A Road of Life: A Road To Power: A Medieval Adventure of Rising to Power

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A Path To Power


SV's Questing Fanatic
California USA
A Road to Life: A Road To Power: A Medieval Adventure of Rising to Power!

Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.

-William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night


There are many places like that… but then again, they matter, but they do not.

You are just a lowborn… not a noble, not a knight, and most certainly… not great.

Not yet at least.

Because greatness is only one good move away

This is your tale, of someone rising from nothing to controlling your own destiny, and rising to power.

Life has no set courses...only a Path of Life.

And a Road to Power?

Do you live life… or do you struggle for power?​

What Era do you Begin in?

[]771 The Rise of Charlemagne: Charles and Carloman Karling rule over a divided Francia, with both brothers plotting to take the throne of Pippen and Charles Martel. On the Italian peninsula, Desiderius is the King of Lombardy, but he holds papal lands in defiance of the Papacy. In the Byzantine Empire, controversy rages regarding the use of religious images, leading to a split within the Orthodox Church. The Abbasid Caliphate is at the zenith of its power, but is beginning to crumble with powerful vassals are already biding their time to break free from the Caliphs control. The Umayyad Sultanate of Al-Andalus controls large swathes of Hispania, a consolation prize of sorts after losing their empire to the Abbasids 20 years prior. To their north, Asturias, the last Christian Kingdom on the Peninsula is in real danger of falling into Muslim hands. Over in the East, the Empire of Tibet looms large over its neighbors, ruling over a realm still clinging to pagan ways; meanwhile, the Western Protectorate is at the nadir of its power, as the Tang Dynasty has yet to recover from internal rebellion about a decade prior. The Eve of Greatness is upon the World, and it shall never be the same again!

[]867 The Viking Age!: The sons of Ragnarr Loðbrok are attempting to carve out pieces of England in revenge for the murder of their father. Farther east, Rurik is beginning his attempt to form Rus. In Scandinavia, small tribes are attempting to subjugate each other in the hope of forming Norway, Sweden, and the Fylkirate. King Arpad of the Magyars is beginning a series of invasions with the hope of settling in the Pannonian Basin. In Europe, The Karling Empire is fragmented by petty rivalries and sibling kingdoms, all vying for the Throne of Charlemagne. The Abbasid Caliph, Al-Mu'tazz, rules over a weakened Arabian empire. Former vassals have become de facto independent, with many more vying for the Empire. The Caliph's half-brothers consider claimant bids, while the Turkish dukes in Jerusalem clamor for independence. The Viking Age is about to dawn upon Europe, and all will learn to fear the Northman!

[]1066 William the Conqueror: After a long campaign, William of Normandy has conquered England and sits on the throne he fought hard for. However, unrest grows in his realm, as his unruly Anglo-Saxon vassals grumble about the Norman conqueror and the new ways he brought from the continent. The descendants of Rurik have converted to Orthodox Christianity, but the fracturing realms have lead the Empire of Kiev weakened and disunified against the hordes of the Steppes. The Holy Roman Empire and France are major powers, their birthright forged in blood and iron. The Karling dynasty rules neither: they have been reduced to a single county, Vermandois in France. Hungary, Poland, and much of Scandinavia have converted to Catholicism through the tireless works of saints and missionaries, but Paganism still carried weight in many circles. The fate of Asia Minor shall be decided in the upcoming days, as Alp Arslan of the great Seljuk Empire prepares a massive invasion of Anatolia. Will Rome survive? Or will it crumble?

[]1080 The First Crusade: A great Christian army formed at the calling of Pope Urban II, they were filled with the fervor that only the Call to Adventure could fill, on this day, there were no Franks, no Normans, nor any other vague terms that separated them, they were all Christians, good and true to God, with one purpose in their hearts: To take back the Holy Lands. Yet this great Christian army is unruly, once the excitement of religion died down in their hearts, this wandering mass of Christians degenerated into savageness, hunger was their main worry, so for every city, every village they found, they tore it apart, took all the food and left scattered remains of what was once there. They are untrained, yes there are a few noble knights, trained from birth for this exact moment, yet they are the minority, most are simple peasants who have never known combat, except to drive away bandits that ironically behaved the way they have, it is unruly, savage, yet something can be made of these men. Both sides prepare to fight a war in the Holy Land. Few will find fame and glory… Some will find eternal salvation, Many will find death and destruction. The World will never be the same again. Deus Vult!

AN: Welcome to a Quest where you start at the bottom and claw your way to the top in the Carlington Era, the Viking Age, The High Middle Ages, or even the First Crusade.

You are a peasant, a freeman, who can through luck and determination, rise above your status, gain wealth... or adventure with the greatest leaders that this world will know.

Will you be a knight, a king, a consort, a mercenary?

The choice is all up to you.

