A Penguin Plays RULE THE WAVES

026.2 - WAR! Spain vs Italy - Raider Intercept in the Mediterranean

It's starting to put some distance on you.

>> CA FURIOSA> It literally isn't capable of doing that.

>> CA FURIOSA> It's slowed down to 15 knots.

I don't see any obvious engine damage, but that has to be what's happening.

>> CA FURIOSA> At less than 5000 yards, almost all hits have to be belt hits.

>> CA FURIOSA> I need to slow down as well or I will drastically overshoot the enemy.

How are you doing?

>> CA FURIOSA> Minimal unarmored superstructure damage.
>> CA FURIOSA> Four inch guns, unlike six-inch guns, are not magic.

>> CA FURIOSA> Enemy has stopped moving.


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>>CA FURIOSA> You know the difference between you and me?
>>CA ADOBE> ...
>>CA FURISOA> I make this look good. :cool2: 🏍
027.1 WAR! - Spain vs Italy - March 1906

Ugh. We really need somebody on the Caribbean.

At last we are finally noticeably ahead in this war.

Let's recap:

We have managed to sink:​
1 Destroyer​
1 Light Cruiser​
And lost:​
0 ships.​

So far the USN has not been doing well in this war.
They lost a Light Cruiser and a Destroyer in a couple of skirmishes in exchange for sinking a couple of Destroyers.

On the other hand, we might be able to thank them for keeping the Battleship ROMA distracted.

And just after I said the USN has not exactly been covering themselves in glory, they sank an Armored Cruiser.

What is that?

That's the FRANCESCO FERRUCCIO name ship of the class.
Ten inch guns, huh. Respectable.

It probably ran into the USN battle line.
A CA at 19 knots doesn't have the armor while being just as slow as heavier pre-Dreadnoughts.

Looks like the ROMA's back.
What do we do about this?
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Just remember, that pre-battle force estimate is an estimate of all the enemy ships active in the sea zone, not (necessarily) of the ships that may be involved in the battle.
028.1 WAR! - Spain vs Italy - Coastal Raid on Italy

So who do we got?

This could possibly be overkill.


>> CA ADOBE> (eyes flash red)

>> CA ADOBE> Enemy fleet spotted.

>> CA ADOBO> It's a DD squadron, boo.

>> CA ADOBO> Double shit.

>> CA ADOBO> Oh you're not immediately turning around and instead try to trade broadsides with us as a delaying strategy?

>> CA ADOBO> Brave. Very brave.

>> CA ADOBE> That's a bold strategy, ADOBO.

>> CA ADOBE> Let's see how it works out for them.
028.2 WAR! - Spain vs Italy - Coastal Raid on Italy

>> CA ADOBO> What's this?
>> CA ADOBO> The DD squadron decided NOT to flee and enter port.

>> CA ADOBE> Welp. Someone's unlucky.

This seems to be working out pretty well for them, all considering.
Our eight inch guns are doing fuck-all!

>> CA ADOBE> It's only been like thirty minutes, what the hell.
>> CA ADOBE> Even Furiosa needed two hours to chase down and sink a Light Cruiser.

>> CA ADOBO> Relax, Admiral.

>> CA ADOBE> The CL NINO BIXO-class looks like it's had enough for now.

>> CA ADOBO> Diving right in there.
028.3 WAR! - Spain vs Italy - Coastal Raid on Italy

>> CA ADOBE> Well this is a strange reversal.
>> CA ADOBE> The CL interposed itself between us and the DDs so the Destroyers can escape-
>> CA ADOBE> But the Destroyers decided to turn around and screen the CL with their own unarmored hulls so that the Light Cruiser can flee.
>> CA ADOBE> I'm not sure if I can call this a heroic effort or not.

>> CA ADOBE> Maneuvering to avoid torpedo firing angle.

Isn't putting a Trader in between yourself and the Destroyer squadron kind of... cowardly?

>> CA ADOBE> Well if they would still want to throw some torpedoes I'd be happy to receive them.

>> CA ADOBO> This trader is getting a lot of hits but surprisingly is still far from sinking.
>> CA ADOBO> It's pissing me off.

I have made a great error with regards to the ADOBO-class.

>> CA ADOBO> What?

Your tertiary guns are supposed to be four inches, not three inches.

It's supposed to be 4/6/8 and 8"/6"/4".
Perfectly palindromic.

What is it with you and the numerology?

It explains neatly why Furiosa has better combat DPS!
The RNG gods need to be appeased!

>> CA ADOBO> Sounds legit.

>> CA ADOBE> I... am just going to ignore that.
>> CA ADOBE> And this Merchant for now.
028.4 WAR! - Spain vs Italy - Coastal Raid on Italy

>> CA ADOBO> Tch. The enemy CL has gone into port.

>> CA ADOBE> For some weird reason the DDs still want to fight it out instead.

>> CA ADOBE> There's another Medium Merchant cowering there.

>> CA ADOBE> Pursuing enemy DD squadron.

>> CA ADOBO> Accommodating enemy requests to FUCKING DIE.

>> CA ADOBE> One of them zigged when they should have zagged and now they're alone and exposed out from the pack.



>> CA ADOBE> ADOBO has gone bye-bye.
>> CA ADOBE> This is why she's not Cruiser Division leader.

