I just love how Jacob deduces people's secrets by observing them and pondering and then casually moves on. He should actually be at least partially familiar with Time Turners since his dad introduced the Space equivalent.
Funny, how much of a contrast there is between the two smartest kids. Hermione is the typically smart person who rigorously devours every part of the curriculum until she can vomit it verbatim. She delights in receiving praise and points as validation. Jacob can't understand that because he never cared about any of that.
His grades don't matter because he values learning more.
He doesn't the validation from the points or praise because he doesn't care about other people's opinions.
Honestly, it's nice seeing this contrast just because I've seen so many "Hermiones" in life, those study-holic students who have to get perfect scores, that I know the Jacobs are better off.
Hermione saying this, especially so excitedly doesn't make any sense when Mcgonagall already said there were 4 branches.
Also, it feels really odd how Hermione gets all the praise for listing the the four main branches, but Micheal is the one who describes all of them. It would fit better if the two were switched there.
Probably stepping up their game after a certain classmate is upstaging.
Ahh, that satisfying feeling when people know you can turn them into rabbits.
Ah hell yeah! One more step to being the animation master.
Curious though as to how much concentration the spell needs and how much does skill affect size because he's kinda peaked at the skill level once he reaches Deep Understanding?
Nice bit of juxtaposition here. In this section, Jacob's been talking about how Hermione is leagues above him and how Michael has improved. They're both rewarded with 2 points for their knowledge, but then Jacob flawlessly casts the spell and gets 5 points beating both of their points combined.
It's like Mcgonagall is giving a lesson underneath the lesson. You have Micheal whose trying to catch up to Jacob and Hermione whose trying to stay ahead of him, and they both do this by frantically taking notes and studying. They're focusing on knowledge, but because of that, they're missing the point. What they need is understanding. That's why Jacob listens and observes Mcgonagall and the statue instead of taking notes. He's looking for understanding, and Mcgonagall recognizes that and rewards him appropriately.
Nice to have subtle clarification that yes, Jacob has been growing out of his shell since now he's been retreating back into solitude to reflect.
This is probably set-up for the revelation later where Jacob's talking about he's started to pay more attention to the why and people's motivations without getting hung up and the what.
Haa, actual introspection from a protagonist is such a great thing to have and is a reminder of how great a protag Jacob is.
Don't know if we should take that as fluff or proof that we shouldn't overload with training options. If anything, it shows that we should always have one adventure for Jacob to go on for stress relief
That's both sad and hilarious.
Adrenaline junky, aye.
Hullo, Harry.
Motivation DC to tell them: 1000
Uhhh, I so wish I was around to argue against the "Great" vote being chosen because honestly, this makes me sick.
The thought of someone tricking their close friends and draining their souls, condemning them to never see the afterlife all to achieve fame, make creations, and avoid their own death and then proclaiming how much more you respect that person just feels wrong. Yeah, he recognizes that it's evil, but because Jacob sees it as great, he doesn't see it as wrong. He didn't see anything wrong with Girzum killing students nor with him torturing the creature. The right answer to him has become the most effective one.
And it's horrifying to see this thought process. It's not a slippery slope, but goddamn, did this pour water on the hill. This way of thinking is a hell of lot harder to deal with than the self-hate because this shit is insidious. You might say it's more open-minded, but there's a reason why some trains of thoughts are better left abandoned.
Anyways, to clear my head from that, this painting scene is just breath-taking. To show the world as he sees it, that is what Jacob's paintings are, and I love it.
For others, they might paint an image of all the Houses dining together and the warmth of family, friends, and love, but that is not the Hogwarts Jacob sees. Hogwarts to him is mystery, danger, magic, and adventure, and that is what he paints. The wonderous unicorns and Hippogriff and the terrible spiders and Dementors, the raven darting between the Whomping Willows limps before being struck down and rising, the vast and mysterious sea and the dark, hidden caverns of the mountain, the faceless students, moving stairs and rooms, and of course the curious cat not bound by rules who explores to its hearts content.
That is the Hogwarts Jacob sees, an adventure, and one that begins when you put on that hat.
Ouch, sorry Megan, but hey, at least he's slowly recognizing the issue.
Hey, mutual understanding. They're learning not to look past each other.
"It is but a shadow and a thought you love." It's healthy for them to get that preconception out of the way though the way he stresses "good" makes it clear he doesn't see his actions as being anything but selfish curiosity. Also making me slightly scared considering his morals are a bit looser then before.
Have I said how much I love the painting imagery already?
Fuck it. I'm on the Megan x Jacob ship. Full steam ahead!
Again, win for mutual understanding! Also, energetic is a weird word to use here. Maybe spirited instead?
And now their relationship can truly begin anew.
I know that you've said that writing Megan and Jacob's relationship is tough, but I really do enjoy it. It's probably a bit more mature than what should reasonably be expected from the two, but that can be waved away a bit with how Jacob's personality is.
And I think I remember why exactly I liked this quest so much before. Every update is partitioned into it's own segment, like a little chapter of Jacob's life. There's not the dullness that comes from repeating the same day and getting bigger numbers. Yeah, mechanically, it's still similar in that regard, but there's more life to it. Just in this chapter, learning a spell lead to a whole separate lesson in a lesson in class, training Ancient Runes had Jacob and Megan shed past misconceptions and move forward in their relationship, and a simple sit back and relax option turned into Jacob reflecting over how much he's changed over this entire quest and culminating in him painting his grandest view yet.
Also, one thing I found interesting was that his parting line to Lupin
Were the same as
I'd put goggles as higher priority than map to finish before the end of the school year because the Dementors will be gone then meaning we won't have the chance to use the goggles to unravel their secrets.
How dare you try to talk reasonably. We obviously need to show that we're better than Harry by learning it in one month without a teacher. That's what the unlockable trait is for. It's us supplanting Harry as the Chosen One.
[X] Plan Patronus, Painting, and Phantasmal Preparations
Case III: The Riddle of Riddle (2 Actions)- Digging through the archives for so long has given you a good grasp as to who walked these floors in the last two hundred years. There were mentions of someone, you still remembered. There had been some records history of one of the greatest minds that walked this castle, maybe not as special as Sally-Anne or even Dumbledore, but still … Who was he?
Runes Club Research (Multiple Actions on this count as multiple rolls stacking) – Spend time with the Members of the Runes Club looking for hidden runes and glyphs in the castle walls (
Will also count as a training roll towards Ancient Runes).
- [X]
Do Something!: Paint - Capture the adventures and struggles of your ancestors on canvas
-[X] Stage III,
Dreams of old (Takes 2 Actions) – Coming back into the years of unrelenting war. Following years of uncontended victories for you and yours, an enemy has arrived that is more powerful than anything you could have ever imagined. Marching through the midst of winter they attack numbering the tens of thousands.
-[]x7 personal actions.
-[X] Alchemy x3
-[X] Spell learning x 4 (
Expecto Patronum,
Lumos (Deep Understanding)
, Point Me)
Substituting the extra adventure action for a peaceful painting session which should help in preventing burnout. Lot of points on Alchemy because I really want to get it up to snuff to make the goggles.
@Tabula Rasa Is brewing a potion a free action or no? If not, then how many potions can we brew in one action if we had enough ingredients for more than one vial? Basically, can we make a Blue Wideye potion to give us an extra action or no?