Do I seriously need to be pandering each and every chapter? There's stuff in between the first chapter and the last. Should I post the complete plotline in point form and help people avoid all that?
I hadn't even planned on writing more Winslow, but apparently that's not good enough.
Fine, here it is: Taylor is internalizing her own sense of worthlessness. The hammer gives her an out, which she takes a bit too far. She compartmentalizes her life more and more, hopping into her Thor persona to avoid dealing with her problems. But those problems don't go away, and when she's confronted with them as Thor she nearly snaps. That's when she loses the hammer, not because she was unworthy as Thor but because she believed herself unworthy as Taylor... when it was Taylor who picked it up in the first place.
I'd planned a series of stuff in between, but I'm getting the impression people hate that stuff, so I'll avoid it. In the end Taylor has a confrontation with Emma, has a sacrificial moment, Danny almost has a big damn hero moment, and Taylor regains the hammer and learns not to let others define her worth. Everyone's happy and awesome and not grimderpy at all. The end.