A Game of Karak. Or a Dawi clan in the world of Ice and Fire

[X]Plan: It's not Karak Eight Peaks, but Karak White Peaks, Scottish Eskimo Edition
-[X] Clan Frostbeard
-[X] Karak Drazh: Miners of the Deeps
-[X] A clan of engineers
-[X] A clan of Miners
-[X] A clan of Warriors
-[X] Skaldor Brynbright
-[X] 4 Demigryph Knights
-[X] All you see is snow, snow everywhere, and in the distance an ocean
[X]Plan: It's not Karak Eight Peaks, but Karak White Peaks lads !
-[X] Clan Frostbeard
-[X] Karak Drazh: Miners of the Deeps
-[X] A clan of engineers
-[X] A clan of Miners
-[X] A clan of Warriors
-[X] Skaldor Brynbright
-[X] 4 Demigryph Knights
-[X] You are at the feet of a groups of mountains covered in snow and surrounded by a large forest
[X]Plan: Tremble Ye Mighty
-[X] Write-in: Zakisson
-[X] Karak Azgal: Makers of Wonders
-[X] A clan of wanderers
-[X] Harrok Whitebeard
-[X] 200 Halflings Fieldwardens
-[X] Around you there is only forests and the silent drop of rains that fell on your face
[x]Plan: mushroom beer
[Grodor] Write-in your clan name
[x] Karak Drazh: Miners of the Deeps
[x] A clan made up by the remnants of more clans
[x] A clan of Herders and Farmers
[x] A clan of Brewers
[x]Harrok Whitebeard
[x] 200 Halflings Fieldwardens
[x] You see a group of mountains surrounded by fertile fields and a forest

Your choice is firm and quite crazy. Having found yourself with a very large clan, you decided that the obvious choice was to go all in on alcohol and tobacco. After all, your clan has all the cards on the table for this grand project, especially with the addition of the Halflings who bring their tobacco and pipe weed culture. You have chosen to have Harrok Whitebeard as your advisor because you want to extend yourself diplomatically to trade your goods (after all, who wouldn't want to buy alcohol and pipe weed). But the plan does not end there, your project is much more ambitious. The plan is to find a fungus that you can ferment and then create large plantations within the mountain.

All possible internal diatribes we will settle with diplomacy (and weed) and try to be friendly with all neighbouring kingdoms. our possible wealth we will spend in the defence of the fortress and in the creation of large forges for all the materials our miners will find.

(original version in italian) La tua scelta è salda e abbastanza folle. Ritrovato con un clan molto numeroso, hai deciso che la scelta più ovvia fosse quella di puntare tutto sull'alcol e sul tabacco. D'altronde il tuo clan ha tutte le carte in tavola per questo grande progetto, soprattutto con l'aggiunta dei Halflings che portano la loro cultura del tabacco e dell'erba pipa. Hai scelto di avere come consigliere Harrok Whitebeard perché ti vuoi estendere diplomaticamente per commerciare i tuoi beni (d'altronde chi non vorrebbe comprare dell'alcol e dell'erba pipa). Ma il piano non si conclude qui, il tuo progetto è molto più ambizioso. Il piano consiste nel trovare un fungo che sia possibile fermentare , per poi creare grandi piantagioni interne alla montagna.

Tutte le possibili diatribe interne le distenderemo con la diplomazia (e con l'erba) e cercheremo di essere amici con tutti i regni vicini. la nostra possibile ricchezza la spenderemo nella difesa della fortezza e nella creazioni di grandi fucine per tutti i materiali che troveranno i nostri minatori.
Vote is closed, the winner is Plan: It's not Karak Eight Peaks but Karak White Peaks lads!
Don't know why people like the North so much but it will surely make an interesting story to write
Thane Creation
Thane Creation

The first thing to do was calming the clans; with the transformation of the surrounding lands your dawi were clearly worried about other magic event that could happen in any moment. After a couple hours of talking and swearing you managed to stop them from squabbling like a group of manlings and restored a pretence of order in the encampment.

With that done you could move on the next objective, understanding where you were; with an order to the throng to form a circle to protect the caravan you, accompanied by the few rangers of your clan started exploring the surroundings. You spent almost the entirety of the day searching for a clue that could help locate your position on your maps, but that was impossible; there was no landmark that lead back to any known lands; it seems like you were transported to an unknown place.

After having returned to the camp you convoked the few elder of your clan together with the thanes of the clan Stonebrow and clan Ironshield; and together you created a plan on how to proceed: first thing in the morning the caravan would strike out in direction of the mountains where, once reached, they would find a few caves to use a momentary shelter. It was then that the problem begun; because nobody agreed on how to proceed later, some wanted to send out the rangers and a few members of the throng in search of a close settlement, others instead wanted to wait for a passing caravan of merchant to follow and a few other had proposed to start wandering in a determined location hoping to reach known lands; at that moment that an idea crossed your mind, and the more you thought about it, the more you were convinced by it. So while the elders and the thanes talked to each other you raised your voice in order to bring silence and to be heard by all, "I have a proposition; why, when we reach the mountains, we found our hold there? It is true that we are in an unknown land but we cannot hope to wander in search of a settlement; there could be any type of danger around us, from wandering monster to a Waaagh. Instead we should find a location suitable for a hold and settle there, once we are capable of defending our self, only then we will launch an expedition in order to find exactly where we are.

