A Heretek on the Quest for Knowledge [40k] [Complete]

[X] Since he is not in the proper records, he is not a proper techpriest. Which means that all of his techpriest specific implants are illegal. Impound him.

I fill like these is something we should do because we cannot be diplomatic
Could you go into a bit more detail what you want to do?
I kinda meant this as a joke, since many techpriests have mechanical legs(or threads/wheels/something to move them) and thus, can be counted as a vehicle if you really squint.

I suppose it could be counted as a vote for removing his ability to run away from us, possibly with violence.
Wouldn't it be better to simply take him in for questioning while insuring that his minions and belongings don't go anywhere?
Wouldn't it be better to simply take him in for questioning while insuring that his minions and belongings don't go anywhere?
We could tell him that he's supposed to be elsewhere, feign surprise when he disagrees, tell him that there was a memo which he probably missed and send him with some underlings to lead him the place(Actually a forgeworld police ambush) like a fine individual we're not.

But that would involve trying to diplomance people.
I kinda meant this as a joke, since many techpriests have mechanical legs(or threads/wheels/something to move them) and thus, can be counted as a vehicle if you really squint.

I suppose it could be counted as a vote for removing his ability to run away from us, possibly with violence.
Be that as it may, it is currently the most voted for action.
[X] Plan Play Along

"There are irregularities in your records submit to requisite security inspection"
-while you say this initiate whatever signal jamming capabilities you posses
-initiate active scanning of his body
-instruct skitarii to apprehend
-back up and activate our shield
-Send any extra Skitarii to sweep the area

Basic idea here is to not give away what we know and minimize his chances of getting the jump on us
[X] Plan Play Along

"There are irregularities in your records submit to requisite security inspection"
-while you say this initiate whatever signal jamming capabilities you posses
-initiate active scanning of his body
-instruct skitarii to apprehend
-back up and activate our shield
-Send any extra Skitarii to sweep the area

Basic idea here is to not give away what we know and minimize his chances of getting the jump on us
Remember we get a huge penalty with diplomacy so...
I think that before we do anything we should tell him that, yes, he should be very concerned. We are, after all, dealing with someone who is not only paranoid and spitefull, but who now has nothing to lose.
- Here we have "Magos Darian", who has an outbound flight, but no inbound flight, and no records.
- Specifically, he was *registered* a century ago, but has had no interactions since then.
--- By extension, either he's a really good hacker, or it's an identity that was set up by someone who was really very forward-thinking as far as making an alias but also not all that inclined to maintenance work on said alias. If he was a really good hacker, he would know enough to fake up a few more documents and a plausible story.
- It's *highly likely* that he's part of this kerfluffle
- He has some techpriests and servitors working for him.

- Most likely Conclusion: This is our old master in a new body. Basically, assassins are better at tradecraft than this guy, so he's not an assassin, and Old Master is the only other thing that makes sense.
- Sub-conclusion: assuming that we have the power advantage (which seems reasonably likely, but is not assured), this may well be the best chance we'll ever have to get a few licks in before "discovering" that fact. So Very Tempting.
- Other sub-conclusion: If we *do* have the combat edge, then even if he's not the old master, he's still doing something shady, and we can at least *feel* like we're getting a few licks in on the old master as we beat the shiny out of him... and since he's clearly doing *something* wrong, we can viably argue after the fact that we were in the right when we did it. Even More Tempting.

Still, first question is rather important... @BurnNote - how do our available forces look as compared to *his* available forces?

After that, I'd be inclined to say some horribly insulting things about "the moron who was holed up over thataway" to see if we can get him to react at all, before openly declaring (loudly) that his functioning under a false identity and therefore has no true authority to command his troops. Impersonating a Magos is a crime against the Cult, and we're going to have to take him in. As soon as he starts to react in basically any way (we'll assume that it's resisting, but no big deal if it's not), we start whaling on him as hard as we can, with support from our peeps as necessary and basically beat on him until his cogitators reboot. *Then* we chat.

There's *another* pertinent question, that a wiser character might pursue, of *why* our old master might feel inclined to ditch his beautiful body full of archaeotech and go build another one out of scrap, but... but hitting him again and again and again under false pretenses would be so *satisfying*. Even if ti turns out we're wrong abotu who it was, it would be so *very* satisfying in the moment.

