There is a limit, and it's clear we have gone past it! Shall we stop?

  • No

    Votes: 81 4.2%
  • Never

    Votes: 313 16.2%
  • The other poll vote at least got a lousy shirt for this.

    Votes: 197 10.2%
  • You don't have enough gold to build that 'Stop' sign

    Votes: 198 10.2%
  • Remember the Malkavian, for he Stops when Stop-Chan says so

    Votes: 215 11.1%
  • You must construct additional farms. Coffee farms.

    Votes: 929 48.1%

  • Total voters
I'm just imagining Willow walking in with a nice homemade cake for Wren and Salem, only to find Wren kicking back on a beach chair being served drinks by a harem of catgirls in maid outfits.

One of which somehow always ends up the one actually serving him, that all the others look afraid of, and looks suspiciously like Blake.
Now the question is, how is this getting explained to people? I mean sure, he can close and demolish the park, leave the public eye for a while and then come back and act like nothing happened.

But people will want to know what the hell happened there for years. There's going to be so many conspiracy theories out there.
Okay. Now I understand why I got that hug.

I'm not crying, you're crying.

- breaks down sobbing in the corner holding a bag of Dark Coffee grind -
Salem never returned to Earth. She became half-mineral, half-animal and floated forever through space. And though she wished for death, she was unable to die. So eventually, she stopped thinking.

I can think of a few ways the story can go from here.
  1. Magic lets Salem create some sort of reaction-less thrust (or in the extreme, she tears off bits of her body to create thrust which might regenerate since she is immortal). This turns Salem into a sort of canned evil until she returns.
  2. Salem still has mental connection to the grimm and maybe grimm that can communicate with her merry band of traitors. She is extremely pissed.
  3. Misguided 'hero's' decide to unite/use the relics to deal with Shade, perhaps led by Ozma. Shade hasn't quite finished his god slaying plan. (this one earns demerits for the similarity to the Salem arc)
  4. Exploration of the androids that now control society and the fact that they don't quite hold human values (probably via the android's obsession with "father" causing irreparable damage).
That being said, the story would be in a great place to conclude with a few epilogue chapters.

Salem can't die, she could literally use an arterial bleed as a method of producing thrust.

Alternatively, she may end up ruining the cowboy bebop setting.
Salem can't die, she could literally use an arterial bleed as a method of producing thrust.

Alternatively, she may end up ruining the cowboy bebop setting.
I mean, there's no gurantee that the planet will be in the same position it was when she gets back, and she can't use magic outside of Remnant.

For all she knows, she'll end up flying straight into the sun without the planet there to catch her. While it's somewhat thematically fitting that the giant ball of fire in the sky is a huge pyre for the Salem witch, something tells me she ain't going to be too happy about burning for eternity. Assuming the pressure at the center of a star doesn't just crush her into an infitismally small marble of blood and flesh.
I mean, there's no gurantee that the planet will be in the same position it was when she gets back, and she can't use magic outside of Remnant.

For all she knows, she'll end up flying straight into the sun without the planet there to catch her. While it's somewhat thematically fitting that the giant ball of fire in the sky is a huge pyre for the Salem witch, something tells me she ain't going to be too happy about burning for eternity. Assuming the pressure at the center of a star doesn't just crush her into an infitismally small marble of blood and flesh.

Did Worm, Wildbow, or the SCP foundation never teach you that you never put an entity of significant power in the sun. As much of a meme as it is its too dangerous to be worthwhile, especially if the sun has the magical significance it usually does. She very well may be able to blot it out if she can summon enough grim matter. Or trigger flares that destroy the CCT system.
I'm just imagining Willow walking in with a nice homemade cake for Wren and Salem, only to find Wren kicking back on a beach chair being served drinks by a harem of catgirls in maid outfits.

One of which somehow always ends up the one actually serving him, that all the others look afraid of, and looks suspiciously like Blake.
You do realize this is impossible? Catgirls... they don't serve you, you serve them.
They're cats, after all, they can wrap you around their fingers and own you.
Well, Nekopara notwithstanding.

It could have been but since Ozpin knew about Salem presence in Vale and the Crow freaked out when she smiled it look to me like it was Qrow send to "spy" on Wren and Salem.
Yeah, it looked like. That's a useful technique in a writer's arsenal, where you use the reader's expectations to set up ambiguous situations.

you never put an entity of significant power in the sun.
It seems too easy to me, I have a feeling that won't stop Salem for long. One of her followers will notice somethings off and investigate unless he launches her into space ASAP
It seems too easy to me, I have a feeling that won't stop Salem for long. One of her followers will notice somethings off and investigate unless he launches her into space ASAP
You do realize she was shot out of a giant railgun hidden inside a rollercoaster in the latest chapter, do you?
There's no launching anymore, she's already in space. Also what followers? There's only Watts left, I think.
You do realize she was shot out of a giant railgun hidden inside a rollercoaster in the latest chapter, do you?
There's no launching anymore, she's already in space. Also what followers? There's only Watts left, I think.

