There is a limit, and it's clear we have gone past it! Shall we stop?

  • No

    Votes: 81 4.2%
  • Never

    Votes: 313 16.2%
  • The other poll vote at least got a lousy shirt for this.

    Votes: 197 10.2%
  • You don't have enough gold to build that 'Stop' sign

    Votes: 198 10.2%
  • Remember the Malkavian, for he Stops when Stop-Chan says so

    Votes: 215 11.1%
  • You must construct additional farms. Coffee farms.

    Votes: 929 48.1%

  • Total voters
This would be terrible if this wasnt Salem, just some look alike with similar circumstances.

Or it could be a puppet body salem created to interact with the world and not her real body.
I wouldn't buy it if it wasn't Salem. There are so many coincidences that that match up to actual Salem (the only thing left is the grimm look) that it would be the mother of bullshit contrivances if it wasn't her.

And honestly, successfully getting Salem out of the picture offers the chance for a very interesting question, what's Wren gonna do now? There is no great enemy of mankind out there, so now what?
But warryiness.
How will she react once recovered from the insane g forces? Does she grok space? Can she breathe vacuum?

Digital, mechanical hug piles imminent. While the dark queen reboots from blue screen.
And a bird rests his EDM balls. Recovering from an insane plan.
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-One

The Amazing Schnee Amusement Park had everything. Animatronics, machines to tickle the fantasy and the imagination of people, a house of mirrors, the usual teapot and crash-driving circuit and many more rides of various natures and, of course, the piece of resistance. The Amazing Rail-Rail Hyper-Velocity Turbo Rollercoaster, which merged together virtual reality with the emotions one could feel only a roller-coaster, was fully operational and hundreds of people had already gone on it, gushing about becoming space-pilots in the future.

Salem and I shared some cotton candy, I attempted and failed to win her a plush prize by a shooting stall, much to the chagrin of the robotic worker beyond it -especially since there was no point in making the entire thing unwinnable by default. Though Salem did take the gun and manage a flawless series of shots, earning what looked like a massive teddy-bear and then handing it over to me with a bright smile.

I smiled back.

Deep down, I was thinking about just how cute Stenophylla had been that day she had begun pouting, and hadn't stopped until I had realized that she wanted a hug rather than the usual head-pats.

I was melting in cuteness overload by that point.

The Rollercoaster loomed over us, the final destination for either one of us, or the unfortunate realization that it might not work, and I'd be dead the next minute.

It didn't matter.

Mankind would survive me. It would survive the foolish Wren Schnee, who had attempted to spite the Gods.

That is the beauty of mankind; you can put it down once, twice, again and again-but we'll rise right back to bite you if you let us.

"The seats are one person only," I mused as I glanced at the next row of coffin-shaped seats appeared and opened up, letting the passengers off. They all had spaceship-like appearances, and each of them cost a small fortune to make since I couldn't know in which Salem might get on. They all had high-octane synthetic fuel for that final push out of orbit, in case it was needed. "From what Stenophylla told me, you get to play a small game while inside, fighting off alien invaders within a ship of some sorts."

"Interesting," Salem mused. "I suppose I will see you later then? We may end up comparing scores, though I doubt you'll get much out of it," she giggled as she said that, and I grinned in return.

"I'm not that good of a shot, but as long as I got your heart, it's all right," as I cheekily said that, she made a fake blush and slapped my shoulder with an affronted, yet pleased, look.

"You incorrigible man," she rolled her eyes.

I handed off my giant teddy bear to the nearby robotic attendant, taking extra care that it would be treated with as much care, and protection, as it ever could. The Android acknowledged my order with a nod, and then proceeded to keep holding on to it.

I helped Salem inside one of the coffins, and then stepped in the one right behind her.

Once the coffin's main doors closed, I was welcomed with a digital screen in front of me and some joystick-like rendition of a ship's command console and cloche. Instructions were laid in front of me, and as I sighed and concentrated on the game at hand, the rumbling of the rollercoaster began to pick up.

