Don't know if you put so many actions in that.

3 Actions into it... we have 10, so - Riddle is 2, Runes I gave 2, Business I gave 1, Dreams is 2, and one per Paint, Occlumency and Hagrid. 2+2+1+2+3=10

Anyway, it is my second set of voting. I don't want to just go with recommended plans - I like most of them anyway, so I have trouble deciding. Making plan is helping me get into mindset for quest, for now :)

Or buy it for 100 galleons the pint...

Or make useful connections. For example, in this instance being on good terms with Hagrid might have been useful... and he could possibly also provide us with a way to raise Care of Magical Creatures.
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Actually socializing with Hagrid could very well lead to Jacob inquiring about the chances of Acramentula in the castle...

Then watch when Hagrid and Araggog has a falling out and the gentle giant get eaten. Yikes! Haha.
Hmmm, it is possible, but the way Hagrid is he would just claim it was misunderstanding or something. It also assumes Jacob would tell him about that acromantula, which I find highly unlikely.
I think that there is another reson, the last time that we went exploring we unlocked quite a few great utility spells, so going to explore the lake will surely unlock the spells/potions neede to explore it more thoroughly, including things like the bubble head charm...

Valid point.

3 Actions into it... we have 10, so - Riddle is 2, Runes I gave 2, Business I gave 1, Dreams is 2, and one per Paint, Occlumency and Hagrid. 2+2+1+2+3=10

Anyway, it is my second set of voting. I don't want to just go with recommended plans - I like most of them anyway, so I have trouble deciding. Making plan is helping me get into mindset for quest, for now :)

Ah, didn't count it. Not used to any actions being put in there. Still don't think Occulmency can be used as a regular action and not a training action.

Yeah, making plans help you-well-plan.
Still don't think Occulmency can be used as a regular action and not a training action.

Yeah, I'm not sure about that either. I suppose I'll find out soon enough and I can always change it if necessary.

Yeah, making plans help you-well-plan.

Yup, especially as I am not used to thinking things through and considering how it would work in advance. It is why I added reasoning for my picks and ideas on how they could work aside from obvious (such as Tempus leading to Jacob being more organized and possibly consequently getting more action points)... even if some of them are a bit of a stretch. Considering how surprised I was at some points when binging through this quest I rather doubt I can successfully guess at any point, but it is fun trying to :)

Speaking of... I can't help but wonder what kind of surprises investigating Lake will provide us.
I feel like people have been overstating the danger of losing the wand bonus, thinking that any one action will turn it away. And again, complete open-mindness isn't always a good thing.

I feel like you're reaching with your reasoning because you dislike moral side of the problem. Even words I quoted imply that it will be more than just a one time occurrence.
Is that right? Could someone else double check?
I went through all the previous chapters and it does look like the correct Grade for Ancient Runes would be P. Looks like you forgot to add the one we got from the Dark Arts book. The relevant bits are below.
Runes Club Findings: 2/10 progress to find Castle Runes
Ancient Runes +1 → New Grade, D--
Runes Club Findings: 4/10 progress to find Castle Runes
Ancient Runes +1 → New Grade, D-
→ Study of Ancient Runes, New Grade D
→ Ancient Runes +1 → New grade, D+
→ Ancient Runes +2 → New Grade, P-
We were at D+ before this, so the +2 progress should have us at P.

I'd put goggles as higher priority than map to finish before the end of the school year because the Dementors will be gone then meaning we won't have the chance to use the goggles to unravel their secrets.
I think they both have their upsides. With the Map it should be incredibly hard for someone to sneak up on us. Plus knowing where everyone in the castle is, being able to avoid the teachers, it has huge value. The Goggles have potential as well, being able to see other creatures in low visibility. As for the Dementor angle, I don't think this will be the last time we will see one. We will probably bump into another one eventually. And we have enough on our plate and enough projects to work on that I'm okay with letting that one hang for a while. Besides, the lower prerequisites for the Map mean we will be able to start on that one earlier anyways.

Yes, that's possible.
Thanks for the input. That makes getting the Map done before the end of the school year a viable option.

People want to explore in order to avoid burn out, and the lake is an option. Granted, we really don't have any of the water utility charms like Bubble-Head or anything else that would let us breathe underwater, so I'm cautious of how its going go.
The text implied that finding a way under water will be part of the action.
Find a way to get below the water and discover what is below.
Besides, Jacob is a creative guy. I'm sure he will come up with something. Besides that, the action wouldn't be viable if there wasn't a way to complete it with his current skills. And of all the exploration actions the Lake looks the safest, relatively speaking.