Only you can choose your path to power.
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Charecter Sheet
Name: Jarl Einar Dansson

Age: 22

Health: 5.0


Patron: Odin: Odin is your Patron, and protector. (+3 to all stats. Signs may be seen that may help you in life, and allow you a good death)

Title: Jarl of Horaland.

Diplomacy: 1+1+2+1-3+3+5= 10

Martial: 5+1+2+2+2+3+5+4= 24

Stewardship: 2+2+1+1+3+2+5=16

Intrigue: 3+1+2+3+5=14

Learning: 2+1+2+3+3+5=16

Personal Combat: 4+1+2+2+2+1+3+15+16=46


Diligent: Thorough and detail-oriented, this one always gets their work done promptly and accurately.(+1 to all stats. +1 to all actions.)

Dog: A dog follows this person around. (+1 to Personal combat. -20 to assassination rolls)

Ambitious: This individual wishes to achieve the highest possible station in life. Whether honorably or otherwise.(+2 to all stats.)

Brave: This person will face their fears, and keep going into the jaws of hell. (+2 to martial and Personal combat, +1 to diplomacy.)

Zealous: Whatever their cause may be, this person fervently believes in it, will proudly proclaim it, will try to convert others, and will unhesitatingly die for it. (+3 to Learning, +2 to martial and Personal Combat. +20 to piety gain)

Proud: This person is convinced that them being or will be, the best is an indisputable fact. Any who stand in the way of this are destined to be trampled underfoot. (+15 to prestige gain, -5 opinion from everyone.)

Stubborn: An individual who only changes their mind or backs down with the hardest difficulty. Even physical harm does not dissuade them. (-3 to diplomacy. You get a single reroll per turn.)

Child of Destiny: You have been touched by the gods to serve their will on earth. (+5 to all stats except Personal Combat. +15 to Personal Combat.)

Formidable Fighter: Your skill in personal combat is legendary, to the point where your body has not even been touched by a blade (+4 to martial. +16 to personal combat)
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Family and Allies
House of Veggbrotsjór
Sigil: A wall, broken by Odin's spear falling from above, a raven sitting on either side of the hole.
House Words: "Like Men, All Walls Fall."

Name: Dankmar Svenson

Opinion: 100/100

Age: 48

Health: 5.0

Fertility: 100%

Diplomacy: 12

Martial: 4

Stewardship: 5

Intrigue: 7

Learning: 2

Personal Combat: 12


Kind: This generous and gentle person is friendly to all, and will only fight or kill when it is necessary, and after all attempts at diplomacy have failed. (+3 to diplomacy, +10 to diplomacy rolls, -5 to Personal Combat.)

Just: Fairness, morality, and law. This person seeks to balance all accounts, by forgiveness and retribution alike.(+5 to Stewardship. +10 to Stewardship rolls)

Widower: You have lost your wife years ago… the pain has never stopped. (This man will not marry again.)

Content: Fed, watered, rested, and happy. This person feels their life is going pretty well. (+20 opinion from everyone. Special actions become unavailable.)

Stubborn: An individual who only changes their mind or backs down with the hardest difficulty. Even physical harm does not dissuade them. (-3 to diplomacy. You get a single reroll per turn.)

Name: Elric Dansson

Age: 13

Opinion: 100/100

Health: 5.0

Fertility: 100

Diplomacy: 11

Martial: 14

Stewardship: 25

Intrigue: 10

Learning: 12

Personal Combat: 21


Diligent: Thorough and detail-oriented, this one always gets their work done promptly and accurately.(+1 to all stats. +1 to all actions.)

Just: Fairness, morality, and law. This person seeks to balance all accounts, by forgiveness and retribution alike.(+5 to Stewardship. +10 to Stewardship rolls)

Shy: An introvert who has a hard time speaking to new people or in public. They'd prefer to just be alone, or unnoticed.(-3 to diplomacy.)

Brave: This person will face their fears, and keep going into the jaws of hell. (+2 to martial and Personal combat, +1 to diplomacy.)

Name: Kara Atlasardóttir

Opinion: 100/100.

Age: 22

Health: 5.0

Fertility: 100%

Diplomacy: 8

Martial: 6

Stewardship: 10

Intrigue: 5

Learning: 5

Personal Combat: 7


Attractive: This person is absolutely stunningly beautiful. So beautiful in fact, people can't stop looking at them. (+2 to diplomacy, +10 opinion from everyone)

Brave: This person will face their fears, and keep going into the jaws of hell. (+2 to martial and Personal combat, +1 to diplomacy.)

Charitable: Outgoing and generous, this person sees their role in life is helping those in need (+3 to diplomacy, +10 to diplomacy rolls.)

