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A Legacy of Gotham

Issue #1-1: An Origin Story

Sometimes universes end, with either a...
1-1 The Origin Story Starts


It wasn't me, it was the one armed man!
South Florida
A Legacy of Gotham

Issue #1-1: An Origin Story

Sometimes universes end, with either a whimper or a bang.The people in them carry on, and sometimes fragments or copies of them are created at the end as their universe's pieces scatter through the multiverse. Rarely those fragments or copies will come together to create wonderful new people in new worlds.

Tonight was a cloudy night, full of thunder, lightning, and rain. You just just imagine what's going on out there; the screams and fights, the back alley deals, and whatever Batman does. Drink blood? Probably not, but he was dressed as a bat so maybe eat bugs and or fruit is more his style.

Like the saying goes "The night was dark and full of terror", but the day was as well. That was life in Gotham in a nutshell: Terror. Some people caused it, some people had it forced onto them when they least expect it, but everyone lived and breathed it.

It's only gotten worse recently with Batman slowly becoming more than an Urban Legend, you all knew he existed but most people just couldn't face reality for some reason. There was an alien over in Metropolis that wears his underwear on the outside, so you really aren't sure what people are denying.

Sometimes, you just just wanted to run away from it all but you couldn't. After all, you were a Daughter of Gotham itself, just like you dad was it's Son. He was molded and shaped by Gotham into the man he is today. Like it's shaping you still, into the women you will become.


What is your first name?

[] Adrian

[] Eleanor

[] Lesley

[] Write In

What do you remember the most about your father?

[] Your father is a harsh man who continually challenges your mind, he has been disappearing more and more lately and you have no idea where he's going.

[] You're Daddy's little princess, but instead of a king he's a businessman. You aren't sure why he's been staying at work for so late now, you miss your goodnight kiss.

[] Your Dad and Mom are scientists that work at Star Labs, they even let you help sometimes! Though lately they have been arguing more.

[] You don't remember much of anything, just glimpses at something. All you know is that you'll find him here.

What do you look like?

[] Just vote on a picture

AN: So this is my first Quest ever, I've written some Omakes before but they have been mostly crack so please bear with me if it's not the greatest writing. Please point out any grammar, or spelling mistakes you see, and most importantly please enjoy this Quest with me.
Character Sheet
Adrian Cobblepot/Rook
Daughter of - Oswald Cobblepot

Origin - The Daughter of Oswald Cobblepot, she loves her father, is far too smart for her age and her Origin Story is happening right now!

Age - 14

Strength - 8 = +40
Agility - 5 = +0
Intelligence - 10 = +50
Charisma - 5 = +0
Luck - 5 = +0

Retcon Points - 10

Money - $2,528,227.65

Tech - Stage 3/Intelligence
+30 to dealing with/building general tech
You've always liked to build things!

Blade Mastery - Stage 1/Strength
+10 to sword/dagger/knife
Jeeves taught you how to defend yourself against ruffians!

Small Gun Mastery - Stage 1/Agility
+10 to small guns
Daddy taught you how to shoot "just in case"

Business Mastery - Stage 2/Intelligence
+20 to Business
Doing average business! Average time business!

The Old Blood - You know that you are Gotham's princess! Yours is the blood of Royalty! +40 Business, +20 Gun

Short - No bonus or malus, just short.

Mafia Princess - Daddy does important business, so he had Jeeves teach you how to be strong, +10 Gun, +10 Blade, + 20 commanding minions

Little Mad Genius - You're far too smart for a girl your age, allows intelligence to go up to 12, can do science anywhere at anytime if you're determined enough,+40 tech, this trait can evolve

There are no regulations, only business - You know all the loopholes to jump through, and how greasing a few palms makes those holes bigger. +50 Business

'Bullet Proof Serum' - You aren't sure why you want to say 'Sweet Christmas' or 'No one can stop the Juggernaut' but it feels right. + 50 attack, +70 defense.

Swiss Army Knife

Stasis Patch

'Bullet Proof' Chemical Serum -
Costs $3000 for three vials/flasks
Allows clothing to become everything proof when left to soak in it for a couple hours, when ingested by a human makes them superhuman! Grants +50 attack, +70 defense
Has no negative effects on the Cobblepots, Jeeves the butler, or Mick the cat. May not be true for others, needs further testing.

Stasis Patch-
Costs $5000 for one
Small disks that you can stick to things, and when you activate them they envelope the thing in a weak stasis field making the item stasis locked. +30 attack to weapons, +60 defense to armor/weapons but needs 6 for full coverage, Does not work on living things

Plasteel -
Cost: $4,500 to make
A new form of plastic, made by stirring in the Bulletproof Chemical Serum while the plastic is molten. It's as lightweight as plastic and tougher than steel!

Miniature Thermal Conversion Engine -
Cost: $10,000 to make
An engine that can fit into the palm of your hand, it sucks in heat from the environment, and produces energy. The engine has two settings: It either drops the temperature slowly in a large area around it as it produces energy, or it condenses all the cold into a 'cold energy diamond'. The 'diamonds' need to be remove regularly, or the engine will briefly break down and flash freeze a large area.