Shot out of a railgun, no way to slow her down, no way to counteract how fast she's going? Yeah, SIr Isaac Newton is in full effect. She's not stopping until she hits something. Will she revive on Remnant years down the line is what should be considered.
Well... Salem has magic she might notice something is wrong and steer the coffin back by using her connection to Grimm as a beacon to guides herself after...
Well... Salem has magic she might notice something is wrong and steer the coffin back by using her connection to Grimm as a beacon to guides herself after...

Given she seems to have global range, if she's moving fast enough to move one planet length before she realizes what the fuck just happened then she should lose connection to the Grimm assuming that's her max range
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Two
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Two

People had questions. People would not like the answers. 'She was an immortal woman capable of magic and controlling the Grimm' wouldn't go well. It was inevitable that the people near the amusement park might wonder what had happened, but as it turned out a mixture of lies mixed with a good truth would work wonders. The amusement park had been a trap to uncover the leader of the Color revolution.

The leader had turned out to be Miss Ashelyn, in a shocking twist, and she had promptly been dealt with by virtue of springing the trap on her and reducing her to subatomic particles. The noise had been the hidden rail-gun, a new prototype weapon meant to fight huntsman in a more compact way. People hadn't actually been able to see the capsule being shot into space, after all. They had been too busy clutching their ears from pain.

Hearing aids had been gratuitously offered afterwards, but now that the color revolution had lost its leader, it was high time that those responsible for Vale's fall would soon follow.

They weren't in Atlas and most definitely, with Salem out of the picture, they weren't going to stay in the Grimm-Lands forever. There was also the matter of revenge; I didn't doubt that they'd be able to put two plus two together, and while I doubted Watts would actually care much if I understood his type well, Tyrian was another story. Yet now Tyrian was pretty much a half-robotic entity, and I didn't doubt Watts to send him my way just to trial test his own creations.

Well, I was done playing the nice guy now that I didn't have Salem literally breathing down my neck.

I clasped my fingers together as Stenophylla brightly chirped that preparations were complete for the first mass bombing the history of Remnant had ever seen.

The ships were fully in position by the time the day dawned on the Grimm-Infested Vale. The air-wings were fully ready and filled with the might of Atlas' finest bombs.

The Androids and Paladins that had been left behind had quietly been charging during the days. While the Grimm would normally attack them, their deactivated state made them less likely targets.

Eyebots began to float forward, picking clusters of Grimm with methodical precision.

I tightened the grip on my Dust Cane. My eyes on the monitor of the Eyebots within the prison complex, seeking traces of the battle that had been fought. I could see the fighting in the lower levels had escalated upwards. There were no traces of Winter's body, but I did find Ironwood's broken right arm, deeply nestled into the broken scorpion tail that had belonged to Tyrian.

The corpses could have simply been eaten. The Grimm were known to do that.

"Steno, I want it all gone," I whispered, "All of it."

"Bombardment initiated," Stenophylla whispered in my ear.

The Grimm raised their heads at the whistling sounds.

The flying Nevermores cawed, and then there was silence. They fell silent, forevermore.

Vicious green gas poured through the streets, canisters detonated in mid-air, missiles exploded, releasing shrapnel coated in toxic fumes. And as one man, those units that were still combat operative but low on battery sprung to life, rushing through the thick caustic smokes without care, ripping into shreds those Grimm that had avoided the massive initial bombardment.

The bombing continued throughout the afternoon, until the very last shell had been unleashed, and the very last building housing Grimm had been razed to the ground.

"Release the invading party," I muttered. "Set a base within Vale's docks. If...if there are still corpses, get them identified and buried."

"Yes, father," Stenophylla whispered, the monitors giving onto Vale closing one after the other.

Robusta gently placed a cup of coffee in front of my desk. In the background of my office, the windows rattled and the people of Atlas clutched their ears once more.

I glanced at the countdown screen on the right wall. The seconds went by, and the railgun fired once more.

The windows rattled again.

I sipped my coffee, quietly waiting for the third railgun shot.

Again, it fired, and again the windows rattled.

Three differing countdowns poured down to zero, and as they did I witnessed the very first images of Remnant from a satellite screen. "Keep firing satellites in the air until we achieve complete view of Remnant," I mused, slowly standing up. "Stop when it's night. Start once more at work hour. Seek all targets of interest. Pound them from orbit if the situation warrants it. I don't want a war with the Grimm," I muttered, "I want their complete annihilation."

I sighed, quietly rubbing my chin and feeling the stubble starting to grow on it.