Or buy it for 100 galleons the pint...
Tbh, at that price, the Forest is looking like a more attractive options. I still would want to proceed cautiously though if we do go in there.
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Tbh, at that price, the Forest is looking like a more attractive options. I still would want to proceed cautiously though if we do go in there.
I'm not really sure whether Blue Wide Eye is worth the extra effort to begin with. Wide Eye appears to have pretty much the same effect and, discarding the costs of acquiring the venom, is two Galleons cheaper.
I'm not really sure whether Blue Wide Eye is worth the extra effort to begin with. Wide Eye appears to have pretty much the same effect and, discarding the costs of acquiring the venom, is two Galleons cheaper.

It's not the same effect.

Blue Wideye gives personal actions that can be used for spell learning/potion learning or skill/stat training.

Normal Wideye gives normal actions which is things the exploration ones.
It's not the same effect.

Blue Wideye gives personal actions that can be used for spell learning/potion learning or skill/stat training.

Normal Wideye gives normal actions which is things the exploration ones.
Thanks for the clarification, especially now that I realize that I had the normal action to personal action conversion rate reversed. I'm still not entirely sure one personal action is worth 100 Galleons or death.
I would like to know, however, why we don't have Jacob on a steady diet of normal Wide Eye, though. One normal action is a shopping trip to Hogsmeade, researching new spells/potions, going on a date with Tracey, or getting some extra Runes training in by going to Runes Club.
Thanks for the clarification, especially now that I realize that I had the normal action to personal action conversion rate reversed. I'm still not entirely sure one personal action is worth 100 Galleons or death.
I would like to know, however, why we don't have Jacob on a steady diet of normal Wide Eye, though. One normal action is a shopping trip to Hogsmeade, researching new spells/potions, going on a date with Tracey, or getting some extra Runes training in by going to Runes Club.
Well, mostly because we have just unlocked that potion this turn and we all want to unlock our Patronus ASAP...
There is also the fact that keeping him on a steady diet of the potion may not be the healthiest decision.
Wideye Potion (Needed for exams at the end of the year) - Also known as the Awakening Potion, is a potion which prevents the drinker from falling asleep and could also be used to awaken someone from drugging or concussion. Gives you one extra action if taken. May come with side effects. It acts as an antidote for the Draught of Living Death. Cost for ingredients: 3 Galleons.
It says it may come with side effects. I imagine taking the potion every now and then isn't horrible. But taking it every month may not be the best idea. Jacob getting a potion addiction probably isn't something we want to see. Though, making a batch of 10 and then taking one every other month or so doesn't sound like a horrible idea.
I feel like you're reaching with your reasoning because you dislike moral side of the problem. Even words I quoted imply that it will be more than just a one time occurrence.

What part of my reasoning do you feel I'm reaching with? I'm not saying losing the bonus would be because of a single action. I'm stating that people have used the argument that we could lose the bonus on multiple actions such as trying to convince the Slytherins to stand down and of course "soul-sucking is great" ironically being rigid in the stance of staying open-minded and refusing to take an action that could compromise the bonus.

I think they both have their upsides. With the Map it should be incredibly hard for someone to sneak up on us. Plus knowing where everyone in the castle is, being able to avoid the teachers, it has huge value. The Goggles have potential as well, being able to see other creatures in low visibility. As for the Dementor angle, I don't think this will be the last time we will see one. We will probably bump into another one eventually. And we have enough on our plate and enough projects to work on that I'm okay with letting that one hang for a while. Besides, the lower prerequisites for the Map mean we will be able to start on that one earlier anyways.

While it is true we can encounter Dementors another time, I'm still leery of our chances. Dementors never show up in Hogwarts again besides the very brief encounter in Goblet of Fire where they suck out Crouch jr.'s soul. Harry only deals with them in Order of the Phoenix because they were sent after him. And after that they don't pop up until Voldemort already took over.

The only place we know they're at is Azkaban, and thinking about it, while it might be interesting to go since I doubt any other quest has, the chances of us going there are incredibly slim.

I just don't trust the chances of us encountering a Dementor in the wild. Yes, it can happen, but those guys are strictly kept in Azkaban for a reason.

