...I suspect Charon will both despise and be horrified by Lucian. Effectively, the Jedi Padawan pulled the droid equivalent of mind control on a massive scale, overriding their wills and rewriting their programming to be subservient to him.
I'm still not sure whether to go full "Ill free my people from oppression!" with Charon or just like "I'm free and that's all that matters, fuck the other droids", but I can tell you that he will for sure be genuinely horrified and fearful of Lucian once he learns of what he did, because after finally being freed and gaining the ability to choose for himself his greatest fear will definitely be being forced back into unthinking subservience, to the point where if someone ever comes even slightly close to gaining control of him he'll just kill himself before they can.
You are assuming R2 doesn't kill Charon in a murderous rampage before Charon can even finish it's greeting to a fellow droid, like the bloodthirsty killing machine that he is.
The biggest problem I see with me leaving the CIS is the fact that I'll be a Droid with a giant fleet free to do whatever I want, and considering the galaxy at large views Droids as at best servants and at worst slaves, having a giant fleet piloted by what is essentially a freed slave will be terrifying to all the major forces of the galaxy because of what it represents, i.e. they will fear that Ill provoke more Droids into rebelling and/or think that Ill actively try to free more of my brethren plunging the galaxy into a massive civil war, something that all of them will want to stop.
So yeah, the way I see it odds are I'll be hunted down by almost everyone extremely quickly
You are assuming R2 doesn't kill Charon in a murderous rampage before Charon can even finish it's greeting to a fellow droid, like the bloodthirsty killing machine that he is.
Plans vary depending on if I get in and who I get.
Boba naturally is here to collect bounties and get paid. I also don't think Windu has been confirmed as dead, just last scene about to get swarmed by clones. Unless there is a body, I'm not assuming anything.
Hett on the other hand, it probably depends on whether he is aware that the Jedi aren't dead. He's pretty invested in the order and would probably be trying to his best to be everywhere at once, much like most of the Jedi. Ironically enough, he's perfect for a council position if the Jedi ever tried to reform itself. Conservative but practical, Idealistic but pragmatic, a Master who believes the duty of the Jedi is to bring peace and should be held accountable for their actions good or ill. Which is pretty awkward considering in OTL he becomes a Sith Lord and almost wipes out the Jedi again.
Hahaha, yeah. Guess I could find a reason to place Ahsoka on Mandalore to start instead if I think hard enough, but as of now she's still wandering. Who knows? Maybe without Maul to kill Vizla. She could of won a duel against Vizla and is now the proud owner of the darksaber and accidental Mand'alor.
So now I've graduated to 'I escaped certain death and now may of accidentally conquered a world... now what?' club.
Part of the appeal of the game is that free wheeling, can do anything, kind of thing. It's a big sandbox with the galactic government imploding.
(Also, assume your character choice is approved if we haven't explicitly said 'no')
As for the old game…eh…
Could link it. But:
A: *2013*. The writing back then makes us cringe
B: We don't really want to go back on TFN all that much. Considering the response to 'excited to share that we rebooted a popular old game' was 'one and only time to be dinged by a mod. For advertising.'
TFN has always had a dumb as rocks 'no advertise off-site content' rule. So, say, we could post something on AH.com and link it on SV without anyone raising an eyebrow.
Try that on TFN? Mod smacks you.
We did not do that. All we said was something like 'albeit it's on SV because our Discord friends pushed for the revival and we weren't going to ask them to make an account just for an RP, on a website most never heard of'. After the 'it feels nice but weird to revive the game' part of the post.
No link. No full name of forum. No calls for people to look.
That it was a mod who we considered a friend (and was the Amedda player in the original game) just rubbed salt in the wound. No benefit of the doubt given.
Emperor Amedda be like "All I want is to bring about a galaxy of Law and Order so that we may have peace. Why is that so much to ask of you short-sighted simpletons?"
Meanwhile, I'm thinking that Roon will most likely start out doing recovery duty, tracking down Jedi survivors who need a lift.