We would go underground for some part of it, and the appropriate coffin would be removed from the rest of the column, loaded within a magnetically-charged cage and then energy would pour through, the rollercoaster's insides would open, and the ramp going up would be reinforced with mecha-shift rising capacitors.

I played the game in the meantime. Fighting off invading ships would keep my mind and the edge I felt off me. I fought, I battled, minutes ticked by.

The ships were all soundproof. It was the only way to keep the noise of the charging up hidden.

Then, the ride came to an end.

The doors opened, and I stepped out to a shocked crowd that was still holding their ears and crying in pain.

I took a deep breath, and looked to my left.

We were missing one ship.

I pushed the earpiece by my side, and with the driest mouth I had ever felt in my entire life, asked a very simple question. "Is...Is it done?"

Stenophylla buzzed into my earpiece.

I took a deep breath, and began to walk away from the park. It was a slow walk. I left the giant Teddy-Bear where it had been. I thought about Salvatrix' happy face when I told her that I'd like to listen to her sing. She had bloomed in smiles and happiness.

One hundred fifty seconds were an eternity to pass, but it was the time it would take for Salem to no longer be a problem. If she realized something was off, and blew the casket off-she might still make it.

There was Magnistipula's fierce independent side. I loved seeing her act like a tough lady, only to then silently ask with her eyes where her hugs were. Hug me dad, hug me too, her eyes would say, and I couldn't help but agree to that.

I came to a halt near the exit of the park. My limousine was waiting for me.

I looked right, and I looked left. Then, I looked behind me.

I took a deep, shuddering breath.

Stenophylla buzzed in my ear.

I collapsed inside the limousine, the door closing behind me.

My cries, my screams, everything that had been bottled within emerged like a tempest. I laughed amidst the most terrified of cries, and screamed my wrath in the midst of all of my despair. Avenged. I had avenged them. I had avenged them all.

This was my victory.




No Heroes, No Kings, No Gods, only me. I, Wren Schnee, had won.

I slammed the back of my body against the soft backseat, and croaked out a few words to the driver that had remained non-plussed and silent. "The cemetery, please," I whispered.

There had been no body found. There hadn't been a message from her. I didn't know if she was alive or not, but a grave had to be made.

I had a bouquet of Atlas roses in my hands, and as I knelt in front of the grave in question, I deposited it ever so gently and gingerly touched the stone with my left hand. I smiled, I pressed my forehead against the cold stone.

"Hey big sis," I whispered wistfully. "Sorry I'm late." I made a hint of a small smile. "I've avenged you," I whispered, "I'm so sorry I couldn't do it earlier but...but I've avenged you." A bitter chuckle escaped my throat, which sounded more like a half-strangled sob. "And...and now..." I murmured, "Now I must avenge the first Mankind." My eyes burned from tears I refused to shed, and yet fell all the same.

Everything was their fault. Their arrogance and their selfishness would see punishment. If not in this life, if not in this age-then, definitely, in the future.

I walked away in silence, leaving the tombstone behind me.

Here rests Winter Schnee.

Forever loved, never forgotten and always in our hearts.
You betrayed your lady love. How could you Shade. How could you!
So now what without the settings Big Bad is it just "the robots finished taking over The END"?
I can think of a few ways the story can go from here.
  1. Magic lets Salem create some sort of reaction-less thrust (or in the extreme, she tears off bits of her body to create thrust which might regenerate since she is immortal). This turns Salem into a sort of canned evil until she returns.
  2. Salem still has mental connection to the grimm and maybe grimm that can communicate with her merry band of traitors. She is extremely pissed.
  3. Misguided 'hero's' decide to unite/use the relics to deal with Shade, perhaps led by Ozma. Shade hasn't quite finished his god slaying plan. (this one earns demerits for the similarity to the Salem arc)
  4. Exploration of the androids that now control society and the fact that they don't quite hold human values (probably via the android's obsession with "father" causing irreparable damage).
That being said, the story would be in a great place to conclude with a few epilogue chapters.
Salem, for all her madness, for all the pain and suffering she's caused, is just an immortal madwoman who inherited the table scraps of a God, nothing more, nothing less. I find the idea of this being her end, being outplayed by a mortal she likely never even considered as a genuine threat in anything but an abstract sense, to be an oddly fitting one. No epic last battle, no settling of scores with Ozma, no recourse with the twisted deities that helped make her what she is, no last chance to spite and curse Humanity, no final victory, no more anything. Just an eternity of silence and loneliness, her immortality finally the accursed prison it was always meant to be, but never truly was for her. And to all the people who want her to return, or for her to have outwitted Wren just so he can be proven wrong, that everything he has done has amounted to nothing... how is that in any way worth the price? How is a small, meaningless 'moral victory' worth having mankind's greatest tormentor around for even a single minute more?

