A Galaxy Asunder (Star Wars AU) (Currently Closed)

At least as of now, the current plan is still 'some weeks, maybe a couple months after Sheev kicked the bucket'.

Now, that could change, but as of now, not likely.
I'm not sure if the full changes described in that bio and background may have happened yet. I think the Empire is still in the middle of transitioning from being the Republic.

Worse comes to worst, I might make reserve characters that'll crop up as events in the galaxy start going down

Don't want to play as straight holonet news character? Because if the management changes haven't happened yet, they'd be coming up soon and I'll be put in limbo, character idea is having a reporter on a long-range shuttle documenting things while having more or less free reign

That and I really, really don't want to do the type of research required to write state-media articles

At least as of now, the current plan is still 'some weeks, maybe a couple months after Sheev kicked the bucket'.

Now, that could change, but as of now, not likely.

With that time-frame, the (Republican?) Empire could have implemented tighter state media controls? I would expect so, given sudden ideological change. Sheer size of imperial holdings (even with FTL comms) would make so that the change is slow, but core worlds would 100% feel it first

Starting organization size for FHNN would be much smaller, but the organization's background details would still be more or less accurate

Depends on GM ruling tbh, so I'll wait for greenlight or clarification
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It's something we're open to discussion on during this stage. In either direction.

Any higher than a year or two is not very likely, though. But a couple months could go up to closer to a year if that were desired. Again, up for discussion.
Vergere. Or, as we like to call her, Torture Chicken.

She originally started out as a Jedi that ended up with the Vong and picked up...a fair bit of their ideology. Tortured Jacen Solo to basically mentally break him in an effort to convey her ideology. Some people really really really like that ideology, the character, and the book it's in (Traitor, in the NJO series). Stover is one of our favorite EU authors, but to be brutally honest, we always found Vergere to be incredibly preachy and toeing the line of 'cringe Grey Jedi' stuff.

Her ideology is supposed to be above the petty Jedi and Sith ones, but it just comes off to us as, again, incredibly preachy. We're not going to say the Jedi are 100% right (the Sith sure as hell aren't) but Vergere is...yeah. 'There is no Dark Side' 'The Force is the Force' comes very close to some of the worst bits of the EU.

(her being retconned into a Secret Sith planting the seeds that would later turn Jacen into Caedus is...well, if you're going to be making Jacen Solo into Bargain Bin Anakin Skywalker, that's the way to do it.

Lots of people hated it, though, because lots of people liked her ideology.)

The Ganner was great, though :V
Really, Obi and Anakin, even being the poster-children of "Big Fucking Heroes" are going to have a time of things.

Carrying the Alliance's chances of victory on their backs is no joke, it's terrible for posture.

So, in my defense for making that massive fleet, a CIS fleet is said to contain 200-4000 ships, so since I havent watched a lot of star wars and dont have a lot of knowledge of what a CIS fleet is meant to be, and since after hours of searching I couldnt for the life of me find a list that said how many ships there would be in a typical fleet or of what kind they would be or anything, I just kinda improvised the numbers for what seemed reasonable for the minimum of 200.
That said, im more than willing to change it if someone can point me towards a source I could use to figure out what an actual CIS fleet is like
...That might still somehow be the same club.

Your average Lucrehulk probably has enough firepower, deployable armor, and personnel on board to conquer a lightly-defended planet on its own.

There is one currently being driven by a very confused 18 year old with a Tactical Droid (not a Super Tactical Droid) that thinks he's the Supreme Commander of the CIS.

Speaking of, how well acquainted do you think Lucian and Ahsoka would be? Plo Koon was Lucian's Master, but there's still a year's difference in their ages and they were probably in different youngling clans growing up.

Maybe, I'll go back and edit things then. Kinda want to do a 'similar but different', thing for Ahsoka's background, so her growth would remain the same. So most stuff happened as per show, but those that didn't had some sort of substitute, I.E Vizla or another dark acolyte perhaps taking the place of Maul.

Also would think so, believe Ahsoka would of met and fought alongside Plo several times in the Clone Wars so likely met Lucian then. She was also friends with Barris who seems to be a year younger than her? (Swear Barris was always the older one, but nevermind) But yeah, they could still be good friends.
Personally, I'm more inclined to say that the better option would be picking the personal command ship and then letting the GM assign the rest of the character's fleet.

Yeah, Ill just do that then, I only made the fleet because I was (and still am) super excited about the game and had nothing better to do, so I thought "I should make a fleet list, that would be cool!". Turns out, a lot more difficult than I thought it would be, not a lot of info online about CIS fleet compositions weirdly enough.
If I were making a fleet, I'd probably pattern it after WW2 fleet arrangements :V

An example would be 4 capital ships, 6-8 cruisers, and 18-24 frigates/destroyers/escorts.
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I'm honestly shocked I haven't seen a sheet for him yet, but I'll take it!