Wrath: Anger, violence, and a surly disposition rule this person, restraint is a foreign concept. They may be capable of thinking things through, but it's almost always how better to fight and hurt the enemy. (+2 to personal Combat, -1 to martial, -1 to diplomacy.)
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Wealth: 5194 Gold

Prestige: 1335 Prestige

Piety: 1080 Piety

Wealth Gained Per Turn: 400(used to buy items, equipment, and other things)

Prestige gained per Turn: 150 (Used to rank up in society, take part in certain actions, and even get promoted.

Piety Gained Per Turn: 120 (Praying to the gods can net certain boons, and they may help you if you are pious enough.)

Expenditure: 338 Gold per turn
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A Legend Begins
A Story has a beginning... a beginning that only those who look closely, through legend and history can find.

Yours begins here. In a world rife with chaos... strife... and above all else, change.

The Dragon longships cut through the waves of the sea, the rivers and the unknown.

Let your legend begin.

But first... we must know which legend we follow.

Your Legend.

What is your Name?
[]Write in

What do you look like:
[]Image here

Where do you Hail From?:
[]Write in, must be from within Europe, Western Asia or the Near Middle East.

What is your religion:
[]Write in
[]Screw that noise, let's not get into that pesky thing. (Religions will be ignored)

What is your age:
[]Write in (must be older than 15, but younger than 30)

Are you Literate (It will be in Latin The lingua Franca for Western Europe, Arabic, Norse Runes or Greek):

Can you do math? :

What is your education?:

[]Diplomacy (Increases your Base Stat roll for this stat by +2)
[]Martial (Increases your Base Stat roll for this stat by +2)
[]Stewardship (Increases your Base Stat roll for this stat by +2)
[]Intrigue (Increases your Base Stat roll for this stat by +2)
[]Learning. (Increases your Base Stat roll for this stat by +2)
[]Personal Combat. (Increases your Base Stat roll for this stat by +2)
[]I am Uneducated. (You get two extra good traits during Trait selection)

Do you have a Family:

If you have a family, who is in that family:
(Can choose up to 3)

[]It was an older man helping you up onto your feet, his hands rough, but his smile was warm. Your Father

[]It was an older woman, her eyes filled with compassion as she bandaged your arm, singing a song that simple words could not describe. Your Mother

[]It was a young boy resting on your back, his tiny breaths filling you with pride as you held him close. Your Little brother

[]It was a young girl, her smile was infectious in the way only innocence can make them. Your Little Sister

[]It was a young man, his voice carrying all over a lake… and he has stood beside you, through everything you have been through since the very beginning. And would be beside you till the very end. One of Your Best Friends.

[]It was a young woman, someone who was by your side since the very beginning, lost and filled with wonder, and a lust for gold. A friend until the end. One of Your Best Friends

AN: Enjoy, and please vote in plan format.
The Person
The Person.

You will be known by history if you can take that path with both hands, and never let go.

But who are you really?

Good Traits: (You can have up to 4 good traits)

[]Chaste: Innocent and easily embarrassed by sexual situations and thoughts. They may even be unaware of basic innuendos. (-15% Fertility, +2 to Diplomacy, -2 to Learning.)

[]Temperate: Calm, level-headed, and easy-going, this person goes with the flow of life while partaking in most things.(+2 to Stewardship, +1 to Diplomacy.)

[]Charitable: Outgoing and generous, this person sees their role in life is helping those in need (+3 to diplomacy, +10 to diplomacy rolls.)

[]Diligent: Thorough and detail-oriented, this one always gets their work done promptly and accurately.(+1 to all stats. +1 to all actions.)

[]Patient: Capable of great control and focus over extended periods of time, this person knows good things come to those who wait until the right moment. (+1 to all stats)

[]Kind: This generous and gentle person is friendly to all, and will only fight or kill when it is necessary, and after all attempts at diplomacy have failed. (+3 to diplomacy, +10 to diplomacy rolls, -5 to Personal Combat.)

[]Humble: This person will never praise their own efforts, preferring to stay in the background and let others reap the spoils. (+5 to Diplomacy. +1 to piety gain. -5 to prestige gain)

[]Ambitious: This individual wishes to achieve the highest possible station in life. Whether honorably or otherwise.(+2 to all stats.)

[]Brave: This person will face their fears, and keep going into the jaws of hell. (+2 to martial and Personal combat, +1 to diplomacy.)

[]Just: Fairness, morality, and law. This person seeks to balance all accounts, by forgiveness and retribution alike.(+5 to Stewardship. +10 to Stewardship rolls)

[]Trusting: Someone who quickly latches on to others and follows them. May consider them a teacher or master, no matter how they are treated. (+2 to diplomacy, -1 to intrigue. +10 to assassination rolls.)

[]Zealous: Whatever their cause may be, this person fervently believes in it, will proudly proclaim it, will try to convert others, and will unhesitatingly die for it. (+3 to Learning, +2 to martial and Personal Combat. +20 to piety gain)

[]Lucky: You are supernaturally Lucky. So much so that it is considered your power. (You lower the disaster roll by 10 and raise the special event roll by 10.)