I think it's about time we clear the air on this; morality, as a real, tangible construct that influences the universe? It doesn't exist. Ethics and morality are mental constructs, ideals, they represent the world not as it is, but as we feel it should be. And that's okay, because something doesn't have to be 'real' to be important. That said, everyone in this thread could argue ethics and morality until the heat death of the universe and make little, if any progress in coming to an actual agreement about what is Absolutely Right, and what is Absolutely Wrong. There is no one true right or wrong way to do anything, and even a bad solution can produce positive results. After all, it's not for no reason that we have the saying "Even a broken clock is right twice a day.", you may not necessarily like it, but that's just how things are. Wanting someone to fail at improving the lot of all Humanity because their solution is 'wrong' just seems petty and spiteful to me.

Getting away from all that, I do agree that all of this is a little anticlimactic, even if I also find it weirdly fitting and cathartic considering Salem herself. Actually thinking about it... I have to admit that I'm not very clear on how one might handle tackling the Brothers, at all really, but I do hope to see this story continue.
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Am I wrong to say that I felt bad for Salem here? Because let's get real, we all had the question in our minds of What if she changed to Yandere!Salem of the Omake?
I'd like to know if Salem felt anything from her side. But maybe we're better off not knowing. It could be pretty sad if she was reasonably genuine.
Salem, for all her madness, for all the pain and suffering she's caused, is just an immortal madwoman who inherited the table scraps of a God, nothing more, nothing less. I find the idea of this being her end, being outplayed by a mortal she likely never even considered as a genuine threat in anything but an abstract sense, to be an oddly fitting one. No epic last battle, no settling of scores with Ozma, no recourse with the twisted deities that helped make her what she is, no last chance to spite and curse Humanity, no final victory, no more anything. Just an eternity of silence and loneliness, her immortality finally the accursed prison it was always meant to be, but never truly was for her. And to all the people who want her to return, or for her to have outwitted Wren just so he can be proven wrong, that everything he has done has amounted to nothing... how is that in any way worth the price? How is a small, meaningless 'moral victory' worth having mankind's greatest tormentor around for even a single minute more?

I think it's about time we clear the air on this; morality, as a real, tangible construct that influences the universe? It doesn't exist. Ethics and morality are mental constructs, ideals, they represent the world not as it is, but as we feel it should be. And that's okay, because something doesn't have to be 'real' to be important. That said, everyone in this thread could argue ethics and morality until the heat death of universe and make little, if any progress in coming to an actual agreement about what is Absolutely Right, and what is Absolutely Wrong. There is no one true right or wrong way to do anything, and even a bad solution can produce positive results. After all, it's not for no reason that we have the saying "Even a broken clock is right twice a day.", you may not necessarily like it, but that's just how things are. Wanting someone to fail at improving the lot of all Humanity because their solution is 'wrong' just seems petty and spiteful to me.

Getting away from all that, I do agree that all of this is a little anticlimactic, even if I also find it weirdly fitting and cathartic considering Salem herself. Actually thinking about it... I have to admit that I'm not very clear on how one might handle tackling the Brothers, at all really, but I do hope to see this story continue.
Kinda felt you there, I always get weirded out by these people who keep shouting about Wren's methods are wrong or hes a monster, about salem paying or justice she deserve I mean what paying? Wha justice? For their wars? For their racism? For mankind fucking each other even with common enemy? For the characters who doesnt even have a screen time?

