A Game of Crowns (Mafia)

Like, I've been paranoid about nictis since he started buddying up with me. I think I made a post speculating about a Nictis and Even good cop bad cop dynamic, and I still didn't go anywhere with it. I believed like every obviously bullshit claim that those two put out as they came out. I've been led along and pocketed this whole game.
and we know Absum didn't visit that night because they were RB'd
Also, got RB'd. Guess someone thought Rosen was right or, considering of often RBer tends to go to Scum, scum RBer thought this'd be a good cover story for the eventual claim.
Absum wasn't RB'd night 1, that was Nanimani. I've got to admit, I'm reading town on you in general, but I don't like it when someone spreads misinformation and then uses that misinformation to base an argument. It just makes me suspicious.

but what is weird is given the highly low amount of individuals that appear to have visiting rolls the outcome of that investigation is visiting Nictis?
I don't get this argument. At all. I suppose one could say that the odds of hitting the nexus and then rebounding to another power roles is small? I mean, that does depend on the ratio of power roles in the game, something that's unknown due to so many dead townmembers. Yes, odds are that the person I saw night 1 is currently dead. But I don't get why who they visited is a factor in this?
but why Pyrros over Cyric again whom they've seen visit in the past, or 1k, hobo, even myself? These seem more likely to field results for town than Pyrros would they were claimed vanilla with fair argument based reasons behind that being fact?
Because I'd "seen" Cyric visit someone without killing or RB'ing, same thing with you. I did consider going after 1KbestK though, I considered both 1KbestK and PyrrosWarrior to be slight town, but Pyrros had claimed vanilla. Since the goal of scum is to appear town, I felt that choosing one of the two would be good, and seeing a vanilla perform an action would give me more information then seeing someone unclaimed perform an action, unless that action was killing or roleblocking. That was my reasoning.
Absum wasn't RB'd night 1, that was Nanimani. I've got to admit, I'm reading town on you in general, but I don't like it when someone spreads misinformation and then uses that misinformation to base an argument. It just makes me suspicious.

Yeah... my mistake but all that does is raise the likelihood of your statement by 1 person confirmed to have an action.

Lets overview the dead:
- Rosen : Nigel, Scribe (Potential Messenger? Or Vanilla)
- QT : Old Basset, Gamekeeper (I don't have a clue)
- LTTL : ???, "Butler" Scum
- Nanimani : Orton Vastare, Head Guard (Almost certainly a power role, assuming cop)
- Happery : Jason Von Vorhees, Minor Noble (Vanilla)
- Absum : Dame Margaret Dewalt, Knight/Physician (Doctor)
- Ban : Kevin, Messanger Boy (Confirmed Vanilla... also points to Rosen being Vanilla cause... messenger is right in the name. )
- Nictis : "Geralt," "Castle Guard" (Scum in communication with Evenstar)
- Est : Pauline, Baker (Very likely a Vanilla)

So let me look at this
2 Scum - One known to have communications with another, potentially of the same or different factions.
4 Likely to Confirmed Vanilla
1 Doc
1 Suspected Cop
1 Unknown potential Vanilla (QT)

1 Bulletproof Claim = Comi
1 Tracker Claim = DG
2 Mason-Neighborhood/Recruitment Claim = Evenstar/Meso
1 Recruited Vanilla Claim = Hobo
2 Vanilla Claims = Pyrros
1 Random Nexus Claim = Cyric

So we know there are lies here, but lets look at how this gets put together assuming Gamekeeper=vanilla.

17 Players:
8 Vanillas
1 Town Cop
1 Town Doc
1 Bulletproof Townie
1 Random Nexus Townie
1 Town Tracker
2 Masons (That Recruit)

2 Scum (BloodBrotherhood)

This game size can't fit 5 scum especially with the vanillas, so 4 is highest and 3 is lowest.