Bad Traits: These are your flaws your only paths that may show your humanity. (you can Choose up to 2)

[]Lustful: Controlled by a desire for passion and flesh, this person has extreme difficulty controlling themselves around someone they find attractive.(+25% Fertility, -2 to Diplomacy, +2 to intrigue, Special Actions Available.)

[]Gluttonous: Always looking for a good meal, they will never pass up a chance to eat and often brings along an unhealthy amount of snacks.(-2 to Stewardship, -1 to diplomacy. -10 to diplomacy rolls.)

[]Greedy: The world is their oyster, and they will see it exploited for their gain and no one else's.(Increase in Monthly Income by 10%, -5 to diplomacy. Action cost decreased by 25%. )

[]Slothful: Lazy and indolent, the easiest path to what they want is always taken. if one is needed to be taken at all. (-1 to all stats, -1 to all actions except personal.)

[]Wrath: Anger, violence, and a surly disposition rule this person, restraint is a foreign concept. They may be capable of thinking things through, but it's almost always how better to fight and hurt the enemy. (+2 to personal Combat, -1 to martial, -1 to diplomacy.)

[]Envious:'This should be mine' is the center of this person's beliefs. They will do anything to get what they were denied.(-3 to diplomacy, +2 to intrigue. )

[]Proud: This person is convinced that them being or will be, the best is an indisputable fact. Any who stand in the way of this are destined to be trampled underfoot. (+15 to prestige gain, -5 opinion from everyone.)

[]Arbitrary: This person changes their mind when the facts change. Or their mood.(-2 to stewardship, -2 to diplomacy. -10 to stewardship rolls.)

[]Content: Fed, watered, rested, and happy. This person feels their life is going pretty well.(+20 opinion from everyone. Special actions become unavailable.)

[]Craven: Running away to live another day is this person's plan A.(-2 to martial and Personal combat, -1 to diplomacy.)

[]Cruel: The slightest breach gets the harshest punishment from this character. They may even enjoy it.(-3 to Diplomacy, +2 to intrigue.)

[]Cynical: The world is cruel, and goodness is a lie. This character sees only darkness in others and is suspicious about everything.(-3 to learning +2 to intrigue.)

[]Deceitful: Everyone lies, it has been said. This person just does it constantly.(+5 to intrigue, -3 to Diplomacy.)

[]Paranoid: It's not imaginary if they really are out to get you. And this person has concluded that to be so.(+5 to intrigue, -3 to Diplomacy. Special action Available)

[]Shy: An introvert who has a hard time speaking to new people or in public. They'd prefer to just be alone, or unnoticed.(-3 to diplomacy.)

[]Stubborn: An individual who only changes their mind or backs down with the hardest difficulty. Even physical harm does not dissuade them. (-3 to diplomacy. You get a single reroll per turn.)

[]Cursed: You have been cursed by an unknown force. (+10 to disaster roll, -10 to special event rolls.)

AN: Enjoy.

Please vote in plan format please.
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A Legend Born amongst Mud, Snow and Water: Turn 1
A Legend Born amongst Mud, Snow, and Water: Turn 1

You awoke to the sounds of birds chirping in the sky like pests and the chicken's bocking.

"Einar wake-up!" Your brother's voice broke through the sounds of nature before his face appeared. "Father needs you."

You groaned. "Aye… give me a minute." You cracked up, your arms stretching out. "What are you doing? Doesn't father need you?"

Your brother gave you a toothy smile. "He sent me to get you."

"Where's my shirt… It's cold." You complained

"By the fire, with your boots." He stated.

You sighed. "Get to father Elric."

You got dressed and met your father. "Father."

Your father was pounding at the soil. "Einar , your awake good, I need you to get the food ready."

"Yes sir." you replied. "Kara come by?"

"No, she delivered the tools that she borrowed earlier in the day." He replied. "Now, come on lad, get moving, daylight is burning."

You have 7 Actions Available.

Critical Actions: These actions, are available for this turn.

[]Work For your Father: You may be a man grown, but your father requested that you stay and help on his farm until after the Harvest. Again. Cost:0 Chance of success: 100% Reward: You help your father. He will pay you… what little he does not leave for your brother.

Diplomacy: You have lots of things to do.

[]Head to the Tavern: You need to relax, after such a long time working. Cost 5 Chance of success: 100% Reward: You relax, you drink, and interesting things may occur.

[]Offer Help to Kara: Kara needs help at the Mead Hall. Hopefully she'll pay you this time. Cost 0 Chance of success: 100% Reward: You help Kara.

