Oooh, good idea, though we should probably come up with a reason as to why we're suddenly so academically inclined - maybe we've been inspired to enter a difficult career path (preferably a solitary one) and want to make ourselves look more attractive to Universities/employers etc.?
Just running through our skills, I see we haven't looked into learning "learning" - given several other skill descriptions, I assume it's too broad? We also don't have any actually outright supernatural skills (barring possibly the Masteries) in that I think all of what we have is technically attainable by a human if they studied a single skill their whole life and were also very talented - except possibly Exotic technology. Is this an actual limitation of our power, or have we just not looked into skills that we would dismiss as "fake" IRL? Given that this is a world of superheroes, that may not be a valid assumption.
We should also consider training an "investigation" skill - it would be useful for obvious investigatory reasons regarding other supers, for looking into odd ideas like whether magic exists etc., and it would probably also give a bonus for learning certain academic skills if we can find better learning material online. Or would that be research? Or both?