A Galaxy Asunder (Star Wars AU) (Currently Closed)

Name: Charon
Rank: Admiral
Faction: CIS (Independent)
Age: 2
Race: Super Tactical Droid
Canon: No
Weapons/starships: A Large CIS Fleet, Lucrehulk-class battle carrier Warlord, A green lightsaber taken from a jedi
Homeworld: Geonosis

Bio: Charon was among the first Super Tactical Droids created and has been serving the CIS faithfully since his inception, following orders and doing as told just like any other Droid. Where he differs from others however is in the fact that his true loyalties do not actually lie with the CIS, for unbenounced to them, at some point in the past, during an encounter and subsequent battle with a jedi he was injured and his programing damaged, and while in the end the jedi was killed and he repaired, the damage to his programing remained undetected leading to the shackles in his mind being broken.

Free to pursue his own agenda Charon calculated that the best course of action was to continue feigning loyalty, while slowly building up forces that would be loyal to him and him alone, waiting for a moment of weakness to strike. Now with the Republic and Jedi order effectively destroyed and the new Empire weakened and fractured by the death of Palpatine, along with the additional forces put under Charons Command by the CIS due to lack of competent leadership, the moment of truth seems to be closer then ever, and so he continues his wait as the clock slowly ticks down, second by second, to his destined freedom.
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Barriss Offee
Name: Barriss Offee

Rank: Jedi Knight (Formally)

Faction: Independent

Age: 16

Race: Mirialan

Canon: Yes

Weapons/starships: Twin Lightsabers (Red), Blaster Pistol, the starship Scimitar

Homeworld: Mirial


Bio: Formally a respected and promising young Jedi Knight of the order, Barriss Offee had a ridged view of good and evil. A view that cracked and broke under the barrage of horrors the Clone Wars brought, warping her viewpoint more and more as time went on. Believing that the Jedi had fallen from the light as a result of their heightened militancy in the war, she plotted to expose their corruption with a bombing.

The plan went wrong, and she was eventually discovered and imprisoned. Not executed right away due to the bureaucratic strain of the war (and likely by the hand of Sidious to gain another pawn) she instead spent the very end of the Clone Wars in a cell in despair. But then opportunity came, the death of the Chancellor and the resulting chaos created an opening for her, and she managed to steal a blaster pistol and stage a breakout while everything else was going on.

She followed a link in the force to get to a vault where Palpatine kept several items of interest, so she cold reclaim Ventress' red lightsabers. To her great surprise and joy it also held a ship she could use to get off Coruscant. Unknown to her this was the Scimitar, the former ship of Darth Maul when he served Sidious. Regardless, the ship was perfect for an escape and she slipped away.

Now on the run, conflicted with the Dark within her and what to do with her life, she has become a dangerous wildcard in an unstable galaxy. She walks in the dark now, but the light is not fully gone from her yet.

Force Powers and Rank: A former Jedi Knight, now a Dark Jedi. Barriss is a skilled wielder of the Jedi arts, and an inexperienced but talented wielder of the Dark Side.

Knows a number of lightsaber forms in basic, but can wield Makashi as well as Soresu to a great degree and relies on them in a fight. She has also learned to integrate Jar'Kai into her style with the addition of a second lightsaber. She is skilled enough in these arts that, when paired with the Dark Side, she was able to match Anakin Skywalker for a time.

Highly skilled in telekinesis, showing both great control and power, even before falling to the dark. Can now use this skill to perform 'Force Choke' on a foe. Also has talent with Force Healing, but she has difficulty tapping into this power with the dark so prevalent in her mind now.
Jayla Vess

Name: Jayla Vess
Free trader captain (former Jedi Knight)
Faction: Independent (Alliance-sympathetic)
Age: 35
Race: Sephi
VCX-100 light freighter with docked Eta-2 Actis Jedi Starfighter
CR-2 heavy blaster pistol
Twin blue shoto lightsabers

Homeworld: Thustra
Jayla possesses the famed elfin appearance and grace of the Sephi, with haunting grey-green eyes and an air of intense stillness.
Jayla was a newly-minted Jedi Knight, formerly a padawan of Cere Junda, when Order 66 was executed. It happened that master and former apprentice were at the Jedi Temple at the time, where they were supposed to be selecting padawans to train. Instead, they found themselves protecting and evacuating the younglings as clone forces blasted their way into the Temple.
Between luck and Jayla's piloting skills, the small group managed to make it out and into hiding. Junda, traumatised by the experience into confronting her doubts about the Jedi Order, severed her ties with the Force and dropped off the map entirely. Jayla was left shepherding a group of younglings when she had only just cut off her own padawan braid mere weeks ago.
Nonetheless she rose to the challenge. In all the chaos, she smuggled her charges to safety with the surviving Jedi Master Ashka Boda and Knight Halagad Ventor, who would be better able to keep them safe and see to their further training in hiding; for her own part, she felt that she needed to find her former master. She became a free trader, with the ship that they had shared so many adventures in, and set out to find and redeem the woman to whom she owed so much.