That and the goggles are one project I think most people will be fine with leaving on the table which is something I don't want.

going on a date with Tracey,

going on a date with Megan you mean.
Megan vs. Tracey debate... Jacob is Protagonist, he will obviously get a harem :p So he can have both Megan and Tracey, we just need to find him Ravenclaw and Gryffindor for the complete set. Any suggestions? :p
I don't see how the linearity of time is a counter-argument.
Basically, we wanted to take both potions in one go, so that we could sell the Blue Wide Potion to other students ASAP... The idea was to have the students pay for it in advance... BUT it seems that we need to get enough Acromantula poison to make the first batch, then we can sell it for 30-40 galleons tha dosis and it will start paying for itself.
we just need to find him Ravenclaw
Do you really need to ask?

Edit: I am totally against harems as a principle, but I would really love that Luna and Jacob became close friends sooner rather than later.
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I know that this is probably a joke but please no harems.
Jacob definitely could not handle a harem, it would collapse around him and he'd just be left confused as to why all these girls hate him all of a sudden.

going on a date with Megan you mean.
Putting aside for the moment the fact that you are objectively wrong and should feel ashamed, it is easier for us to justify to Jacob reasons as for why he should get closer to Tracey that align with mechanical benefits. If Jacob is practicing a spell with combat applications, we can loop in Tracey under the guise of "dueling practice." If we want a deeper understanding of Incindio, we can ask her for advice as that seems to be her specialty. The connection of Dueling Club has a much broader application than Runes.
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I know that this is probably a joke but please no harems.

Are you sure it isn't a joke? :p

Frankly... I want us to be realistic. Jacob has not yet started noticing girls in that way, though he'll probably soon enough, but I don't want his "one true love" be his first girlfriend. Let him date around and such, especially as it is a great opportunity to new connections, which open up new voting options. Tbh, considering his origins as homunculus I want him to be unsure of his existence and experiment in a variety of possible directions (even if some people might not like all of that experimenting).
While it is true we can encounter Dementors another time, I'm still leery of our chances. Dementors never show up in Hogwarts again besides the very brief encounter in Goblet of Fire where they suck out Crouch jr.'s soul. Harry only deals with them in Order of the Phoenix because they were sent after him. And after that they don't pop up until Voldemort already took over.

The only place we know they're at is Azkaban, and thinking about it, while it might be interesting to go since I doubt any other quest has, the chances of us going there are incredibly slim.

I just don't trust the chances of us encountering a Dementor in the wild. Yes, it can happen, but those guys are strictly kept in Azkaban for a reason.

That and the goggles are one project I think most people will be fine with leaving on the table which is something I don't want.
I don't think we are leaving the goggles on the table. They are the next most useful item for exploration besides our boots. They improve our chances of detecting enemies and thus improve our chances of survival by quite a degree. I doubt many people are going to not want them.

As for the Dementors and not seeing them for a long time, I think most people are ok with that. We have a lot of projects that we can focus on. It's not like if we let them go and miss our chance this time with them that we will be left twiddling our thumbs with nothing to do. Sure, it would be nice to have the goggles done before the Dementors leave. But we also have plenty of other projects that can tide us over in the meantime if we do miss that chance this year.

If we need to, we can ask our parents to take us on a trip to Azkaban over the Summer if we really feel the need to see the Dementors again.

Tbh, considering his origins as homunculus I want him to be unsure of his existence
That sounds like needless angst and drama. He isn't unsure of his existence right now, why would he be later? Jacob isn't some guy that needs problems thrown into his life to be interesting. He is plenty interesting as he is right now.

Edit: Basically, Jacob doesn't see himself as a monster or all that different from other people. So there isn't really any reason for Jacob to have have emotional problems and view himself as different. I personally don't think there is anything that needs to be fixed about him (sure he has his flaws, but so does everyone else). His parents love him for who he is. His friends (Megan and Tracey) appreciate him for who he is. His teachers find him to be a bright student. He isn't unsure of his existence and has no reason to be. Lets not manufacture problems where there are none at the moment.

Edit2: Edited words. Was a bit rambling.
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That sounds like needless angst and drama. He isn't unsure of his existence right now, why would he be later? Jacob isn't some guy that needs problems thrown into his life to be interesting. He is plenty interesting as he is right now. I'm confused on why we need to manufacture problems for him to "solve" when Jacob as he is continues to be a great individual.

Ah. Yes, not in that way. I meant more in a "he will think about it a bit and find it freeing". Possibly. Without angst, if that is possible. Does that make sense? Or maybe better said that there might be certain bits about relationships that he simply will not worry about or consider. I'm not exactly good at explaining it, but I think it would be a good reflection of how this is a quest and how we all have different opinions and ideas.