now yours to command, the only place you don't have is Vikkin, and I'm certain our battle would have decided that. You are the only one left whom I can turn to, to ask for help. The only one who can help me defeat them."

"I didn't expect to hear you beg." You stated.

"I'm not begging for my life Einar. I'm begging for yours… to see the wisdom in fighting others… and not each other."

Do you Accept Harald's offer to Alliance, against the Danish invasion:

[]Yes: It is the only way that Norway can remain free.

[]No: You do not believe his words.

[]Demand one condition: You demand one thing

What do you demand:

[]Demand Command of the Army: you need all the men under your command, every soldier you have.

[]Demand command of the Ships: They will be attacking from Sea, and you will stop them, for that, you need the ship… all of them.

[]Complete command: You command everything. Land and Sea will be your dominion.

[]Demand Kingship: You want to Be the king. (Note: This option will have a hidden dice roll you will not see. But, you might lose the roll, and Harald will become king. Do not choose this action unless you are absolutely sure you can roll well)

AN: Please Enjoy, and please, do not try to be smart and do a write in, they will not count.
The Need of a Father
The Need of a Father:

Your father looked like he was ready to travel to a faraway land when you came to see him. The farmhouse that he believed was going to be the place where he died was near desolate, the fighting that both made him surrender himself, and your victory had caused you to move the many items of personal value to the Longhouse, and your new home in the village center.

The only thing that remained was your table, with carvings of your mother, your father, you and Elric. And a chair where your father sat, with an empty stool waiting for you.

Supplies, a bag of clothes, his bow, arrows, sword, and shield were sitting beside him, waiting.

He turned to you as you entered. "I figured you check here when you finally realized I haven't left yet."

"This was the first place I would check for you father." You replied as you walked in. You realized how much you changed as you strode in, realizing the fine furs that kept you warm was fine, better than any furs you wore as a cover for the cold before the events transpired. In your home, there was the wind coming through cracks in the walls, signifying wherein the walls such repairs were needed, or where the mud sank from the heavy snows.

This place was so familiar, yet now, so foreign to you.

"I expected you to inherit this place… my gift to you, and Kara, and the children, and Elric… this land I had spent my whole life building for all of you… and in less than a year, you are a Jarl… and saved my life from certain death because you were brave enough to stand by yourself, your convictions, and your family." He paused, taking a breath as he thought his next words.

"Father-" You tried to protest.

But your father raised his hand. "Einar, my son." He cupped your cheek into his hands, and you saw the tears falling from his eyes. "I can hardly look at you anymore as my son. And I am terrified of you… I did not raise you to be what you are. And that frightens me."

"Father, I would-"

"Stop trying to excuse what you are, and dissuading my worries, because they won't help. I have seen what you have done, and there is little I can offer you for help." He replied.

You frowned. "Father-"

"You can order me all you want son, but my answer will still remain the same. I'm leaving for the Varangians. I will not separate take anyone but myself." He stated. "I just… cannot help you anymore." He stood. "This is goodbye for now."

He than embraced you. "May the gods give you strength when you need it, wisdom when you desire it, and good luck when they see fit."

He let go. "I love you."

And he left on a ship… and you believe, you would never see him again.

Reward: Dankmar Gains the Trait: Varangian: This man is a member of the Elite Byzantine bodyguard, assigned to protect the Emperor from all threats. (+4 to martial, +10 to Personal Combat, +10 opinion to all Greek, and Norse Cultures)

AN: Enjoy.
Another annoucement
Alright lads, a little announcement, When the War of unification ends, and we find out if we become King, This quest will begin as a sequal in another thread.

Mostly because the threads opening here, is more designed for a peasant quest, then that of a noble, or king quest that we seem to be entering the phase for.

I hope this will not come as any surpise to any of you. But since we are about to leave such legendary beginnings, I want to be sure to give you all a heads up.
The War of Norwegian Unification (Campaign turn 1)
The War of Norwegian Unification (Campaign turn 1):

You looked at the reports of the danish troop movements as they pertained to the operational capacity of the entire Norwegian coastline.

They could strike anywhere, but the two potential landing zones that they would take was either Vikken, Harald's stronghold and the closest port that may allow them to get supplies and reinforcements.

The other was Horaldland. Your stronghold, a place that was not prepared for war. At least for war, and a siege.

The lands granary was only half full, and most who would stay behind were old me, children and the womenfolk. The thandoms of the north were an option, but you did not believe they would be suitable until there was another Jarl to lead them.

They would be killed… at least that was what you feared.

"Kara." You protested to your wife as you looked at her, the fires smoke clouding your vision. "I cannot ask you to come, not with-"

"You are a Jarl, you may be king and wherever you go, I will follow!" She demanded. "I will not let you just wander off into the world without me-"

"What can you do Kara, can you fight? Can you lead men!? Can you do anything that would not make you a burden in my camp!?" You demanded.