I didn't know whether the lack of Oscar Pines showing up at my doorstep meant that Ozpin hadn't appeared, or perhaps he had finally been sent to his final rest. I didn't know whether Qrow's silence meant anything, or Glynda Goodwitch asking to be sent with the huntsmen survivors of Vale to Vacuo meant anything more than the survivors' guilt attempting to worm their way through them.

I had finished the battle for them.

The final enemy that needed defeat had been defeated. The Grimm remained, mindless beasts that sought mankind's death and yet could not evolve, would perhaps never truly understand mechanization, or multiple industrial lines.

And as the Atlas Space-Rail-Gun fired once more, another satellite already prepped for launch, vectors calculated and orbits settled, I realized dimly that the Grimm would never know what hit them, or why they were being hit.

They would just know death.

"In a realm of information, he who controls it is king," I muttered. "Robusta, proceed to lay claim to all unclaimed land. We will cleanse the Grimm, but we must ensure true propriety is given where it is due. If my children must bleed, then where their blood lands shall be their land."

"I understand, father," Robusta muttered. "Should...should there be resistance?"

"Talk to them," I answered, "If they refuse to see reason, ask them if they want war. If they seek assimilation, we will assimilate them. Our Kingdom grows. Soon, it will be an Empire." I drummed my fingers on the surface of my desk, glancing at Robusta who gingerly placed a new cup in front of me. I took a whiff of it, and sighed. "Robusta, this is decaf."

"Too much caffeine is bad for your health father," Robusta acquiesced. "And this tastes exactly the same."

"Then how come I can smell it's not caffeine?" I mused dryly.

Robusta turned her gaze away. "I know what is best for father, and right now we need to keep your blood pressure in check," she glanced back at me, "Or we can have a regular medical checkup? I have passed all required exams to become a fully-fledged doctor, surgeon and pharmacist."

I sighed, and then took a sip before grimacing at the horrendous taste it had. "I should never have allowed you to take up the medical practice, Doctor Robusta."

"I would have pursued it anyway, father," Robusta mused. I finished the cup with a pained grimace still on my face, and as Robusta began to offer me another one, I shook my head.

"I'll rather go without drinking that swill if I can avoid it," I grumbled. "What's on the agenda?"

"The Menagerie problem, father," Robusta acquiesced.

"Why is it a problem?" I muttered. "They have their island. We buy their electricity. We don't really need it, but we buy it all the same just to keep their economy functioning."

Robusta sighed, and rolled her eyes. "That is charity, father. And apparently the Faunus have realized it. They do not like being the subjects of charity. Miss Khan has requested a meeting, and per your indications I have granted her one. She will be coming next week to Atlas. The entire White Fang has been pardoned of its crimes as per your instructions, though the figure of Adam Taurus is still either at large, or presumed dead and his body not found."

I groaned, and rubbed my eyes. "I'm going to need some coffee to think about that peculiar pickle."

"I have decaf ready. It has the same taste," Robusta robustly refuted to see the reason.

I sighed, and muttered something under my breath.

A crimson glowing portal opened by my side, and as I pushed my hand through it, I pulled out a steaming cup of hot coffee from a nearby bar in which Arabica had stepped inside, ordering a drink for me.

"Arabica's my favorite daughter now," I said nonchalantly, taking a sip.

"Father, I know you are merely attempting to rile me up," Robusta replied, her hand attempted to move, but then she stopped inches away from my cup. I looked at her, and she quietly pulled her hand back. "But I will let you have one more cup, no more," she stammered out.

"I knew you would see reason, Robusta," I acquiesced, sipping my coffee in peace as the glowing crimson portal still remained where it was. With a dreadful sigh, I pushed my hand through and found an eagerly awaiting head that was in need of a head-rub.

Afterwards, I pulled my hand back and the portal closed.

"By the way, what was Arabica doing in a bar?" I mused.

"She has opened a coffee shop in Mistral, father," Robusta acquiesced. "It has an underground armory and a secret train yard for quick redeployment of heavy armored troops, just in case Mistral attempts an aggressive counter-coup and we must put a weapon to their heads to force them to kneel, but judging by how their political system is crumpling with the lack of resources coming in from the outer settlements, it appears they are becoming too dependent on Atlas' productive abilities and cheap products to pose much of a threat."

I kept sipping my coffee.

"Mankind," I chuckled, "put a gun to their heads and they will find a way to get back at you. Force-feed them cheap food, products, and comforts and they will roll over on their belly and let you plunge the dagger in them," I snickered at the thought. Truly, Salem hadn't just been an enemy.

She had been an incredibly naive woman.

If you want to rule mankind... must make mankind love you, and through love, bring them ever-lasting happiness.
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Yes, Expansion and Extermination Arc!

Sadly, it will be one short arc.
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