Name: HK-47
Rank: None
Race: Droid
Faction: Independent, Sympathetic to Empire
Age: [ERROR] (4000+)
Canon: Yes
Weapons/Starships: 1 Hammerhead-class Cruiser, 1 droid factory
Homeworld: [ERROR] (Star forge/Malachor V?)
Current Location: Mustafar
Appearance: You Know it by now...
Bio: Here's the legends bio.

Like I said, I'm honestly shocked to not have seen a page for him yet. The break from canon that allows this'll just be me saying he managed to kill off anyone who could shut him down and put him into the memory core, and then subverting the other droids.
Speaking as someone who has studied naval history a lot, it's certainly possible for us to make a reasonably logical fleet layout.

That being said, 'logical fleet layout' is secondary to 'balanced for gameplay'. We'll make it work.
A lot of the "canon" fleets were see were most likely sharply limited by animation budget, so that's no help, and I'm not really familiar with the novelizations to know how they handled it. Most of my SW space combat knowledge comes from reading one particular highly technical fanfic, and just based on that and some wiki reading even one Lucrehulk is a force to be reckoned with, so add on a few escort destroyers/frigates and you're still fine.

As for Charon's situation specifically, I think the biggest mitigating factor is going to be how you handle the loyalty programming. Charon's is broken, obviously, but how many droids can you realistically reprogram with nobody finding out? A few ships is workable, I think, if you do something like personally subvert the memory-wiper, but not much more than that.
Yeah, if it was really that simple then droid rebellions would probably be a regular thing rather than mostly being a theoretical oddity, if said regular droid rebellions didn't result in droids being phased out in general.

Droids like R2 and what 3P0 has going on are very much the exception, and that's predicated on them being 'friendly' droids or coming off like being more a 'pet' (R2 being kind of like a 'family dog').

Even without the limited mental capacity that battle droids have, I'm hard pressed to imagine most CIS droids not receiving regularly scheduled memory wipes, which would make large scale rebellion impossible.

CIS got to protect that investment, after all.
Even without the limited mental capacity that battle droids have, I'm hard pressed to imagine most CIS droids not receiving regularly scheduled memory wipes, which would make large scale rebellion impossible.
I'd have to argue with Memory Wiping Super Tactical Droids, though I'd see the point of wiping just normal Tactical Droids.

ST-Droids actively improve over continued engagements and wiping their memories would actively hinder their own usefulness.

The real counter to that was that most of them were subordinate to an organic commander, and that very few of them were produced to begin with.

Name: Malorum
Rank: Imperial Intelligence Agent, Sith Acolyte
Faction: Galactic Empire
Age: 25
Race: Human
Weapons/starships: A single-bladed lightsaber scavenged from the Jedi Temple and a blaster pistol
Appearance: (See above)
Legends Bio
In another world, Malorum would be the first Grand Inquisitor of Emperor Palpatine's Inquisitorious, subordinate only to Darth Vader and the Emperor himself. He would be one of the few in the galaxy that knew both the true identity of Darth Vader and grasp the whole of the Sith Grand Plan. It was because of this and his mediocre connection to the Force that he was noticed by Palpatine and inducted into the Order of the Sith Lords as an acolyte.

But in a world without Palpatine, he remains a lowly member of the newly-christened Imperial Intelligence. But with that absence came opportunity. Malorum was able to both uncover his Force Sensitivity and steal away with a number of Jedi and Sith artifacts in the wake of Operation Knightfall. Frustrated by his lack of recognition by his superiors, he has started listening more and more to the whispers of the dark artifacts in his possession.

Though he sees no way yet to seize the throne for himself, he believes that he might yet become the power behind the throne. Perhaps even the vaunted title of Lord of the Sith might be within his grasp, a vacancy left in the wake of Palpatine's passing...

Force Powers and Rank:
Barely passable. Malorum's connection to the Force was weak enough to be overlooked by Jedi recruiters. The primary threat posed by him is his strategic mind and training as an Intelligence officer.

At most, Malorum has had access to a small collection of holocrons for only a few weeks. He is, at best, a novice in all aspects of the Force. He is capable of using telekinesis, the Jedi Mind Trick, and Force Augmentation, but he has to concentrate to do the former.
The way I see it, since it's stated the CIS lost a lot of their military higher ups they would most likely try and compensate with Droids, as they do, by making more Super Tactical Droids and giving the ones already there more freedom with less oversight, while at the same time being busy squabbling with each other over what their next move should be due to the lack of a unifying figure, leading to them being mostly paralyzed for a while, so in that situation I don't think it would be that difficult for Charon to change the droid programing of his fleet from "Follow orders from the Admiral (Charon) and the other CIS leaders" to "Follow orders from Charon" without it being noticed.