[]Flyting: You shall sing praise of your ancestors and kinsman in a song that will shake the heavens. Cost:0 Chance of Success: ???% Reward: Prestige gain, Chance of a Trait. Chance to Gain diplomacy.

Martial: The Arena is open to you again… maybe this time you won't make a fool of yourself.

[]Fight in the Arena: The Local Fight club… an arena. You will risk your life in that fight pit… to earn coin, and hopefully, become a richer man. Cost 0 Gold.Chance of success: ??? Reward: You will fight in the Arena. If you fail, there is a chance you will get wounded, maimed, or killed. However, you will be richly rewarded for your efforts if you succeed.

[]Get: Better (Martial): You want to learn how to lead men into battle, whether it be a bar brawl, or the militia: Cost:0 Chance of success 80/40/20/10% Reward: Martial stat increases. The chance to gain a trait ???

[]Get Better (Personal Combat) You need to get better with a blade, You have to. Cost:0 Chance of success 80/40/20/10% Reward: Personal Combat stat increases. Chance to gain Formidable Fighter: 10%

[]Request Training with the Housecarls: It is the Duty of the Jarl's warriors to train men at arms for a time when they are needed...perhaps you can request some extra hours. Cost:10 Gold Chance of Success: 25% Reward: You train with the Lord's Soldiers. You may get recognition (Prestige), you may join the next raid if they feel you can take care of yourself.

Intrigue: Even in this farming village… life still has gossip.

[]What the Hell is going on in the World: You wish to learn what is going on around the world if you can Cost 20 Gold Chance of success 55% reward: A Basic news network is founded. Reports unlocked.

[]Get better: (Intrigue) You need to get better at lying. There are enemies all around you, you need to know how to find them to rise. Cost:0 Chance of success 80/40/20/10% Reward: Intrigue stat increases. The chance to gain a trait: ???

[]Request Tax Break: Mayhaps...with a look into the finances of the Jarl...he can be persuaded not to tax you. Chance of Success: 15% Reward: No Expenses for 2 turns.(If you fail you will pay DOUBLE taxes for two turns)


[]Get Better: (Stewardship): You have to get better at Stewardship to better manage your own finances. Cost:0 Chance of success 80/40/20/10% Reward: Stewardship stat increases. The chance to gain a trait: ???

[]Work Odd Jobs: You need more coin… might as well offer your services to another for a few hours every week. Cost: 0 Chance of success: 90%, ???%/??? Reward: You earn some Gold. You are noticed. New Action will become available.

[]Gamble: The Dice, the Cards, The Thrill… and the reward will be well worth the risk. Cost 10/20/50/100 Gold.Chance of success: ??? Reward: You can get greatly rewarded for your risk. Win too much, people may take notice… and they may kill you. (Note for this Action: Please leave only the amount you are willing to gamble in the vote. Like only Place 10 instead of just leaving. 10/20/50/100)

[]Build a Ship: You wish to become a master of your own fate and having your own ship can accomplish that. Cost: 150 Gold. 5 Turns. Chance of Success: 100% Reward:A Long Boat Begins construction.

[]Buy Arms and Armor: You are in desperate need of equipment for defending yourself, and to join the arms. (This action will start a Marketplace miniturn)

Learning: You may know the numbers… but that does not mean you cannot learn more.

[]Teach Elric:Your Father Needs Help teaching Elric about something. You might as well. Cost 0 Chance of success: ???% Reward: Elric gains stats or traits.

[]Get Better: (Learning): You need to get better at book work and studies. A Wise king is someone who comes once every few generations... At least that is what you've read. Cost:0 Chance of success 80/40/20/10% Reward: Learning stat increases. The chance to gain a trait: ???

[]Learn To Read: You wish to learn how to read letters from paper, and to educate yourself as a noble. Cost 20 Gold Chance of success: ??? Reward: You can read in (Runic). +2 to Learning. You can read.

Personal: Father is proud of you.

[]Walk the Lands: You want to walk the lands and see how your people are doing. Maybe you can learn something your spies haven't told you. Cost: 0 Chance of success ???% Reward: Interesting Events might happen.

[]Choose Your Patron: You will choose your Patron God of the Norse Pantheon. Cost: 0 Chance of success 100% Reward: You can choose your Patron.

[]Find a Suitable bride: You need to get a wife and have an heir as quickly as possible Cost 0 Chance of success: 100% Reward: Information on the most eligible bachelorettes in the Area.

[]Opportunity Awaits: You think you can find an opportunity… Travel, fight, even… Adventure. Cost: 0 Chance of success: ???% Reward: An Opportunity Awaits. Your Legend can begin. (You leave home, on an adventure to seek fortune and glory)

[]Overlook: You can oversee a project personally, giving it a personal touch. Cost 0 Reward a single action can have a +15 roll added to the dice.