"I stop you from making stupid decisions!" She shouted.

"Stupid?! I am about to become king! And you question me!?" You demanded.


"Than teach my children how to not be stupid!" You demand. "I may be a fool, but they do not have to be! Teach them how not to be me!"

Kara froze. "Then promise me you will come back."

"I would give a kingdom, to be back with you." You replied.

"It's time." Harald stated.

Your Military Forces:

3834 Light infantry
1766 Heavy infantry
50 Longships.

Haralds Military Forces:

4231 Light Infantry
1234 Heavy infantry
203 Mounted Calvary
49 Longships

Kojvte's Millitary Forces

3405 Light Infantry
1365 Heavy Infantry
30 Longships.

Where do you Defend:

[]Horadland: You will mount a defense of your home, it would be a likely place to land, if Vikken was not an option

[]Vikken: Haralds Capital, and the Largest settlement in Norway. It was the most defended, the geographically closest destination, and could be controlled in the seas. But Harald knows this, and you know this… it would be the perfect place to make a stand.

[]Out at Sea: You will battle the Fleet at sea, and try to win the war there.

[]In the North: They will come from the disunited North, that may suffer the most from the Invasion.

AN: enjoy.
Strategy Turn: The Defense of Vikken
Strategy Turn: The Defense of Vikken

You saw the peace banners fly over the sky as the ship slowly swayed in the sea. The two kings of the Danes, son of the Snake in the eye… were very infuriating. They arrived with golden crowns on their heads, rings of gold, rubies, and sapphires were adorning their fingers.

They were fat, rich off of the wealth that now flowed from the land called England. They were warriors, yes, but unlike you, you could not see the callused hands of men who trained for battle. They were soft, fleshy and above all… covered in jewlery.

"Ah, the petty kings." Siegfred stated with contempt. "Men whose entire worlds cannot comprehend that of ours."

"Beginning a negotiation with belittlement will do you no favors." Kjovte stated as he butted in, placing his hands down on the table.

Halfdan, the other brother sighed. "Tell me than Jarl Kjovte… why is there no king among you who taken a crown and placed it onto his head and proclaimed himself sovereign and ruler of the lands of Norway?"

Your hands clenched, same as Harald's, who gazed at the two men who dared to come to this land.

"Because there is none." He replied quietly. "The Jarls will meeting in a moot to remedy such a situation."

"No man here, save for one would have had our support," Siegfred stated. "And yet, a man here has killed him… murdered him, in cold blood."

You did not move, yet you faced the two men with gritted teeth. "He threatened my family, stole from me, and tried to kill me. The gods favored I lived and he died for his trechery. If such a man had your support, you choose the wrong man."

The two men rolled their eyes. "Spare me the lecture, Jarl Einar. There were agreements that he would have to face."

"And what agreements would that be?" Fairhair asked.

"200,000 silver was the price he promised to us, for a throne in Norway. Seeing as you have all refused to pay the promised silver, we will place another, of our choice, onto the throne of Norway. With or without, your consent." Halfdan replied.

"And you just expect us to give you that price?" Kjovte said. "When we have made no such deals with you?"

"Yes… Or you can all die, and we just take your lands and titles instead." Siegfried stated. "It's your choice."

You slammed your hands on the table in rage. "You enjoy being powerful men over equally powerful men, making demands you know they cannot repay?"

"Only those who wronged us." Halfdan replied. "Like you… but you are not our equal, like the others… you are just a boy, a farmer, who should not be here with his betters."

"Go back to your fucking fleet!" You shouted as you pulled out your ax from your side, pointing at them. "Go back there, and tell them they should be ready to die, for you will not take an inch of Norwegian soil while I breathe!"

The two men looked to each other and Halfdan smiled. "You have made your choice… may the gods guide you to Valhalla, for that will be the only place where you shall be when we are done with you."

The two men left without another word.

How do you Defend Vikken:

[]We Shall fight them on the Beaches: You will make a defensive line at their landing zone, on the beaches near Vikken, where they have to land, unless they want to sail 20 miles up the coast to another safe harbor.

[]We Shall Battle Them on our Walls: We shall fight them on the walls of our homes, to force them into a bloody siege where we shall be waiting for them, stocked and ready for the winter months… while they freeze to death.

[]We shall fight them on the fields: Deny them the closest landing zones and force them to the east. We shall fight them on the road to Vikken. And then we will destroy them

[]We shall fight them out at Sea: You will gather every ship and set sail to meet them out in the water. Let the gods decide.

[]Write in a Strategy if you wish.

