DADA actually isn't capped yet. It can still get a level up before it is capped as it is currently at A (9) and it gets capped at A+ (10). And in regards to Creativity, we should probably try to spend the free Attribute Points we get when Jacob levels up there. The DC being what it is, it's not really worth it to put a Personal Action there to train it when there is a 50% chance of failure. Right now the only attributes that are somewhat sensible to train are Constitution and Empathy, and even then we probably won't want to put Personal Actions towards them for much longer.
Basically, it's almost getting to the point where it makes more sense to have Jacob rely on Level Ups to increase his Attributes just because the DC is getting so high and the actions would be better spent on Spells and upping Subjects.
The issue isn't the next cap. The real issue is that there is an opportunity to have the +5 from A+ to E- for all DADA rolls that is available with one 50% roll and one 95% roll. And, as I stated before, a +5 bonus is large (+7 from our current state) not only because it affect combat rolls, but because it affects ALL DADA research and the bonus affects the DC if it doesn't pass the first round.
To compare, we are currently okay with spending 3-5 personal actions to build Goggles, which give a +5 to combat rolls and are useful in tracking/investigation. Don't get me wrong- I am in support of them because I like the story purpose and the ??? is enticing. But, it is an example of what is or is not "worth" a personal action.
Would I have preferred to put the Level up in creativity? Certainly- but we also have to look into opportunity costs. If we get creativity and then a DADA stat up (which may take 2-4 Personal Actions), that +5 is for every bonus from now on because of the Ravenclaw Bonus. We will not get the Ravenclaw bonus again until the middle of Year 4- so that is seven months of missing out on +7 bonus for DADA and research.
Plus, we are currently on something of a timer: Ancient Runes is at A+, meaning that we need to get 4 more skills at A+ by the mid of Year 4 if we want to most smoothly go through the 12 skill barrier. Saving a personal action or two through the increased bonus might have been nice as would the increase in combat rolls.
This is a long way of saying: 50% was not ideal, but it was still a great move to do that would have helped us throughout every plan going on.