I like Salem, shes the most interisting character Wren ever been with, I dont care if shes evil or conquered 95% of remnnant, source of all world s evil, she was an interesting person and could have been a interesting love interest, she was woman who have bad experienced with romance and betrayed consecutively, Im sad that there would be no more Salem, she was perhapse the most interesting character in the whole fic. kinda lost interest in the story with my favourite character gone.
I can think of a few ways the story can go from here.
  1. Magic lets Salem create some sort of reaction-less thrust (or in the extreme, she tears off bits of her body to create thrust which might regenerate since she is immortal). This turns Salem into a sort of canned evil until she returns.
  2. Salem still has mental connection to the grimm and maybe grimm that can communicate with her merry band of traitors. She is extremely pissed.
  3. Misguided 'hero's' decide to unite/use the relics to deal with Shade, perhaps led by Ozma. Shade hasn't quite finished his god slaying plan. (this one earns demerits for the similarity to the Salem arc)
  4. Exploration of the androids that now control society and the fact that they don't quite hold human values (probably via the android's obsession with "father" causing irreparable damage).
That being said, the story would be in a great place to conclude with a few epilogue chapters.

Just a little reminder, Wren didn't decided to punt Salem into space because that was the only thing he could think of that might stop her.

He chose to send her to infinity and beyond because the Jinn in the Relic confirmed that sending Salem to space will work.

Whatever happens from here on out, Salem won't be involved.

...speaking of which, how long do you think it will take for Salem to notice something is wrong? If they had a simple AI installed into the ride it could still be continuing to bullshit her and claim that there Zero-Gravity experience is part of the ride's realism.
Honestly... I kinda hope Salem's love was real, and she was so happy and excited about such a fun new thing as a rollercoaster with her love. She enjoys herself and her magic stops animating her. She dies happy, blissfully unaware of Wren's betrayal. It may not be what she 'deserves', but it's what I'm hoping for.

... Wren's mother is in for a bit of a shock soon.
Since Wren is speaking about avenging the first Mankind then it mean he want to take a shot at offing the gods somehow.

Ps: Also stop with the whole not Salem thing, Ozpin confirmed she was Salem the moment he send Qrow to spy on her when she was on a date with Wren.
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Meanwhile, on Salem's ship:

"Level 7, huh? Well, I'm still game. I bet Wren doesn't have anywhere near my score."

"Okay, level 21. This is getting a little old, though the faunus enemies were a nice touch."

"Level 52. I think I'm seeing repeat graphics."

"Level 176. This thing has been running for longer than the park can possibly sustain. Are we running in a loop?"

"I wonder if Wren has died of thirst yet."


"Star-log 476. I have yet to decipher the hidden message within the game files. I know it is there, as there is no other explanation for the sheer amount of level design present. Must consider other options."


My cries, my screams, everything that had been bottled within emerged like a tempest. I laughed amidst the most terrified of cries, and screamed my wrath in the midst of all of my despair. Avenged. I had avenged them. I had avenged them all.

This was my victory.




"Goodness, Wren! I knew that men were competitive, but shouldn't you wait to compare scores before claiming victory?"
I wonder if Wren can use the staff of creation to ressurect Ashleyn if something goes really really wrong :p
Man isn't this gonna be a hell of a story to tell




My guess is that Wren's plan for the Gods revolves around his technology for sucking out souls. Possibly by eating them himself, and completing his transformation into the God Emperor of Mankind.
And honestly, successfully getting Salem out of the picture offers the chance for a very interesting question, what's Wren gonna do now? There is no great enemy of mankind out there, so now what?
There's still Grimm out there, leaderless or not. But they were there before Salem and they will be there without her...

You betrayed your lady love. How could you Shade. How could you!
What are you on, Blake and Sienna are quite safe and unbetrayed.

Ps: Also stop with the whole not Salem thing, Ozpin confirmed she was Salem the moment he sent Qrow to spy on her when she was on a date with Wren.
Could have been a random Crow, it's not like he's the only bird in the whole of Remnant...
But yeah, it totally was Salem.