Your average Lucrehulk probably has enough firepower, deployable armor, and personnel on board to conquer a lightly-defended planet on its own.
There is one currently being driven by a very confused 18 year old with a Tactical Droid (not a Super Tactical Droid) that thinks he's the Supreme Commander of the CIS.
Speaking of, how well acquainted do you think Lucian and Ahsoka would be? Plo Koon was Lucian's Master, but there's still a year's difference in their ages and they were probably in different youngling clans growing up.
It occurs to me a rogue Lucrehulk being captained by an 18-year-old and a tactical droid is exactly the sort of situation people would hire my character to handle.
Meanwhile I was thinking earlier that it would be great to do some raiding to disrupt Imperial navy operations to give the CIS time to consolidate, and along came Auro Praxis!
Also, wait, Charon has a Subjugator? Oh god? That's a gigantic fleet for one tactical droid to secretly subvert, lol. Over a hundred ships?
Speaking of Subjugator ships, that reminds me of my other character idea. A prototype command mind set to remote-in to any CIS droid to control and coordinate them. A massive mind meant to lead the droids into battle attached to a Subjugator-class heavy cruiser that was essentially it's body.
…yea, it's Mass Effect's Harbinger in Star Wars. That's the whole concept. My OOC goal is to have it be that by the late game a commando droid suddenly saying "I AM ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL!" Makes everyone in the room go 'oh crap' even the Jedi.
-Fleet Composition:
1x Subjugator-class Heavy Cruiser (named Warlord)
4x Providence-class Dreadnought
4x Lucerhulk-class Droid Control Ship
6x Lucerhulk-class Battleship
10x Bulwark-class Battlecruisers
12x DH-Omni Support Vessels
42x Recusant-class Light Destroyers
56x Munificent-class Star Frigates
+ a number of other smaller support ships
To my knowledge nothing has been confirmed and considering this is put in the roleplay subforum rather than grand strategy, there is nothing to indicate that kind of fleet would actually be allowed, especially in a player's starting application.
Speaking of Subjugator ships, that reminds me of my other character idea. A prototype command mind set to remote-in to any CIS droid to control and coordinate them. A massive mind meant to lead the droids into battle attached to a Subjugator-class heavy cruiser that was essentially it's body.
…yea, it's Mass Effect's Harbinger in Star Wars. That's the whole concept. My OOC goal is to have it be that by the late game a commando droid suddenly saying "I AM ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL!" Makes everyone in the room go 'oh crap' even the Jedi.
That sounds really cool actually. If you can't improve the hardware, remote-override the software! And honestly, Star Wars could do with some more droid capital ships.
Would a Subjugator be put under the command of a droid? Even a Super Tactical Droid?
That's the same class of ship as the Malevolence, of which there were only five made (Malevolence, Devastation, Subjugator, Malevolence II, and a fifth unnamed ship that was destroyed before construction was finished) during the war. All of them were destroyed pre-Coruscant.
Yeah, I think those fleet numbers were edited in. Further backing that likelihood is that while the application was originally posted Thursday the note at the bottom says it was last edited yesterday.
So I've been sitting on this one for about two days now, but I think I have everything cleared up on my end to start on RPs again
This is my first submission, my second one is going to be a reserve just in case someone decides to shoot a civilian (I'm looking at you Empire players)
Note: While not sure about the exact lore about these organizations in this old-school EU, I wrote up preliminary background info that can be edited later
Kalison Winsor
Age: 23
Race: Human
Homeworld: Vakkar
Faction: Free Holonet News Network (AoFS)
Canon: No
Weapons: Unarmed (Camera set?)
Starships: Company-owned Mu-2 Long Range Shuttle
Kalison said:
"I'm not a soldier. But I do fight for the truth."
For every world of infinite truths in this galaxy, there's at least another thousand of infinite lies. In an era of state mandated national populism, no-one ever seems to notice those lone little worlds. Well. Who can blame them? They're just other bits of rock in the sky.