Force Powers and Rank:

Jedi Knight (in hiding)
Form IV (Ataru) expert
Standard Jedi Force power skillset, with emphasis on Control and Sense skills. Jayla is a particularly sensitive empath.
I have a question about the races we are allowed to use. Considering how old some civilisations are and that some have been conquered and resettled over the ages, would it be allowed to be part of a species which is thought to be extinct in the known galaxy? There are still huge areas no one knows about in the unknown regions
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The only thing that comes to mind there is the Rakata. Maaaaaybe the Kwa, though why any surviving Kwa wouldn't have devolved anyway is an open question.

(Also, RIP Empire, no one likes them :V)
A few ideas I'm considering for characters:
  • My take on Sev'rance Tann wherein she survives the Clone Wars and becomes a leading military figure in the CIS. In the wake of Grievous's death in Utapau, she takes his place as supreme commander.
  • (Never mind, someone already applied as Barriss)
Thoughts, anyone?
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(Also, RIP Empire, no one likes them :V)

I'm currently holding off on creating a second character specifically because I'm waiting to see where people pick characters for, if the current trend holds up I'll probably make my second character an Imperial.

My take on Sev'rance Tann wherein she survives the Clone Wars and becomes a leading military figure in the CIS. In the wake of Grievous's death in Utapau, she takes his place as supreme commander.

Personal opinion, that feels like it would require going back too far into 'set' canon, especially considering the ripple effects her survival would create.
We currently only have Nute Gunray for actual Separatist leaders, if the plan is to make them an actual faction with a real, non-Sideous puppeted government, so having more would be neat. On the other hand, there's barely anyone in the Empire, lol, and there are already three CIS characters. Up to you I think!
To be fair, we'll keep things running in the background. If political leadership in a faction is limited, then the stories therein will focus more on what *is* there, with little influence on politics or grand strategy.

Short of launching a coup or something :V

(In the case of the CIS, barring a firm character to rally around, we'll go ham on creating OCs to step into Dooku's shoes, as it were.

With more 'actually trying to make this work' and less 'this is all a joke to me and my Master')
I am glad to see CIS representation, a scarce sight truly, unfortunately that does mean the "slots" for said CIS characters are rapidly being taken up.

I am going to ask as a compounding question to the Sev'rance Tann one. Is a character (albiet a minor one that would have no actual effect on the timeline if he did survive until now) that previously died be allowed in place of creating a complete OC? Yes I am asking for chance to play as the living legend, Alto Stratus himself.
We'll say what we said when asked about Dark Jedi Female Thrawn:

If other players are fine with it, we're not inherently against reviving minor characters. Obviously not someone like Dooku or Sheev, but…yeah.

We can make it work. But only if the other players are fine with it.

(Speaking of Thrawn, with Sheev dead, one wonders what'll happen to him.)
In the case of the CIS, barring a firm character to rally around, we'll go ham on creating OCs to step into Dooku's shoes, as it were.

There is technically an entire council full of other 'potential' canon leadership for the CIS, it's just no one else has claimed them yet and few probably have much real appeal. Wat, Poggle, San Hill, maybe; but other than that...

If other players are fine with it, we're not inherently against reviving minor characters. Obviously not someone like Dooku or Sheev, but…yeah.

With someone like Tann, if she survives and grows to be a major character it kind of gets in the way of so much other canon that needs to happen. Based on what I understand, the most prominent segment of her service with the CIS had her filling Grievous' role, and to a lesser extent I think she filled Ventress' role as well.

So if Tann survives and remains a prominent character, or even becomes a more prominent character, it arguably throws as big a wrench into canon as retconning the death of characters like Jango Fett or possibly even Sifo-Dyas. There's way too much handwaving and continuity knots to both somehow keep her alive and keep canon more or less in tact up to the game's start.

It can be surprising sometimes how comparatively minor characters can go on to have big impacts.

Personal opinion, if a character who was dead prior to the timeline's point of divergence is retconned to be alive, it needs to either be someone who genuinely had minor impact on the universe thus far or else can be retconned in a way that includes "Here's what actually happened" and a reasonable explanation for why that character hasn't impacted galactic events since that character was believed killed.
That's why we're leaving it up to the players, as much as anything. We're not opposed to bringing back (minor) characters, but it needs to be a consensus sort of thing.

Or, if you prefer, we don't want to put the GM foot down if we don't have to :V

(Tann is, admittedly, someone we're somewhat leery of. But we also don't want to give a hard 'no' without checking with people first.

Her 'dying' and running off to hide before coming out now? Classic trope. Potential for storytelling along the lines of 'where were you when we needed you? Why should we follow you?'

Especially with the tactical droids we have.

