A Heretek on the Quest for Knowledge [40k] [Complete]

Aaah, the displacer-field - worried your forcefield might not hold up against enemy fire? Take an unshielded hop through the Warp, instead!
Hmm, well 24 hours vote lock is definitely too long. I'll go with 2 next time. On that note, I'd like some votes. As in, nonzero.

Well yes. but i cannot go back in time and make people unvote the lolrandumb choice. i can only try to save the quest now that we are in the hole we dug
That's rather harsh. What would you have done?
Hmm, well not from the tech level. And I suppose it would make sense to bring one or two along, just in case on of the old fuckers servitors went crazy, so you could take it down without damaging it and therefore not get bitched at (since you didn't know about his 'fake death' stunt when you were packing). So yes, you can use one of those.
That's rather harsh. What would you have done?
Anything other than intentionally insulting him so badly that he tries to fight us to the death?

I mean, we came here to help him in search of assistance in tracking down that inquisitor. Not trying to kill him for the lulz. Even if we win this battle, we have lost.

Also, I am not blaming you for writing it. It's what we voted for. And admittedly it was hilarious.
It's just... where do we even go from here?

bah, ill try something.
[x] Ha, I knew it! you faked your own death! Very impressive, but you need to be able to control your temper better if you want to really sell the ruse. Also stop shooting I am here to help.
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[x] Plan I'm sure it's just a big misunderstanding
-[x] "Stop right there, criminal scum! Unless you have a good explanation how it's all just an accident."
-[x] Skitarii lay suppression fire around him while you will try to pin him with dual-wielded webbers.
-[x] Plan B is a few explosions to bury him under the junk avalanche. You'll dig him out when he's less murderous.
[x] Plan I'm sure it's just a big misunderstanding
-[x] "Stop right there, criminal scum! Unless you have a good explanation how it's all just an accident."
-[x] Skitarii lay suppression fire around him while you will try to pin him with dual-wielded webbers.
-[x] Plan B is a few explosions to bury him under the junk avalanche. You'll dig him out when he's less murderous.
Current tally. Again, pretty low. Can I get a few more votes.

Vote Tally : A Heretek on the Quest for Knowledge [40k] | Page 131 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally

[x] Plan I'm sure it's just a big misunderstanding
-[x] "Stop right there, criminal scum! Unless you have a good explanation how it's all just an accident."
-[x] Skitarii lay suppression fire around him while you will try to pin him with dual-wielded webbers.
-[x] Plan B is a few explosions to bury him under the junk avalanche. You'll dig him out when he's less murderous.
No. of Votes: 2
Plan: ◈I'm sure it's just a big misunderstanding


[x] Ha, I knew it! you faked your own death! Very impressive, but you need to be able to control your temper better if you want to really sell the ruse. Also stop shooting I am here to help.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 3
[x] Plan I'm sure it's just a big misunderstanding
-[x] "Stop right there, criminal scum! Unless you have a good explanation how it's all just an accident."
-[x] Skitarii lay suppression fire around him while you will try to pin him with dual-wielded webbers.
-[x] Plan B is a few explosions to bury him under the junk avalanche. You'll dig him out when he's less murderous.

Dawn it I am not receiving update from these again.
[x] Ha, I knew it! you faked your own death! Very impressive, but you need to be able to control your temper better if you want to really sell the ruse. Also stop shooting I am here to help.
[x] Plan I'm sure it's just a big misunderstanding
-[x] "Stop right there, criminal scum! Unless you have a good explanation how it's all just an accident."
-[x] Skitarii lay suppression fire around him while you will try to pin him with dual-wielded webbers.
-[x] Plan B is a few explosions to bury him under the junk avalanche. You'll dig him out when he's less murderous.
[x] Ha, I knew it! you faked your own death! Very impressive, but you need to be able to control your temper better if you want to really sell the ruse. Also stop shooting I am here to help.
[x] Plan I'm sure it's just a big misunderstanding
-[x] "Stop right there, criminal scum! Unless you have a good explanation how it's all just an accident."
-[x] Skitarii lay suppression fire around him while you will try to pin him with dual-wielded webbers.
-[x] Plan B is a few explosions to bury him under the junk avalanche. You'll dig him out when he's less murderous.
[x] Plan I'm sure it's just a big misunderstanding
-[x] "Stop right there, criminal scum! Unless you have a good explanation how it's all just an accident."
-[x] Skitarii lay suppression fire around him while you will try to pin him with dual-wielded webbers.
-[x] Plan B is a few explosions to bury him under the junk avalanche. You'll dig him out when he's less murderous.
[x] Plan I'm sure it's just a big misunderstanding
-[x] "Stop right there, criminal scum! Unless you have a good explanation how it's all just an accident."
-[x] Skitarii lay suppression fire around him while you will try to pin him with dual-wielded webbers.
-[x] Plan B is a few explosions to bury him under the junk avalanche. You'll dig him out when he's less murderous.
[x] Ha, I knew it! you faked your own death! Very impressive, but you need to be able to control your temper better if you want to really sell the ruse. Also stop shooting I am here to help.
[x] Ha, I knew it! you faked your own death! Very impressive, but you need to be able to control your temper better if you want to really sell the ruse. Also stop shooting I am here to help.
Wait, so you are saying he is not our old master, but an imposter?
I am confused again

He is our old master... but for right now, there's no real legally admissable evidence that he's our old master, and we can defensibly claim that we didn't know that he was our old master. This is a big deal in terms of what we can get away with and/or justify after the fact.

The "Ha, I knew it" vote would be hilarious if we could pull it off, just for the sheer one-upsmanship of it, but even if it succeeds, it leaves him infuriated, having had to seriously swallow his bile, and not in any way under our power. At that point, I really don't think he'll be all that cooperative. It also gives up the aforementioned legal advantage, and it depends on our ability to use words to make people *stop* shooting at us. That's... not something I see as one of our strong suits.

[x] Plan I'm sure it's just a big misunderstanding
-[x] "Stop right there, criminal scum! Unless you have a good explanation how it's all just an accident."
-[x] Skitarii lay suppression fire around him while you will try to pin him with dual-wielded webbers.
-[x] Plan B is a few explosions to bury him under the junk avalanche. You'll dig him out when he's less murderous.

Not sure this is the best strategy. (Trying to go for a disable? Against this guy, anything but "headshot" is a disable, and that one's iffy.) Still, I'm not convinced of my ability to build another vote up from nothing, and it's the best of the two available.
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[x] Plan I'm sure it's just a big misunderstanding
-[x] "Stop right there, criminal scum! Unless you have a good explanation how it's all just an accident."
-[x] Skitarii lay suppression fire around him while you will try to pin him with dual-wielded webbers.
-[x] Plan B is a few explosions to bury him under the junk avalanche. You'll dig him out when he's less murderous.
[x] Ha, I knew it! you faked your own death! Very impressive, but you need to be able to control your temper better if you want to really sell the ruse. Also stop shooting I am here to help.