I am actually impressed it took this long before she snapped.

>> CA ADOBE> Our 8-inch guns are doing very little.
>> CA ADOBE> Are we firing AP?
>> CA ADOBE> We should check if we have actually have HE rounds stocked.

>> CA ADOBE> All right, this DD's not going anywhere anymore.

>> CA ADOBE> We can leave it alone to sink by itself now.

>> CA ADOBO> Give me fresh meat.

>> CA ADOBE> I would be impressed at how well they're keeping formation...
>> CA ADOBE> If doing that actually helped from getting away from us at 21 knots max.


>> CA ADOBE> That's torpedo distance, ADOBO!
>> CA ADOBE> They're 1600 yards away.
>> CA ADOBE> ADOBO don't pull an Adobo!

>> CA ADOBO> Show me those long hard things of yours!

>> CA ADOBO> Spurt spurt spurt
028.5 WAR! - Spain vs Italy - Coastal Raid on Italy

>> CA ADOBE> This DD TURBINE-class has also been immobilized.

Wait hang on.
You started shooting at it on 14:07.

23-07 = 16 minutes ago!

Full-on crazy-pants ADOBO gets better gunnery skills.

I don't know why I expected anything else really.

>> CA ADOBE> Considering the decent ROF of eight inch guns, this isn't bad.

>> CA ADOBE> DD TURBINE-class has sunk.




>> CA ADOBE> DD AQUILONE-class has slowed down to 15 knots.

>> CA ADOBE> Oh look, the DD BERSAGLIERE-class we immobilized earlier has already sunk.

>> CA ADOBO> One more for the road!

>> CA ADOBE> Night happened and we lost sight on it for a moment and it managed to survive long enough to enter port.
>> CA ADOBE> Now we're just looking for the Bombardment Target.

>> CA ADOBO> (frustrated sobbing noises)

>> CA ADOBE> What's this?

>> CA ADOBE> It's a Merchant Vessel.

>> CA ADOBO> (ravenous dog noises)

>> CA ADOBO> Raaah. Hah. That went way faster than last time.

>> CA ADOBE> Twenty minutes of shellfire.
>> CA ADOBE> Yes, sanity clearly has a negative effect on your gun crews.

Interested to see the post battle on this one, that has to be a significant dent in their escort forces.
I hope you get to rescue some of the crew. That tends to give victory points.
028.6 AFTER ACTION REPORT - Spain vs Italy - Coastal Raid on Italy

Well that was fun.

That took a lot of time to resolve, but we managed to sink two Destroyers, two Traders, and...
A Submarine for some reason?


It's a messy track and it was a running battle that took up a whole day, but let's try to unpack it.

At 10:00 - initial contact was made with Italian fleet elements,
Combat then proceeding due East, with the CL Nino Bixo-class screening the DDs
Which then moved up to screen the CL until it could flee South into port

At 11:55 - contact with a Medium Merchant.
It was attacked and sank by 12:40.

What followed was a chase on the Italian DD squadron on a loop South to North-West then South again.

At 13:00 - the Cruiser Division ADOBE isolated and crippled a DD of the BERSAGLIERE class.
It sank presumably at around 14:00, not sure because CA ADOBE and ADOBO continued to chase the DD squadron East.

At 14:20 - CA ADOBO and ADOBE engaged a DD of the TURBINE class at short range.
By 15:15 - the DD TURBINE-class went under.

ADOBO and ADOBE, now having reduced the enemy DD squadron from five ships to three, focused fire on another DD of the AQUILONE-class.
By 16:00 - they damaged its engines and they pulled away to chase the remaining DDs to the West.

However, the DDs managed to pull away at full speed, and their 27 knots could not be reached by the ADOBO-class 21 knots.

By 18:00 - the two CAs turned back to finish off the DD AQILONE-class.
Unfortunately it was already twilight, and the enemy DD managed to slink back to safety into port.

CA ADOBO and ADOBE then mucked around at night for a while, following the coast North East, and then West, looking for the Bombardment Target.
At 22:40 - they made contact with a Trader.
By 23:00 - the defenseless Medium Merchant vessel was sunk.

Then, with fuel and ammunition running low, Cruiser Division ADOBE disengaged from combat and left the mission area.

So where was the Bombardment Target?


We would have to sail all the way around Sicily!

And because we couldn't find a land target, we ended up having only a Minor Victory despite roflstomping the competition all day.

>> CA ADOBO> Intel a shite and can't even draw us a fucking land feature target on a fucking map.
As another UI note, if you go to the Objectives tab (instead of the combat log) and click on the objective in the list, it'll give you a target on the map (where applicable).
Admittedly, that wouldn't have changed anything for this particular battle.
029.1 WAR! - Spain vs Italy - April 1906

That's a substantial 2:1 lead now.

Great work, Army!
+400 more VP means we're starting to steamroll now.

From where and how are we actually fighting on land though?


Good, we need this.


They are not going to catch up with things like this, but we don't have any substantial fleet assets out of the Mediterranean.
FURIOSA-class can't beat CAs, only CLs.

The USN's really doing their part now.

Did the Italian Navy happen to lose almost all their Armored Cruiser forces already?

There's a CA over in South East Asia, and that's all the Raiding they've done for the month.
They've stopped trying to raid Cuba, because the Caribbean is the USN's backyard pool.