Don't want to turn it into a plan just yet, though, as I *would* like to see the comparative forces first.
Still, first question is rather important... @BurnNote - how do our available forces look as compared to *his* available forces?
Pretty good. You brought some Skitarii along, and made sure your techpriests are all armed. The other guys on the other hand don't look like they are prepared for a fight, and don't look armed. Also, Ruth is an Archmagos. She outranks Darian, and can just tell them to switch sides.

That said, Darian has had at least half a day to come up with surprises, since he got a very emphatic sign of 'something is wrong'. Also, he's either an assassin, and therefore one of the most dangerous things to face in combat, or a Magos armed with at least some amount of archeotech. Cerritus liked to hide caches all over the place. Not his best stuff, but not bad either.

Or y'know, he could be completely innocent. That's totally possible, right?
[X] Since he is not in the proper records, he is not a proper techpriest. Which means that all of his techpriest specific implants are illegal. Impound him.
[X] Since he is not in the proper records, he is not a proper techpriest. Which means that all of his techpriest specific implants are illegal. Impound him.
Welp... may not be the *best* plan, but it feels like it's pretty in-character.

[x] Plan Get Some Licks In
-[x] Start out by saying some extraordinarily uncomplimentary things about "that crazy old guy who was holed up over there". Also talk about how basically everything he had over there we probably slagged, but that's okay because it was trash anyway. See if you can get a reaction.
-[x] Coordinate with Archmagos Ruth via point-to-point message beam. While you're saying uncomplimentary things, have her address the techpriests and skiitari by radio in binary, requisitioning them for an important task. Okay, if the techpriests are pathetic enough that they wouldn't catch that, she can use sound and/or meatpeople languages as necessary.
-[x] Once they have the word, broadband binary over radio your accusation that Darian is not in any way who he claims he is, and is thus obviously an imposter and not a magos at all. Declaim that his augmentations are blatantly illegal, and that you'll have to impound them for the good of the cult. Have everyone loyal shoot him in the chest until he falls over.
-[x] Assuming that works, examine his body (Watch out for traps. Carefully.), and then set something up that will allow you to interrogate the head.
Current tally. Mostly to point out that there are now two more plans. Yay! Hopefully this is long enough to trigger the OP alert.

Vote Tally : A Heretek on the Quest for Knowledge [40k] | Page 129 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally

[X] Since he is not in the proper records, he is not a proper techpriest. Which means that all of his techpriest specific implants are illegal. Impound him.
No. of Votes: 5

[x] Plan Get Some Licks In
-[x] Start out by saying some extraordinarily uncomplimentary things about "that crazy old guy who was holed up over there". Also talk about how basically everything he had over there we probably slagged, but that's okay because it was trash anyway. See if you can get a reaction.
-[x] Coordinate with Archmagos Ruth via point-to-point message beam. While you're saying uncomplimentary things, have her address the techpriests and skiitari by radio in binary, requisitioning them for an important task. Okay, if the techpriests are pathetic enough that they wouldn't catch that, she can use sound and/or meatpeople languages as necessary.
-[x] Once they have the word, broadband binary over radio your accusation that Darian is not in any way who he claims he is, and is thus obviously an imposter and not a magos at all. Declaim that his augmentations are blatantly illegal, and that you'll have to impound them for the good of the cult. Have everyone loyal shoot him in the chest until he falls over.
-[x] Assuming that works, examine his body (Watch out for traps. Carefully.), and then set something up that will allow you to interrogate the head.
No. of Votes: 2
Plan: ◈Get Some Licks In


[X] Plan Play Along
No. of Votes: 1
Plan: ◈Play Along


Total No. of Voters: 8
[x] Plan Get Some Licks In
-[x] Start out by saying some extraordinarily uncomplimentary things about "that crazy old guy who was holed up over there". Also talk about how basically everything he had over there we probably slagged, but that's okay because it was trash anyway. See if you can get a reaction.
-[x] Coordinate with Archmagos Ruth via point-to-point message beam. While you're saying uncomplimentary things, have her address the techpriests and skiitari by radio in binary, requisitioning them for an important task. Okay, if the techpriests are pathetic enough that they wouldn't catch that, she can use sound and/or meatpeople languages as necessary.
-[x] Once they have the word, broadband binary over radio your accusation that Darian is not in any way who he claims he is, and is thus obviously an imposter and not a magos at all. Declaim that his augmentations are blatantly illegal, and that you'll have to impound them for the good of the cult. Have everyone loyal shoot him in the chest until he falls over.
-[x] Assuming that works, examine his body (Watch out for traps. Carefully.), and then set something up that will allow you to interrogate the head.