You decide to repair the Mechanicus cruiser as well as the Devastation class light carrier. The Dockyard can only accommodate one at a time, which would you like to repair first?
[] Mechanicus Cruiser
[] Devastation class light carrier
The attack managed to damage the void shield generators on the station, but fortunately we took no casualties in the battle. The void shields are being repaired.
With the Dark Angels, now newly minted as the (Write-in)(Suggestions so far are the Last Sons and the Umbral Brethren) they have been given the Tagus system, with Tagus IV as their new homeworld, currently populated by primitive tribes, that have only recently discovered agriculture, living in semi-permanent scattered villages throughout the planet. While they will be a solid population for recruits for the Space Marines, their prospects for serious economic growth and development are sparse. Between the state of the planet and the Dark Angels using political trickery to effectively block resources that would normally go into founding a chapter, it is up to their friends and allies, with Lord Inquisitor Gorean and his faction of the Inquisition acquiring them a Strike Cruiser as well equipment for a company-sized force of regular space marines. It has been requested of us that we help them build the beginings of Fortress-Monastery, with several ideas being thrown around.
The first is the scale of the project that we are willing to undertake(you would normally get additional rep with them for this, but you are already at max, with the Dark Angels effectively currently being extremely close allies, and effectively a vassal force integrated into your forces, with Gorean taking squad sized elements with him as bodyguards.
A site has been located in the far north of planet, far from any villages of the natives, with the facility being built into a mountainside, where it can provide additional defense against bombardments and make it difficult to reach via land.
[] Decline assisting the Dark Angels
[] Build a very basic Fortress-Monastery based on a Enlarged and reinforced Outpost model(-1 Dev choice next turn)
[] Build them a powerful full-on fortress(-2 Dev choices next turn)
In addition, they will need serfs for their new Fortress-Monastery, which you could provide them.
Settlers could be found amongst the Moranian population, who could found a town near the Fortress-Monastery, and serve as population for serfs as well as providing some economic value, as the Moranian population, in addition to being decent warrior-stock, have skills in mining, craftsmenship, farming and manufacturing, among other things, helping the Dark Angels become more self--sufficient over time. In addition you could grant them a regiment of Moranian infantry, to be formed from Volunteers, who would join the settlers along with their families, and serve as combat-serfs for the Fortress-Monastery, manning guns and providing combat-trained manpower to assist in its defense.
[] Send them settlers
[] Send them settlers and an infantry regiment
[] Send nothing, they can figure this out themselves