AN: Enjoy.
Strategy Turn: Force Composition and Command Structure and Strategy
Strategy Turn: Force Composition and Command Structure and Strategy:

Your Military Forces:

Total Forces in Defense:
11470 Light infantry
4365 Heavy Infantry
203 Mounted Calvary

Left Flank Force Deployment:
[]Choose which forces from above that are going onto the flank.

Center Force Deployment:
[]Choose which forces from above that are going onto the flank.

Right Flank Force Deployment:
[]Choose which forces from above that are going onto the flank.

Choose Overall Commander for the Defense (Choose 1)
[]Einar (Look at the Frontpage for his stats people, it's there for a reason.)
[]Harald Fairhair (Jarl of Vikken, Ally in the Battle Martial: 27)
[]Koll Bjornson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 10)
[]Regin Branson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 6)
[]Grim Branson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 9)
[]Tor Erikson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 22)
[]Magnus Thorsson (Garrison Commander of Vikken: Martial: 18)
[]Unther Bronson: (Haralds Marshel: Martial 24)
[]Elric (Einar's Brother: Martial: 14)

Who will take the Center:
[]Einar (Look at the Frontpage for his stats people, it's there for a reason.)
[]Harald Fairhair (Jarl of Vikken, Ally in the Battle Martial: 27)
[]Koll Bjornson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 10)
[]Regin Branson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 6)
[]Grim Branson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 9)
[]Tor Erikson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 22)
[]Magnus Thorsson (Garrison Commander of Vikken: Martial: 18)
[]Unther Bronson: (Haralds Marshel: Martial 24)
[]Elric (Einar's Brother: Martial: 14)

Who will take the Right Flank:
[]Einar (Look at the Frontpage for his stats people, it's there for a reason.)
[]Harald Fairhair (Jarl of Vikken, Ally in the Battle Martial: 27)
[]Koll Bjornson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 10)
[]Regin Branson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 6)
[]Grim Branson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 9)
[]Tor Erikson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 22)
[]Magnus Thorsson (Garrison Commander of Vikken: Martial: 18)
[]Unther Bronson: (Haralds Marshel: Martial 24)
[]Elric (Einar's Brother: Martial: 14)

Who will take the Left Flank:
[]Einar (Look at the Frontpage for his stats people, it's there for a reason.)
[]Harald Fairhair (Jarl of Vikken, Ally in the Battle Martial: 27)
[]Koll Bjornson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 10)
[]Regin Branson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 6)
[]Grim Branson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 9)
[]Tor Erikson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 22)
[]Magnus Thorsson (Garrison Commander of Vikken: Martial: 18)
[]Unther Bronson: (Haralds Marshel: Martial 24)
[]Elric (Einar's Brother: Martial: 14)

What is your Strategy for the Defense:

[]Isolate and Strike: You will use their landing party's and attack any ship that may come your way. It may not be an excellent defense, but it will at least buy you time for nightfall.

[]Shieldwall and Advance: Gather your shields together and Drive them to the Sea.

[]Toss insults: Demoralize your opponents with profanities involving their Two Kings being killed like the dogs they are.

[]Stand Firm: You will have your men stand their ground and take everything that comes at them.

[]Write in Strategy you believe will be helpful in your Defense.

Now all you need to do is choose your formation for the battle:
[]Line Formation
[]Colum Formation
[]Wedge Formation
[]Diamond Formation
[]Inverted Wedge Formation
[]Square formation
[]Write in


Navel Composition:
119 Longships.

Who will command the Longships?:
[]Einar (Look at the Frontpage for his stats people, it's there for a reason.)
[]Harald Fairhair (Jarl of Vikken, Ally in the Battle Martial: 27)
[]Koll Bjornson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 10)
[]Regin Branson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 6)
[]Grim Branson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 9)
[]Tor Erikson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 22)
[]Magnus Thorsson (Garrison Commander of Vikken: Martial: 18)
[]Unther Bronson: (Haralds Marshel: Martial 24)
[]Elric (Einar's Brother: Martial: 14)

What do you do with the Naval Forces:
[]Get the Sailors Here: You need the Extra Infantry. (Gain an additional 3000 Light infantry)

[]Harrass Supply Ships: You will try to take out enemy supplies. (If successful, Enemy Morale will begin at 80 instead of 100%)

[]Take out Troop Transports: You will want to take out as many ships carrying the enemy Army as possible. (if successful, a d 20,000 will roll for how many casualties were inflicted upon the Enemy Army before the battle)

[]Funnel Them in: You will want the Ships as tightly packed as possible to prevent movement, and give you control of the battlefield. (-10 to enemy attack rolls)

[]Write in (Bonuses subject to my approval)

AN: Enjoy. And Trust me, I told you I was very thorough when giving you the power over the battle.

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