A Penguin Plays RULE THE WAVES

I'm not sure about that though. The only way that I can see Giueseppe sinking is if there was a magazine detonation. However, that would likely have been picked up by the crew. The other methods is unlikely(progressive flooding and fire) because there would have been mentions of smoke and shells are not that efficient in sinking a ship directly (the damage from shells are more likely to create other circumstances that cause sinking).
I'm not sure about that though. The only way that I can see Giueseppe sinking is if there was a magazine detonation. However, that would likely have been picked up by the crew. The other methods is unlikely(progressive flooding and fire) because there would have been mentions of smoke and shells are not that efficient in sinking a ship directly (the damage from shells are more likely to create other circumstances that cause sinking).
(The joke is that he's sinking because he turned into a statue to avoid detection.)
020.2 WAR! - Spain vs Italy - Coastal Raid off Ligurian Sea

>> CA ADOBE> Where the hell...


Focus on the other ship in front of you.

>> CA ADOBE> It's night time.

>> CA ADOBE> Uwow?

Okay, what is this unlucky ship?
Take it down!

It's actually that Light Cruiser from before!

Chase. Chase. Cha-


>> CA ADOBE> It's entered port.

Is there any other unlucky ship that happens to be around here?


Hopefully you actually either mission killed(for a while) or sunk a ship at least.
020.3 AFTER ACTION - Spain vs Italy - Coastal Raid off Ligurian Sea

Those nine inchers did some damage.

We did more ship damage but still lost out on points.

>> CA ADOBE> Superstructure damage always happens.

I honestly can't even begin to make sense of this track.

I think that loop over there is when night-time hit.

There is only one CL, so I am not sure if that ship was indeed just unlucky or if we mis-identified a CA along the way.

The vanished GIUESEPPE GARIBADI-class did somehow do a "Samurai Jack" and stealthed itself into a beam of sunlight and faded off north.

What was it going back and forth though?

We just gave the enemy free victory points.
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021.1 WAR! - Spain vs Italy - December 1905

Set this aside for a moment.

Lechon has an Elite crew.

>> CA ADOBO> I'm not mad, I'm happy for her, but indeed that is... a mystery.

>> CA LECHON> My crew actually appreciate me!
>> CA LECHON> I'm the only capital ship in Northern Europe, but do you see any raids around here?
>> CA LECHON> I drove off the blockade BY MYSELF.

>> DD Destructor x 6> ...
>> CA Adontbe> I'm 12,000 tons here too, you know.

Blockade needs to overweigh defending forces, so did they actually send the B ROMA up there?
I remember it's 15,000 tons.

12,000 + 7,400 tons would do it.

>> CA LECHON> So I did good, right? RIGHT?!

You did.


>> CA ADOBO> Oh these fuckers -

>> CA ADOBE> Sister, some asses need a-whupping.





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Different branches of the service. The ships estimation department head takes a swig of tequila and stares at modern art until strange instincts whisper the number and size of the ships.
023.1 WAR! - Spain vs Italy - Cruiser Action off Eastern Spain

Go MudBricks! Rah! Rah! Rah!

>> CA ADOBE> I am a wall. You shall not pass.

What is that?

Catch it!

>> CA ADOBE> Here for a rematch?

Haha! Can't get away from me now!

It's just some light rain. Don't lose visibility!

>>CA ADOBE> Got it.

>> CA ADOBE> Exchanging fire at 4900 yards.

Ouch. You're getting into a serious slugging match there.

>> CA ADOBE> But this is what we were built for.
>> CA ADOBE> *hums 'We are the the Champions'*
>> CA ADOBE> 'Mud on yo face~'

Your maximum speed just dropped.

>>CA ADOBE> But the enemy is on fire.

Keep at it!
>> CA ADOBE> Y'know
>> CA ADOBE> After watching my prey vanish right before my eyes
>> CA ADOBE> After watching my prey go fleeing into port
>> CA ADOBE> After watching my sister get promoted from her blockade work
>> CA ADOBE> I am THIS. CLOSE. to just losing it completely.
>> CA Giuseppe Garibaldi-class> B-but your fingers are touching.
>> CA ADOBE> ...
>> CA Giuseppe Garibaldi-class> AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
023.2 WAR! - Spain vs Italy - Cruiser Action off Eastern Spain

>> CA ADOBE> Keeping at it.