'Cold Energy Diamond' -
Cost: Heat, it's a by product of a Miniature Thermal Conversion Engine.
A 'diamond' that is formed by condensing 'cold energy' every week by a Miniature Thermal Conversion Engine. They freeze whatever they touch in several seconds. Needs further study.
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A Legacy of Gotham - Mechanics

Dice -

Like many quests A Legacy of Gotham uses D100s for things like combat, research, social, ect ect. There are dice modifiers that you can get from attributes, skills, or traits.

Rerolls, if you want them you have to either have a trait or an item of some kind to give them to you.

Dice Explosions/Overflow only happen when the original roll without any modifiers is 90+

Attributes -

Attributes are your base stats, your strength or your intelligence for example. Everyone has them, but not everyone can max them out. Attributes go from 1 to 15. Using Strength as an example: 1 is "I have weak baby muscles.", 5 is an average person, 10 is a peak human like Batman and is the highest most humans can go, 15 is a demigod amongst men and they're people like Superman, Wonder Woman, or Martian Manhunter. It's possible to have an Attribute above 15, but anything above 15 is a big narrative event, and it could cause people to team up and attempt to stop you.

On to dice modifiers, a 1 in Strength would give you a - 40 modifier when you're fighting someone, or moving a couch because you are incredibly weak. A 5 would give you a modifier of 0, while a 10 would give you + 50.

  • 1 = - 40
  • 2 = - 30
  • 3 = -20
  • 4 = -10
  • 5 = 0
  • 6 = + 10
  • 7 = + 20
  • 8 = + 30
  • 9 = + 40
  • 10 = + 50
  • 11 = + 60
  • 12 = + 70
  • 13 = + 80
  • 14 = + 90
  • 15 = + 100

Now for what the attributes that will be in this quest are:

Strength- How strong that character is, how much oomph they pack in their punches, and how well they can take hits.

Agility- How agile/fast a character is, how good that character is at getting out of the way, and how speedy a speedster can be.

Intelligence- How big your big brains are, how to build super-tech, or do detective work.

Charisma- How good a character is at inspiring, or terrifying others.

Luck- How lucky that character is, deals in loot/event rolls.

Skills -

Everyone has skills, whether they be for cooking, detective work, or holographic tech. Skills go from 0 to 5, with 0 being "I know this is a thing.", 2 being average, 4 being professional at that particular skill, and at 5 you are someone who pushes the boundaries of that skill.

If you happen to create a new skill, such as a unique fighting style or a branch of science that has barely been explored by the public at large you may obtain a trait.

As for dice modifiers:

  • 0 = 0
  • 1 = + 10
  • 2 = + 20
  • 3 = + 30
  • 4 = + 40
  • 5 = + 50

Traits -

Traits help make up who a person is and what they are. They also give nifty dice modifiers ,allow certain things to happen, or restrict you from doing things.

Take Superman's trait for example:
  • Kryptonian: As a Child of Krypton you carry their legacy for brilliance forward. + 20 to intelligence rolls, with a yellow sun + 50 to strength and the ability to reach 15 in physical attributes

Retcons -

Comics are an ever evolving media, that's to say they keep going on and on and on. Therefore, they have retcons to correct, or change stuff to their liking.

This being a comic book quest, I felt that means we need some retcons. How we'll go about that is Recton Points, which you(the players) can cash in at certain times.

What can Retcon Points be used for? Generally lying, and cheating. A character like the Joker uses Retcon Points to keep coming back from the dead, or to fake his death. Someone like the Scarecrow would use them to have you dosed with Fear Toxin after you defeat him, only to reveal it was a Fear Toxin hallucination all along.

Retcon points are awarded after arcs, or when I think you(the players) accomplish something big/neat/cool.

Training/Research -

Training is how to improve your attributes and skills. For attributes, training up to 5 easy, having DCs of:

  • 1 = N/A
  • 2 = 10
  • 3 = 20
  • 4 = 30
  • 5 = 40

For anything above 5, you'll need training equipment or study material, and have DCs of:
  • 6 = 70
  • 7 = 80
  • 8 = 90
  • 9 = 100
  • 10 = 110

When training an attribute above 5 you'll a dice modifier based on your training equipment/study material.

To get above ten in an attribute you have to have a trait, or item that allows it. Again, you'll need special equipment to help you train in someway and it'll give you a bonus. The DCs for that training are:

  • 11 = 130
  • 12 = 140
  • 13 = 150
  • 14 = 160
  • 15 = 170

For skills you don't need equipment/material to train or research, unless it's something like Sword Mastery. Unlike with attributes for skills/research you won't have to beat a DC, you'll have to fill up the training/research gauge.

  • 0 = 0/50
  • 1 = 0/100
  • 2 = 0/250
  • 3 = 0/500
  • 4 = 0/750
  • 5 = 0/1250
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Character Opinions
Character Opinions

Oswald Cobblepot/The Penguin - <3/10
"My little girl handed me the perfect way to undermine Falcone."