AN: Enjoy

Vote in Plan format.
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A Tale of Salt and Iron (Turn 1 Results)
A Tale of Salt and Iron (Turn 1 Results)

-[X] Work For your Father: You may be a man grown, but your father requested that you stay and help on his farm until after the Harvest. Again. Cost:0 Chance of success: 100% Reward: You help your father. He will pay you… what little he does not leave for your brother. Rolled:1D100 => 25

The work, as always was quite difficult. Much of the work had to be done by yourself, what with your father being requested to help by your neighbors, and the Jarl. New of the Great raid was slowly coming back from the land of the Alnglo-Saxons… and they were reporting of the great wealth that soon would be upon the shores of Norway.

It was good news. And bad news. Every young man was leaving across the sea to the Angland. You barely got the harvest to make a profit, and to feed your family. But it was enough.

Reward: +10 gold. Your father is thankful that you stayed.

-[X]Flyting: You shall sing praise of your ancestors and kinsman in a song that will shake the heavens. Cost:0 Chance of Success: ???% Reward:prestige gain, Chance of a Trait. Chance to Gain diplomacy. Rolled:1D100 => 35

Your flyting skills were quite… poor all things considering.

You were laughed out of the mead hall with you stumbling over your words.


-[X] Get Better (Personal Combat) You need to get better with a blade, You have to. Cost:0 Chance of success 80/40/20/10% Reward: Personal Combat stat increases. Chance to gain Formidable Fighter: 10% Rolled:1D100 => 82 Formidable fighter Roll:1D100 => 66

But you took out your frustrations onto the practice yard. You used your frustration against the practice dummies and those willing to spar with you.

Your training went well. And even some of the Guards of the Jarls Huscarl's took an interest.

Reward: +3 to Personal combat stat. The Jarls men have taken an interest to you.

-[X] Get Better: (Stewardship): You have to get better at Stewardship to better manage your own finances. Cost:0 Chance of success 80/40/20/10% Reward: Stewardship stat increases. The chance to gain a trait: ??? Rolled:1D100 => 40

Your counting lessons, ones that your father insists you do… are going well. Not as well as you hope, but well enough.

Reward: +2 to Stewardship.

-[X] Work Odd Jobs: You need more coin… might as well offer your services to another for a few hours every week. Cost: 0 Chance of success: 90%, ???%/??? Reward: You earn some Gold. You are noticed. New Action will become available. Rolled:1D100 => 90

The Jarl came to you and requested that you deliver a package to the border of his lands, and wait for someone to come.

The man… barely old enough to call him, was Harald Fairhair, Jarl of Ostlandet, your Jarl's rival, and formally, a close friend.

"You are the messenger from Erik?" He asked, his golden hair flowing in the winter air. "I would have expected him to come himself."

"Yes, Jarl." You stated" He did not come. He chose me in his stead."

The man smiled. "Very well… Give me the package."

You nodded and handed it over to him. You saw him open it and he grinned. "I would have thought our childhood together would have made the choice easier." He threw down the box, revealing locks of hair. "I requested her hand… nothing more… and all I get is her hair." A letter was in his hand, and he read it.

He looked at you. "Tell me, boy… have you ever seen Gyda of Hordaland?"

You nodded. "Yes, Jarl. She is my Jarl's daughter, the fairest maid in the lands."

"Indeed." The Jarl nodded. "Go home…I will not take my anger on a boy who does not have any stake in this war."

He looked to you, towering over you. "You're not scared of me boy?"

"It's poor form to kill the messenger, even if I do not carry a banner." You stated.

The Jarl nodded. "Indeed… I like a man who can look me in the eye without fear…" He turned around. "Live well boy, soon you may see a crown and a King."

Reward: +100 gold. The Jarl is surprised that you returned alive. Harald Fairhair has met you, and he's impressed with your bravery, and ability to stand up to him with no fear.

-[X]Get Better: (Learning): You need to get better at book work and studies. A Wise king is someone who comes once every few generations... At least that is what you've heard. Cost:0 Chance of success 80/40/20/10% Reward: Learning stat increases. The chance to gain a trait: ??? Rolled:1D100 => 14

You did not have time to learn.


-[X]Choose Your Patron: You will choose your Patron God of the Norse Pantheon. Cost: 0 Chance of success 100% Reward: You can choose your Patron. Rolled:1D100 => 83

Continued in: Choose your Patron.

Disaster Roll:1D100 => 18

Nothing really bad happened… only a slight chill running through the air like the wind

Special event Roll: 1D100 => 65

Your father made a little extra at the market, and gave you a small share, considering the work you did.

Reward: +10 to Gold.

AN: Enjoy.
Choose your Patron.
Choose your Patron.

There are many gods that demand worship, and you can only choose one.