Thus town must be 13-14 players strong. Cop and Doc are sure fits, and I know bulletproof is in game so there is space for 10-11 town roles left. Being able to recruit has been confirmed by Hobo which leads to credence in the claims of the mason-recruiters, so we can reasonably drop those 2, and masons are fairly common design. 8-9 Town roles remain. We are up to 5 power roles, the game, in general, seems fairly low powered thus I assume at the bare minimum power roles are equivalent to the number of powered townies thus we can add 5 vanillas safely. 3-4 Town roles remain.

We know that a roleblocker must exist, so there must exist active town roles for it to exist, it stops cop, doc, and recruitment, which isn't an unreasonable amount for a roleblocker to stop, though pretty low. Tracker is stoppable thus is reasonable in design. If we assume such is town we end up with 1-2 town left a 6th vanilla townie being confirmed with Nexus being fake (and by far the most outlandish power claim in-game making it inherently the most suspect in this clearly low power game... even with the weird recruiting mason funking up the design. In 4 scum we get a 7th vanilla.

So if we assume 4 scum, and we assume that DG is town, the logical design output results in this design:
7 Vanillas
2 Recruiting Masons
1 Cop
1 Doc
1 Bulletproof
1 Tracker

4 Scum, the last two scum = Pyrros and Cyricubed, due to the findings of DG making DG the false vanilla claim... however... that doesn't work... because Evenstar claimed roleblocked again, and we know Nanimani was roleblocked night 1 so if we assume the DG visit of Cyric is accurate and Cyric is lying about their Nexus claim due to being scum they apparently visited Nictis and thus are not the roleblocker, which makes Pyrros the Roleblocker but they were found visiting Nictis the night they died which indicates them to be the killer and not the Roleblocker. Thus the roleblocker doesn't have a player that is them.

Let me make another assumption, if DG is truthful and Cyric is truthful, then we can point to Pyrros being the killer, but then the game is designed with 6 Vanillas and 7 power roles... which comes off strange to me but I guess not out of the possibilities but then 1 of the remaining vanilla claims behind 1k and Hobo must be a false one.

I'll ramble about this stuff later... Cause I could keep going but I expect this is already very long.
I will say if you assume 3 scum killing Pyrros is just the correct move.

4 scum is as I'm alluding too much more complicated and that without me doing lylo/mylo math, just looking at the context of the game's apparent set-up.
Hmm... I do like DG's flavor... though. I don't overtly like 1k's.

I'm Jonah, the Spymaster. Ordinarily, I have contacts everywhere gathering info, but that doesn't work under the current circumstances, so I do it myself and pick a target to follow each night. Basically, I'm a tracker. I'm going to post my results in a spoiler below, as there is some interesting information down there.

Okay... I can't find that claim... but 1k Claims a knight and that feels a bit weird to me for a vanilla, especially since they had a fancy title or something... man I hope I didn't imagine that in my half awake/asleep stupor.
I'm a knight, yeah, but I'm old. It's why I didn't die fighting when the barbarians attacked.
This game size can't fit 5 scum especially with the vanillas, so 4 is highest and 3 is lowest.
I've seen this assumption several places (usually less explicit).
The standard is 25% scum, yes? 3 scum is 17.5%, 4 scum is 23.5%, 5 scum 29.5%.
I would assume that 5 scum is more likely than 3.

(Particularly as it looks like town has significant power roles and scum maybe has disadvantages, I don't think 5 scum should be discounted)
All...My...Quotes...just got eaten.

Okay...that's fine. Still have a summary-

Main points I had for and Against both Pyrros and DG

Low post count, like god dang...however, this is the lowest con as while a low post count, most of their posts have more than just noise and some solid stances
Claim is easy, this could be a case of say, them trying to have RB'd me N1 but my ability taking priority or them pushing to offer two potential mislynches. And with everyone else it's rather easy to knock those down.