Mick the Cat - <3/10
Translator's Note: Meow means 'All according to Plan'

Jeeves - 7/10
"I'll be the spotlight more often now, I need to prevent that for Adrian's sake."

Tara - 6/10
"So I'm working with her now… How do I socialize with people who don't grunt at me?"

Melissa Gold/Screaming Mimi - 7/10
"The best friends ever!"

Gotham High General Student Populous - 6/10
"Wait she's a genius?"
"A genius with a boys name."
"Why are you still hung up on that?"

Lex Luthor - 6/10
"Let's see what she can do."

The General US Populous - 6/10
"We got another genius! USA! USA!"

Scarecrow - 5/10 as Adrian - 7/10 as Rook
"Mhh…" - Adrian
"Always good to meet those that understand words have power." - Rook

Bat Family - 5/10 as Adrian - 3/10 as Rook
Watching you carefully. - Adrian
Looking for you, and the League of Assassins. - Rook
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Association of Enhanced Gothamites and Incumbent Supers/A.E.G.I.S:
  • Co-founder/Councilor of Recruitment: Melissa Gold/ Screaming Mimi
  • Co-founder/Councilor of Science:: Adrian Cobblepot/Rook
  • Member/Councilor of Training: Tara/Terra
  • Henchman #1: The Jackal/ Jeeves the butler
  • Various goons/minions

Arc Teck
  • Ceo: Oswald Cobblepot
  • Head Scientist: Adrian Cobblepot
  • #2 Scientist: Victor Fries
  • Various science staff and factory workers
  • Security Guards

The People's Republic of Uruguay:

Justice League
  • Superman
  • Batman
  • Wonder Woman
  • Flash
  • Hal Jordan (Green Lantern)
  • Flash (Barry Allen)
  • Martian Manhunter
  • Shazam
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[X] Eleanor

[X] You're Daddy's little princess, but instead of a king he's a businessman. You aren't sure why he's been staying at work for so late now, you miss your goodnight kiss.
[X] Plan Princess

[X] Eleanor

[X] You're Daddy's little princess, but instead of a king he's a businessman. You aren't sure why he's been staying at work for so late now, you miss your goodnight kiss.

This is just adorable.

[X] Appearance:

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[X] Tilly

it has a simple charm.

[X] Your Dad and Mom are scientists that work at Star Labs, they even let you help sometimes! Though lately they have been arguing more.

[X] appearance:

I want us to be both that "weird kid" and the spoiled bratty bully.
All the fathers/parents are canon Gotham/Batman characters. So you can guess them if you want, or aren't sure what you want to vote for.
[X] Adrian
[X] You don't remember much of anything, just glimpses at something. All you know is that you'll find him here.
[X] Nora
[X] Your father is a harsh man who continually challenges your mind, he has been disappearing more and more lately and you have no idea where he's going.
Luck- How lucky that character is, deals in loot/event rolls.

While grinding luck is the most optimal thing you can possibly do, at this points it's kind of boring. Big brain big muscles eh?

Retcon points are awarded after arcs, or when I think you(the players) accomplish something big/neat/cool.

Hurry we need to retcon the Joker being more than one guy away.

I will dig into potential parents later. My first lead is the one from Star Labs, easiest to look up. Be back.
[X] Eleanor
[X] You're Daddy's little princess, but instead of a king he's a businessman. You aren't sure why he's been staying at work for so late now, you miss your goodnight kiss.
[X] Rjjrulew's picture
[X] Tilly
[X] Your Dad and Mom are scientists that work at Star Labs, they even let you help sometimes! Though lately they have been arguing more.
While grinding luck is the most optimal thing you can possibly do, at this points it's kind of boring. Big brain big muscles eh?
I don't know about that. Luck is just as likely to immensely complicate your life as anything else, at least if you have any goals beyond quiet and comfort. It gets you into as many things as it gets you out of (I'd argue more) and, at high enough levels, would very much distort your grasp on reality.

At max ranks, admittedly, you are effectively playing Zee Captain from Romantically Apocalyptic.

[X] Eleanor
[X] You're Daddy's little princess, but instead of a king he's a businessman. You aren't sure why he's been staying at work for so late now, you miss your goodnight kiss.
[X] Rjjrulew's picture
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[X] Adrian
[X] You don't remember much of anything, just glimpses at something. All you know is that you'll find him here.
[X] appearance:

I'm guessing this option has our father be Trigon the interdimensional demon. Sounds like fun! Here's hoping this version is more sociable than his "instantly turn everyone in the world to stone" incarnation from the original Teen Titans show.
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Rijulew's too edgy and seemingly too angsty and mopey. I just want to look like a simple girl that's doesn't look overly dark or cute.
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Rijulew's too edgy and seemingly too angsty and mopey. I just want to look like a simple girl that's doesn't look overly dark or cute.

Hmm, yeah. I can see your point. At the very least we should start out with a normal personality and wait till after the life changing origin story before deciding to act all angsty, if at all.
[X] Adrian
[X] You don't remember much of anything, just glimpses at something. All you know is that you'll find him here.
[X] Appearance: