That is incredibly unrealistic and supremely far-fetched. You expect the following:
- Third-year Nott is supposed to man up and tell an older and bigger Slytherin to stand down.
- Nott is supposed to risk his standing among his current peers and potential allies (see older Slytherin) for a girl he may or may not have talked to more than a few words.
- Said girl is club acquaintance, not a friend, of us and Nott has currently no idea of our connection to her.
Alright when put like that it seems improbable, but it's not an impossible DC based on the description. He, like Jacob, is not immune to change, and he's young enough to decide if he wants to be different as opposed to be set in one manner.
@Tabula Rasa

Sorry if this was already covered, but does this situation count as a surprise?

I love surprises – If you walk into a trap or are surprised otherwise, you get a +5 on the next roll

It's a bit far-fetched (life and death), but is it possible to cover all three traits for the first combat roll?

I love surprises – If you walk into a trap or are surprised otherwise, you get a +5 on the next roll

My brother Isaac – You have seen the wisest of men never to give up, no matter the peril. From this, you learned to be strong in times of need. In a life and death situation, get a +5 on all defence rolls.

Protego (Basic Understanding) – Gives a +5 to defending rolls.

[X] Words are Winds – You don't think you will be able to argue with either of them. Pull your wand out, while you do not think that you can hold yourself against three students, you have an advantage in initiative. (High DC for ensuing fight, but you'll be able attack first.)

I don't want to lose the initiative with a wand already drawn in our general direction by wasting breath that could and should be used for spell-casting.

Plus there are possible strategies in reach to deal with them.

For example:
Use Flipendo to knock Goyle into the older Slytherin, when they are tangled together use the few seconds to hit Goyle with Rictusempra.
The older Slytherin is the biggest danger, the few seconds he's distracted with Goyle cast the Lapifors Spell (Deep Understanding) to take him out of the game entirely.
Lapifors is currently the only spell we have that can end a fight. (currently no disarming and no stunning)
Immediately cast Protego in case Nott decides to do something.
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[X] This is no laughing matter – You don't think you will be able to argue with either Goyle, nor the older Slytherin, but you might be able to reach an agreement with Nott. Both of you still remember the debt he owes you. If it doesn't work, pull your wand out. You do not think that you can hold yourself against three students, no matter their talent, but you'll be damned if you go down without hurting them. (High DC for talking them out of it, High DC for the ensuing fight.)
[X] This is no laughing matter – You don't think you will be able to argue with either Goyle, nor the older Slytherin, but you might be able to reach an agreement with Nott. Both of you still remember the debt he owes you. If it doesn't work, pull your wand out. You do not think that you can hold yourself against three students, no matter their talent, but you'll be damned if you go down without hurting them. (High DC for talking them out of it, High DC for the ensuing fight.)

Going to vote this purely becomes it gives us two chances to resolve this situation.
[X] This is no laughing matter – You don't think you will be able to argue with either Goyle, nor the older Slytherin, but you might be able to reach an agreement with Nott. Both of you still remember the debt he owes you. If it doesn't work, pull your wand out. You do not think that you can hold yourself against three students, no matter their talent, but you'll be damned if you go down without hurting them. (High DC for talking them out of it, High DC for the ensuing fight.)

I'm alright with giving up the surprise attack bonus for the higher moral ground for when teachers come, especially since we're in the dungeons so the chance snape comes is higher
[x] Words are Winds – You don't think you will be able to argue with either of them. Pull your wand out, while you do not think that you can hold yourself against three students, you have an advantage in initiative. (High DC for ensuing fight, but you'll be able attack first.)

We are getting the enmity of the Slytherins no matter what. Might as well make it count.

The Slytherins have already attacked and disarmed Justin, and they are about five seconds away from attacking us if we don't walk away.

Talking is not going to help here. If we aren't walking away, then we should aim to rescue Justin, not join him in the hospital wing.
If there was some sort of write-in option, I would have recommended focusing on framing the situation properly.

Basically, be a jerk with a point, and use that time to position yourself by the Hufflepuff to defend him, if needed.

We probably have enough information to do the "break them by talking" trope against Nott, which should suitably spook the other Slytherins.

A couple turns of surprise advantage probably doesn't stack up to a fear-based advantage that very well could take Nott out of the fight by itself.

Which is why I select:

[X] This is no laughing matter – You don't think you will be able to argue with either Goyle, nor the older Slytherin, but you might be able to reach an agreement with Nott. Both of you still remember the debt he owes you. If it doesn't work, pull your wand out. You do not think that you can hold yourself against three students, no matter their talent, but you'll be damned if you go down without hurting them. (High DC for talking them out of it, High DC for the ensuing fight.)
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[X] This is no laughing matter – You don't think you will be able to argue with either Goyle, nor the older Slytherin, but you might be able to reach an agreement with Nott. Both of you still remember the debt he owes you. If it doesn't work, pull your wand out. You do not think that you can hold yourself against three students, no matter their talent, but you'll be damned if you go down without hurting them. (High DC for talking them out of it, High DC for the ensuing fight.)

just hope this isn't gonna be he said she said if Snape comes first cause he'll likely side with his house
[X] This is no laughing matter – You don't think you will be able to argue with either Goyle, nor the older Slytherin, but you might be able to reach an agreement with Nott. Both of you still remember the debt he owes you. If it doesn't work, pull your wand out. You do not think that you can hold yourself against three students, no matter their talent, but you'll be damned if you go down without hurting them. (High DC for talking them out of it, High DC for the ensuing fight.)
I'll be honest, I would be fine with Jacob potentially ending up in the hospital wing or detention for fighting the Slytherins.

Like his ancestors, against "overwhelming odds" he still tries to stand tall and fight. He stands by his decisions to do what he feels is right and will accept the consequences.

Yoda would say "Do. Or do not. There is no try."

For me
Do = Act, fight, do what is necessary.
Try = talk

This whole situation is a nice chance to build his character further. We already went with the ambitious dueling club route "This is the Road to the Top" and we know you don't need diplomats to fight blood purists/racists so lets bring this to its logical conclusion and duel.
Yoda would say "Do. Or do not. There is no try."

For me
Do = Act, fight, do what is necessary.
Try = talk

This whole situation is a nice chance to build his character further. We already went with the ambitious dueling club route "This is the Road to the Top" and we know you don't need diplomats to fight blood purists/racists so lets bring this to its logical conclusion and duel.
I remind you that Jacob doesn't want to be like his ancestors, if only in that he mourned for the innocent refugees they killed.

Talking and fighting seems like it'll fit his character best, at least from my point of view.

I can just imagine Jacob asking Nott,

"Is this what I saved you for?"
Am i the only one that find the option "ignore this and walk away" the most appealing? idk why but i have the feeling that maybe our wand will work just fine even if we go "sith route " as long as we continue to research and improve, a true scientist's wand more or less, so...

[X] The castle is large – In the end, this doesn't concern you. You barely know any of the four, don't even remember having interchanged a word with any of them. Don't say anything and pass by them to head for the kitchen.

And for thise that say this is not an action that our MC will do i have a thing to say...what is the most logical and the best action between going to fight like a hero ( and die like one) or simply flee (i call it tactical retreat) a 1vs3 to fight another day (this doesn't stop us to call for help (professor are useless usually in HP but who knows, house elves the greatest cheats, simply "grab him and flee?") But nooo, why do you want to fight a nearly hopeless battle (if we roll 100 i'll start praying to the RNGGods)
[X] This is no laughing matter – You don't think you will be able to argue with either Goyle, nor the older Slytherin, but you might be able to reach an agreement with Nott. Both of you still remember the debt he owes you. If it doesn't work, pull your wand out. You do not think that you can hold yourself against three students, no matter their talent, but you'll be damned if you go down without hurting them. (High DC for talking them out of it, High DC for the ensuing fight.)

I tried to draw Jacob, here's the result :

What do you think ?
Your image is not showing, can you reupload it?
The division between Talk and Action is an illusion in my view: talking is an action. I mean, it's an action that does not convince bigots to not be bigots, that takes.... a lot of effort and careful reshaping of their environment over a long period of time to work. It does work, and is worthwhile... but sadly, scales poorly.

I look at Yoda's advice in terms of "the mindset that one has when starting something": Are you "going to bench-press that weight" or are you "going to try to bench-press that weight".

Talk is a potentially useful action here in that if it works, we can drop our number of foes from three to two. (Fail or succeed we of course lose our 'first strike' advantage, but if we do succeed, we might also get a longer benefit out of it, depending on Nott's choices (i.e. make use of the soul-debt 'do not bully' excuse we are providing him with)).

I'm inclined to stack a fair few echoes on the talk option if it wins.
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Would it be possible to present a write-in option of quietly leaving and finding a teacher or other figure to help? Help Justin, yes, but be smart about it.
@Tabula Rasa Something that have just occurred to me, once we learn the Blue Wideye Potion, can we sell it to other students?

This potion would be quite useful for any regular student, but extremely valuable for 5th and 7th years... As we saw in the books OWL students made business with many illegal substances to get better results in their exams.

Even if we just ask for a reasonable price (2-3 times the cost of the materials) in advance we can easily brew enough potions for selling the. To our customers and keeping a few of the batch for Jacob's use in the coming months...
I like this idea. If we do so though, we need to probably set the price for a dose to be around 25 - 30 Galleons, as the ingredients for a single does costs around 15 Galleons. If we can make a cauldron full of 10 doses for around 150 Galleons costs, then we can quite easily make profit and keep a few for our own use.

Your eyes didn't leave the empty spot on the wall. A round glyph staring back at you. Only now did you realize that your heart was beating hard against your ribcage. Your breath was short and puffed, producing a faint cloud of mist in front of your face.

When you turned around, you were grinning.

"Then we may have to find other spots like this!"

→ 1/10 progress in putting the runes found on the castle wall down to paper. Every successful roll of the Runes Club's findings will advance this progress. You can also spend actions on this.

→ ???

New Spell Research: Focillo - Charm. The Warming Charm creates warmth from the tip of the caster's wand in a small cone. It can also be casted on a person. With more willpower, the heat can intensify and hold for longer stretches, though never hot enough to become dangerous. Slow clockwise circles that continue while you concentrate, while the spell builds up. (Comment: That's new. Why is it a continuous movement until it builds up? What do the wand movements do?) DC: 50.
The happiness when you find new projects to work on is nice. The sadness when you think of the Action Economy hell isn't though. I do wonder what the runes on the castle's walls will give us. Maybe more secret passages? Looks like a long term project though, one that we may not be able to finish this year. We will have to see how the Rune's Club rolls on this I guess.

As for the spell, Focillo looks like it would be useful if we were exploring. Something we should probably grab before we do a big exploration action at least, if we are going somewhere that has the possibility of being cold or in the rain.

If you were right about your theory about the Hogwarts castle in itself being a method to teach students, the staircase would be a metaphor for the dichotomy of magical theory; while one side of magic was clearly structured following a more or less sound logic, other parts of it were driven by pure instincts and meaning. A wizard needed to understand both to be able to dive into any kind of deeper understanding.
I do like this. Hogwarts being more than just a place of learning, it subconsciously tries to teach the students through patterns built into the castle itself.

A personality can only find its unique defining traits with autonomy and epiphany through substantiated decisions, so it was up to me to forget about presumptions this time and let it be. As I am your mother, I nonetheless hope that you do not rush into things and give yourself time to adapt.
It may be advisable to wait a month before we look at the Journal again. If we take our mother's advice that is. Maybe we can switch between taking a Case and looking at our Family Journal. That way we aren't doing to much all in one month. Alternating between the two sounds like a good idea if we don't want to have Jacob get burnt out/traumatized.

Regarding the vote,

[X] This is no laughing matter – You don't think you will be able to argue with either Goyle, nor the older Slytherin, but you might be able to reach an agreement with Nott. Both of you still remember the debt he owes you. If it doesn't work, pull your wand out. You do not think that you can hold yourself against three students, no matter their talent, but you'll be damned if you go down without hurting them. (High DC for talking them out of it, High DC for the ensuing fight.)

Just because this the harder choice, doesn't me it is the wrong one. I don't want us to always reach for our wand first if there is another avenue to pursue. Besides, I'm interested to see if Nott would back down considering that he owes us. Does he have what it takes to back down, or will he continue along this path against us despite what we've done for him? I'm interested in finding out to be honest.

Also, I'm interested in finding out if there is actually a reason for this and that Justin was actually bothering Goyle. I don't think that is the case and it is probably just plain old bullying, but you never know. So talk first, and ready our stick just in case.

Edit: If there was anyone that I would hope to emulate with our ancestors right now, then it would be Isaac. This seems like something he would attempt and I'm fine with that.

Edit2: Also, in regards to Yoda and the Jedi. They were peacekeepers before all else. They always started with negotiations first. They only pursued aggressive negotiations if regular negotiations fell through.
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[X] The castle is large – In the end, this doesn't concern you. You barely know any of the four, don't even remember having interchanged a word with any of them. Don't say anything and pass by them to head for the kitchen.
[X] This is no laughing matter – You don't think you will be able to argue with either Goyle, nor the older Slytherin, but you might be able to reach an agreement with Nott. Both of you still remember the debt he owes you. If it doesn't work, pull your wand out. You do not think that you can hold yourself against three students, no matter their talent, but you'll be damned if you go down without hurting them. (High DC for talking them out of it, High DC for the ensuing fight.)
I am not sure if it is allowed, but I will try a write-in:

[X] Diplomacy/Tactical Retreat - Try to talk down the Slytherins. If it does not work, quietly leave to find a teacher or other figure to help resolve the situation.
[X] This is no laughing matter – You don't think you will be able to argue with either Goyle, nor the older Slytherin, but you might be able to reach an agreement with Nott. Both of you still remember the debt he owes you. If it doesn't work, pull your wand out. You do not think that you can hold yourself against three students, no matter their talent, but you'll be damned if you go down without hurting them. (High DC for talking them out of it, High DC for the ensuing fight.)
Jacob does have the option of walking past them to the kitchen. If talking them down does not work, Jacob could leave and go to the kitchen to ask the House Elves for help, either by bringing a teacher quickly or creating some sort of distraction or scene so that Justin can quickly leave or draw more witnesses from other Houses, in which case the Slytherins would leave with the odds against them.
[X] This is no laughing matter – You don't think you will be able to argue with either Goyle, nor the older Slytherin, but you might be able to reach an agreement with Nott. Both of you still remember the debt he owes you. If it doesn't work, pull your wand out. You do not think that you can hold yourself against three students, no matter their talent, but you'll be damned if you go down without hurting them. (High DC for talking them out of it, High DC for the ensuing fight.)