[]Odin: The Allfather, Lord of Justice, Truth, leader of all the Aesir, and the Pantheon itself. He is a wise ruler, a trickster, and all manner of wise. He sacrificed his eye to see the future. Not a Poor choice, but he is rather popular amongst your fellows. Gain Patron: Odin: Odin is your Patron, and protector. (+3 to all stats. Signs may be seen that may help you in life, and allow you a good death)

[]Thor: The Thunderer, the son of Odin, a great warrior and the prophesized slayer of Jörmungandr. He prayed to on the eve of battle, to grant strength and cunning. Gain Patron: Thor: Thor is your Patron and Protector (+10 to Personal combat. May pray for his blessing before the battle.)

[]Freya: Freyja is a goddess of war, death, love, sex, beauty, fertility, gold, and seiðr. She brings both fertility and victory to those who show glory in battle. Gain Patron: Freya: Freya is your Patron and Protector (+25 to Fertility rolls. +3 to Martial and Personal combat. You may find more gold in your travels with her whispers in your ear. Fate may bend around you if you know where to look.)

[]Loki: The other son of Odin, the Trickster, the man with wit and talent above all else. He is a great one to have at your side, and a god you would not want to cross. Gain Patron: Loki: Loki is your Patron and Protector. (+5 to intrigue and Diplomacy. You may suffer a greater misfortune (+5 to the disaster roll) but an even greater boon (+15 to the Special Event roll))

[]Write in (you can choose more obscure gods within the pantheon, and I will assign bonuses to them as they come, if they are described.)

AN: Enjoy.
Turning a New Leaf (Turn 2)
Turning a New Leaf (Turn 2):

The Jarl frowned as you walked into the Longhall, with the letter in hand. "I see that you are still alive Einar? I trust my package was delivered?"

"It was my Jarl." You replied coolly.

"Good." The Jarl nodded. "Give him his reward." He ordered his steward.

The Seward handed over a small bag of gold, the weight heavy, and it was laden with coins. "Your payment, as promised."

The Jarl was not pleased. He must have been hoping that you did not survive the delivery. But that did not matter. You had, and now he had to pay.

You did not suppress your smile. After all, it was more gold than you had ever seen before. And you would make sure it would be put to good use.

Kara was at your home as you arrived back. "Kara?" You said surprised to see her. "Your father sent you?" You asked.

"No Einar, I came by myself." She stated, her finger twirling around her hair.

"Well since you're here, could you help me with Elric, I need to make sure he milks the goat." You said.

"Actually, I came here to ask your father something." She stated.

"Oh, and what would that be?" You asked. "Is your father finally moving across the sea?"

"No… My father sent me to ask for your hand." She replied.

What? "WHAT!" You exclaimed. "Why?"

"He's heard about the gold you earned from the Jarl, and he believes you are the safest man to marry." She stated.

"I don't have any land, I work for my father, and might not even inherit, what makes you think I'm a good match?" You asked.

"You're a good fighter, and he's offering you a job at the mead hall, to protect it, and to learn the trade." She stated.

"Will I be paid?" you asked.

"I don't know. He didn't tell me." She stated.


You have 7 Actions Avalible.

Critical Actions: These actions are available for this turn.

[]Work For your Father: You may be a grown man, but your father requested that you stay and help on his farm until after the Harvest. Again. Cost:0 Chance of success: 100% Reward: You help your father. He will pay you… what little he does not leave for your brother.

Diplomacy: You have lots of things to do.

[]A Marriage to a Friend: Kara's father gave an offer. Marry his daughter and work for him, and he would leave the Mead Hall to you, while he went off to the Great Army of Whiteshirt. Cost:10 (The Dowery) Chance of success: 100% Reward: You are married to Kara, and get a job at the mead hall.

[]Head to the Tavern: You need to relax, after such a long time working. Cost 5 Chance of success: 100% Reward: You relax, you drink, and interesting things may occur.

[]Offer Help to Kara: Kara needs help at the Mead Hall. Hopefully, she'll pay you this time. Cost 0 Chance of success: 100% Reward: You help Kara.

[]Flyting: You shall sing praise of your ancestors and kinsman in a song that will shake the heavens. Cost:0 Chance of Success: ???% Reward: Prestige gain, Chance of a Trait. Chance to Gain diplomacy.

Martial: The Arena is open to you again… maybe this time you won't make a fool of yourself. And the Jarl saw fit to allow you to join this year's raid. You have proven yourself to him.

[]Join Raiding Party: The Jarl is asking for volunteers to join him in a raid to the East, the lands of the Coronians, and Pomeranians. Cost 0 Chance of success: ???%Reward: You join a raid, and get a chance to get your loot and glory.

[]Fight in the Arena: The Local Fight club… an arena. You will risk your life in that fight pit… to earn coin, and hopefully, become a richer man. Cost 0 Gold.Chance of success: ??? Reward: You will fight in the Arena. If you fail, there is a chance you will get wounded, maimed, or killed. However, you will be richly rewarded for your efforts if you succeed.