Your proposition started another round of discussion but in the end you were both the leader of the expedition and the Thane of the biggest clan, and that meant that your proposition was more an order; so in the next morning the clans started marching towards the mountains and, once there, the miners and the few stonemason you had at your disposal started searching for the perfect location to found your hold.

You are in a large valley covered by an extension of the large forest that surround the mountains, many streams cross the valley and you can see a few groups of deer grazing in the undergrowth, the valley look like a perfect location for the hold, but where exactly you found the hold?

[] At the feet of the largest mountain: you decide to start excavating the hold where the mountain meet the green valley.

[] High towards the peak of the mountain: you order to start the work towards the highest point of the tallest

The night found you in the solitude of your tent, updating the chronicles of your clan, finally writing the long awaited founding of an hold to call your own; after having finished writing the update you started flicking the pages of the book backwards, finally reaching your desired page. You traced with your finger the calligraphy of your father, reading the entry that record your birth, and your mind wandered towards those days, the days of happiness, the days of your life before the war; and you found warmth in those memories.

[] Write in the name of the MC/ default id Gotrek

Choose One

[] The firstborn: As the firstborn you had always known that one day you would take your father place as the leader of your clan. Most of your upbringing regarded the various political groups that divide the dawi and the managing of the clan finances (+2 Diplomacy, +2 Stewardship)

[] The second son: As the tradition of your clan dictate you were introduced in the ranks of the Engineers at a young age, there you learned the secrets passed down since the times of Morgrim (+4 Learning)

[] The third son: Being the third son meant that you where mostly free to do as you pleased in regard of your future, and you found your place in the ranks of the throng, defending your hold from is enemies (+3 Martial, +1 Intrigue)

You remembered the stories that your mother used to tell you, about the ancestors of your clan, on how they raised greatly during the Golden Age, and how they bravely fought during the Age of Woes defending your hold for centuries before is fall. While you know the stories from memory, the one that you remember the most is the one regarding the relic of your line; on how it was gifted to your founder by the king of the Karak in recognition of the great deed that he accomplished

What deed your ancestor accomplished?

[] He rallied the throng after the death of is commander

Gain a Rune Helmet. When the runes of this relic are activated an unbreakable resolve fill the hearts of your dawi. +10 to the Morale Rolls

[] He killed a great giant that was wandering in the clan territory

Gain a Rune Az. This magnificent weapon is inscribed with runes of Might and Cleaving. Gain a +15 to the Duel Rolls. Lock Az as the weapon of choice

[] He carried many wounded warriors to the safety of the backlines

Gain a Rune Banner. This banner, weaved with the symbol of your clan, seems to grant a incredible vigour to the dawi that fight under is protection. Reduces casualties of battles

[] He throw himself in front of the king to stop a deadly arrow

Gain a Runic Talisman. When the runes of this talisman are striked, they create a barrier that deflect any attack. Rise the DC to be wounded by 20

You closed the book with a sigh, letting the memories fade in the back of your mind; it was no good to live in the past, you had to think about the future of the clan and the struggles that will came. The last thing you did before sleeping was to oil and clean your weapon; it was the last gift you received from your father before he joined the High King's throng and so you care for it with more attention that your previous weapons

Choose which weapon is your favourite, it will receive the highest of the following numbers, the other weapons will receive a random number

16, 2, 10

[]Axe and shield:
The standard weapons for a dawi warrior, they grant both excellent defence and attack. Rise DC of Armour by 10

[]Az: A two handed axe designed to cleave through thick skin and to grant reach to the wielder. +10 against Monster and Cavalry

[]Hammer: a heavy weapon, difficult to handle but with the capability to crush bones and rupture organs. +15 against Armoured enemy
[X] Plan StarkDemise
-[X] At the feet of the largest mountain
-[X] Gotrek
-[X] The firstborn
-[X] He throw himself in front of the king to stop a deadly arrow
-[X]Axe and shield
Vote is closed, the winner is Plan: It's not Karak Eight Peaks but Karak White Peaks lads!
Don't know why people like the North so much but it will surely make an interesting story to write
i imagine it's cause the north ignoring it's canon relevance is the largest mountain range in westeros, mostly untapped unlike the westerlands and unlike vale mountains the clans actually give fealty to the local Elector prince/count Warden, are reasonably well adapted to westerosi/northern culture and aren't hated by everyone else.
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[X] Plan New Stronghold
-[X] At the feet of the largest mountain
-[X] Aldin Strongarm
-[X] The second son
-[X] He killed a great giant that was wandering in the clan territory
-[X]Hammer: a heavy weapon, difficult to handle but with the capability to crush bones and rupture organs. +15 against Armoured enemy
[X]Plan Prosperity and Survival
[x] High towards the peak of the mountain
[x] Aldin
[x] The firstborn
[x] He carried many wounded warriors to the safety of the backlines
[x]Axe and shield
[X] Plan StarkDemise
-[X] At the feet of the largest mountain
-[X] Gotrek
-[X] The firstborn
-[X] He throw himself in front of the king to stop a deadly arrow
-[X]Axe and shield