Was one of the first ones to start lynching LttL on day 2, I doubt he would have started that day phase calling attention to a scummate which eventually led LttL's lynch.
I don't see them making a 1-1 gamble like that. If we believe 3 scum, it's outright suicidal, and with 4 scum it only gives them a little bit more leeway while sacrificing half their team left.
Pretty Decent Content

For most of the early game they took a hard early stance of...Neutral. The exception to this is the push against Comi. I liked that.
Their first response to DG's claim is to push out something new as an explanation as to why DG's claim is true but he's not incriminated...I don't like that. At this stage in the game you shouldn't be throwing confusion out you should call out lies as they stand.
A chunk of their posts were just noise,
This I think is a weak con...but Nictis seemed to actively ignore EP. Distancing maybe? idk.

They don't really seem aligned with anyone, at best I could say Comiturtle but earlier interactions tell me no they're not.
Their Vanilla claim was pretty early, which means they were either confidant they wouldn't be caught or were willing to take the risk.

When it comes down to it, Its between DG and EP. I weighed in a fair bit, but what lines more to Pyrros than DG, is the Pro's for DG are much stronger.

[X] Lynch PyrrosWarrior

Now we've still got over 48 hours to discuss so if anyone has anything else to bring to this discussion please do so.

I cut my ISO of 1K short because I frankly didn't think it relevant after like 30 posts I looked through of hers(To this exact day anyway) and IH after a good read through, I think is town and I threw myself up in weird paranoid vibes at the start of the day.
I think DG is self-resolving because scum cannot afford to not block me, and cannot afford to have the blocker tracked to me. If DG is a town tracker the scum are taking a giant risk by allowing him to live.
This is a possibility, but then his role seems fairly overloaded, being part of a conversation with you and a roleblocker? I think its more likely that we still have the roleblocker up and about then not.

Yeah. I'm torn between PW and Cyri right now. The Cyri!Scum world just feels much more plausible to me.
PW and 1K never voted. Cyri voted Absum. DG is on the scum wagon. Normally this would be a good look for DG, but this lynch smelled like a bus to me then, and it was, given that Nictis was on it.

If the scum are separate then the other scumteam would be expecting DG to flip town here, because it would be a blatant inactive lynch. They'd be cool and calm and trying to look busy elsewhere. I also think there's a maximum of one other scum on the LTTL wagon if they're aligned, so at least one scum is in the off-voters or non-voters.

This is an amazingly useless analysis. Let's see if D1/3 are any more help.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Evenstar on Nov 5, 2019 at 1:20 PM, finished with 624 posts and 15 votes.
Yeah. I'm torn between PW and Cyri right now. The Cyri!Scum world just feels much more plausible to me.

Okay Give me some god damn sense to this.

1: Why the hell would scum just kill one of their own on Night bloody 4?
2: If your so set on the idea of two scum teams? WHY did one just sit around and do fuck all for 4 nights straight? In what world does a scumteam win with that strategy?
3: I get your sketchy about the role because it makes yours weaker, but did you stop to consider THAT IS THE BLOODY POINT OF NEGATIVE UTILITY. Augh.

At least do some actual analysis here that I can dive into. Give me a legitimate reason.
PW and 1K never voted. Cyri voted Absum. DG is on the scum wagon. Normally this would be a good look for DG, but this lynch smelled like a bus to me then, and it was, given that Nictis was on it.

If the scum are separate then the other scumteam would be expecting DG to flip town here, because it would be a blatant inactive lynch. They'd be cool and calm and trying to look busy elsewhere. I also think there's a maximum of one other scum on the LTTL wagon if they're aligned, so at least one scum is in the off-voters or non-voters.

This is an amazingly useless analysis. Let's see if D1/3 are any more help.

*Shouts incoherently about ninja's*
From this we get a weak associative of DG and 1KBestK, a weak "not-aligned" between Cyri and Comi, and DG is on a town wagon.

Is it really the case that Nictis is the only scum on the 6-person Rosen lynch? ...Maybe.

LttL doesn't vote, nor does Pyrros. It feels to me like the scum are unlikely to have two deep lurkers on the same team, but if Pyrross is on another team that might be irrelvant...