Strategy Turn: Force Composition and Command Structure and Strategy:
Your Military Forces:
Total Forces in Defense:
11470 Light infantry
4365 Heavy Infantry
203 Mounted Calvary
Left Flank Force Deployment:
[]Choose which forces from above that are going onto the flank.
Center Force Deployment:
[]Choose which forces from above that are going onto the flank.
Right Flank Force Deployment:
[]Choose which forces from above that are going onto the flank.
Choose Overall Commander for the Defense (Choose 1)
[]Einar (Look at the Frontpage for his stats people, it's there for a reason.)
[]Harald Fairhair (Jarl of Vikken, Ally in the Battle Martial: 27)
[]Koll Bjornson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 10)
[]Regin Branson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 6)
[]Grim Branson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 9)
[]Tor Erikson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 22)
[]Magnus Thorsson (Garrison Commander of Vikken: Martial: 18)
[]Unther Bronson: (Haralds Marshel: Martial 24)
[]Elric (Einar's Brother: Martial: 14)
Who will take the Center:
[]Einar (Look at the Frontpage for his stats people, it's there for a reason.)
[]Harald Fairhair (Jarl of Vikken, Ally in the Battle Martial: 27)
[]Koll Bjornson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 10)
[]Regin Branson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 6)
[]Grim Branson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 9)
[]Tor Erikson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 22)
[]Magnus Thorsson (Garrison Commander of Vikken: Martial: 18)
[]Unther Bronson: (Haralds Marshel: Martial 24)
[]Elric (Einar's Brother: Martial: 14)
Who will take the Right Flank:
[]Einar (Look at the Frontpage for his stats people, it's there for a reason.)
[]Harald Fairhair (Jarl of Vikken, Ally in the Battle Martial: 27)
[]Koll Bjornson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 10)
[]Regin Branson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 6)
[]Grim Branson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 9)
[]Tor Erikson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 22)
[]Magnus Thorsson (Garrison Commander of Vikken: Martial: 18)
[]Unther Bronson: (Haralds Marshel: Martial 24)
[]Elric (Einar's Brother: Martial: 14)
Who will take the Left Flank:
[]Einar (Look at the Frontpage for his stats people, it's there for a reason.)
[]Harald Fairhair (Jarl of Vikken, Ally in the Battle Martial: 27)
[]Koll Bjornson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 10)
[]Regin Branson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 6)
[]Grim Branson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 9)
[]Tor Erikson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 22)
[]Magnus Thorsson (Garrison Commander of Vikken: Martial: 18)
[]Unther Bronson: (Haralds Marshel: Martial 24)
[]Elric (Einar's Brother: Martial: 14)
What is your Strategy for the Defense:
[]Isolate and Strike: You will use their landing party's and attack any ship that may come your way. It may not be an excellent defense, but it will at least buy you time for nightfall.
[]Shieldwall and Advance: Gather your shields together and Drive them to the Sea.
[]Toss insults: Demoralize your opponents with profanities involving their Two Kings being killed like the dogs they are.
[]Stand Firm: You will have your men stand their ground and take everything that comes at them.
[]Write in Strategy you believe will be helpful in your Defense.
Now all you need to do is choose your formation for the battle:
[]Line Formation
[]Colum Formation
[]Wedge Formation
[]Diamond Formation
[]Inverted Wedge Formation
[]Square formation
[]Write in
Navel Composition:
119 Longships.
Who will command the Longships?:
[]Einar (Look at the Frontpage for his stats people, it's there for a reason.)
[]Harald Fairhair (Jarl of Vikken, Ally in the Battle Martial: 27)
[]Koll Bjornson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 10)
[]Regin Branson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 6)
[]Grim Branson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 9)
[]Tor Erikson (A Companion Raider of your Retinue: Martial: 22)
[]Magnus Thorsson (Garrison Commander of Vikken: Martial: 18)
[]Unther Bronson: (Haralds Marshel: Martial 24)
[]Elric (Einar's Brother: Martial: 14)
What do you do with the Naval Forces:
[]Get the Sailors Here: You need the Extra Infantry. (Gain an additional 3000 Light infantry)
[]Harrass Supply Ships: You will try to take out enemy supplies. (If successful, Enemy Morale will begin at 80 instead of 100%)
[]Take out Troop Transports: You will want to take out as many ships carrying the enemy Army as possible. (if successful, a d 20,000 will roll for how many casualties were inflicted upon the Enemy Army before the battle)
[]Funnel Them in: You will want the Ships as tightly packed as possible to prevent movement, and give you control of the battlefield. (-10 to enemy attack rolls)
[]Write in (Bonuses subject to my approval)
AN: Enjoy. And Trust me, I told you I was very thorough when giving you the power over the battle.
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