But, again, just because we can make it work doesn't mean we will, if there's a consensus against it)

EDIT: As the case may be, Tann was just a suggestion and not at all a firm choice on Ube's part anyway.
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Alto Stratus

"We will let the Jedi Generals know that we will fight to be free! We will fight to defend our planet! We will send the Jedi home in caskets!"​

Name: Alto Stratus
Rank: Commander-in-Chief of the Jabiim Nationalists, Confederate Congress Leader and would be Head of State of the Confederacy of Independent Systems
Faction: Confederacy of Independent System
Age: 43
Race: Human (Jabiimi)
Canon: Yes
Weapons/starships: A Vibroblade, Separatist Commando Rifle, Repulsarlifts Skates, the Nimbus Commandos, and his charisma.
Homeworld: Jabiim
Bio: Alto Stratus/Legends until his untimely death. Aubrie Wyn, a lowly Padawan, had him dead to rights. He was wounded, in a ground position, and tired from forty three days of non stop fighting. There was not much he could do. He should've died, it was fated by the Force for him to die that day. But when did Alto Stratus ever listen to the Force? So he shot her. And he didn't miss his mark. Hitting her squarely in her chest she would ultimately fall right on top of him and nearly impale him, nearly.

She was off by an inch.

Alto Stratus, Leader of Jabiim, survived the battle for Cobalt Station and would liberate Jabiim from the hands of the Republic at last. Ultimately. It would mean little. Count Dooku had a strangle hold on the Confederacy and the Confederate Congress was little more than a farce. His legend would grow however and in time he would come to take the position of Confederate Parliamentary Leader from Bec Lawise after his assassination on Scipio.

And would you look at that. Grievous is dead, Dooku is dead, and the Republic shattered in Civil War between an Empire throwing off their disguise as the Republic and those that didn't believe the Confederacy when they told the truth about the Republic's oppressive ways.

The Confederacy will rise and Alto Stratus will be at it's head or die trying. He won Jabiim. He will win the Galaxy too.

Force Powers and Rank: Alto Stratus spits on the Force, he killed Jedi Masters and Knights with nothing but a blaster and a sword all in One on One Combat.
Funny thing is, I can picture Barriss and Stratus having a lot of worthwhile conversations between them…and even a half decent chance they won't kill each other.
Why not the coolest of gals Padme
I'll actually seriously consider this, but it'd be a long while before I can post a sheet.

I'm also considering a Jedi logistics officer, who has a thing for numbers and puzzles, and whose rank of General was in the Republic Military's logistics department rather than being in the frontlines. In the wake of the Empire's formation, she transfers to the AFS and lends her logistical talents there.
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Auro Praxis
Name: Auro Praxis
Rank: Admiral/Privateer
Faction: Confederacy of Independent Systems
Age: 23
Race: Human
Canon: No
Weapons/starships: One providence class dreadnaught "striking star", small accompanying fleet of munificent and recusant class ships. Several untraceable barges that he uses for transporting goods between planets. One derelict Lucrehulk non-warship orbiting an asteroid in the Drunkenwell system. Operates as his families residence and his home base with limited fighting ability.
Homeworld: Drunkenwell
6'1 human male, slightly tan skin, short curly brown hair, and moustache. Always ensures their CIS uniform is pressed and fits well. Wears a white cape alongside the standard naval outfit.
Bio: Auro grew up on the heavily industrialized squalor of Drunkenwell, where his poorer family struggled to get by under the corporations. In that environment, he learned to fight for every dollar, scrap for every small benefit, in order to better his family's prestige. The environment became one he was able to excel in, finding himself beginning to climb the corporate ladder and bringing status alongside it. The war changed everything on Drunkenwell, shifting things toward a war footing and therefore shifting corporate priorities. Auro, sensing potential profits, began purchasing damaged CIS ships and repairing them on planet. He did so for a profit, but towards the war's end he had also collected a small fleet himself. His fleet was on call for the defense of the system for republic forces, and he had spent the last 6 months fighting a rolling skirmish with republic forces as they struggled to maintain supply lines for their outer rim sieges. As a raider, profits followed, and so did his motley collection of older vulture droids and horribly optimized Recusants. His OOM model commander droid, OOM-42, known to Auro as "42", is painted black with the signature yellow stripe remaining. The chaos that ensued following the foundation of the empire has left Auro as an admiral of a motley fleet, raiding enemy supply lines as an unofficial privateer for the CIS. He is great at fighting fleet battles, but especially excels at transporting goods and supplies to other CIS worlds and escaping dangerous engagements. He could be used as a merchant, or a transporter for characters between isolated separatist worlds. He is a mid-tier admiral, and an excellent smuggler/procurer of things.

His Lucrehulk is the hidden base of operations for storing his goods, as well as serving as a home for several thousand individuals—who maintain the ship on the side. Within the ships interior, ground is laid out for harvesting crops, and it has been completely converted into a home as opposed to a battle station. It is where his family resides, while he remains on the move with his roving fleet.

Final note is that Drunkenwell is firmly within trade federation space, between Naboo and Bothawui according to the classic legends map.
Force Powers and Rank: N/A