>> CA ADOBE> (Engine Room hit Belt)

>> CA ADOBE> (Extended Belt hit)

>> CA ADOBE> Ignoring hits.
>> CA ADOBE> Enemy seems to have put out the fire.

>> CA ADOBE> Two knots difference is starting to have significant effect.

How does that even...
You have NO heavy hits?!

Is it those magic six-inch guns again?
How does it get past eight inches of belt armor!

>> CA ADOBE> I dunno.
>> CA ADOBE> Why do I even have flotation damage?


CA ADOBE> Lost sight of the enemy.


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023.3 AFTER ACTION - Spain vs Italy - Cruiser Action off Eastern Spain
Calm down.
It's fine. It's fiiiine.

We ought to have caused some damage and put it in the yards.

We lose out on points anyway?!

Oh come on, those nine-inchers had better hit something, it can't be just six-inchers doing all that damage against an eight-inch belt.

>> CA ADOBE> Belt shrugged off all the hits, Belt Extended - not so much.

That is a fairly straightforward track.

The enemy spent all its time just running away.
A running battle from noon to early evening.

Is it even possible to sink anything this early in the timeline?

You guys did already sink a Destroyer though.

So something needs to be completely without armor.
In short, early game fights are like knights shooting each other with paintball guns for how much damage is being dealt, and with the accuracy of an unrifled musket.
>> CA ADOBE> It's okay.
>> CA ADOBE> I can accept events as they unfolded.
>> CA ADOBE> I did my best and that's what I have to focus on.
024.1 WAR! - Spain vs Italy - January 1906
In short, early game fights are like knights shooting each other with paintball guns for how much damage is being dealt, and with the accuracy of an unrifled musket.
It's 1911 though. That's almost halfway to 1925.

I think the game ends too quickly while tech to gain 16" guns happens too early-

... is what I wanted to say, then I learned that the 16" gun was first made in 1895.
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024.1 WAR! - Spain vs Italy - January 1906

We are on the back foot here.
It's a minimal lead, but it's there.

ADOBE's going to be 2 months in the yard. That's annoying.

LECHON, go on Coastal Patrol so that at least we don't give the enemy free VP.

Doesn't matter. You're just to fill Coastal Patrol fulfillments anyway.

It's free real estate Victory Points.

When did they get a BB?!
025.1 WAR! - Spain vs Italy - February 1906

I forgot we have all our heavy ships in drydock for repairs!

Nah, we can't move LECHON off Coastal Patrol duty and into Raiding.
The AMC are still working up.

Unlike other countries, here there will be no hate between the Army and the Navy.
Have at it, broseph.

Make our six inch guns magic!

Good enough.

Who do we have in the Caribbean?

A Destroyer clash, huh? Fascinating.

Here we go.
026.1 - WAR! Spain vs Italy - Raider Intercept in the Mediterranean


That's fine. Four inches of Belt armor would be enough, considering how eight inches aren't doing shite to stop six inches but apparently two and a half inches are enough to stop eight inch shells.

A DD. Crap.

How fast is Furiosa?
23 knots?

5 knots difference to a DD.
But well if it just runs away then it has failed to do anything to stop our raiding.

That's not a DD.

That's not good either.

>> CA FURIOSA> Enemy insisted on heading South-South West.

>> CA FURIOSA> Enemy now attempting to break off.

What is that anyway?

Ohohoho only 22 knots?
If you can't be tough, you should be light and fast.

CL Furiosa could do all of this in the previous run at 2100 tons and 24 knots.

>> CA FURIOSA> It's the Deck armor.
>> CA FURIOSA> I didn't have any.

>> CA FURIOSA> It's still not enough to get away from me.

Why do we have LECHON at 7400 when your class at 6300 tons is enough for Raiding and Counter-Raiding?

>> CA LECHON> Heeey I'm in Northern Europe like I couldn't hear you talking shite about me.
>>CA Furiosa> *sinks merchant*
>>CA Furiosa> *sinks two merchants*
>>CA Furiosa> *sinks merchant*
>>CA Furiosa> *spots enemy cruiser*
>>CA Furiosa> Hm, might have a real fight-
>>CL Ancona-class> *flees*
>>CA Furiosa> This is gonna be my job for the whole war, isn't it.
>>CA Furiosa> *chases*