A Light from the Shadow (Tolkien CKII)

[X] The soul, to quench the flame in you and focus it along the path of light, to set ablaze the shadows of your being
[X] The soul, to quench the flame in you and focus it along the path of light, to set ablaze the shadows of your being
[X] The soul, to quench the flame in you and focus it along the path of light, to set ablaze the shadows of your being
[X] The soul, to quench the flame in you and focus it along the path of light, to set ablaze the shadows of your being[
[X] The body to cleanse your mortal form of old wounds and lighten the load on your back.

Certainly not letting anyone mess with our soul.
As for nothing, I see no reason to refuse an offer of help freely given.
[X] The body to cleanse your mortal form of old wounds and lighten the load on your back.
[X] The soul, to quench the flame in you and focus it along the path of light, to set ablaze the shadows of your being
[X] The soul, to quench the flame in you and focus it along the path of light, to set ablaze the shadows of your being
Adhoc vote count started by EVA-Saiyajin on Nov 5, 2018 at 2:41 PM, finished with 2163 posts and 18 votes.
[X] The soul, to quench the flame in you and focus it along the path of light, to set ablaze the shadows of your being
[X] The soul, to quench the flame in you and focus it along the path of light, to set ablaze the shadows of your being
[X] The soul, to quench the flame in you and focus it along the path of light, to set ablaze the shadows of your being
[X] The soul, to quench the flame in you and focus it along the path of light, to set ablaze the shadows of your being[
[X] The soul, to quench the flame in you and focus it along the path of light, to set ablaze the shadows of your being
Adhoc vote count started by Noname1 on Nov 16, 2018 at 6:57 AM, finished with 2173 posts and 28 votes.
[X] The soul, to quench the flame in you and focus it along the path of light, to set ablaze the shadows of your being

Late to this quest. We really shouldn't have gotten away with picking the most risky possible option against Sauron. Weapons-grade bullshit. But it was entirely predictable that we'd do that. SV is nothing if not perfectly willing to cut itself open and throttle itself with its own entrails to pretend to be dead as a strategic advantage. It just happened to work here.
[X] The soul, to quench the flame in you and focus it along the path of light, to set ablaze the shadows of your being