Jacob is not going to do evil if we don't choose for him to do so.
This vote is not a threshold that will define if Jacob will definitely become evil or not.
It's called "walking a dark path to evil" not "teleport to the end a dark path to evil"
Here are my assertions:
"The methodology of Jacob's creation was evil (based on my understanding of how HP handles 'souls')"
How Jacob reacts to this is a major impact into who he is going to be, his future goals, and
the future means that he uses to achive them.
This vote will affect the narrative of later chapters, how he interacts with the world and other people - a vote for 'greatness makes the cost (paid for by other people) worth it' will change the tenor of how Jacob sees people - he will become just that much closer to being the person who would not care that his questions to the Grey Lady were cruel.
What we should consider is what will he cast aside in the pursit of some intellectual curiosity he deems "great" enough? 200 souls ground up to construct one person was ok in Pernell's book. That was within
her limits. What fetters will we construct or chip away for Jacob?
You saying that Sonic is saying that this one choice will make Jacob evil is strawman-tier in it's misunderstanding of his point.
It is many choices over time that define a person. To argue that this is a binary good/evil FOREVER! choice is to misunderstand the context. It's choosing a path, and one
can step off a path. It's hard though. And you can't retrace your steps. Any harm done, no matter how small... is done.
If this vote is not
one of many that will (in aggregate) define Jacob's world view, who he is, then what do you imagine will define him?
The vast majority of my time in rpgs and such comes from playing in a table top group with friends or some times strangers and so that probably has filtered how I'm trying to respond. I'd prefer as a general rule to work with people in a cooperative sense rather than a combative one. The latter is exhausting and generates illwill to no good end.
I don't think it's wrong to try and get a dialogue going even if my method is probably inefficient and now i'm rambling. Plus this thread as a general rule currently has a smaller voterbase where this might be possible.
Was just trying to point out that your invitation to "let me know" could result in two or three indivuals saying 'we get it, don't care' and you have no way of knowing if there are maybe 15 others that haven't though about it, 'cuz this is a text based forum.
Your intent is good, this very specific methology has a major flaw due to the format.