But some do notice. They look at the actions of evil and mad men and say: those are the actions of evil and mad men. They don't lie, or deflect. Dumb-down or ignore. They see. And then, no matter how small they are, they do everything they can to spread that reason. Because the alternative, they know, is an eternity of ignorance and suffering.
Kalison doesn't know if she's one of those people. For most of her life, she's been drifting along, just trying to make ends meet. She's a face in a crowd, who's a crowd in a country, who's a country in a planet, who's a planet in a galaxy. But all of those things are made up of people. And one of the things people will do anything for is to make their voices heard.
And that, to her, is what matters. Her life is short. But there's a lot more to life than just herself. She'll go to these places, no matter if it's a resort or a warzone, a temperate or a volcano,
And she'll let them speak.
After the fall of Republic and the rise of the new Empire, strange things happened to the galaxy's scattered news networks. Agencies operational for thousands of years found themselves under the wing of the Imperial Press Corps, a new government agency created in the Imperial Era as a way of state control over the media. Every news agency within the Empire's boundaries - which they claim as the entire galaxy - had to register a license with this organization, following certain guidelines outlined by the state at the threat of expulsion. The biggest of these agencies, the Republic Holonet News Network headquartered in Coruscant, folded; it's replacement being the state-run Imperial Holovision.
But the galaxy is a big place, home to a lot of people. And so while the Empire tried it's best to shore up it's authority, news agencies headquartered outside of Imperial control didn't quite like these new draconian measures.
The AoFS does not recognize the authority of the Imperial Press Corps. As such, many free and independent news agencies still interested in freedom of speech - or merely opposed to the Empire's rule - moved to the various systems under their control, with many being founded there.
One of the biggest news organizations within the AoFS' borders is the Free Holonet News Network, a semi-official replacement to the defunct Republic Holonet News Network. While Imperial Holovision retained some old republic era RHNN executives, many resigned after the fall of the Republic due to management disagreements. Some moved on with their lives, while others looked to new prospects.
The suspect here is the former Chief Financial Officer of the Republic Holonet News Network, Bran Uk. A Chagrian, he stood in silent opposition to the creation of the Imperial Press Corps, and resigned from the network moments before the company folded. Moving to Alsakan, he met with a liked minded individual there; Va Seo, a human, and former member of the pre-republic Holonet News Network editorial team. She was a rising star in the old company, and a champion for the truth. She resigned from the old company when the Republic nationalized the HNN under Executive Directive 9302-84121, and re-branded herself as an independent journalist in war-torn systems.
Together, they founded Holonet News Zwei, now known as the Free Holonet News Network, and nursed the company to what it is today: Headquartered in the old RHNN branch office in Alsakan, FHHN is perhaps the galaxy's largest and still-free inter-stellar news network, with over sixty-thousand staff members and offices in any planet that would allow of their presence.
Notable Actors
Name: Va Seo
Rank: Editor-in-Chief, Senior Vice-President
Faction: Free Holonet News Network (AoFS)
Age: 47
Race: Human
Canon: No
Weapons/starships: Various Company Assets, S-161 "Stinger" XL Luxury Yacht
Homeworld: Kaikielius
Free Holonet News Network, Executive Staff:
VA SEO - Commissioner
Va Seo is the Editor in Chief and Senior Vice-President of the Free Holonet News Network, the free and independent successor to the Republic Holonet News Network. She oversees the content creation, programming, and publishing of all Free Holonet News Networks and properties. Leading the brilliant team of reporters, producers, and editors at the Free Holonet News Network headquarters at Alsakan, she works around the clock to provide for the galaxy's top holonet network, and remains as a stalwart champion of free speech for all the planets of the pan-galactic sphere.
Prior to co-founding Free Holonet News Network, she worked as the senior economic correspondent for the Galactic News Service affiliate Galactic Financial, and then as a member of the editorial team for the now defunt Republic Holonet News Network.
She is a graduate of the Yabol Opa University School of Journalism, and is the mother of a rambunctious nine-year old boy.
I'm not sure if the full changes described in that bio and background may have happened yet. I think the Empire is still in the middle of transitioning from being the Republic.