[]Get: Better (Martial): You want to learn how to lead men into battle, whether it be a bar brawl, or the militia: Cost:0 Chance of success 80/40/20/10% Reward: Martial stat increases. The chance to gain a trait ???

[]Get Better (Personal Combat) You need to get better with a blade, You have to. Cost:0 Chance of success 80/40/20/10% Reward: Personal Combat stat increases. Chance to gain Formidable Fighter: 10%

[]Request Training with the Housecarls: It is the Duty of the Jarl's warriors to train men at arms for a time when they are needed...perhaps you can request some extra hours. Cost:10 Gold Chance of Success: 25% Reward: You train with the Lord's Soldiers. You may get recognition (Prestige), you may join the next raid if they feel you can take care of yourself.

Intrigue: Even in this farming village… life still has gossip.

[]What the Hell is going on in the World: You wish to learn what is going on around the world if you can Cost 20 Gold Chance of success 55% reward: A Basic news network is founded. Reports unlocked.

[]Get better: (Intrigue) You need to get better at lying. There are enemies all around you, you need to know how to find them to rise. Cost:0 Chance of success 80/40/20/10% Reward: Intrigue stat increases. The chance to gain a trait: ???

[]Request Tax Break: Mayhaps...with a look into the finances of the Jarl...he can be persuaded not to tax you. Chance of Success: 15% Reward: No Expenses for 2 turns.(If you fail you will pay DOUBLE taxes for two turns)

Stewardship: You have gold… now to invest it wisely.

[]Buy Thralls: There are some new prisoners of war from the west. Perhaps with this new gold, you can find someone who can help you. Cost: 0 Chance of success: 100% Reward: A Slave Market Miniturn will commence.

[]Find a Job: You are in need of employment, something to begin to earn an income. Cost: 0 Chance of success: ???% Reward: You get a job. Note: The more educated you are, the greater chance you will get a higher paying job.

[]Get Better: (Stewardship): You have to get better at Stewardship to better manage your own finances. Cost:0 Chance of success 80/40/20/10% Reward: Stewardship stat increases. The chance to gain a trait: ???

[]Work Odd Jobs: You need more coin… might as well offer your services to another for a few hours every week. Cost: 0 Chance of success: 90%, ???%/??? Reward: You earn some Gold. You are noticed. New Action will become available.

[]Gamble: The Dice, the Cards, The Thrill… and the reward will be well worth the risk. Cost 10/20/50/100 Gold.Chance of success: ??? Reward: You can get greatly rewarded for your risk. Win too much, people may take notice… and they may kill you. (Note for this Action: Please leave only the amount you are willing to gamble in the vote. Like only Place 10 instead of just leaving. 10/20/50/100)

[]Build a Ship: You wish to become a master of your own fate and having your own ship can accomplish that. Cost: 150 Gold. 5 Turns. Chance of Success: 100% Reward:A Long Boat Begins construction.

[]Buy Arms and Armor: You are in desperate need of equipment for defending yourself, and to join the arms. (This action will start a Marketplace miniturn)

Learning: You may know the numbers… but that does not mean you cannot learn more.

[]Sacrifice to Odin: You will give a sacrifice to Odin, to see if the Allfather will be merciful and grant you wisdom. Cost 50 Piety Chance of success: ???% Reward: The Allfather gives you a boon.

[]Teach Elric: Your Father Needs Help teaching Elric about something. You might as well. Cost 0 Chance of success: ???% Reward: Elric gains stats or traits.

[]Get Better: (Learning): You need to get better at book work and studies. A Wise king is someone who comes once every few generations... At least that is what you've heard. Cost:0 Chance of success 80/40/20/10% Reward: Learning stat increases. The chance to gain a trait: ???

[]Learn To Read: You wish to learn how to read letters from paper, and to educate yourself as a noble. Cost 20 Gold Chance of success: ??? Reward: You can read in (Runic). +2 to Learning. You can read.

Personal: Father is proud of you.

[]Walk the Lands: You want to walk the lands and see how your people are doing. Maybe you can learn something your spies or friends haven't told you. Cost: 0 Chance of success ???% Reward: Interesting Events might happen.

[]Find a Suitable bride: You need to get a wife and have an heir as quickly as possible Cost 0 Chance of success: 100% Reward: Information on the most eligible bachelorettes in the Area.

[]Opportunity Awaits: You think you can find an opportunity… Travel, fight, even… Adventure. Cost: 0 Chance of success: ???% Reward: An Opportunity Awaits. Your Legend can begin. (You leave home, on an adventure to seek fortune and glory)

[]Overlook: You can oversee a project personally, giving it a personal touch. Cost 0 Reward a single action can have a +15 roll added to the dice.

AN: Enjoy.

Plan format please.